Opinions on this... lol


New member
So I'm at work, and I'm listening to I Am Rapaport podcast. So apparently a woman quit her job(has a 20 year old child(not really a child anymore)) so that her bodybuilding boyfriend could suck her breast every two hours. Apparently it is called dry milking. You basically trick the body into thinking that you've had another child. I mean yea maybe I could see some nutritional value in this(maybe, don't understand how you trick the body like that but still), but are you kidding me...........(yea I put an excessive amount of punctuation, and to be honest I don't think it's enough).

Side note they met on craigslist, the woman posted for someone to attempt this so called dry milking on her, and now they are married.


Well-known member
lol- "I put an excessive amount of punctuation, and to be honest I don't think it's enough"

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