When did the gains kick in on p-plex



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Damn Nunes sorry to hear bro. It sucks to go through all that time & money, and hard work especially for nothing. But with D-bol + Primo and you got no water retention at all? Sounds kinda bunkish to me.
yeah , its strange or its bunk or I really have an absorption problem with this compounds, the blood work will tell if this is bunk or not, I have my values checked every 6 months, if they are legit the values got to be elevated and don't forget the vascularity , maybe the primo is legit and the d-bol bunk, man its always very hard to tell:frustrate...


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users say that it is wet due to the great strength gains, bloating, and puffy nips they get. phera(desoxymethyltestosterone) does not aromatize. the bloat is caused by the usual increased carb intake while on a bulk. it makes you carb sensitive. as for the puffy nips, ANY hormone flux can cause this. whether it be increased test, estro, prolactin, etc. most people aren't aware of that though, and they attribute the puffiness to phera being wet. the compound itself cannot convert to estro though.
:goodpost:Right on as usual Brosenstein! I was one of those that called Phera wet regardless of what others said. But it WAS due to increased carbs. The last time I took Phera, it was in a stack for a cut, and I did NOT bloat at all!! NONE!! I was on very low carbs and all I got was freakin' strong!! But like you say, even if a compound isn't "supposed" to aromatize, once your system perceives the influx of exogenous testosterone, you'll have aromatase trying to latch on and convert it to estro to achieve homeostasis (balance). That's why one with estro issues should take some kind of on-cycle AI to keep estro in check! :thumbsup: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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ok guys I`m on the 5th day of the 11-oxo bridge, first the rationale(taken from the ergopharm site where they propose the bridge to a 1-ad cycle ):
For greater retention of gains you can exercise the option of utilizing the
11 OXO bridge in between the
1-AD cycle and the PCT. The
11 OXO bridge will help shed any extra water or bodyfat gained during the cycle, and its anti-catabolic effects will help consolidate and solidify the muscle mass gained. The
11 OXO bridge should be commenced immediately after the 1-AD portion of the cycle is over, and PCT should be commenced immediately after the 11 OXO bridge is completed.

Suggested Bridge Cycle
Week 5-8:
6 caps 11 OXO daily with food
(3 caps taken twice per day)

so I`m doing this and what are my thoughts, well I gained 3 kgs on the d-bol primo cycle, so far I lost 1 kg but I`m more shredded and cut , my mood is fine I don't feel a major breakdown but my libido dropped, strength has dropped a bit but not much , I`ll do 5 more days and then report.
One note my friends in the gym say I`m in a hell of a shape so seems like the cycle wasn't a waste after all


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Good deal nunes!! Glad to hear it's going good for you. You could gain that 1 kg. back during a well-planned PCT while staying in the same shape even. If you've been low-carbing for a while during this Bridge, and then up your good carbs during PCT, your muscles will be starving for glycogen. You'll swell up and stay lean too!! THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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Good deal nunes!! Glad to hear it's going good for you. You could gain that 1 kg. back during a well-planned PCT while staying in the same shape even. If you've been low-carbing for a while during this Bridge, and then up your good carbs during PCT, your muscles will be starving for glycogen. You'll swell up and stay lean too!! THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
I appreciate the support bro, you`re a real friend here on the boards, I`ll follow your advice and like you said in your log , I`m not afraid of PCT , in fact I`ll get off stronger with it:thumbsup:


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ok guys I`m on the 5th day of the 11-oxo bridge, first the rationale(taken from the ergopharm site where they propose the bridge to a 1-ad cycle ):
For greater retention of gains you can exercise the option of utilizing the
11 OXO bridge in between the
1-AD cycle and the PCT. The
11 OXO bridge will help shed any extra water or bodyfat gained during the cycle, and its anti-catabolic effects will help consolidate and solidify the muscle mass gained. The
11 OXO bridge should be commenced immediately after the 1-AD portion of the cycle is over, and PCT should be commenced immediately after the 11 OXO bridge is completed.

Suggested Bridge Cycle
Week 5-8:
6 caps 11 OXO daily with food
(3 caps taken twice per day)

so I`m doing this and what are my thoughts, well I gained 3 kgs on the d-bol primo cycle, so far I lost 1 kg but I`m more shredded and cut , my mood is fine I don't feel a major breakdown but my libido dropped, strength has dropped a bit but not much , I`ll do 5 more days and then report.
One note my friends in the gym say I`m in a hell of a shape so seems like the cycle wasn't a waste after all
Good job bro, I've seen many use the 11-OXO bridge with good success. Did you get the Ergo version?


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Good job bro, I've seen many use the 11-OXO bridge with good success. Did you get the Ergo version?
Thanks Z , I hope my thoughts on this cycle are helpful for you guys.
Yes I`m with the ergo 11-oxo, I trust ergo , it is expensive but for real


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Good work bro, it's a shame you don't respond to phera clones though.. i'm only on day 4 of 20mg and i'm already up 1.5kg or 3.3 lbs and recovery time is way way down... first workout on cycle i pushed myself and was sore for days after, i was almost going to skipp the next upper body workout thats how sore i was. but that would have been weak, so i did it anyway and woke up the next morning without any soreness at all!


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ok , I`m on pct for a couple of days, I`m using 20 mg nolva and ids pct tabs in the minimum dosage along with post cycle support from AI , I lost one more kg but I`m more ripped 11-oxo made a good job on the bridge , I kept my strength up and I`m felling good on PCT, no breakdown and all I can say is that I got no sides at all from the cycle and I hope I can gain at least the 1 kg I lost till the end of pct but since I`m going 1 month on vacations to Brazil :woohoo:(man , I love that country) I have some doubts on it...


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ok , I`m on pct for a couple of days, I`m using 20 mg nolva and ids pct tabs in the minimum dosage along with post cycle support from AI , I lost one more kg but I`m more ripped 11-oxo made a good job on the bridge , I kept my strength up and I`m felling good on PCT, no breakdown and all I can say is that I got no sides at all from the cycle and I hope I can gain at least the 1 kg I lost till the end of pct but since I`m going 1 month on vacations to Brazil :woohoo:(man , I love that country) I have some doubts on it...
Glad to hear you had no bad sides with the cycle. And your PCT should be a walk in the park! You have a great time in Brazil bro. There's so many beautiful girls there, you'll be glad you got ripped with the 11-OXO bridge!! You won't even be worrying about that 1 little kilogram. You'll get it back and more after vacation!!:head: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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Glad to hear you had no bad sides with the cycle. And your PCT should be a walk in the park! You have a great time in Brazil bro. There's so many beautiful girls there, you'll be glad you got ripped with the 11-OXO bridge!! You won't even be worrying about that 1 little kilogram. You'll get it back and more after vacation!!:head: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
thanks bro, I will train in my vacations for sure and there's no better test booster than some pretty Brazil girls, they are the best PCT a man can ask so I`ll growth like a monster:lol:


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just a fast update cause I`m still on vacations, my blood results (blood test was made on the 5th day of the 11-oxo) were not famous , my doc brother saw them and told me the liver enzymes were pretty much elevated and my test was slightly below normal levels , my normal levels are usually above baseline so the cycle was suppressive but not 100% suppressive.
I will post the before and after values when I arrive at portugal.
I`m still on pct and I`m doing fine , one more week (vacations over) and then I`ll repeat the blood exames, I hope everything back to normal, till then the girls here are helping me with my pct:thumbsup:...


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ok guys here`s my values before and after cycle(d-bol 30mg+ primo 150 mg),
ast:36 normal range : 19-48 U/L
alt: 41 normal range : 13-52 U/L
ggt:20 normal range : <49 U/L

free test: 31.33 normal range : 8.8-27 pg/ml


free test: 7.2pg/ml

good news , test was not 100% suppressed so I believe the recover was fast(notice that my normal value is above the upper limit so people with lower test can have a rough time recovering even with a 3 week cycle),
bad, the ast and alt were bad but my brother told me that doing a 3 week cycle with 2 month recovery will not kill me if my values normalize after pct
The ggt marker is showing a fast liver recovery (remember I was only with 11-oxo when I took blood samples ), this is normally the enzyme that normalize quicker.
I`ll post my values after pct
well guys this shows that when we use steroids we mess with our body (but of course we all know that) so keep an eye on your health an be safe...

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