Upcoming (early February) Cycle


New member
Hey guys, I've been a member for a few months now (long, long time lurker), but forgot my password and finally remembered it and came back around.

It's nice to be back, I'm more of a lurker than anything, though, but that may change.

Well, beyond that, I am planning my 2nd cycle coming up in January after I'm done cutting. I just completed a bulk from 175-190 (went up from about 14% bf to 16) My goal is about 10-12% by the end of January. (EDIT: forgot to say height is 5'8")

little info: my 1st cycle was Epi only with an 11oxo finisher, went pretty well, I responded nicely to the Epi, but I should've waited till i was leaner (ran it at 18% bf or maybe closer to 19 even... oops) Gained great strength, all lifts went up dramatically, and gained some nice size under the fat blanket I had..

my 2nd Cycle plan is as follows:
Epi: 40, 40, 40, 50, 50, 50
Mlmg: 75, 75, 100, 100, 100

*running dermacrine throughout to mimic a test base (starting 1 week before epi & lmg) - and I do know it is no substitute for the real thing.

I have clomid for PCT, but have only used nolva previously, so some suggestion on clomid dosage would be greatly appreciated as well.
to compliment PCT I also will begin using Creatine again, as well as DAA and I have erase on hand to add in if I feel any nipple sensation during PCT.. i may add it anyway during PCT to safeguard if you guys think its wise.

does this sound Okay? this will be the first I've used LMG before, and my main goal is to gain some good mass after my short recomp period after my cut (going to recomp for 2-3 weeks before beginning bulk)

dosage tweaking is gladly accepted if anyone has any suggestions to follow up on this - always glad to hear it.

now on the flip-side of things, I didn't order the LMG yet, so if anyone has a better stacker with epi for my bulk, i'd love to hear it, I chose LMG because it was fairly inexpensive and I've heard great things about it.

I don't want to switch out the epi though, as I love how it made me feel while on cycle, and the strength gains were phenomenal.

Thanks guys, sorry this is a little bit long-winded.


Tren? Mlmg is a hit or miss for some, reports of water retention also....


New member
Tren was the other one I was looking at actually, I just know far less about it, and have heard from some friends that it is fairly harsh on you, but haven't really researched it here yet.

Any advice on it?

and are we talking like Trenavar substances? or...


The ph.....


New member
Haha I knew that, I mean, is there any other PH option? or are they all trenavar based?

Tren is a little new to me, definitely will look into it

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