Test E recomp with a Beastdrol kick start.



Well-known member
No one else has any thoughts? I'm still thinking about tapering down a bit and holding those cals through PCT. Perhaps 2000/3000 with a cheat meal and a low cal day after (works better for my upcoming schedule).
I don't see a problem with this either since u don't want to gain anymore weight.


Hey all- some quick updates at the start of week 16 (last pin week).

Strength continues to go up. I've had to chill out a bit on increasing the weight just to be on the safe side. My best sets are as follows:

DL: 515 x 4. Probably could have gotten 5 but playing it safe
Squat: 365 x 5. Again, I feel like I could have gotten at least one more. No cheating on this one, the depth was there. I had an IPF judge (goes to my gym) kneeling besides me watching.
Bench: 245 x 8. I was in the gym by myself for this one (no spotter) and felt pretty confident going for the last reps.

Those are all massive increases from my pre-cycle numbers which are at the top of this thread.

Weight: I've been holding quite a bit of water. I got up to 211 3 weeks ago but was 204 like two days later after a night of the most effective diuresis that I have tried (a day of eating only about 230 g protein in chicken breasts and getting drunk off of liquor and no calorie mixers). The water all came back and my max weight has been 214 (+30 lbs from pre cycle). I can tell it is water (The drastic water retention on SD showed me what that looked like). It is not that big of a deal because this cycle is about to end. I may get some lasix and take a few pills just to see what happens. I'd bet I end up in the mid-high 200s a few weeks into pct.

Diet: Fine. Weekly cheat meals are kinda fun but not as cool as I thought they would be (wanting what you can't have phenomenon). It has taught me that I can't comfortably eat as much as I thought. I stuffed my face last week with a rack of ribs, cornbread, a giant bowl of cereal, and two of those Ben and Jerrys ice cream pints. I felt terrible for like the next 5 hours. They are good for psychological relief though. The latest one was more tame and they should be more reasonable in the future. I've been doing feast-fast, where you eat only a small dinner the next day. I am very productive when I don't have to worry about cooking or eating on that day, works pretty well.

Questions: I have 2

1. PCT. What is PCT? Is that something that I should know after a 16 week test cycle? I have a variety pack of muscle tech protein bars, would that be sufficient?


Real question: If my last pin is this coming Thursday (Week 16), do I start taking clomid 2 weeks from then (Week 18 Thursday) or at the start of week 18 (4 days earlier, Week 18 Sunday). Probably splitting hairs with that one.

2. De-loadiing: I've been going hard for several months now. I have had a few days where I felt beat up and have been taking a de-load day here and there, when I don't feel like I can go heavy. When do you guys de-load? On cycle? Is that a waste of test? PCT? Are you at higher risk of losing gains by disobeying the do everything you did on cycle rule? Should I just continue to take de load days here and there. For example last thurs I took it easy on DL and absolutely crushed squats today.


Only had enough test for one pin and I am now all tapped out. I'm thinking start PCT at the start of week 18 (two weeks from now minus one day).


Well-known member
Only had enough test for one pin and I am now all tapped out. I'm thinking start PCT at the start of week 18 (two weeks from now minus one day).
Yeah that's fine bro. And deloading is great to do during pct, even on cycle there's nothing wrong with it.

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