tell me what u think


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ill start by telling u i did alot of reasearch on this so please help me i feel like i did enough online stuff and no advice is better than real people with experience my stats are up to date
this diet is intended for a bulk/recomp and has my current suplements included

time meal protien g cals
7:00 milk + 4 eggs + amino2222+2 caps Krealkalyn1500 74g protien 710cals
10:30 turkey sanwich with x2protien bread+soy edamame 67g protien 640cals
1:45 (preworkout) jack3d+2 caps krealkalyn1500 0g protien 100cals
2:20 (workout start)
3:15 (post workout) syntha-6 22g protien 200cals
4:00 milk + chicken strips 46g protien 380cals
6:00 (dinner)varies every day always balanced 30+g protien 500+cals
8:00 milk 24g protien 270cals
9:30 shake with syntha-6+milk+Bannana 48g protien 670cals

301+g protien 3520+cals


New member
First thing that stands out is you have no whole foods from 10:30am until 4pm? That's a big gap, and there's not even a shake until 3:15. If you're working out at 2:20, eat a meal at 1ish if you can. You're also pretty heavy on protien for your earlier meals. Adding lunch in there and dropping your protien intake on the earlier meals to about 50g will be beneficial. It also seems like you have a hell of a lot of milk in there. How much milk are you taking in daily and what type - skim, 2%...? I would drop the milk, personally. Add some cals and good fats through natural PB, almonds, EVOO. You can definitely use some complex carbs in there too - oats, brown rice. Finish the day off with FF cottage cheese before bed. You might want to add some green veggies in there just for good measure. Green beans and broccoli are my favs.


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the milk is skim always and each time i have is about 3 cups like a full glass the reason for the gap is become im in class the best i can probably do for the inbetween time is a meal bar so i guess that will have to do as far as the veggies and complex carbs are usually part of dinner but some whole grain toast or oatmmel with breakfast shoud do it right?

thanks in advance for the help


New member
I would bring the turkey sandwich with you to class instead of eating it at 10:30 and throw in some oats mixed w/ protien and natty pb to replace in meal 2. You definitely gotta get some protien in there somewhere before your workout, I would do it at about 1pm if you're working out at 2-230. Throw in some almonds too somewhere midday, but not right after you workout.

Just an FYI, not all whole grain bread is 100% whole wheat. Also, check the ingredients - some are made w/ high fructose corn syrup. Avoid at all costs!!


New member
Keep a Protien Bar in your pocket at all time... i use the animal snak bars!!!
If i have a long break between eating i have one of these..


New member
also whole milk i drink it before i go to bed alot of people are against this but i mix it with some casien protein and has worked for me...
