Stryder, timeline on Retain????



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No offense taken, I am biased bc I am an "aesthetic bitch" meaning I like having a trim waist, 6-8 pack most of the time, more detail in my face/jaw line, etc.... You cannot see my face in these pics, but maybe I can fish for some other comparison shots....


Really Really Good Looking
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Max, I was actually going to see the same thing....i thought the pic on the left looked better.

But the new ones you just posted, you def look leaner on the right, can't wait to get some friggin Retain as my PCT has just started!!!


Really Really Good Looking
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BTW Bow, you're pictures are friggin sick great job man!!


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Max any chance you can either pose or pm me with the source of your information on the ingredients and also which one of the ingredients it was that we were taking. Also with regard to the discussion about your before and after pics, I think the reason people are saying you look better in the before is beacuse of the difference in your skin coloring in the two pictures. In the before photo you look more red/tan. I think this just gives a more intense pumped look to anyones physique.

and bow, we were only taking one of the ingredients, though I imagine the main ingredient. The new version should be more potent than our beta....God, I am beginning to sound like an ALRI pimp :rofl:


  • Established
My pct is going to be to the point where I actually may continue to gain, LOL....

-ALRI Retain
-ALRI Ultra Hotter
-Designer activaTE
-Scivation Fenotest

Retain sounds like a good product...I was wondering though, which of these or which combo is used in place of nolva or rxt?


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I'd use Ultra Hotter or Rebound WITH Retain.

Retain sounds like a good product...I was wondering though, which of these or which combo is used in place of nolva or rxt?


Board Sponsor
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Not yet, hoping it will arrive today...will let you guys know when it arrives.


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Any updates on the status of retain?
Apparently Mike at 1fast(BN) has it up on his site, even if not available yet, however I'm sure AM members will wait for Sam.


90 Capsules


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  • Lower cortisol levels in muscle tissue.
  • Significant lean mass retention or addition
  • Decreased water retention
  • Faster recovery
  • Increased strength
  • Improved body composition
Several hormones and hormone-like-substances trigger catabolism or muscle wasting. Glucagon does so by setting into motion a series of metabolic events that result in the release of fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose/glycogen from body tissues to restore blood circulatory glucose and energy substrate levels. However, the group we are most concerned with are called corticosteroids or glucocorticoids. This is a group of steroids that originate at the adrenal cortex of the adrenal glands (above your kidneys). The most commonly discussed hormone of this group is cortisol. When a cortisol molecule merges with a muscle cell cortisol receptor-site, it triggers the release of amino acids from the cell. That probably does not sound like a big deal until you realize that these amino acids come from the breaking down of the muscle cell proteins. This of course means all of that hard earned lean mass tissue begins to waste away and become energy or toilet trash.

Cortisol levels are elevated as a result of stress. Unfortunately, the body views stress stimuli such as increases in muscle tissue mass, training, sickness, and the spouse in a bad mood as reason to increase circulatory cortisol levels. Cortisol production can also inhibit endogenous GH and testosterone production while fueling pathways that allow fat to accumulate around the waste and upper legs.

Two Sides of the Muscle Mass Augmentation Equation

The use of anabolic/androgenic steroids (AAS) or hormonalogs triggers anabolism or tissue building (more commonly referred to as protein synthesis) in excess of what is considered normal. In short, packing on the beef. This is a means of altering the balance or ratio between anabolism/catabolism in favor of anabolism and increased muscle mass. During protocols employing hormonal substances such as hormonologs, the body attempted to re-establish the balance between anabolism/catabolism (homeostasis) in a variety of ways. First, after a few weeks, the body begins to step-up cortisol production to trigger catabolism equal to AAS induced anabolism.

Second, through aromatization, his body attempts to create excessive estrogen levels that would induce a negative feed-back loop resulting in HPTA suppression. The excessive unnatural estrogen levels would have also triggered female pattern fat deposits, gyno, water retention and prolactin release. (which are counter-productive for the most part) Excess fat accumulation is also a major aromatase enzyme production site. (Yikes! More on this…see Ultra HOTter™)

Back To Muscle Wasting…

As most of you know, steroids, prohormones and hormonalogs help you get bigger and stronger by up-regulating anabolic processes within the body. They aid greatly in tipping the scales in our favor in terms of protein synthesis vs protein degradation. However, what you may not know is how "anti-catabolic" steroids and prohormones are as well. Simply put, this means they can also block some of the nasty effects of cortisol, a hormone which I mentioned earlier that can rob you of hard-earned muscle tissue pretty fast. A major problem occurs once a cycle of steroids or PH’s has been completed, in that the very compounds that were keeping cortisol at bay have now been removed from the picture, and just at a time when the body is looking to re-achieve the balance between testosterone and cortisol that it so badly desires.

So here’s the ugly scenario...your body wants more cortisol, so it enhances production of a hormone called adrenocorticotropin, or ACTH, which in turn triggers the adrenal cortex to pour out more cortisone/cortisol. You no longer are taking steroids, PH’s or Hormonalogs, so not only will your body have less androgens, but more muscle-wasting cortisol screaming through your veins and your muscles! The result is a bodybuilder’s worst nightmare, as you will now be in a state where protein breakdown is exceeding protein synthesis, which means only one thing...declining lean muscle mass!
What to Do…

Retain Phases are a way of creating a state of “protein sparing�. When we altered the anabolic/catabolic ratio by decreasing protein wasting, we realize a net gain in lean tissue mass. Let me explain that.

Some studies have stated that we gain and lose daily, equal amounts of protein based tissue at a rate of bodyweight x 1.818 expressed in grams. Obviously we have the ability to increase protein based tissue mass either by addition (Anabolism) or by accumulation (Protein sparing/anti-catabolic/saving). And for many, just decreasing the loss side of the equation a little bit results in superior post-cycle retention.

This is like a checking account. If we have a daily deposit of $100 and withdrawal $100 daily, then our account is in a state of homeostasis or “no change balance�. But if we increase our daily deposits without also increasing or daily withdrawals we increase by addition (Anabolism). Now, how about if we left our daily deposits at $100 but decreased our daily withdrawals? Yes, you are right. Our account would experience an increased balance daily due to accumulation. In theory this would mean that a (Small) 200 lb bodybuilder could experience a net gain in lean mass tissue daily of 363.6 grams (200 lb x 1.818 = 363.6 grams) if the catabolism side of the anabolic/catabolic ratio were reduced 100%. That would result in a net gain of about 24 lbs of lean tissue in a month. Of course this is not only impossible, it would also be very unhealthy.

But… we can decrease the catabolic side of the ratio enough to not only put an end to cortisol induced post cycle lean mass tissue loss, but in many cases, we have actually augmented gains while “off-cycle�. Yes, I know, systemic (whole body) reduction in cortisol using prescription drugs like Cytadren only works for a short time…but what if this can be done site-specifically (like muscle mass)?

Retain™ is formulated to be a synergistic protein sparing repartitioning agent that works based upon well know principals of science…we just did it better and more cost effectively.

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 1 capsule
Servings Per Container: 90
Amount Per Serving DV%*

Retain Proprietary Matrix:
p-Tyramine, Clary Sage Extract, 17a-methyl-baET 50 mg**


Board Sponsor
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Just came in :D

Will have it up on the site in a few...


Really Really Good Looking
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And no question I will wait for Sam!



Handsome and intelligent
  • Established
You are actually the first person to tell me I look better on the left side, which was the 3 1/2 wk before pic. I believe I worked bis and shoulders that day prior to the pics. In the second pic, strength remained constant if not slightly up, I dropped 4 lbs, but over an inch in the waist. I can see noticeable seperation and detail changes in the abs (hard to see in the left pick), upper chest, and delt cap. Also, my arm measurments remained unchanged with a pump at 19.5 at that time (I finally hit 20" recently :dance: )

Any criticism is good though Rob....
I really wasn't being awkard. There may be sigificant fat loss from the lower abs that aren't visible due to hand placing, but your upper ab region that i can see on both pictures looks pretty much the same.

Obviously taking pictures after training changes the environment completely which is likely why i see your arms being slightly smaller in the "after" picture.


Handsome and intelligent
  • Established
Being that we have Rob the critic in the house, figured I post my before/after Retain photos. Keep in mind that the before (left) was taken during the first day of pct and the after (right) was at day 20 of pct with Retain.
You're standing away from the camera at different distances and it's almost like two different people with significant height differences have taken the photos (the first pic seems to be taken straight on whereas the second is taken "from above", pointing down on you slightly).

Very little difference, BUT that is a good thing if we're taking PCT here. It means you've retained all/most of your gains. Your arms and upper chest don't look as volumised, but i'd wager this is just due to coming off androgens.

By the way, i'm not a critic per se. I just think that anyone willing to put up pictures should be ready for any comments given to them. I'd expect it myself. That said, there is rarely any negativity coming from me about peoples pictures.


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I can see bits that look better on the new pic, but the lighting is so different it makes it really difficult to make a proper assessment.

Awesome back though.
Thanks, these comparison pics are no brainers for me, but I am a detail whore :rant: and can see little differences like the smaller waist, sepreations in the lats/midback, and better rear delt development. This may also be why creatine is not one of my favorite supps as I really am not all that big of a fan of the "thicker" look
Alpha Dog

Alpha Dog

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By the way, i'm not a critic per se. I just think that anyone willing to put up pictures should be ready for any comments given to them. I'd expect it myself. That said, there is rarely any negativity coming from me about peoples pictures.

I was giving ya ****. I coudn't agree more. Whatever the content (pictures or words), be ready for people to comment. I'm not so sensitive ;)

That said, I really wish more people would post before/after pics. I just get the feeling the most logs are largely bs and people are supporting thier product/manufacturer of choice. Anyone can say anything, and who's to discredit it? However, a picture does say a thousand words.


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If this is the clen like product you guys tested, why does the Retain product write say take "1-3 caps nightly." That seems kinda careless to recommend night dosages for a clen like product.


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If this is the clen like product you guys tested, why does the Retain product write say take "1-3 caps nightly." That seems kinda careless to recommend night dosages for a clen like product.
yeah, I took morning, noon, mid-day


Registered User
I am going to start PCT after a Prostan/maxlmg 4 weeker. Was going to use Nolva/rebound/activate/retain. Would LX and cAMP added be overkill? Would the LX cause too much cortisol blocking? Would cAMP be too much with the retain? Thoughts?


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I am going to start PCT after a Prostan/maxlmg 4 weeker. Was going to use Nolva/rebound/activate/retain. Would LX and cAMP added be overkill? Would the LX cause too much cortisol blocking? Would cAMP be too much with the retain? Thoughts?
I would hold off on the camp and LX till after completion of the 4 used for PCT....


Max if you are going to take both ultra hotter and retain for pct how would you divide your doses?
I know both products say to take your dosage "nightly"...
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