SARMs Doubt (Reddit PEDs) and My Results So Far with LGD 4033


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Before I found this site I got a lot of my SARM info on r/PEDs. Turns out there was and still is a lot of doubt and outright hatred of SARMs there. Granted, there are a lot of people asking the same question over and over about LGD doses and cycle length...

...But there is a lot of DYEL shaming going on as well. Posters are saying all the good LGD reports are from novice level lifters who get to intermediate and swear up and down it's because of SARMs.

Meanwhile I'd posted the results of my first six-week cycle with the same pics I'd posted here. My lifts were mid to high intermediate when I started, but my squat and deadlift soared past the advanced mark even as I went up a weight class while my lagging bench finally got close to the advanced level (according to the much misused Starting Strength levels).

I am midway through my second cycle and my lifts are starting to take off again. An advanced raw three-lift total for the 198 class is 1140. This is not a competitive level for strength athletes. In fact it's only around a Class 1 or 2 level lifter. But we have to assume the Master and Elite levels are some combination of superb genetic fitness for the sport and steroid usage.

My raw total (belt only and with a paused bench) was an estimated 980 @ 175 when I started taking LGD. Six weeks later it was roughly 1130 @ 188. One poster chalked that gain up to a "first successful" bulk...even though I've already bulked up from 125 as a younger man and have been in decline as I am just a few months away from being a "master" lifter.

Three weeks into my second six-week cycle I am still weighing 185-188...but it looks like even though I'm not bulking up anymore in terms of gross weight, I am indeed successfully recomping. I'm stronger at this weight than I was a few weeks ago. So my almost-40 body is still adding muscle while droppping fat. My lifts continue to climb and my projected three-lift total is alread up 40 lbs to 1170 at the same bodyweight.

Yet none of this is good enough for the doubters. I think maybe I have to get to the elite level (over 1400 while still in the 198) for any of them to admit that MAYBE the LGD has some positive effect. I know I shouldn't be this frustrated and that I should just be thankful that I'm making improvements. It's just that I've added 200 lbs to my total in just ten weeks to become my strongest ever, even as my body falls into the hormonal gorge of middle age. Yet my lifts still aren't good enough and I'm delusional about SARM effectiveness to boot.


Does anyone else run into this kind of thing?


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There's no accounting for small minded people. Just keep doing what you're doing, keep killing it in the gym, and drop that other forum like a bad habit. You'll be better off without it.


Well-known member
  • RockStar
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There's no accounting for small minded people. Just keep doing what you're doing, keep killing it in the gym, and drop that other forum like a bad habit. You'll be better off without it.
Do you really care what they think? Are you happy with your progress? There will always be haters, even if you total 2000. Do your thing bro

And welcome to am!


New member
Well, I got an answer:

My stats when I was 19 years old with only 3 years of training: 555 deadlift, 315x2 close grip bench, 455 deep squat, 280 push press, 225 standing military, 235 bodyweight with 18 inch arms. I have yet to see a single person on SARMS do anything that an average hard working natural couldn't. Not trying to be a douche, but if you're going to take something, I'd expect someone to be deadlifting in the 600s and benching 405. It just makes me wonder if these guys claiming they had big gains from SARMS would have had similar gains just by eating big and training hard. Everyone I see weighs like 180 and looks like ****.
So someone who got up to 235 at the age of 19 with results of 455 squat, well over 315 bench, 555 deadlift, and 225 overhead press...thinks that if you can't beat HIM, then you weren't trying hard enough and eating big enough.

If you take something, then you should be benching 400 and deadlifting 600.

At least now I know.


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Well, I got an answer:

So someone who got up to 235 at the age of 19 with results of 455 squat, well over 315 bench, 555 deadlift, and 225 overhead press...thinks that if you can't beat HIM, then you weren't trying hard enough and eating big enough.

If you take something, then you should be benching 400 and deadlifting 600.

At least now I know.
I know its possible but I am guessing this guy is an e-stater. Someone who sits on a computer and claims they would do heroic things if they were in the situation but never actual does anything. BC if I saw a 19 y/o lifting that in my gym I would be impressed.


New member
I know I shouldn't let dumb kids on the internet get to me. But this just annoyed the piss out of me. You have to get to a 1500-lb raw total and be aesthetic for SARMs to have any value.

What's funny is I have raw squatted just 40 lbs less and pulled just 50 lbs less than this 235-lb kid...while I only weighed 179 the day of the meet (USAPL so you know my squats were to depth). So this guy is talking about how unimpressed he is at the results of SARMs. I for my part am very unimpressed at his lower body results for a man that size.

While I am have never been good at the bench, I have been making linear noob-like gains on LGD. I've put 50 lbs on my bench in two months. Now I'm supposed to be unhappy with that because it's not 400.

Tell you what, though: maybe in another 25 weeks or so, it will be.


  • Established
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I know I shouldn't let dumb kids on the internet get to me. But this just annoyed the piss out of me. You have to get to a 1500-lb raw total and be aesthetic for SARMs to have any value.

What's funny is I have raw squatted just 40 lbs less and pulled just 50 lbs less than this 235-lb kid...while I only weighed 179 the day of the meet (USAPL so you know my squats were to depth). So this guy is talking about how unimpressed he is at the results of SARMs. I for my part am very unimpressed at his lower body results for a man that size.

While I am have never been good at the bench, I have been making linear noob-like gains on LGD. I've put 50 lbs on my bench in two months. Now I'm supposed to be unhappy with that because it's not 400.

Tell you what, though: maybe in another 25 weeks or so, it will be.
Yea as others have stated just continue to make progress and do your best, haters gonna hate.
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