Power Yoga: Who's tried it?



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I just did a class tonight. It's 90 minutes in a room over 100 degrees. It's amazing how much the temp affects one's flexibility. By the end of the class, I could put my legs straight in front of me and touch my head to my knees...and I'm not flexible. Some of the positions are ridiculously difficult.

At the end of class, I literally thought I was going to faint, but 5 minutes later, I felt like I was high, yet with excellent focus and energy.

I could see myself getting pretty hooked on this. They say you need about 3 classes per week to really get the benefits.

I'm also interested in finding out how this contributes to/detracts from recovery.


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I guess it's more correctly called Bikram Yoga. Here is a link with more info: http://www.bikramyoga.com/

I guess the guy who created it was an Indian bodybuilder/powerlifter.


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Tried it once, but not in excessive heat. But it was intense.

I'd like to get into it this Spring or Summer.


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My wife is at a Bikram class right now.

It is intense and BBers who mock yoga are only fooling themselves..it can be way more grueling than the heaviest leg day.


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My wife is at a Bikram class right now.

It is intense and BBers who mock yoga are only fooling themselves..it can be way more grueling than the heaviest leg day.
Absolutely. I can't imagine it is nearly as intense without the heat. The postures are so intense that it is impossible to think about anything other than what you're doing. I tried to count how many people were in the class, got 1/2 way across the front row, and never got back to it. The balance, strength, flexibility and toughness that it requires is brutal.

I went again today. Like yesterday, I felt like I was going to pass out at the end; I could barely drag myself off the mat. But as soon as I left the heated room, I felt like I was high, and yet extremely lucid and energetic.

I highly recommend these classes to all of you. It is supposed to have great healing and detoxifying properties, and it is incredible stress relief.


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I love power yoga. I've always wanted to try a heated class. The concentration and muscle control required is insane. It's as mentally draining as physically. The high afterwards is great. I used to do half an hour in first thing in the morning everyday with my (now ex)girlfriend yoga instructor. The rest of the day always felt like a cakewalk, mentally and physically,when you start it like that.

The biggest thing that I think I got out of it, especially in terms of lifting, was the mind-muscle connection that it requires you to develope. You get to the point where you feel like you can fire almost any muscle individually at will. It's especially cool for posture in that way, too.

Combined with foam-rolling, I feel incredible. I'm not capable of putting into words the way my body feels after a combined session of these. Do the foam rolling first. Every movement for the rest of the day, from just walking to everything else, feels great. Weird as hell to have walking feel that cool. Feels like your body is suddenly capable of anything.


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Foam rollers are nice..I need to get back in the habit.

I definitely notice the mind-muscle connection during lifting when I do yoga. The best thing is that my chest opens up more and breathing is much "easier".


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God damn, sex must have been great, huh? :D
Dude, when I met her, ( a half black, half Irish chick) she working as a trapeze artist(cirque du soleil type round trapeze) in this theater sailing ship I was working on. Most violent, beautiful sex ever. ever.


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Damn, that sounds like one hell of a girlfriend.

That is a great comment about mind-muscle connection. Every time I do it, I find new muscles that I can incorporate or stretch into each posture. Great stuff!

What are foam rollers?


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Damn, that sounds like one hell of a girlfriend.

That is a great comment about mind-muscle connection. Every time I do it, I find new muscles that I can incorporate or stretch into each posture. Great stuff!

What are foam rollers?

They are used to massage out adhesions between fascia and the muscle, or break up scar tissue. Also, if used before lifting(without stretching) it can improve nervous system response. They've been shown to improve strength for short periods after use. Just about everyone of my clients who've bought one are amazed at the results.


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Sounds good, is this sufficient? Product - New! EVA Foam roller
Sure. honestly, I'm pretty sure that all the brands are produced by one plastics company, there really isn't any discernable difference between them. The white ones are the original, basic ones, the blue ones are said to last longer, there's some black ones that are a little harder than the white ones, and there's the ones with the pvc tube inside, which are seriously painful, but work better on big thicker muscles like hamstrings. The plastic tube ones break down quicker, though, because there isn't as much foam to distribute compression. I have always just bought the white ones, they're cheap, and last quite a while.

Oh, and be sure to try rolling your illio-tibial band. Hurts like bloody hell, go easy on it the first few times(like you'll have a choice, it REALLY hurts) but it is seriously one of the best uses for the roller. You'll get up and have this sensation of your legs and hips just working better. It's hard to describe, but it's a cool, odd sensation, like,"OH, THIS is how my legs should move."


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Thanks, I'm going to order some. Do you just need one?


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I've always been a huge fan of Vinyasa Yoga. I think most "purists" are kind of putting their noses in the air about Bikram.

I can tell you one thing, you are going to sweat without a heated room doing a good session of yoga.

The best effects are cumulative, your stress declines over time, you are more focused, and those nagging injuries you used to get all the time? Gone. It's just bonkers good for your health. BONKERS

Good for you Beo. ps. It'll help your Jits more than you can imagine. ;)

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