Nate Dawgs 1test cyp/4ad cyp/19 nor/dbol/M5aa cycle

Nate Dawg

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Got sick over the weekend, still tried to eat as much as possible, and weighed in tuesday at 205.5 so I didnt seem to lose any weight from it. Did chest monday, was still feeling a little run down so nothing too special happened, and then did legs tuesday, I took my temp before I went to the gym and it was 99.9, so I wasnt feeling the best, it went alright, wasnt down at all. Still feeling really tired and my lymph nodes feel swollen, so I am fighting something. I am just gonna try to sleep as much as possible and keep eating, probably go to the doc on friday and try and get some meds to get over this quicker, i dont need to be sick coming into post cycle.


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Got sick over the weekend, still tried to eat as much as possible, and weighed in tuesday at 205.5 so I didnt seem to lose any weight from it. Did chest monday, was still feeling a little run down so nothing too special happened, and then did legs tuesday, I took my temp before I went to the gym and it was 99.9, so I wasnt feeling the best, it went alright, wasnt down at all. Still feeling really tired and my lymph nodes feel swollen, so I am fighting something. I am just gonna try to sleep as much as possible and keep eating, probably go to the doc on friday and try and get some meds to get over this quicker, i dont need to be sick coming into post cycle.
I read that it's not a bad idea to just simply take a week off during your first week of PCT. I did this and I felt great. It was just a 4 week 1-Test/4AD Trans cycle. Anyway, I felt like I got run over by a mack truck during the first couple days of PCT, so that week off was pretty awesome and necessary for me...

So, if you do get sick (full blown) around PCT time, I doubt taking a week off would be too bad and may even be benificial.

I hope everything turns out alright ;)


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haha man if i asked any of my girl friends to do that for me they would COMPLETELY FLIP OUT!

except my actual girlfriend lol, she would do it for me but she's cool as ****
.... Well I got her to do it and she did a really good job, I just thought I would share that cuz I thought it was pretty neat.
LOL. I'm still wondering how I'm going to bring up that the 1-Test Cyp and 4OHT Cyp I got are for I'm hoping I have as good of luck w/ my chick!

This is going to be my first good cycle and my second one total (4wk S1+), I hope she doesn't spaz on me!!!

Nate Dawg

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That is good advice on taking the first week of PCT off of training, I was actually considering taking the week after this upcoming week off, but the way I feel now, I am thinking that I may take this next week off. This week is my 8th week of training since my last week break, and every week has been using maximum poundages, so I am getting pretty wore out. Today is going to be my last shot of test/tren, so i will give thanks for these wonderful substances I have been blessed with and bury them 1.5inches deep:thumbsup: Good luck kwyckemynd00 on getting your girl to understand. I would just give her fair warning before you start, explain to her that it is actually easier on your body because it doesnt have to go through the liver as much the first pass as an oral would, and you have a complete understanding of how everything works and post cycle.


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Thx ;) She know's I'm no dummy and wouldn't do anything to hurt my body. People just seem to find the idea of sticking yourself with a needle and self administering drugs kinda odd. I can see where they're coming from though

I don't want to "not" tell her either b/c if I don't tell her and she finds out, she'll cry her ass off and I'll feel like a total dick. It sucks, I can't ever be mad at her because she's so pathetic when she cries....ha, ha....

Good luck on the rest of your cycle. I hope you rest up well.

I was also training max poundages for a while and then I started to move backward and get weaker. I just did a high volue month to month and half...I *think* it's helping. I'm now in a medium volume phase for a similar amount of time. I'll find out if it worked for me when I get to my high intensity training again.

Nate Dawg

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Its weird that you say that after awhile of working at max poundages you got weaker, the thing is that as far as flat bench press goes, my strongest day of that out of the past 8 weeks was the very first week after my week off...dont know whats up with that, things need changed I guess. Although my incline bench has improved quite a bit over these 8 weeks, flat bench hasnt done jack. I have been working up to a 1RM for this entire cycle, and I am thinking of changing to just working up to a 3RM for awhile and see how that affects things. Last shot done earlier tonight, so time to start PCT.

Nate Dawg

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I am taking this week off of training, last week just didnt go very well at all, and my body just felt like it was falling apart, joints didnt feel good at all and recovery was really slow. For post cycle, I am taking 80mg nolva/day for the first two weeks, then will drop down to 40-60mg/day for the next 2-3 weeks. I had a little HCG left, so I took a shot sunday night, and then tonight I will take my last shot of HCG. I have no idea why this is typing in italics now....anyways....I am also taking Designer supps oral 7OH for cortisol suppresion, taking 100mg night, and 50mg post workout. Taking vitex at 3.5g/day, and have some tribulus, should be here in the next couple of days, and will take around 6-7g/day of tribulus, so that should be fun to see what happens. I weighed Monday morning and came in at 205.5lbs, which kinda surprised me as I was sick over thanksgiving a bit and ate pretty shitty, didnt get near enough cals I thought. For diet in post cycle, I am going to continue to keep my cals pretty high, I might drop them from what they were earlier, try and keep them around 5000cals for now, and see how that works. Thats about all I can think of for now, take care.

Nate Dawg

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Thanks Ability!

I am feeling pretty good lately, dont feel like I am fighting a cold anymore, so that is good. I am ready to get back in the gym, I have a weights class at school so today I just hit a few sets of squats, a couple fairly heavy sets of 5, and then a single that wasnt too hard. I can tell the tren has left my system, I am in so much of a better mood!!!! I didnt realize how pissed off I actually was on the tren till now, its crazy, nothing is going different in my life to make me happier, hell I am coming off cycle, but my mood is so much better than when I was on tren. I can control my mood pretty easily and usually calm myself down from about anything relatively quick, but on that tren I would get so pissed and annoyed, even depressed about nothing sometimes. Despite all of that I will probably run it again:thumbsup: , most likely stack it with some dbol since that seems to help with sense of well being some, and definetly some test in there. I have thought about possibly running some anavar with the tren/test, but I am not for sure on that yet, depends on the source mostly. It has been 7 days since my last shot, most likely not all the test is out of me yet, but I still feel really good and my sex drive is still high, hopefully it doesnt drop too bad. I am thinking of getting some Long Jack powder from bulknutr. to take with the tribulus, that should help with the libido too. Here is a list of what I plan on taking for PCT:

Nolva: 80/80/60/60/40
Tribulus: 6.5g/day for 8 weeks
Long Jack: Not for sure on the dosage yet
Legal Gear Creator creatine-2 servings/day
Lean Xtreme-150mg/day
ZMA- 1 serving before bed
Higher Power NO-XS-taking just for the hell of it

Thats about all I can think of for now, I think it should work pretty good. If anyone has any tips/questions/comments feel free to let me know!!


good luck

Hey Bro. Best of luck on the PCT. Keep us posted. Later.

Nate Dawg

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Thanks for the good luck, hopefully I dont need it, but you never know!! I will probably keep this updated to around 4-5 weeks PCT or so, then at the beginning of February I will be starting another log, not sure on what all will be in there, test and dbol for sure, possibly tren....thats a ways off, I am gonna think on it for awhile.


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just outta curiosity why both the legal gear creatine and the cee?

and why the interest in var? its pretty expensive for not producing all that much in the way of gains ... unless your a chick then its great
haha ;)

Nate Dawg

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Well the reason for both creatines, is I have a kilo of CEE, and the legal gear is a dicreatine malate I think, ya I know they end up doing the same thing, but I wanted to get some of the cell volumizer effects from the legal gear formula.

Anavar I was thinking about just for some extra strength gains mainly, **** i dunno, just thinking out loud I guess. I would only get the var if I could find it pretty damn cheap, although I think strength gains would be pretty hard to beat from test/tren/dbol, I am considering possibly stacking anadrol with the test/tren, but I am not real nuts about all that bloat. As you can probably tell by my pointless rambling on i have no idea what I am going to run and am just considering pretty much everything out there trying to single something out....but i do know one thing that will be in there...test.....possibly tren......possibly dbol....haha:think:


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hahaha well not everyone bloats on could be one of the lucky ones ... although many do bloat and feel like ass ... but what the hey give it a go and tell me how you like it haha

you could always get a bottle of sledge's superdrol and try that out too


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Wow Nate -- great job.

What's your weight/measurements now?

Good luck with your PCT!

Nate Dawg

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Well ****, **** ****!!! Weighed in this morning at 201lbs, monday I was 205.5lbs. I presume most of it is all water that I am losing, my abs look much more defined and my face is alot less puffy. Since monday I have lost .75in off my waist, so that might give a little insight to the water i was holding, damn it, damn it. Well I am gonna go eat a cow, later.....


**** bro that sux. You prob feel like you shrank. You'll be alright tho. Stick with ur plan and everything ill be ok. Later

Nate Dawg

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I dont feel like I shrank that bad really....which is weird for losing almost 5lbs in 3 days. I know most of it is water I was just hoping to stay over 200lbs after this was all said and done. If I drop under 200lbs this time...which is very likely by the looks of it, that will be the FOURTH FUCKING TIME I have been in the 202-206 range and dropped under 200lbs.

I know God loves me, but I dont think he wants me to be big:frustrate


Wow man! That is rough. Just keep goin bro. You'll be fine. Later


In regards to your next stack (bulking assumed), T n T kicked off by Drol should be splendid :thumbsup:

Nate Dawg

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In regards to your next stack (bulking assumed), T n T kicked off by Drol should be splendid :thumbsup:
By TnT do you mean test/tren? I was actually thinking about doing some anadrol, but I doubt I will, most likely it is gonna be test tren and dbol.

Knox, I will see what I can do, you cockweasel:trout:

Anyways, I weighed in this morning at 201 again, so it is looking like possibly the weight is starting to level off, I had better stay above 200lbs!!!!!


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after you shed all the water weight (which you probably have by now) provided you eat enough and get extra rest i bet you'll stay over 200

i know you're definitely eating enough so just get enough rest and you'll be money

btw i'm up to 204 :p

Nate Dawg

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Good for you glenihan:thumbsup: BTW, is that you in your avatar?

Finally I got my tribulus in from bodybuildingdotcom today, their service sucks, I ordered from them on sunday and picked priority 2-3 day shipping, I am pretty sure monday-saturday isnt 2-3days. Libido is still pretty good and overall I still feel really good, so hopefully I am on my way to a speedy recovery. Just ordered some superdrol, not for sure when I am going to use it, might throw it in at the end of my next cycle.....hey I could extend this cycle!! Just Starting back in the gym this next week so I am looking forward to that. After next week I am starting a 5 week squat program of 5x5 3 times a week, it will be rough but some of the powerlifters at my gym have been getting good results from it. I will squat tuesday, thursday and saturday. Tuesday I warm up to the weight I will do for 5 sets of 5, it should be heavy enough that it is hard, but dont need any assistance from my spotter, then on thursday perform 5 sets of 5 at a weight 15-20% lighter, then saturday keep building up to a 5RM, I am looking forward to see how it works. All squats will be performed on a box 13.5inches tall, so it is a little ways under parrallel.


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squatting 3 times a week damn man, hope you get good results from that
i cringed from just reading it lol

and yeah that's me in the avatar

hope the recovery keeps progressing well good luck my man


Wow man. Taking a **** is probably gonna be lots of fun the next 5 weeks :eek:
Good luck with the program man, let us know how it is going.

Nate Dawg

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I will post my entire program later tonight when I have more time tonight. It should be pretty tough the first couple weeks then I think my body will get used to it. The second day of the week for squatting that is 15-20% lighter is meant to deload the nervous system and help increase recovery, I am excited to see how it works.


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Something just isn't right. You're up 7 pounds (after dropping some water), that's always good, but I would think you would have gained a lot more: you've just trained for 10 weeks on this, which is quite a lot of goods:

Week 1-10: 1-testosterone cyp 1000mg/week
Week 1-10: 4ad cyp 1500mg/week
Week 1-8: 19-Nor transdermal 800mg/day
Week 1-6: Dbol 25-40mg/day
Week 10-12: M5AA 120mg/day
Week 1-12: HCG 500IU/week


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I am also taking Designer supps oral 7OH for cortisol suppresion, taking 100mg night, and 50mg post workout.
It would be a much better idea to take that 100mg first thing in the morning.

Nate Dawg

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Thanks for the tips Strategos, I appreciate it! Ya, I have no idea why I am not up more than what I am, it makes no sense, these past 10 weeks or so have been the best my diet has ever been, as far as loads of protein, carbs and cals, not necessarily all clean, but I am definetly getting plenty to make one grow, I would think but it really didnt happen as much as expected. I really dont know what to say. When I was on the 1test cyp and 4ad cyp I never really had that "on" feeling but a few times. I had better results off a 6 week S1+ cycle, sad to say, and the weird thing is that my diet is even better now than it was then. I dont know if I am getting genetically peaked, surely not, two years ago I was around 145-150, so I have grow a fair amount in a couple years. The only thing that I can think of is that I have a class this semester that is totally consuming me, and I have to study all the time, which really shouldnt bother my lifting, but I cant be focused about lifting as I used to be in the past. In the past as soon as I got up all I would think about till I got to the gym was pretty much what I was going to do at the gym. Tonight did chest, not real hard, but it went pretty good, next week I am going to start working back into my max effort movements for bench, got a good pump today. If any of you guys/gals have any comments/questions/suggestions feel free to let me know.

So strateg0s, take 50mg of 7oh post workout and 100mg first thing in the morning? I thought that the biggest release of cortisol was during the night while sleeping, I could be wrong though. Thanks.


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So strateg0s, take 50mg of 7oh post workout and 100mg first thing in the morning? I thought that the biggest release of cortisol was during the night while sleeping, I could be wrong though. Thanks.
There was a discussion of this in the DS subforum a while back. 100mg as soon as you get up, because that's the biggest spike of the day, and 50mg a few hours later, or probably after a lot of cardio if you are doing it. -- For cortisol at night, easiest way to prevent that is to take some carbs before bed and casein if you've got it.

Nate Dawg

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Another thing that I think hurt my gains this cycle, is I believe I was almost overtrained when I started it. This summer was pretty rough for me, my diet sucked because I had to work so much, always in the heat and pretty active, and my metabolism is sky high anyways, as you can tell now since I am taking in 6000+ cals with absolutely no cardio and having a helluva time gaining weight. I switched to more of a powerlifting type program when I started the cycle, but my volume was still high enough to get growth I would think. Here is basically what I would do for a workout program:

Monday- chest
flat bench ~10 sets to a 1RM
Incline bench 4 sets to a 5RM
Flyes 3-4 sets 10-12 reps

Squat/Box squat 8-10 sets building up to a 1RM
Deadlift 4-5 sets build up to 5RM
Hyperextensions 3x15
Leg curls 3x6-10
leg ext 2-3x15

Wednesday- off

Thursday- shoulders
Arnold press/db press/ military press-pick one- 4x6-12
Side DB raises 4x8-10
Rear DB raises 4x10-15
shrugs 8 sets 8-15 reps

skull crushers 4x6-12
over head db press 3x6-8
tricep ext 3x6-8
barbell curl 6x 5-12
hammer curl 3x6-8
preacher curl 2xlightweight burnout

That is basically what my program was like, switching some of the exercises every once in a while of course. Then after about 8 weeks I switched tris to shoulder day on thursday because I felt my tris could never recover from fridays workout in time for benching on monday. Come on now, tell me what you all think:think:

Nate Dawg

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I will post my diet too:

6eggs, 1cup oatmeal, 1/2 serving Nlarge 2, 24oz milk

1lb beef, 1 box mac and cheese, 48 oz milk

2 peanut butter and honey sandwiches 32oz milk

1/2 serving nlarge2 with 32oz milk, 1 box mac and cheese

Post workout-1 serving nlarge 2

1hr later 1lb beef, 1 cup brown rice, 24 oz milk

1 can tuna

before bed-1.5 servings muscle milk and 32oz milk

All milk is 1%, and there is never more than 3 hours between meals. It sure as hell isnt clean on fats, but I need the cals. I think it is a pretty decent diet for gaining weight, of course some days it changes and I may switch potatoes with the rice or mac and cheese if I feel I need to cut the cals if I am starting to gain a bit of fat. Tell me what you think!!!

Nate Dawg

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Weighed in at 202lbs this morning, so it is starting to go back up again.

Nate Dawg

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That avatar should help anybodies PCT!!:thumbsup:


Good to see the weight comin on bro. That chick can call me anytime :welcome:


Nate, is your metabolism real fast? I am naturally thin, but if I tried to eat all that in one day, I'd be gettin a large pot belly in a hurry. If you don't get fat eating that much, it looks good to me.


As far as your training program you listed, I could never workout like that. I can't do a bodypart only one time per week, I go nowhere like that. Also, apologies if you mentioned it somewhere, but why isn't there any back training ???

Nate Dawg

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I totally forgot about putting up back, for back I hit deads, work up to 5rm or 1rm, then usually I will hit on back day, 4 sets of pulldowns 8-10 reps, 3-4 sets of pullups for a burnout, bent over bb rows for 5-12 reps, and then some seated cable rows. My metabolism is super fast I would have to say, this is ridiculous on how much I am eating and how hard it is to gain weight. I have read some other guy's logs at other forums that eat half as much as I do and gain twice as much if not more, I dont get it. I train each body part so intensely that I can only train once a week, when going up to max poundage, I get overtrained really fast, it sucks. Did legs tonight, I felt pretty good, did some box squats to get a feel where I should start my 5x5 program, you want to leave a little room in the first week or so because the plan is to add 10lbs a week to each lift.

Nate Dawg

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Did shoulders and tris today, it went really good for the most part, no strength loss and still got a good pump. Today marks 15 days off cycle I believe. Diet still going pretty good, I will try and remember to weigh tomorrow morning when I get up. ZMA is giving me some crazy ass dreams. Sex drive is fine for the most part, there are times where it seems low and others where it is really high, so that is better than being bottomed out all of the time, but very rarely does it ever seem very low, tribulus seems to be doing its thing alright. Did I mention I am ready for my next cycle? LOL

Nate Dawg

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Weighed in at 201 this morning....thats ok I suppose. My next cycle is most likely going to look like this:

week 1-10: 500mg/week test enan
week 1-6: 125mg tren ace eod
week 1-6: 50mg dbol/day
week 11-12: 150mg test prop eod
*possibly do weeks 1-2 with 100mg test prop eod

That is not set in stone, I am 99% sure it will be test/tren/dbol though. I am thinking of possibly just running an 8 weeker of prop the entire time, I am not for sure yet. I will be running HCG 500IU/week the entire time. I just cant decide whether to do an 8 week one with prop the whole time, or do a 12 week cycle with enan ended with prop. What do you all think?


Yo man. I would do the 12 weeks. Doin only 8 weeks really cuts back on the amount of time the Test E has to do it's just, imp. Plus it takes the Test E, like, what round 3 weeks or almost 3 to kick it right? 8 weeks or prop, that's a lot of pinnin. If it were me, I'd do 12 bro. Also, do u think u need to run the D bol for 6 weeks? Keep us informed on ur decision, later man.

Nate Dawg

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I will most likely do the 12 week cycle. I am starting the cycle approximately 6 weeks before a powerlifting meet I am thinking of doing, so I was gonna run the tren and dbol up to there, then after the meet just test for however much longer I decide. I might have to cut out the dbol before the meet due to painful back pumps making it hard to deadlift and squat, just have to see how it goes. I am not too worried about the toxicity of dbol for 6 weeks, I dont think it is really that hard on ya as long as the proper precautions are taken. M1T is definetly far worse than dbol on many levels, especially cholesterol. I would like to end the last 3-4 weeks with winny, but that would be alot of orals, that would end up being almost 10 weeks of orals if I do the dbol for 6, and I think that could be too much. The best idea I think is just to end with test, if I could find some bold ace to throw in for the last 5-6 weeks that would be nice, but that is probably the only thing I would add at the end. Its high anabolic rating should help hold onto gains better too.

Nate Dawg

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If you can get HCG I would definetly reccommend it, this is the first time I used it, and I feel better than I ever have coming off cycle. I even feel better than when I did a short 3 week 1ad/4ad cycle, and this was like 13 weeks long or something! I started mine at week 5 I believe, and ran 250IU two times a week and it swelled my nuts back up from the previous 5 weeks of shrinkage and kept them constant throughout the cycle.

Nate Dawg

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Weighed in at 202 this morning, so it seems to be balancing between 201 and 202. Did back yesterday and it went really good, strength definetly has not dropped any. Got another decent pump. Next week I am starting that new program, here it is:

Sunday: off

Monday: Chest/Back
For chest I havent decided exactly what I am going to do yet, I am most likely going to go with the westside style of ME benching and switching every two weeks between flat bench, two board press, floor press, and incline bench for my max effort exercise. The other way I am possibly thinking of doing it is starting with flat bench every week, and this next week hit something that I can get for a max of 6 reps, then each week I will keep adding 5lbs until it eventually adds up to where I am doing a 1RM. I cant decide yet. This monday I am going to be borrowing one of my friends bench shirts and see how that works, never tried one before.

Back: Bent over BB rows-5 sets 5-10 reps, T-Bar rows-5 sets 5-10 reps

Tuesday: Legs- Heavy 5x5 straight set
Squat warm up to my starting weight for my 5 sets of 5 and then perform 5x5 at that weight.
Straight leg deadlift: 3x8-10
Good mornings:3x8-10

Wednesday: Shoulders/Triceps
Arnold presses: 4x 6-10
Skull crushers: 4x6-10
Overhead DB extension: 4x6-10
DB side lateral: 3x8-12
DB rear lateral: 3x8-12

Thursday: Squat 5x5 15-20% lower than tuesdays weight, upper back/bis
Warmup to weight I will use for my 5x5 that is 15-20% lighter than tuesdays sets, and perform 5 sets of 5 at that weight.
Lunges 3x8-10
pullups- 4 sets to burn out
barbell curls 5x5-12
Hammer curls 3x6-10

Friday: OFF

Saturday: Squat 5x5
On squats keep building up to a 5RM
Deadlift standing on 45lb plate, working on speed mostly, not building up real heavy, I think squatting 3 times a week should be plenty of work, and I dont want to get my lower back all fried out.
Shrugs 6x10-15
upright rows 4x8-12

I will be doing this program for 5 weeks. The plan for the squatting is for the first week or two not to be a killer, that way you can add 10lbs each week to each squat day. By week 5 it should be pretty tough, that will be 50lbs over my starting weight. All squats are performed on a 13.5in tall box, relax hips at bottom then explode up, not a touch and go. Tell me what you all think of the program, I think it should work pretty good.

Nate Dawg

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Did chest on monday, did flat bench in a double poly shirt, it was definetly different and took some getting used to. I cant really judge how my strength was since 1) I was in a shirt 2) pausing at the bottom 3) finally forced myself to glue my ass to the bench, so I am not for sure how it is compared to on cycle. All the weights felt like they normally did, so I am not too worried about it.

Did legs yesterday, starting my 5x5 routine. Went pretty shitty to tell you the truth, mentally i wasnt there at all and i was feeling like I had a fever/catching a cold. Feel all better now though so that is good.

Shoulders and tris went today, arnold presses were down 2 reps from last week, but my shoulders were still pretty sore from benching monday, must have been something with the shirt because usually my shoulders are never sore from chest day unless i do alot of inclines. All tri exercises stayed at the same weight as last week, so going ok.

I have lost around an inch off my waist since I have came off, and have seemed to shed a bit more water, but damn i hate the feeling of losing all that fullness, I feel so small!! Libido still going good and still havent crashed really, feel pretty good all around.

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