name 2 things that drive you insane at your gym.

John Smeton

John Smeton

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dunno, he lowered them to the ground for 3 sets of 8. rep 8 he just drops it when its at waist level - for all 3 sets. maybe he's doing it right, and i'm a sucker for abuse :)
if its one rep max Ive seen powerlifters max out like this doing 600 or so lbs Ive never done it that way and my max last time I maxed was 415..I can see how risk of injury goes up every time weight goes up....if its for you just lower fast


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is flexing in the mirror annoying? I sometimes do it just to rush blood to my arms or legs. I try not to show off or anything, I just kinda do it to stretch myself out and feel the pump.

I think it could be annoying, but I dont really care, the pump feels great!
I do it too. I like seein how my pumps goin and whatnot.


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old men loving there johnsons is a big one at my gym too... Espcially when i go in at about 1130 or 12 and sports center is rapping up im changing into my workout clothes these guys just got done working out they love having there cocks out and watching top ten... and yes alot of old guys dry there junk under the hand dryer...

and at my golds gym the showers are on the other side of the gym and the guys will take the long slow walk without a towel around there waist to the showers SICK! I put one on top of my shoulders and one around my waist and walk to the showers. I mean im proud of my body but im not there to show it off to sweaty dudes in a locker room.


1. The I have a thousand pounds on the leg press and dont even have to take the lock off because my legs dont bend that far in my rep a$#@ole.

2. The trainers that can have full conversations with their clients while they are doing their sets because they dont actually have them working out. Just going through motions


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1. The I have a thousand pounds on the leg press and dont even have to take the lock off because my legs dont bend that far in my rep a$#@ole. ahem, DJBOMBSQUAD

2. The trainers that can have full conversations with their clients while they are doing their sets because they dont actually have them working out. Just going through motions
lately theyve been playing flashback music, its real corny. this normally wouldnt be a problem but i smashed my ipod while doing db lateral raises... :(


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guys who where weight belts no matter what exercise they are doing.


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1. definitly the trainers who are out of shape and push their services like a crack dealer pushes crack.

2. when two people that work out together sit on the benches/equipment and just talk the whole time


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hahaha he got banned? ROFL!

when you resort to critcizing someone for grammer, it just shows thats all you got left and you know you were in the wrong.
dude needs to worry more about himself, and less about what others do.


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guys who where weight belts no matter what exercise they are doing.
wow, and this bothers you because...? ROFL!

i wear a belt on almost all my lifts because i can injure my back even moving a weight or de-racking something. i have a bad back (20% scoliosis). that is why i wear it, and it helps me out ALOT. ROFLMFAO. get off yourself sun. your not special, and no ones cares about your lil ego you got. its a gym, and people do things differently than you. this thread is a waste.


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if its one rep max Ive seen powerlifters max out like this doing 600 or so lbs Ive never done it that way and my max last time I maxed was 415..I can see how risk of injury goes up every time weight goes up....if its for you just lower fast
it was deadlift reps. literally, he lowered the weight to starting position each rep, but rep 8 of each set, he dropped it from waist level. i assume so everyone looked over at him.


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wow, and this bothers you because...? ROFL!

i wear a belt on almost all my lifts because i can injure my back even moving a weight or de-racking something. i have a bad back (20% scoliosis). that is why i wear it, and it helps me out ALOT. ROFLMFAO. get off yourself sun. your not special, and no ones cares about your lil ego you got. its a gym, and people do things differently than you. this thread is a waste.
um. did something i say struck a nerve? or did you mean get off yourself son? i'm lost as to the hostility.


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I think this thread is hilarious LOL, to each his own. hahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha


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ROFL, is your name ATJnutrition? dense my friend...dense.
in some of my threads, my name is abbreviated as "sun". sometimes "sc". just wondering what bothered you about my post :)


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in some of my threads, my name is abbreviated as "sun". sometimes "sc". just wondering what bothered you about my post :)
i wasnt talking to you, and im still confused on how you even remotely interpreted that I was refering to you. i quoted the post i was talking about.


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1. When people stand in front of the DB Racks and you can't get to any weights.
2. People in jeans or flip flops or both. oh, or polo's wtf


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DT5, I think you need to chill. SunCloud was just asking you a question and it seems as if you are trying to pick a fight with him


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He just explained his reason... his name here is Suncloud. When you were attempting to insult Ajtnutrition by calling him "son" and spelled it incorrectly as "sun" you made it seem as if you were calling out Suncloud specifically on a post he had made earlier.

Dense my friend... Dense


Not returning plates is a huge one at my gym, espiecally when Douche McArsehole has about 10 plates on the leg press, leaves, and then an elderly woman wants to use the leg press with no weight on it, I cant not unload the weight for them, but i always feel that when i do they assume im just the **** that left it there.

I also hate guys who ask me to spot them, it usually only happens if i get caught without my MP3 player, which is a god send for such situations, but if youre gonna ask, i should only have to help you lift the weight off the rack, not help you lift it off, and help you through each rep, and then help you rack it back, then you have the nerve to say "yeah, just one more set after this" like im supposed to stick around and wait for you instead of doing my own ****?

Anyone have "those guys" that stand in front of the dumbbells while working out, thus ensuring that noone else can get to them? theres a few at my gym and i swear whenever i reach in front of them to grab a weight, they give me the dirtiest look, you dont like me getting in your way? i dont like you in mine, move your ass.


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I don't mind occasional spots and helping through with reps but i don't want this to become an all day thing that will kill my workout.


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Anyone have "those guys" that stand in front of the dumbbells while working out, thus ensuring that noone else can get to them? theres a few at my gym and i swear whenever i reach in front of them to grab a weight, they give me the dirtiest look, you dont like me getting in your way? i dont like you in mine, move your ass.
Yeah, I hate this. Or maybe I'll be DB Flat Benching with heavy DB's and I get up to rack them and someone is standing in front of where I need to put the DB's doing shrugs or curls while I'm stuck with 90 lb DB's in my hands waiting for them to move


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He just explained his reason... his name here is Suncloud. When you were attempting to insult Ajtnutrition by calling him "son" and spelled it incorrectly as "sun" you made it seem as if you were calling out Suncloud specifically on a post he had made earlier.

Dense my friend... Dense

SUN is how i spell SON sometimes, dense my friend. dense


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I also hate guys who ask me to spot them, it usually only happens if i get caught without my MP3 player, which is a god send for such situations, but if youre gonna ask, i should only have to help you lift the weight off the rack, not help you lift it off, and help you through each rep, and then help you rack it back, then you have the nerve to say "yeah, just one more set after this" like im supposed to stick around and wait for you instead of doing my own ****?

Anyone have "those guys" that stand in front of the dumbbells while working out, thus ensuring that noone else can get to them? theres a few at my gym and i swear whenever i reach in front of them to grab a weight, they give me the dirtiest look, you dont like me getting in your way? i dont like you in mine, move your ass.
I've had guys ask for a spot which is cool I don't mind but then they get mad when I don't help them with every rep and they end up getting half the reps they wanted. They don't say anything but I can see on their face their pissed and they don't say thanks. I can understand if the guy is trying to blast through a plateau and he wants me to help him get more reps than he usually could but he could give me a heads up.

I love the guys who stand in front of the mirror and dumbbell racks and block me mid-set and look at me like i'm an ******* when I ask them to move.


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guys who squat like 12 sets a qtr of the way down. benching with weight that is obviously too much for them. people who give dirty looks when i grunt on a heavy lift. guys who go naked in the sauna.


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DT5 let it go bro, I do stand in front of the DB rack but I'm working Bi's and running the rack. One more thing that kills me is when people just sit on a piece of equipment watching everyone else workout.


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oh **** texas got banned. Guess he deserved it. all i've ever seen him do is talk sh!t.

what i!t talkers behind a computer!
Clearly banned. Ever try growing up? If you say something stupid, Im going to tell you youre stupid. Im not that much different in real life.

texas seems like one of those guys on youtube who are 13 weigh 110 pounds bench 555 and squat 720 deadlift a 1000. who comment and dog on everyones videos.
Im not sure what youre getting at.

hahaha he got banned? ROFL!

when you resort to critcizing someone for grammer, it just shows thats all you got left and you know you were in the wrong.
dude needs to worry more about himself, and less about what others do.
Not really, its just a sign of outright stupidity. I think the fact youre reverting to talking about grammar just shows you had nothing to respond to my post besides that. How hard is it to not totally butcher the english language. All Ive seen from this site is posts by about 5 knowledgeable people and then the rest are jackasses who just talk **** all day and bitch and moan over nothing. Like you. Sure, it doesnt affect me when people do the things I mentioned. It doesnt affect me when I see someone cut someone off on the highway, still annoys me. Stupid argument from a stupid person. And for ****s sake, its grammar. With an 'a' at the end.


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people that don't wipe down the equipment when they're done. i don't like going over to a machine too find a river of ass sweat dripping off the seat.

and when someone sits on the those folding benches backwards doing dumbell work. the small seat is where your ass goes, like i want to put me head in your ass crack sweat when your finished!!!

i think i may have ocd..


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people that don't wipe down the equipment when they're done. i don't like going over to a machine too find a river of ass sweat dripping off the seat.

and when someone sits on the those folding benches backwards doing dumbell work. the small seat is where your ass goes, like i want to put me head in your ass crack sweat when your finished!!!

i think i may have ocd..
Not at all man. Actually, a public gym is full of disease. Kind of ironic considering everyone there is/should trying to be healthy. Think about everyone who touches those dumbbells and barbells and then think about how many guys you see in the bathroom that don't wash their hands.


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Not at all man. Actually, a public gym is full of disease. Kind of ironic considering everyone there is/should trying to be healthy. Think about everyone who touches those dumbbells and barbells and then think about how many guys you see in the bathroom that don't wash their hands.
SOOOOO TRUE!!!!!! Its like you took the 5 mins. to take a piss, take the 30 secs. to wash your hands you scummy F*CK!!! Your going to walk right by it!


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I don't think I'm nearly as sensitive as most people on here, as not too much bothers me.

Generally, I'm only frustrated by 3 things.

1) People who ask how much longer I have to finish and sit there waiting. I've sat down to the side for 10-15mins waiting for people to finish, as I know no one likes to be bothered in the middle of their exercise.

2) People who do not re-rack weights.

3) People who sit on a machine for 10-15 mins without doing any sets.

The posing in front of the mirrors and the loud grunting etc is more funny than anything and does not really effect my workout.


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Some of you in here get mad quite easily it appears :eek:

In general i am happy to be at the gym so there isn't much that gets me mad at others its mostly a respect issue..even if i don't agree with the way someone is lifting it is their choice and i do not kno the full story behind their choices so i just deal with it(there are certain cases where it is annoying like the certain ppl who have horrendous form that i worry for their safety at times..)

the only other things that really annoy me are ppl who come in with certain attire, u shouldn't be wearing jeans or khakis in the gym IMO..

Other than that as long as people respect me doing what im doing i can respect them :)


yeah, not wiping down your machines is terrible, i thought maybe i had OCD cause i wipe it down before AND after i use it. And when i wipe the bench i go from where my head was, then down to where my ass was, it doesnt make sense when you see people wiping the ass spot, then smearing the ass sweat up to the head part.

only time i dont wipe mine off is when im going to go get a wipe (my gym has these dispensers, that have anti bacterial stuff on the towel wipe things) and someone takes my bench before i can get there, i always laugh, too impatient to wait for me to wipe it down so you deserve to workout in my ball sweat i guess.

oh and we have people that sit on equipment and dont do anything, its mostly younger people, text messaging or just sitting around, the gym actually has an area with tables and chairs, but they chose to sit in there for some reason.


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only time i dont wipe mine off is when im going to go get a wipe (my gym has these dispensers, that have anti bacterial stuff on the towel wipe things) and someone takes my bench before i can get there, i always laugh, too impatient to wait for me to wipe it down so you deserve to workout in my ball sweat i guess.
Ya this is annoying im like look im trying to be helpful but w/e

another one i just thought of it i hate when ppl take a machine or bench im using when ive clearly put my bottle or towel on it when i go to the water fountain real quick...and then wen i come back they just sit there...they could just ask to work in if they really wanted to i don't have a problem sharing tho :)


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i guess there really are fashion statements at the gym and critics too.


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idiots that use the squat racks to use curls is ultra annoying.


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1. When people stand in front of the DB Racks and you can't get to any weights.
2. People in jeans or flip flops or both. oh, or polo's wtf
I occasionally wear flip flops to the gym in the summer, but never jeans. Sometimes I like doing exercises like bent barbell rows and deadlifts bare footed, so I just slip my flip flops off and get to work. The biggest drawback with wearing flip flops to the gym is you risk the chance of dropping a weight on your toes. Now I dropped a 45lbs plate on my toes from about waist height one and I had shoes on. I can't imagine doing that with flip flops!


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now i see a problem with not wearing coverd shoes at the gym but jeans?, what does it matter if someone wears jeans? Thats their problem or choice however you look at it but flipflops?... now thats an injury, stink feet, toes i dont want to see, and liability. Polo shirts?.... who cares, why does it matter its a shirt just like any other.


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now i see a problem with not wearing coverd shoes at the gym but jeans?, what does it matter if someone wears jeans? Thats their problem or choice however you look at it but flipflops?... now thats an injury, stink feet, toes i dont want to see, and liability. Polo shirts?.... who cares, why does it matter its a shirt just like any other.
the reason i have an issue with it is all the gyms i go to have rules stating no jeans yet people still wear them...i think people should adhere to the rules set by the place they are lifting at..


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Ya this is annoying im like look im trying to be helpful but w/e

another one i just thought of it i hate when ppl take a machine or bench im using when ive clearly put my bottle or towel on it when i go to the water fountain real quick...and then wen i come back they just sit there...they could just ask to work in if they really wanted to i don't have a problem sharing tho :)
Um...... placing a towel on a piece of equipment is just as bad as sitting on said equipment not doing a damn thing. Do you really expect people to wait for you to go get a drink? I understand why you marked the equipment, but do you think you have the right to occupy something while you're not even there?


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Um...... placing a towel on a piece of equipment is just as bad as sitting on said equipment not doing a damn thing. Do you really expect people to wait for you to go get a drink? I understand why you marked the equipment, but do you think you have the right to occupy something while you're not even there?
They can easily ask in if they want but when i come back i should be allowed to get back on they shouldn't just sit there and try and pretend i wasn't using it...i take 60sec break between set at max so its not like im going off and talking to someone else

but i can see your point!


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Whats the beef against jeans in the gym. I personally dont do it.......but it doesnt bother me if someone else does


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They can easily ask in if they want but when i come back i should be allowed to get back on they shouldn't just sit there and try and pretend i wasn't using it...i take 60sec break between set at max so its not like im going off and talking to someone else

but i can see your point!
Just looking at it in a different perspective you can see that the person may not understand your routine or how long you will be gone. Maybe they would ask to jump in between sets, but you're not there when they need it. If I were in your position, I'd be upset....... but as the other person, I'd also be upset lol.


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Just looking at it in a different perspective you can see that the person may not understand your routine or how long you will be gone. Maybe they would ask to jump in between sets, but you're not there when they need it. If I were in your position, I'd be upset....... but as the other person, I'd also be upset lol.
it now seems everyone is upset in the gym!! :mad:

and i guess you all can wear jeans in the gym if you want like i said it doesn't really affect me i just wish people would listen to the rules set forth!

i am sure i do plenty of things that annoy others though even though i try not to! :(


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This thread is the reason that at my gym, hardly anyone talks at all. Over half the guys actually refuse to make eye contact with each other. I think it has more to do with either being intimidated or trying hard to not appear intimidated. It's funny but sad. We're all there for the same reasons, wanting pretty much the same thing. You'd think we'd all get along great.

Most of the stuff in this thread has probably bugged me at one time or another. I don't understand why someone would wear a brand new trucker hat to the gym to cover it in sweat, not to mention looking like a total dbag. The trainers I see are mostly clueless "pinsetters" giving silly nutrition advice like they just read it out of a magazine. Some people just have stupid workouts. That guy & girl who should just have sex BEFORE they go to the gym instead of trying to use their workout as foreplay.

I probably annoy others because I lift heavy and I take 3-5min between sets. I'm not about to do lighter weights and more exercises with less rest just so I can run around trying to appear efficient.

My gym is nice but it's fairly small and has only one squat rack, so my #1 complaint by far is f*ckers doing curls, shrugs, upright rows, etc in it. We have tons of DBs and another complete rack of barbells for arm exercises, not to mention a ton of machines, but they just see that bar sitting there. It's just so convenient because they don't even have to bend over to pick it up, they can't resist. They always do like 4-5 sets too. F*ckers.


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I dont know how many people ive pissed off because I generally hog the squat rack for about an hour and half. HAHA, but at the very least I use it for squats, lunges, deads and cleans.


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Me hate those who are talking on the phone and you need what they are using and when you ask hey can I jump in he tells Oh one Min I am almost done Bitch you on the dam phone for an half an hour talking!!!


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the jeans thing i understand about the rules, i was told a few times that i cant workout or whatever cuz i had denim shorts on.... i stopped and obeyed the rules but i still see guys come in with army pants and construction work clothes and boots and they do it everyday, some favoritism going on or something cuz i dont see how they dont get told they cant workout or whatever. But hey if they can get away with it then good for them i dont care anymore. Sometimes someone will enrage me with something stupid they are doing or they just look dumb, fuels my set even more.

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