My First Cycle



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Blood work done, 4 vials taken. Looking forward to these results. Last night I had some weird bout of low blood sugar or something. Felt light headed and had shakes. It was weird, diet was same as usual so not sure if I missed something and don't realize it? It's been a crazy week so maybe I missed a meal and don't realize it, still shouldn't have had me like that though. Just an odd night.


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Blood work results from yesterday's draw.

Feel free to chime in with any feedback



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Holy crap...
Went to pin right quad....hit a nerve & muscle twitched bad...I pulled out and swapped pins, re-cleaned site and went to pin about an inch away from first spot. Don't know what happened but I aspirated and went to inject, only got 1/2ml in and had to stop, it became painful. Swapped pins, cleaned a new site and finally was able to finish.

I'm having a bad week for pinning. Off to do legs and a little chest.


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Started taking Tudca yesterday and it was also my rest day. Had some steak with the wife and watched Deadpool with our feet up. Feels like we haven't sat down much this week, I'm pretty darn tired.


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Blood work done, 4 vials taken. Looking forward to these results. Last night I had some weird bout of low blood sugar or something. Felt light headed and had shakes. It was weird, diet was same as usual so not sure if I missed something and don't realize it? It's been a crazy week so maybe I missed a meal and don't realize it, still shouldn't have had me like that though. Just an odd night.
I know when my estrogen starts to get high like yours has, I start to have what feels like more highs and lows in blood sugar and I definitely feel tired and droggy. I feel best when mine is around 15-30


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I know when my estrogen starts to get high like yours has, I start to have what feels like more highs and lows in blood sugar and I definitely feel tired and droggy. I feel best when mine is around 15-30
That might explain my bout last week with low blood sugar around 7pm. It was horrible, my wife gave me 3 pieces of some biscotti to help me out. It was pretty damn good so I didn't mind. Haha


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Wednesday will officially be halfway through my 12-week cycle. Started at 212lbs and as of this morning I'm at 232.8lbs. Those numbers seem ridiculous to me but I double checked, I need to pinch tomorrow morning as I didn't get to it all weekend. I'll be honest, I think changing my Aromasin dosage made me a little lethargic, I felt sore and sluggish all weekend, so I didn't work out. Today is a different story though, had a great left quad pin this morning before work; no twitching, no soreness, it went smooth as hell. I needed a good pin after last weeks debacle.

I've been using 5ml syringes to pin and sometimes they're a little hard to push oil with how small the handle/plunger is. Would a 3ml or 1ml be any different? Maybe it's just the brand? Im not a big guy and my hands are fairly average, I don't think a guy with large hands could even use these syringes. If anyone has run into similar issues I'd love to know what you did to work around it.

Looking forward to an awesome workout tonight.

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Wednesday will officially be halfway through my 12-week cycle. Started at 212lbs and as of this morning I'm at 232.8lbs. Those numbers seem ridiculous to me but I double checked, I need to pinch tomorrow morning as I didn't get to it all weekend. I'll be honest, I think changing my Aromasin dosage made me a little lethargic, I felt sore and sluggish all weekend, so I didn't work out. Today is a different story though, had a great left quad pin this morning before work; no twitching, no soreness, it went smooth as hell. I needed a good pin after last weeks debacle.

I've been using 5ml syringes to pin and sometimes they're a little hard to push oil with how small the handle/plunger is. Would a 3ml or 1ml be any different? Maybe it's just the brand? Im not a big guy and my hands are fairly average, I don't think a guy with large hands could even use these syringes. If anyone has run into similar issues I'd love to know what you did to work around it.

Looking forward to an awesome workout tonight.

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YES, the smaller the syringe the easier it will be to push oil thru. Its all about physics. I can give you the mathematically formula if your interested.


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YES, the smaller the syringe the easier it will be to push oil thru. Its all about physics. I can give you the mathematically formula if your interested.
I'll be honest, math doesn't scare me. But when I started this cycle all the sudden math stressed me out. Trying to make sure I had enough of everything, the right dosage, converting mg/ml/cc's. Mixing hcg properly for the right dosage. I didn't want to mess up anything, because it was going to be injected into my body. The injections never bothered me, but trusting my own math scared me. I checked, double checked, and triple checked. Now I have extra everything lol. 2-3 extra vials of test, about 50 extra Aromasin pills, 50 extra Clomid and Nolva. And a whole vial of 5,000 iu's HCG extra (not mixed).

I don't think I need more math. Unless you can simplify it for me? Hahaha. Appreciate the help man


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Just killed some shoulders and bi's. Threw in some extra weight here and there and even a few extra exercises. I was feeling pretty strong and motivated. I don't think I ever feel like a beast like so many on here say. I have some self esteem issues as it is, plus I always feel like the small out of shape guy at the gym. Here's a post workout pic (about 20 minutes after) feeling damn fluffy right now at 232.8. I know I can get away with a few extra cheats on a cycle but I need to watch myself and keep it 90% clean. I'm losing all ab lines now lol.

Lean away lateral raises - 3x20 w/ 15's,20's,25's

Heavy overloaded lateral raises - 5x7-7-7

DB Lat raises tempo 3010 - 3x15 w/15's

Straight bar pulley bicep curls - 3x20

Standing EZ curl bicep curls - 5x6-6-6

Straight bar rows (underhand) - 3x15 3010 tempo. 100lbs/115/130

Machine shoulder press (as a bonus, not on plan). 3x8-8-8. 80-70-60/90-80-70/100(for 6)-90-80

3 super sets of 10 decline leg raises with 10 decline ball twists (per side)



Good work boss! Not lookin fluffy at all. Cycle looks to be going quite well


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Good work boss! Not lookin fluffy at all. Cycle looks to be going quite well
Thanks man. If I turn sideways, I'm getting a gut hahaha. It'll come off after PCT so I'm not too concerned. Appreciate the kind words!


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This makes me ready to run my test cycle


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Well done man! How's the wife's anivar goin?

How much did you end up paying for labs?


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I already ordered enough test e for 600 mg a week for 15 weeks so gonna break after trest run probably until sept-oct all I gotta get now is pins. But I will hold off on those cause if I buy I'll start when they get here :)


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I already ordered enough test e for 600 mg a week for 15 weeks so gonna break after trest run probably until sept-oct all I gotta get now is pins. But I will hold off on those cause if I buy I'll start when they get here :)
Sounds like fun, I was reading an article the other day on how anything over 500mg/week is kinda pointless and actually you can achieve the same results on 300mg/week. Not sure how true that is but if you have any feedback on why you're going for 600mg instead of the standard 500mg I'd love to learn more


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Its 300mg a ml so just to keep it simple


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Well done man! How's the wife's anivar goin?

How much did you end up paying for labs?
We never started the var, my wife was really hesitant about possible water retention and weight gain from that right now. She wants to wait until she can talk to a doc and figure the hormones out first. She also has a coach, so she's worried how sudden weight gain will shock them and she can't tell them about the var.

Appreciate the kind words Fame!


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Its 300mg a ml so just to keep it simple
I have two vials of Test E from a UGL that are still vacuum sealed. They are also 300mg/ml that's why I asked. Eventually I want to use them but planned on researching possible sides with a higher dose like that.


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I don't know what changed today but damn I had a great workout. Maybe it was hitting every meal? Having an iced coffee later than usual? Who knows, but it was killer!

Today was quads and chest. I substituted some smith machine sit squats for leg press, my last session of this routine my calf was bugging me. It feels like a cramp, but I don't want to push my luck and pull something.

I also changed up my routine a bit, short on time and gym was busy. But I was able to go heavier as well.

Bulgarian split squats - 3x10
Body weight/10lb DB's/25's

Calf raises (trying to nurse the calves) - 3x12-15 with 90lbs

Smith sit squats

Incline neutral DB chest press
3x20 - 45's/45's/50's

Cable flys - 3x15 3010 tempo
40/50/60lbs (each arm)

Neutral grip flat chest press

Iron cross cable flyes - 2x15 w/40lbs each arm.

Walked away with an amazing pump and I wish I had heavier DB's at this gym. I've got to plan this next week at a different location.

Thanks for following guys, this is getting real fun. Time for sleep.

Oh, update on pinning issues.
My azz is fine, lump went away. My triple pin to the quad thanks to hitting nerve(s) is muy bueno!!! That's all for meow...

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Your only gonna get around 480mg of test a week at 600


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What were you running for liver support that 30mg of dbol put my alt and AST over 100? Curious..


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What were you running for liver support that 30mg of dbol put my alt and AST over 100? Curious..
At the beginning I was only running NAC plus 2 gallons of water a day. I'm on NAC and Tudca now though.


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Weigh in - 228.1. Same as April 24th. I think the 24th was a bad pinch; too many cheats or water was off that day. You'll see in the pic, it's one of those pinches that doesn't match the rest. Anyways, gonna stay focused and keep pushing. Body fat is still dropping slowly while weight is increasing and strength is climbing. If the pinch is somewhat accurate I'm carrying 195lbs lean mass and 32lbs of fat mass. My goal is to continue adding lean mass to make post cycle cutting cycle a little easier. If I can maintain as much lean mass as possible coming off cycle, and my body fat can get down to my goal of 10% I will be a very happy guy. (And no I don't expect to get down to 10% during this cycle, this cycle is all about lean mass)

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Things have been busy for me but I'm still pushing. Weight fluctuates a little but I'm still between 228-232lbs and holding. Strength and endurance in the gym keeps progressing pretty much every day. Leg days are killer, but I recover overnight (it's amazing!)

Tonight was shoulders and biceps. Had a great session, I'm getting insane pumps right now and it's motivating as hell to watch the difference pre workout and during, I can watch myself swell up. Love it!!!! Sleep has been alright, work is getting to me but I'm making it a point to come home and change and go straight to the gym. Makes for long days but I have to keep pushing.

I had a rough weekend, ended up going off diet (I'm a bit disappointed but it's done) ended up drinking some beer and feeling lethargic as hell. Definitely regretted it and need to remain clean and sober. Giving up alcohol has been tough, after a tough week, or a family crisis averted it just relaxes me.

I don't have time for a detailed workout for tonight but here are a few post workout pics. Post gym weight was 230.6 in these pics.



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Just pieced this together. 4-week difference between left and right. Granted I'm flexing in one but there have been lots of positive changes in a short time frame.


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Haven't updated in awhile. Work has been crazy. I increased test this week from 500mg/week to 600mg/week just to see if there was any benefit, I have lots of Test E laying around now. Workouts have been great, my weight has kind of plateaued but I haven't changed my diet much at all so I didn't expect it to. I started focusing more on consistency and strength. Honestly my lower back was sore from the dbol and when I quit it, it got better but lately my IT band, lower back and hammies are tight all the damn time. This is the end of week 8, so I'll pinch tomorrow and reassess the diet. It hasn't been nearly as clean as I had hoped. I'm starting a new job soon so my schedule has been all over the place as I get things sorted out for that. I feel like the last week wasn't a waste but I could have done better.

Still sitting steady at 230-233lbs from where I started at 212. Here's a quick pic from last night.



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Hey boss how's it going over here?
It's going, started a new job so I've been almost too busy to update but I'm still on cycle. Still hitting the gym 5-6 days a week and trying to stay on diet as much as possible. I've been craving the bad stuff lately but the wife keeps me on track. If I were single is probably have Taco Bell a couple days a week ahaha. Tonight is a new back routine that I'm really excited for so I'll try and post a proper update then. I haven't had a body fat pinch in two weeks but my last weigh in was still around 233lbs. Strength keeps going up and weight is holding steady, I haven't had time to increase calories (properly) so I've just been on the same macros but allowing a cheat here and there.

Hope all is well with you man!


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Here's the latest update pic, small changes here and there. I'm going to increase calories and see if I can get to 240lb in 3-4 weeks before my last pin. These pics are only a week a part, like I said, small changes are coming through but my strength continues to climb and I've been able to heal faster, recover quicker, and remain injury free. That is an amazing accomplishment in itself.



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Weighed in at 229.8lbs this morning and pinched at 13.04% BF.
Ordered some 18g pins and finally some 3cc 25g, 1" pins(luer lock). I've been drawing with a 5cc syringe and a 25g pin, swapping pins to a new 25g and injecting. I'm looking forward to a faster draw and a smoother inject with the 3cc.

March 24th was day 1 on the pic, I weighed 212.4lbs



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Alright so I need advice, I'm in the middle of week 10 and decided to do a show. Do I stay on cycle a bit longer? Do I stop at week 12 and keep to my plan with 2 weeks off then PCT? The thing is, my coach is going to want me to start cutting fairly soon. Competition is first week of October...any thoughts?


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Still sitting at 233.1lbs at week 11. Body fat is staying fairly low from where I started and strength continues to increase. I was kinda iffy on whether or not I was happy with the progress of this cycle but I made a before and after pic today and holy cow! Here's today's pic, not much of a pump as it was leg day and I'm going easy the past few days, minor back strain.



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If you feel good you could just cruise at a lower dosage


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If you feel good you could just cruise at a lower dosage
I thought about it but I am gonna pct and wait a bit and start cutting and then jump on cycle again. Trying to plan better for next time and time it around a show.


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Good morning. No pump, post breakfast. Last week of cycle. From 212lbs to this...



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Pinned last 300mg Test this morning of this cycle. I start PCT in 2 weeks. Gonna finish off HCG probably by next week, not going to bother mixing another vial just for a week of HCG. The 5,000iu's time out perfectly with my cycle.

Having some back pain this week and have been pushing through it but I'm gonna take a couple days off from the gym and maybe just work on mobility, and maybe some yoga type work.

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