My 1st product log, Balthazar gets Jack'd Up


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I would first like to say thank you double s at Mind and Muscle for giving me this log opportunity. I am reviewing the pwo Jack'd Up by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals.

In this log I am going to focus on the qualitative aspects of my training while using the product and focus less on numbers or routine but may mention specific highlights of the day. Here is a direct link to my training log if you're curious:

Jack'd Up claims to "Produce an intense sensation of energy, Increase speed, power, and endurance, and Experience extreme pumps and strength.

Upon initial use I would agree with all of these points. My sessions generally run between 1.5 and 2 hours and today I felt great drive and focus all the way through. All of my rest periods were noticeably shorter and even when I was deep into the workout and could feel that my body was getting a little tired I had a big mental push and felt totally unhindered.

Because I focus on olympic lifts and variations all of my sessions require as much speed and explosive power as I can generate. You know that feeling where you can sense a difficult attempt is coming up and your brain gets the best of you and tries to shut your effort down? I had absolutely none of that today, hit all my attempts at the appropriate numbers and felt like I could push through more if I wanted for some. I've been doing some lift complex work where each set is completed in as strict and rhythmic a manner with no pause in between reps and this stuff really bolstered those sets.
I hit 165 lbs for snatch + hang snatch x3 which is 10 more lbs than last week and felt easier.

As for pumps I can't really comment as much as a bodybuilding type guy but I have added in some higher volume stuff to stimulate hypertrophy in some select areas that are really neglected otherwise. I did 5x8 today for CG OHP and my triceps felt hard as a rock afterward. As for strength I definitely killed it today for anything that was heavier weight. I finished front squats at 205x5+2, honestly I could have done 5 to 7 extra but I'm really focusing on speed for those and cut it off at +2 because anything after that would have been slow. I did chinese DL and finished with 215x5 and it was fast and easy, and if you don't know what those are look them up, they're gnarly.

Some other stuff to mention:
I have watermelon flavor, it tastes just like a watermelon dum dum lollipop. Pleasant flavor but I could say on the verge of being cloyingly sweet.

I have been on a stim heavy PWO kick lately and I've tried other products with a similar formula so I went directly for the 3 scoops and it was perfect. At that dosage it makes for 15 servings which won't last me long, but for somebody else who has low stim tolerance 30 to 45 servings would be long lasting and make the product amount high value.

Overall I am very satisfied with this product and extremely appreciative. I'm excited to see my numbers after I've finished the bottle!
double s

double s

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Wow, 3 scoops... Daamn...following intently


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following along! been looking at this stuff for a while now!


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welcome aboard everybody!

well i work as a package delivery driver and this as some of you might know is the month from hell for me. Work has gotten too busy to lift at night so I've opted, starting today, to get up before work to get my sessions in. Jack'd Up is really helping, talk about going from groggy to totally wide eyed! I started my session at about 5 30 this morning and to be so totally in to it and full of energy was not only huge, it was a little disorienting lol because I'm so used to lifting at night when it's dark at this time of year.

Rest time was way down for anything but the most difficult attempts which helps a lot to get it all in before work. Today was my 85% or less day for snatch and variations so I had a lot of 5 rep attempts in there. I started to breath pretty heavy for some of the more difficult high rep attempts and the normal muscle fatigue that would follow at that point was not there at all.

Some highlights of the day were:

155x5 hang snatch, this is a difficult attempt for me and I blasted through it in a totally rhythmic manner with no pause in between reps, just setting the weight down into position and setup for the next rep and straight back up, pretty easy for a difficult set lol.

185x3 for snatch which is a tie for triples PR, this weight has been totally hit or miss for more than 1 lately, this time I hit 1, failed the second, regrouped and then completed 2 more.
195x2 for snatch which is a doubles PR, the first rep was pretty rough but again I calmed down regrouped and hit the second pretty much perfect.

I think that although I faltered on these two difficult sets a little it's still a testament to the effectiveness of this product. A lot of the time when you have rough form or fail at a difficult attempt for o lifts, it wrecks your confidence even if you have more potential in you to put out. This stuff really helps you putting out your full potential efforts, all I had to do was re focus and say to myself that it wasn't a failure in effort but execution and I was able to clean up my form both times and knock out some tough stuff.

I really think with the aid of this stuff it's going to help me get through with solid effort hitting the weights all the while when work is getting really tough!
double s

double s

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I give you all the credit in the world for readdressing your schedule and working with it.


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I give you all the credit in the world for readdressing your schedule and working with it.
Well thank you sir. I feel that I'm on a roll now and am willing to make the necessary changes to stay consistent and keep improving my lifts.

Well I would have to report more of the same about this very effective product:fing02: Got up early again today and was out warming up at 530. By the time I had gotten through that I could feel it coming on strong. Once again a big push in motivation and energy. My focus was sharp. My rest time was way down again for all but the most difficult sets. Currently I train at home outside and I was running through my sets with such intensity and little rest that I was hot and sweating for about 90% of the session while in freezing temperatures.

My highlights of the day were:

195x5 for power clean, honestly I think I had a couple more if I tried.

235x3 for clean which is a new triples PR. I would have to say the extra kick from this pwo is really what made the difference. I had kind of been in a rut with cleans for heavy sets for a while and really stayed away from it while doing some complex/tempo work to solidify my form with lighter percentages. I knew that I was more than strong enough to pull this weight high enough and it was more of a question of completing the turn over into rack position cleanly enough to make a good setup to squat it up. I think the added focus really helped keep my turnover tight and consistent for all 3 and the extra power helped me stand up with it because I really had to grind it out on the last 2.

I really think having the added energy is helping with the start of my workday too! First off knowing that I'm going to get up and train makes me more motivated to start the day. Even though I've exerted myself quite a bit because I move directly to starting my work day I feel fluid and limber already compared to getting up later and then going in. The effects last long enough that I'm a couple hours into my day before they wear off and I'm pretty much in my groove by then.


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well i would call today my first less than stellar day, but I would attribute that to a few factors:

my change in schedule catching up with me and not being adjusted yet.

i didn't sleep well last night

i hit the last two sessions pretty hard and didn't quite feel recovered this morning

i've worked 18 out of the last 21 days with a moderately heavy to heavy workload each day.

i guess you could say that Jack'd Up helped get me through today rather than push me beyond expectations, but I'm still definitely happy with that. I think that if I hadn't used it I would have said F this I'm going back to bed by the first difficult set I had. Rest times were still down, it's really helping me keep focus to pack in a full session in the limited time I have before work. Even though I was sore and a little run down it still kept me wide awake and on point as well as feeling strong enough to hit all my numbers. I still improved at some lifts even.

Highlights for the day:
155x5 snatch balance, this is a tie for best lift at this weight. I can OH squat quite a bit more so it's more of a challenge to my upper body. the last time i tried it felt difficult and I pretty much breezed through it this time.

225x5 chinese DL. I'm pretty new to these and it's recommended to start out slow and work your way up because it's an advanced lift. If you can do your snatch 1rm for reps you're on target. That's 20 lbs over my snatch 1rm and it felt fast and explosive coming up every rep. that just tells me i've got more in the tank for snatch and i've just got to tighten up my form and work up to it.

100x8 close grip OHP, my isolated upper body strength is pretty weak in comparison to some of these power lifter and or body building guys so I'm pretty happy with that lift. adding in higher volume on triceps work builds confidence in locking out and handling heavier weights over head as you add muscularity so that's my goal

still a decent day. tomorrow and my day off training and the next day is off from work so i expect good recovery and a big lift day for sunday!
double s

double s

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No shame in takking a day or 2 off. Recently went to Barbados, asked the hotel about gym, brought some supps etc but when I arrived decide to take the week off. Best thing I did, rested all the muscles, no supps, kind of cleaning/detoxing the system...felt great.

Came back and into action again I ride.


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No shame in takking a day or 2 off. Recently went to Barbados, asked the hotel about gym, brought some supps etc but when I arrived decide to take the week off. Best thing I did, rested all the muscles, no supps, kind of cleaning/detoxing the system...felt great.

Came back and into action again I ride.
Yeah I misspoke in my last post as I thought I was a day ahead, so it turned out that I took a day off and when I realized it was only saturday and I still had to work I went with your advice and took another one. This coming week is my last six day week for the hellish holiday peak delivery season so I might tone it down a bit and get some extra rest. I already feel like I'm worn down to a nub.

Today was a pretty good day. I just kind of took it easy, slept in, ate a lot of food and waited to hit the weights until the early afternoon. Honestly although the extra day off was definitely beneficial I feel so tight from not hitting my typical ROM through different lifts that it's down right uncomfortable. On top of that because I'm usually so used to being extremely active, when I find myself not doing anything I get unfocused, more unmotivated and kind of down lol. Well I drank down some Jack'd Up and started stretching/warming up and that all changed:

Once again rest time was down and I was working up a good sweat. Honestly I think I might lose some body fat by the time I've run this log just by virtue of completing all my sets in less time. Today was snatch day and all of my pulls felt snappy and powerful for it and the other variations. This stuff really helped knock out all the cobwebs in my mind because to tell the truth I would say that the past 2 or 3 days I've really felt low energy and kind of weak. I even felt strong enough to attempt a new 1 rm for snatch. I missed 3 attempts but had the power to get it all the way overhead and under it every time which is still decent. I just had poor bar path, otherwise it would have been mine.

Highlights of the day:

Hang Power Snatch 155x3 New PR
I'm pretty novice at this variation but felt really strong at this and ultimately this is what's going to really tighten up my 3rd pull form, so to hit this attempt made me feel pretty good.

Hang Snatch 175x3 New PR
I've never even hit this for more than a single so quite frankly I crushed it.

Klokov Press 100x9
Couldn't quite squeak out 10 but that's 5 more lbs and 1 more rep than last time I attempted it. I just started doing them for hypertrophy volume because it's pretty important to try and build up everything around the shoulder sockets to deal with the added stress as I continue to improve at snatch.


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Got up early to get at it again today. Felt wide awake and on point with a lot of energy this morning. As always rest time was down and I worked up a pretty good sweat. My overall strength was pretty far off today but I would attribute that to some other issues. Last weeks crazy amount of volume at work caught up with me this week. I did over 600 deliveries which sucked. As such I've been battling an inflamed SI joint which I attribute to work but am trying to rehab while still getting some training in. Also I had a pretty terrible GI bug whose acute symptoms hit me about 2 nights ago. With a little extra rest and a lot of greek yogurt my body knocked it out by the next day but I feel like that is the biggest reason why my strength is down.

I don't really have anything I would call a highlight to share today. It was more like one of those days where you just put in the time and effort to hit some numbers that will keep you from getting rusty and you just hang in there until the next "good" day comes. I'm still overall highly satisfied. I've only used this stuff for 5 workouts now and I've hit several PRs. it's helping me get up early which is a big deal, on those days I still feel really energized when I get to work, and it's helping me get through the tough workouts on down days as well as still put in decent effort despite all the added volume at work.
double s

double s

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Have those go thru the motions days, always a mind game with me, do I want to take the day off and recoup or at least go and do the movements


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well i'm happy to report a much better workout today. the SI joint is pretty much normal again and everything else felt on point. A ton of energy and focus today. I did quite a few sets and still kept it all within an hour and a half. Pretty much sweat the whole time, only resting enough to set up the next weight, take a sip of water and record my last set. I don't think I could get through as many sets with equivalent lifts in as little time without having the added boost this provides. My strength levels felt up to par today and I had a number of really good and explosive lifts. As mentioned before this stuff is also really helpful because the increase in focus and energy lasts hours after my workout and keeps me jazzed up to get through the beginning of the workday.

Highlights of the day:

Snatch Grip DL + Touch&Go Snatch 175x2, one more than the last workout attempted at this weight

Snatch Balance 165x5, 10 more lbs than last workout

Chinese DL, 225x5, since the SI joint felt mostly normal I tried this starting pretty light and was able to work right up to where I left off

Looking forward to another good day tomorrow, and I'm definitely going to need to get Jack'd Up for 5 30 AM


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another good workout in the books yesterday. got up early before work and once again jack'd up had me going in a way that would be difficult to muster without its aid at 5 30 in the morning. another workout of high energy and focus, on point the whole time and sweating in freezing temperatures. Once again managed to pack in a whole bunch in only an hour and a halfs time. My pulls for the different lifts all felt snappy and strong, focus was very high on and therefore form was tight for all but the most difficult attempts.


front squat 215x5, because of my limited time in the morning i take this pwo and pretty much get right to it because i don't have the extra time to wait for it to kick in. it usually takes my warm up time and then a few working sets before it comes on. for the squats i do 3 working sets up to my top attempt then break back down and work back up. the first 3 sets felt a little heavy but by the second 3 jack'd up starts its magic. the last set felt good and was much faster than the 1st attempt at that weight.

power clean 205x5 New PR, first attempt for 5 at this weight and there was no doubt i'd get it. might have even been able to squeak out 1 or 2 more. although i'll have to work up to it, technically this should put me well over my current 1rm.

klokov press 105x8, last rep was a total grinder to finish and i might have given up on it without a little extra aid coursing through my blood.

once again very thrilled with the effectiveness. i'm pretty much at my wits end with work right now and this is still helping me push through with putting work in at the weights.


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glad to hear the workouts are coming along nicely. If you have any questions hit me up


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another very solid day. got up early again and had plenty of energy and drive to crank it out. i had some really deep focus and managed to complete some very difficult attempts that i wasn't even sure that i would. maybe on my best day with plenty of food and extra rest i would manage, but at 5 30 in the morning without this stuff, no way.


hang power snatch 150x5 PR, first time i've even tried this weight

hang snatch 165x5 PR, i don't think i've even completed more than a double for this one

snatch 175x5 PR, huge for me, a triple is the best attempt before this for this weight. intense focus and determination. the last two i pretty much pulled to the minimum height that i could get under but bar path was excellent and i stood up with every one in a totally balanced and stable manner.


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If you had to sum the product up right now how would you?
Have you ever used the original jacked from USPlabs?


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If you had to sum the product up right now how would you?
Have you ever used the original jacked from USPlabs?
i've tried the original jack3d before and i would say they're equally effective. the way i feel about it is that on most days this stuff is going to help you dig deep and achieve your full capability on that day when otherwise you probably won't.

the only negative i would give is that at full dosage there are only 15 servings. but in saying that i would also point out that if you're sensitive to stims you won't need a full dose. and to be fair again to Jack'd Up, most products of this nature have serving sizes and total volume geared toward people that range from stim sensitive to moderately sensitive, so I would say that it's a good value. if you really want it to totally knock your socks off get your stim tolerance down and then go buy a bottle.


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i've tried the original jack3d before and i would say they're equally effective. the way i feel about it is that on most days this stuff is going to help you dig deep and achieve your full capability on that day when otherwise you probably won't.

the only negative i would give is that at full dosage there are only 15 servings. but in saying that i would also point out that if you're sensitive to stims you won't need a full dose. and to be fair again to Jack'd Up, most products of this nature have serving sizes and total volume geared toward people that range from stim sensitive to moderately sensitive, so I would say that it's a good value. if you really want it to totally knock your socks off get your stim tolerance down and then go buy a bottle.
thanks for the great reply man!


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another early day today and everything was stellar. I did a lot of volume for me and still packed it all into 1.5 hours so i could make work in time. I must sound like a broken record but it's testament to the consistent effectiveness of this product. Rest time was way down for all but the most difficult sets. I pretty much set up my next weight, took a sip of water, recorded in my log, took a few deep breaths and was at my next attempt each time. I felt very powerful, with explosive pulls and overall total strength was right up there. I hit everything I wanted to today and was able to dig deep for a couple sets that were pretty difficult.

highlights of the day:

Hang Clean 195x5 PR, it's pretty difficult just to hang on to this weight for unbroken reps sometimes and today it wasn't, form was tight and it felt relatively easy to stand up with it each time

Clean 215x5 PR, I've really been skipping higher volume stuff for the o lifts but figured i should break back down to try and build up my base more. i definitely haven't tried a maximal effort for 5 at clean in a long time. Squatting up the weight for the last to was pretty tough because I had already done a ton of volume for assistance lifts but I ground it out.

Good day, hopefully I can keep the improvements coming at higher percentages.


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huge day today! peak season is finally over and i had such a light day at work that it was only a partial day. I had enough time to workout after work and with enough rest last night and plenty of food I felt awesome. One set after the other at such a fast pace, I was totally unfazed by all but the most difficult efforts. I went up in weight at every movement that I attempted to do. I actually had two different exercises that I hit within 5% of my previous 1rm for 3 repetitions which is huge. I also went up in weight for two very difficult and technical complexes without much trouble. Jack'd Up definitely had me going.

Snatch Balance 185x3 First time I've attempted this weight at all, went very smooth

Power Snatch 175x3, Current 1 RM is 185, should break at next attempt

Power Clean 225x3 Current 1 RM is 235, should smash that soon

Snatch Grip DL + Touch&Go Snatch 185x2, 10 more lbs than last attempt

Clean + Hang Clean x3 10 more lbs than last attempt

I was a real PR train today lol!


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another big day. was able to get a session in after satisfying all of the familial holiday duties and it was great. i felt particularly amped today, sometimes I think that although this stuff is still highly effective at any time of day that when i wake up real early it's bringing me up out of a deficit as compared to the afternoon when i've already been wakeful and alert for awhile. pretty much hit everything i wanted to and improved at several lifts. the added focus really helped me stick out a really difficult set at snatch where my form was a little rough because it was a really high percentage lift for that volume.

highlights of the day:

hang power snatch 165x3 PR, these are really helping heavier weights for full snatch go up a lot easier

snatch 195x3 PR, really huge for me, only 10 lbs less than my current 1rm so hopefully i will be breaking that soon!

pause over head squat 195x5 PR, this is really helping me be patient and have the base strength to stick out really difficult snatch attempts where the form is a little rough

although i would in large part attribute it to the fact that i'm still pretty novice at this type of training, everyday that i've felt good and have been using this product I've had significant improvements at most lifts. very satisfied!


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another big day. was able to get a session in after satisfying all of the familial holiday duties and it was great. i felt particularly amped today, sometimes I think that although this stuff is still highly effective at any time of day that when i wake up real early it's bringing me up out of a deficit as compared to the afternoon when i've already been wakeful and alert for awhile. pretty much hit everything i wanted to and improved at several lifts. the added focus really helped me stick out a really difficult set at snatch where my form was a little rough because it was a really high percentage lift for that volume.

highlights of the day:

hang power snatch 165x3 PR, these are really helping heavier weights for full snatch go up a lot easier

snatch 195x3 PR, really huge for me, only 10 lbs less than my current 1rm so hopefully i will be breaking that soon!

pause over head squat 195x5 PR, this is really helping me be patient and have the base strength to stick out really difficult snatch attempts where the form is a little rough

although i would in large part attribute it to the fact that i'm still pretty novice at this type of training, everyday that i've felt good and have been using this product I've had significant improvements at most lifts. very satisfied!
Glad to hear things are feeling good for ya and nice to see some strength improvements aye!


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i'm hoping for a 5 to 10% increase for 1rm at snatch the next time i try it


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another great workout today. packed in a lot of volume for me in only and hour and a half with the help of Jack'd Up. Got quite a few heavy and or technically difficult lifts in with low rest periods and cranked right through it all. Plenty of extra focus helps quite a bit when performing some of the more technically demanding lifts. Consistently making improvements in weight and volume at everything I attempt to.

Highlights of the Day

Front Squat 215x5(+2), my best lift for this volume is 230x5 but it was a total grinder, it's more important for me to work at weights with reasonable rep speed so I dropped down in weight and am working back up, I'm already getting close.

Hang Clean 215x3, the pull on these is so short the most difficult part is having the speed to get under while keeping tight bar path for a good turnover into rack position. Not to mention the added stress of keeping the reps unbroken. Good form, felt very fast and powerful.

OHP 135x6, my upper body strength is lack luster so any improvement is excellent. One more rep at the same weight previously attempted, that set was a grinder and all of these reps were fast and powerful!

I'm sad to see that the bottle is emptying out lol.


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Another wonderful day working out today, failed a couple projected lifts for volume but got close. Otherwise many things were consistent or improved. Tried training with Jack'd Up on a fast this morning which is pretty different for me and it worked out well. My legs were a little burnt out from yesterday but my pulls still felt reasonably snappy. Packed in a ton of volume and this stuff kept me on point as always. Actually it was quite necessary to keep the rest time down because it was about 15 degrees out this morning when I started. I just stepped inside by the wood stove for a moment between each set and by the time I got my core temperature high the temperature outside was no object.

Highlights of the Day:

Snatch Balance 175x5 PR 10 more lbs for this volume than last attempt, I'm going to need to quickly improve my tricep strength to get stronger lockouts at the rate I'm improving at this lift

Power Snatch 155x5 PR pulls all felt tight and snappy for this one, really gotta get it up there as opposed to variations where you make a full dip under it.

Snatch + Hang Snatch x3 175x1 Failed last attempt, got it this time. Good focus got me through on this one and I squeaked it out without too much difficulty.

An added credit to Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals-It looks like there might be one extra serving than advertised in my bottle, awesome lol


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Another wonderful day working out today, failed a couple projected lifts for volume but got close. Otherwise many things were consistent or improved. Tried training with Jack'd Up on a fast this morning which is pretty different for me and it worked out well. My legs were a little burnt out from yesterday but my pulls still felt reasonably snappy. Packed in a ton of volume and this stuff kept me on point as always. Actually it was quite necessary to keep the rest time down because it was about 15 degrees out this morning when I started. I just stepped inside by the wood stove for a moment between each set and by the time I got my core temperature high the temperature outside was no object.

Highlights of the Day:

Snatch Balance 175x5 PR 10 more lbs for this volume than last attempt, I'm going to need to quickly improve my tricep strength to get stronger lockouts at the rate I'm improving at this lift

Power Snatch 155x5 PR pulls all felt tight and snappy for this one, really gotta get it up there as opposed to variations where you make a full dip under it.

Snatch + Hang Snatch x3 175x1 Failed last attempt, got it this time. Good focus got me through on this one and I squeaked it out without too much difficulty.

An added credit to Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals-It looks like there might be one extra serving than advertised in my bottle, awesome lol
Bonus servings are always great.


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Another early day today and things went pretty well. I improved my 1rm at 2 different snatch variations but failed to at snatch which was pretty disappointing but I feel like that was more of a mental block than anything. I woke up pretty tired due to poor sleep so the added stimulation from this product was much needed. I also worked out fasted so even though I failed to improve at snatch I still hit 100% of my current 1rm so I'm reasonably happy about that. I kept a fast pace like normal and packed a good amount of volume into a relatively short amount of time. I was so ravenously hungry by the end that I felt like I could have run down a deer in the snow covered woods lol. Even though I failed to go up at snatch at this attempt I've improved my variations for this lift so much that as long as I keep pounding away at it I'm confident I will have drastic improvement.


Hang Power Snatch 185x1 PR

Hang Snatch 195x1 PR

Klokov Press 125x5, failed this one for this volume last time, got it this time!


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well i've been slacking on this posting this but this was actually from 12/31/15. This was another early day training fasted at 5 30 AM. Everything went pretty well except that I irritated my SI joint again during so I feel like my effort was compromised a little because of that. I still had a few good lifts and I completed everything in good time with little rest. This workout also makes 16 servings at 3 scoops which as mentioned before was more than advertised and there's even a touch more but not quite another full serving.


Front Squat (220x5)x2, felt pretty strong here but also unfortunately I think this is what cause the SI flare up

Hang Clean 225x1, PR really felt like I could've got a double here if not for aforementioned reason

OHP 120x8 I'm going up pretty steady at these and am happy about it

I searched for this guy in product review and couldn't find it listed but will give a overall review here. I suppose I will start with the neutral/negative stuff so I can end on a good note:

Flavor: I wasn't really a fan of watermelon but it wasn't really bad, more like just not what I expected. It's perfectly palatable and some might like it.

Dosage: As mentioned previously in this thread at a full dose of 3 scoops, 15 servings doesn't seem like that much but again in all fairness I think for price vs volume and quality/effectiveness this product is comparable to many others. One would probably have a hard time finding better value. And if you are stim sensitive you won't a need a full dose.

DMAA: This stuff is highly effective but I also feel like it's easy to gain a tolerance to. Partly because I had already been using some stim heavy PWO previously I was able to start at 3 scoops so once I was a ways through the bottle some of the magic started to wear off a little. But I will say again, if you're already sensitive or get your tolerance down to stims in general, starting at less than a full dose will make the bottle last longer and give you the ability to increase dosage to counteract tolerance acquired.

Now the Good stuff:

This product came through for me with all of its claims. Every workout that I used it I was able to do more in less time because I felt like I needed less rest and I was totally on point with every attempt and just getting through what I had planned for the day efficiently. I used this product all while dealing with the most difficult volume of work for my job of the whole year, dealing with and inflamed SI joint and having to change my sleep schedule and workout time and still noticed consistently improved output in explosive power and strength throughout.

I broke personal records at many different lifts multiple times for multiple rep ranges, it was actually so much I was too lazy to account specifically for it all to post exact numbers here.

Not only did I improve but on some days and lifts my expectations were so exceeded that it was in fact, surprising.

I don't currently do much hypertrophy work but at all the lifts that I did everything was definitely pumped up and rock hard.

It's going to take some real motivation to try and keep up the pace that this extra kick in the butt provides me lol. I would recommend this product to anyone.

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