Must Read This ! "The One" is just DHT



whether its DHT, or Secret 17aa-cF1..alka-Prostanzonol-dildo......

if people are gaining serious pnds while on this (The One), and not feeling sh*tty then I am in, like i said I did Superdrol back in "06" and gained a good amount of muscle quick but then starting feeling the bad sides so i stopped. All this methlyated crap is bad for you. All this stuff is shady, who gives a f*ck, dont take it then if the ingredients are sketching you out


whether its DHT, or Secret 17aa-cF1..alka-Prostanzonol-dildo......

if people are gaining serious pnds while on this (The One), and not feeling sh*tty then I am in, like i said I did Superdrol back in "06" and gained a good amount of muscle quick but then starting feeling the bad sides so i stopped. All this methlyated crap is bad for you. All this stuff is shady, who gives a f*ck, dont take it then if the ingredients are sketching you out
yep! exactly bro, if people are getting legit gains and low sides, who cares about what some tool with no credibility is preaching.


Using outdated terminology to obfuscate chemical names is a little shady but it's pretty much an industry-wide practice so I don't see how this is shocking. It still tells you exactly the same thing if you care to understand the naming.


Never enough
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But how is it "outdated" when its the chemistry standard naming? Outdated would mean "no longer in use", but that naming structure is currently used all the time.


Using outdated terminology to obfuscate chemical names is a little shady but it's pretty much an industry-wide practice so I don't see how this is shocking. It still tells you exactly the same thing if you care to understand the naming.
its not outdated, the term used is very prevalent.


You can't put a case to rest that you never started. I'm still waiting for you to state ONE sentence in the article was factual that disagrees with anything stated in our posts about The ONE. Factual, not his opinion, or "probably". The only thing where he has a little bit of a point is as of what date the compound was first mentioned, and so maybe by oversight we were off by 2 years. I don't see the compound that is The ONE mentioned directly in that patent, but I may have missed it, or it might be referred to generically, I only looked at compound names rather than reading all of the patent.
A patent that old would be expired right now.


I'm on a cycle of M5AA & i have not gain 5+ pounds in a week like "The One".

I do have a question tho for you guy that are on it. Have you notice any boost in libido,aggression, Hardening? like Methly DHT steroids? would be great if i can use "The One" as a pre workout replacement for MDHT & M5AA


Never enough
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I'm on a cycle of M5AA & i have not gain 5+ pounds in a week like "The One".

I do have a question tho for you guy that are on it. Have you notice any boost in libido,aggression, Hardening? like Methly DHT steroids? would be great if i can use "The One" as a pre workout replacement for MDHT & M5AA
it does raise those, and noticeable hardening as well. Not really sure how well it would work as a preworkout only tho, it has fairly long lasting effect. Maybe :D


But how is it "outdated" when its the chemistry standard naming? Outdated would mean "no longer in use", but that naming structure is currently used all the time.
Well perhaps the issue is that the industry won't choose one or the other. Really all it does is make me have to look at a chart to see which one is which but still I don't see the point of not using the most recognizable name.


Never enough
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Well perhaps the issue is that the industry won't choose one or the other. Really all it does is make me have to look at a chart to see which one is which but still I don't see the point of not using the most recognizable name.
:D i'm not really sure which is most recognizable, I tend to have to think about it when I see the Androstan style nomenclature. You could also call it


Thats really the only 3 legally acceptable names. We're not trying to hide anything by the name choice that we use, unlike using methyltheobromine or theine or something like that for caffeine. With caffeine, there is a common name that everyone can agree on :D


O.G. Appnut
  • Established
Hello Everyone,

I know something was wrong with the hype around "The One". This compound is nothing more than DHT and therefore it cannot do anything more to you than just increase aggression and focus.

For those of you interested in "The One" you should read this acticle from a credible German lab

New designer steroid The One is really just Methyl-DHT

New designer steroid The One is really just Methyl-DHT

The American supplement manufacturer Applied Nutriceuticals is waging a marketing campaign on the bodybuilding message boards for its new designer supplement The One. The product contains a steroid that has never been on the market before, an oxime. And because oximes are unknown in doping circles, the manufacturers are taking a bit of license with the truth, describing The One as a miracle drug.

According to the label, The One contains 17a-methyl etioallocholan 17b-ol 3-hydroxyimine. The name is outdated: etioallocholan is the old name for dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, the masculinising metabolite in testosterone. DHT doesn’t really build muscles, but it does cause the typically male side effects, such as increased aggression.

In the DDR – the communist part of Germany before the fall of the Berlin wall – the dictatorship did experiments with the 17 alpha-methyl analogue of DHT on athletes. The code name given to that steroid was STS 646. From the East Germans’ experiments it became clear that STS 646 was not a good muscle builder, but it did make athletes more aggressive and better focused. The East Germans therefore gave it to team players, just before an important match.

The substance that The One contains bears a striking resemblance to methyl-DHT. The structural formula is shown here. According to the manufacturer, one capsule of The One contains 22.5 mg of the stuff. The recommended dose is three to four capsules per day.

The steroid in question is an oxime. You can read more about oximes in Chapter 17 of the Anabolics Book. Oximes are prohormones. The acid in the stomach converts the oxime in The One into 17 alpha-methyl-DHT.

In the postings that Applied Nutriceuticals employees are bombarding the message boards with you can read that The One is ‘the only steroid you’ll ever need’. Hence

the name. And the company posts graphs like the one below, in which a tester is supposed to have gained more than eight kilograms of dry mass as a result of taking The One. Yeah, yeah.

The company also writes that this ‘completely new steroid’ was first described in an article published in Steroids in 1966. [ 01-05-2009] [Steroids. 1966 Aug;8(2):209-18.] Now, we just happen to have past editions of Steroids in the attic, alongside our old comics. And when we started to search, we found the data that we’ve published below. Steroid XVI is the oxime in The One.

According to this table – which is based on animal tests – 17 alpha-methyl-3-oxime is 3.8 times more anabolic than testosterone (I) and 1.6 times as androgenic. By the way, IV is DHT, VII is 1-testosterone and XX is stanozolol. You’ll also come across these figures in postings about The One on the message boards. But the point is that they are not applicable here. If you read the 1966 article, you’ll learn that the researchers base their figures on tests in which they injected rats with the steroids. Blood is less acid than stomach acid. The oxime probably remains intact for much longer in the blood than in the stomach, where it changes rapidly into methyl-DHT. The promising figures in the table will remain illusory if you take The One.

That the oxime was first described in the 1966 article is also not the case. In 1963, three years earlier, Robert Mazur a chemist working for Searle, filed a patent for a series of DHT oximes. That patent, US Patent 3,211,756, also covers the steroid in The One.

The same goes for The One as for other designer steroids: at best you'll be a guinea pig for a substance that has never been properly tested on humans. At worst, well...

Just stumbled on this after one hella sweet workout... however, I digress......

thelix, does it bother you at all that you are an idiot?

A brilliantly inaccurate article by an unnamed author..............


Just stumbled on this after one hella sweet workout... however, I digress......

thelix, does it bother you at all that you are an idiot?

A brilliantly inaccurate article by an unnamed author..............

It would bother me...if that comment came from someone I respect....definitely not you !

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I am not even reading this thread. is a terrible source of information and I have seen a lot of terrible science there. Not just this situation, but with a ton of stuff. Read through some other posts. That site is bogus. It's like T-nation, but worse. They created that to try to get some attention, that's all.

/thread for me.


I'm on a cycle of M5AA & i have not gain 5+ pounds in a week like "The One".

I do have a question tho for you guy that are on it. Have you notice any boost in libido,aggression, Hardening? like Methly DHT steroids? would be great if i can use "The One" as a pre workout replacement for MDHT & M5AA
Much harder for sure and I am not sure i would call it libido, but my girlfriend has offered to get me as many as I need and would like to have me taking this everyday for the rest of my life , LOL


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Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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It looks as if the "Hate" has spread to Nutra... WTF is wrong with people?


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Well, I meant "caffeine", but either way really :D
Well, let's just complete the major methylxanthines as follows: 1,3-dimethylxanthine (theophylline) and 3,7-dimethylxanthine (theobromine). :food:



stephanie doesnt know what she's talking about, who the f*ck is stephanie??


Never enough
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but apparently she's a big girl (over 200lbs) as she was dosing 4 caps a day


so people are really taking this stephanie blimp serious, u really think some manchild named stephanie took 4 caps of "the one" and she claims its bunk????


Never enough
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so people are really taking this stephanie blimp serious, u really think some manchild named stephanie took 4 caps of "the one" and she claims its bunk????
Hopefully not, as even if it was ordered first day, with overnight, stephanie couldnt have been taking it more than 10 days so far...


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threads gone from lame/retarded to . . . . Gender Transformations!

. . . Next we roll in the horse work :thumbsup:


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I am not even reading this thread. is a terrible source of information and I have seen a lot of terrible science there. Not just this situation, but with a ton of stuff. Read through some other posts. That site is bogus. It's like T-nation, but worse. They created that to try to get some attention, that's all.

/thread for me.
You're not the first to say something along these lines ;)

the ergo log site has some good info, its been around...

what a bunch of :newbie: lol
I'm not sure how well versed in organic chemistry the people on that site are though. I've known about that site for about three or four years (didn't have the log suffix in the name back then though). I remember reading one of the articles there and they were comparing two steroids and saying that they will likely elicit the same effects because their structures were similar...we all know how that goes. When I read that, it makes me wonder what their credentials are :think:

I've also seen them overstate a few other things, but they do seem to have some pretty interesting info there, none the less...hence why I have still been visiting the site over the past three or four years.

I'm not saying to discount what they have to say, I'm just saying that I wouldn't repeat it as the gospel.


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It has nothing to do with politics. You are consistently rude and offensive to others and reflect poor character.


Well I am looking forward to my run of " The ONE." I am basing my thoughts and positive attitude by those who are using The ONE and posting pictures and videos of there great results. I really dont care what some article says as the proof is by those who are actually using it.


New member
i cringed all the way through this thread, because my friend and i both ordered it today. good thing thats over with. i thought this was going to turn into another massfx lol.


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Look back to some of the reviews on mdht, and you'll read that most users reported drastic strength gains, agression (can be good or bad), hardness. Not too much in teh mass dept which fueld my skepticism toward the claim to put on 10-15lbs of pure muscle.

And the people who bought the one and running their own logs are probably making their log look "good" so they get sponsored with your next product. I just am finding it hard to believe anyone putting on 15-20 pounds in a couple weeks off this product that you guys claim. Just by reading the logs that arent on this board confirms my thoughts.
Honestly, I didn't think that the gains from this product would be as drastic as they are. That said, this often happens with a new compound...logs tend to be a tad inflated at the start and as time goes on the gains seem to level off. Will the avg user put on 20lbs a cycle with this stuff? Probably not.
But it does seem as though 10lbs for the avg user/cycle isn't out of the question...right? That's still a pretty solid number, and frankly higher than I'd have expected looking at this product on paper.

please post links to show, i'd like to see it. So far worst i've seen is up 4lbs in 12 days. Is that below what we said our average for our test group was? Sure. and thats what AVERAGE means, there are higher and lower. Is being up only 4lbs in 12 days along with being leaner and some strength gains a horrible thing? nope, I don't particularly see better results out there with any other product, short of maybe M1T, which is illegal.
I'd say that this is on par with superdrol in terms of effects (based on the logs thus far). Not too shabby.

I consider it deceptive since it is not a new and revolutionary compound, it is simply DHT at the end.

Secondly AN used an old name for dihydrotestosterone (etioallocholan) on purpose in the compound description. Maybe that would lead people to believe it is an newly developed chemical. Good try !!!
None of these compounds are "new" to science, but they are new to the supplement industry. This is the only compound as of yet to utilize the oxime technology. IMO, its pretty innovative as far as designer steroids go.

NOT TRUE AT ALL !!!! Let's read what a Biochemistry Journal says about the Methylated process?

Methylation is the biochemical process in which certain molecules transfer or donate a methyl group (-CH3) to other molecules. This donation of the one carbon molecule comes from other larger molecules called methyl donors, such as methionine, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) and betaine. They transfer this molecule to other ‘methyl acceptors’ with the help of ‘methyl carriers’ that are primarily supplied as folates or vitamin B12. Important acceptors include nucleic acids/DNA, proteins, phospholipids and biological amines.

Without this methylation process, these methyl acceptors do not function optimally and damage to cellular structures can occur. Studies have demonstrated that impaired methylation can be detrimental to many functions in the human body, contribute to cardiovascular disease and arthritis, and potentially be the genesis of cancer.
This has absolutely nothing to do with 17-alpha methylation of androgens.


Look back to some of the reviews on mdht, and you'll read that most users reported drastic strength gains, agression (can be good or bad), hardness. Not too much in teh mass dept which fueld my skepticism toward the claim to put on 10-15lbs of pure muscle.

And the people who bought the one and running their own logs are probably making their log look "good" so they get sponsored with your next product. I just am finding it hard to believe anyone putting on 15-20 pounds in a couple weeks off this product that you guys claim. Just by reading the logs that arent on this board confirms my thoughts.
I am running my own log. It is the truth. Lol...I dont need to make anything look good. Follow along if you desire. I'll continue the cycle till it has run its course with the proper food/water intake, exercise and sleep. If by the end I feel as though the product sucks, I have no problem stating that. The only intention I have with my log is for all to view and if I cant grow on it, Ill find another PH, I already have enough hobbies.

As with anything, if you havnt done it, you really dont have anything to say about it. Merely doing so without using the actual product, lends any statement made to be an assumption.


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Guys...fine, I made my point and raised interest from the community so that they can do their own research on The One, as I did mine, instead of jumping on the same bandwagon as everyone else.

I am not a master in chemistry, no, as is the case of 99.9% of the people in this forum. But I can read, and I can understand things.

Gains, we all make gains without PH or Roids, this is not the justification that The One works. Just change your diet. After all, food is the most anabolic thing there is. I gained 6lb myself after my PCT...

My case is put to rest.
There's no problem with raising questions...its what these boards are about. The key is to do your own research, especially when trying to argue your point. Simply calling a product "bunk" without really understanding the pharmacology is what pisses people off.

Honestly, I do see where the authors of that article are coming from...although they obviously don't completely understand what they are talking about. It certainly looks like a pro-drug to MDHT (not DHT), and very well may be...but it also has intrinsic activity itself which seems to be the major factor in its effectiveness.

I'm on a cycle of M5AA & i have not gain 5+ pounds in a week like "The One".

I do have a question tho for you guy that are on it. Have you notice any boost in libido,aggression, Hardening? like Methly DHT steroids? would be great if i can use "The One" as a pre workout replacement for MDHT & M5AA
You will likely get the androgenic effects that you mentioned, but I don't see this being as effective as MDHT for the pre-workout boost. Its not likely that you'll get the blood levels of MDHT necessary for the CNS stimulating effects to be as prevalent as you'd like. Think of it more as a time release the "release" of MDHT will be spread out over time as they are cleaved off. It won't be the instant burst that you'd get from ingesting straight MDHT.

Rx Lift

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There's no problem with raising questions...its what these boards are about. The key is to do your own research, especially when trying to argue your point. Simply calling a product "bunk" without really understanding the pharmacology is what pisses people off.

Honestly, I do see where the authors of that article are coming from...although they obviously don't completely understand what they are talking about. It certainly looks like a pro-drug to MDHT (not DHT), and very well may be...but it also has intrinsic activity itself which seems to be the major factor in its effectiveness.

You will likely get the androgenic effects that you mentioned, but I don't see this being as effective as MDHT for the pre-workout boost. Its not likely that you'll get the blood levels of MDHT necessary for the CNS stimulating effects to be as prevalent as you'd like. Think of it more as a time release the "release" of MDHT will be spread out over time as they are cleaved off. It won't be the instant burst that you'd get from ingesting straight MDHT.
This doesn't make any sense. If the oxime group is cleaved off in the stomach, there will be no intrinsic activity nor any "time release" of the MDHT. If the acidity of the stomach (this happens in other drugs) can cleave off that group then you are left with straight MDHT. Then the author is right, this is a pro-drug to MDHT and the conversion is occuring in the stomach rather then the liver.

But at the same time we have to go back and question the legitimacy of the original article that is claiming this. Can someone back through the research and find out anything on steroidal oxime groups being cleaved off in the stomach?


Never enough
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This doesn't make any sense. If the oxime group is cleaved off in the stomach, there will be no intrinsic activity nor any "time release" of the MDHT. If the acidity of the stomach (this happens in other drugs) can cleave off that group then you are left with straight MDHT. Then the author is right, this is a pro-drug to MDHT and the conversion is occuring in the stomach rather then the liver.

But at the same time we have to go back and question the legitimacy of the original article that is claiming this. Can someone back through the research and find out anything on steroidal oxime groups being cleaved off in the stomach?
I can say i've been told by a chemist that this isn't true, and that the oxime isn't cleaved off significantly faster in stomach than bloodstream. I don't have any studies offhand to back this up at the moment (but can look today), but then neither did the article writer. He did have "probably" though :)

We're not basing our statements of average gains of users off "probably", or off the A:A ratios in animal flesh in vitro, they are actual users gains, which are not consistent with a fast total conversion to MDHT. If it were, i'd expect MAX gains at 12 days to be 4lbs, minimal gains to even be some losses in some users, and strength to be up significantly in all users. None of which is the case.
Outside Backer

Outside Backer

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NOT TRUE AT ALL !!!! Let's read what a Biochemistry Journal says about the Methylated process?

Methylation is the biochemical process in which certain molecules transfer or donate a methyl group (-CH3) to other molecules. This donation of the one carbon molecule comes from other larger molecules called methyl donors, such as methionine, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) and betaine. They transfer this molecule to other ‘methyl acceptors’ with the help of ‘methyl carriers’ that are primarily supplied as folates or vitamin B12. Important acceptors include nucleic acids/DNA, proteins, phospholipids and biological amines.

Without this methylation process, these methyl acceptors do not function optimally and damage to cellular structures can occur. Studies have demonstrated that impaired methylation can be detrimental to many functions in the human body, contribute to cardiovascular disease and arthritis, and potentially be the genesis of cancer.
dude you are so far out of your league i would just quit if I were you and save face. you attempted a witch hunt, your source is as reputable as muscletechs nitrotech putting on 15lbs in a day ads you attempted to discredit. if you search all the one threads many times it was stated what everone in here but you has stated.

plus you are repeatedly getting owned left right up and down by quigs and many other non AN affiliated members with whom are light years more knowledgable then you are and yet you continue to dig yourself deeper

its as if you took the milk out of the fridge smelled that it was sour and put it back in the fridge hoping next time it wouldnt be sour

nice fail

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