Microdosing Dianabol????


New member
Hey all,
Has been years since I have been on this site, I actually had a message from 2012 so it has been almost 3 years now lol.

Anyways, long story short......got involved in drugs and all that crap and basically lost the little gains I had. I have been clean for about a year now but I just can't focus how I use to. I got a ton of anxiety, am unmotivated and just can't think clearly anymore. This is where I came up with an idea to microdose Dianabol!

Now I have read people talking about "microdosing" Dianabol or some other anabolic steroid but when I say micro I mean micro! I am wanting to do sublingual drops with each dose being 500 MICROGRAMS. I don't actually want to get the full effects of the steroid, I just want to see if it would up my testosterone levels a little, help with anxiety, clear my mind, give me some motivation back and put some confidence back in me.

My idea behind this is it won't shut down your own bodies testosterone levels and with the half life of Dianabol it should be totally eliminated from your blood stream within the 24 hours if not very close. I am thinking you would be free of any side effects such as elevated estrogen levels, acne, MPB, possibly gyno, liver problems etc. etc.

I just want a little boost of testosterone, something very small with only subtle effects. I am just not sure how well it would work. I am wondering if 500 mcg would be enough to exert its effects on its targeted receptors but only enough to produce some extra testosterone without shutting down your bodies own production and be free of all side effects? I mean 500 mcg could even be too much, I am not sure, I have never heard of anyone taking this small of an amount.

Does any of this make sense? I came up with the idea after reading about people who use opioids with micro doses of Naltrexone, it just got me to wondering how micro doses of an oral anabolic steroid would work. Maybe someone who is more knowledgeable about this would like to chime in or just throw in your ideas and what you think about it. Again, I wouldn't call this "testosterone replacement therapy" because I am not trying to replace it, I am simply trying to force my body to make more without shutting down my own.

Thank you,


New member
You may look up on some test booster rather than a useless dose of dbol


Dude just get some T-400 and do one shot a week! Try it you will be happy as hell.


New member
Dude just get some T-400 and do one shot a week! Try it you will be happy as hell.
Is T-400 like sustanon 250 on "roids"? I am looking for something I can do basically for a good while, I am talking about a year or so with minimizing any side effects. I seriously started thinning like a bitch at only 10mg dianabol and got a good amount of acne but my gains were ridiculous(in a good way) . I must respond very well to steroids.

I am only 26 years old btw 165 pounds and 6' tall.

So you recommend the T-400 at full dose once per week? Does this carry the risk of gyno? Would I have to cycle it and use some form of PCT?

Any insight would be welcomed.

Thank you,


Unless. T-400 is a oral test booster, but I'm sure it's testosterone enthanate 400mg/ml. You should get your test levels checked drugs can lower them, then your low and doc want to give you test for HRT then you have a script. I don't like the idea of micro dosing. I haven't seen a sublingual dbol yet. How do you know the dosing is accurate on the dbol instead of 500mcg you maybe only getting 100mcg. Might as well just do squats to raise your test.


Go with MuscleJs advice bro,, but for sure invest in some good test enth and cyp.


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2-3 doses a day, stacked with test ofcourse


New member
Hold on. So would something like test-e at 100mg once a week work with a small dose of dbol? Or just the test by itself?

For the record I was planing on making a 500mcg to 1 drop of DMSO solution. So each drop delivers 500mcg of Dianabol sublingually.

Put yourself in my shoes real quick. You are just wanting to up your test ever so lightly so you get a better quality of sleep, wake up feeling refreshed, have more energy throughout the day, relieve some anxiety and boost your concentration and motivation. Doing all this without having to cycle and to be as far away from side effects as possible. What would your stack be? Also, I got some MK677 I am waiting to get delivered and am hoping I benefit from an increase in IGF-1 too(honestly who wouldn't?).



???? Sorry bro, you lost me.You want to take in at least 400-500mg of some type of Test.. ok? If you want an oral as well it has to be at least 40-50mg per day Dbol, Drol, Var, Winny etc. Last but not least, if your diet isnt on point then your cycle will be a waste. But I reckon you know this,,You dont strike me as a dude who really wants to giver and really get bigger stronger,, kinda *****footin around. No diss man but you gotta go big or ,,, stick with 150grms of whey and 5-8grms of creatine per day and train hard. Hope you can figure it out.


Active member
Hold on. So would something like test-e at 100mg once a week work with a small dose of dbol? Or just the test by itself?

For the record I was planing on making a 500mcg to 1 drop of DMSO solution. So each drop delivers 500mcg of Dianabol sublingually.

Put yourself in my shoes real quick. You are just wanting to up your test ever so lightly so you get a better quality of sleep, wake up feeling refreshed, have more energy throughout the day, relieve some anxiety and boost your concentration and motivation. Doing all this without having to cycle and to be as far away from side effects as possible. What would your stack be? Also, I got some MK677 I am waiting to get delivered and am hoping I benefit from an increase in IGF-1 too(honestly who wouldn't?).

You could make good gains on just 200mg a week of testosterone as a replacement dose, just depends on how far past your natural level you are. Also i wouldnt split up the dbol take it all pre workout for a higher plasma level for a nice anabolic environment around your workout.


No you wont make **** on 200ml a week
thats a joke.


50mg dbol is a bit high right of the bat for a first timer., I see great things from just 30mg and then finish with 50mg. 200-250mg of test is superb.


Active member
No you wont make **** on 200ml a week
thats a joke.
well i got put on a replacement dosage of 200mg per week and have put on 20lbs in 1yr but those lbs dont count right gotta be fake.

on 200mg per week the first few days you are at supraphysiological levels, also take into account the stable blood levels versus the few pulses the body releases naturally and its easy to see how this has an advantage over natural production.


I don't think the OP wants to put on 25lbs, he's talking about micro dosing dbol for heaven sakes. Not everyone looks for a 10 week top gainer cycle.

No you wont make **** on 200ml a week
thats a joke.


Done with this thread,,, to weird for this old schooler!

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