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My story (warning LONG POST)

I am writing this more for me, as I have gone from almost a year ago looking like this:

To now looking like this:
View attachment 47391
Sadly, not much difference and my body comp is not much better. I’m up a little in weight about 5lbs, but that’s probably a fat/LBM ratio of 50:50. Not very impressive. Seeing all that I have done to enhance my physique over the last two years it seems as though my “young” years in bodybuilding have ended.
Lets start all the way back in elementary. Around the age of 11 I was diagnosed with some odd phenomenon where one of my testies just stopped growing. Just stopped. It didn’t die, it just ceased all functionality. So I didn’t have to get it removed, it would just never get any bigger, be of any use, etc. Now being 11 I had no idea what this meant other than my balls weren’t gonna be even. I had the choice to get surgery to take it out or to just let it be. I chose the later… being 11 and going into some surgery for my nuts was not going to happen. I didn’t want to miss out on summer fun lol.
Effect: Now I donno if this mattered really, as I still was able to mature and become a full fledged male. Read up online and found that this, while rare, has not hindered anyone from becoming a man has me wondering exactly HOW I was able to get all my hormones in order to become a man… With all the stuff I know now does this basically mean my leydig cells are halved and I am able to create a “balance” in my body hormonally through other pathways? Do I have better aromatase control? I doubt it I was overweight every since 1st grade…
Cause: I am pretty sure this has to do with my mom’s love for feeding me tasteless soy products, and white rice. My dinner when I was little was Tofu, natto, and some miso soup. All with rice. Also, once I was able to drink juice I was given juice whenever I wanted it. Estrogen promoting substances plus high fructose consumption = not a very healthy male. While I could have just been predisposed to this I will never know, and I doubt anyone will but I guess I am not upset about it, just kinda irritated that nothing was done or asked when I went to the doctor about the cause of this problem.
Fast forward to HS.
In HS, if I have a pic I’ll post it. Everyday of my high school life I remember popping two Extra Strength Tylenols because my mom said it was good for my headaches. I’d cycle in Aspirin whenever the headache would become “sharp”. Then I’d eat something for breakfast, usually some cereal in water, many days I wouldn’t eat anything at all. Get to school, buy a coke from the vending machine and start my day. I was gifted with brains so being the last picked for sports was excusable. My mom always told me I was smart so I couldn’t be athletic too. That’s just how it was. Lunch would either be nachos, or whatever they had in the café. In Hawaii the cafeteria is a little different than what I’ve seen on TV of High Schools so I will elaborate on what lunch was. It cost a dollar and was pretty much standard; one main dish, fruit, veggie, bread, milk. Very small portioned. After that my next meal would be dinner. Usually 1-2 cups of rice with some kind of meat and 1-3 cups of juice, depending on how thirsty I was. Oh and some days I would skip lunch and just get some coke. Now you can imagine how screwed up I must have been knowing all I know now. Meh. I am saddened by all the gains I could have had if I knew what I know now and just started to train… haha.

Effect: Well I imagine my liver must have been SHOT from non stop use of Tylenol, and aspirin. Plus the extra crap of pretty much processed sugar/fructose, and the horrible nutrition. Oh, and snacks.. I would eat snacks all the time. This seriously hurt my already hurting physique due to only having one testi working. Though I still somehow made it out a man on the other end. No gyno, no estrogenic sides etc. Lucky, as one of my friends who was a little overweight during HS has gyno he cant get rid of. I seriously think this is where my natural limit is set. I don’t think I can get much more LBM than I was at my max weight of 260lbs. Even if I was 40% bf I would have still had 156lbs of LBM… Which is not far off what my estimated LBM is now… maybe 8lbs more?
Cause: No info, no one to guide me, excuses.
View attachment 47392
Lastly, lets go to college. College was a long experience for me. Lived at home mostly and didn’t do too much of the college lifestyle stuff. I worked, had family stuff (My parents got divorced when I was a Junior in HS so I had to help my mom out a lot). Worked out 3-4 times a week, got into basketball, tennis. Still while I was above average at the gym I was never anything of awe. While trying a variety of diets, workouts, etc. Nothing worked once I hit the sticking point of around 210. I got down to 200 following some rapid fat loss diet or something, but I also felt like crap and didn’t have any energy to play tennis, or even live…. Still no abs (now I got some as you can see in the pics… nothing special though). During this time I probably created so much cortisol and blasted. I’d workout fasted, then go straight to tennis. Have a protein shake, hit class, workout again, then hit tennis again, eat some dinner. Pass out. Pretty much that was my college life. Sadly… No improvement in body comp. But during this time I was still not paying attn to anything online. Didn’t ask anyone for advice or anything on training/diet, I just went with what was going on. It worked, or so I thought.
Then about in around 2008 I started bleeding from my belly button…. I found I had an umbilical hernia… crap… BUT, instead of doing anything about it… I just played on it. I didn’t want to get fat! So I went on an even lower cal diet because I obviously couldn’t workout as hard. Healed up my hernia after about 6 months or so, though I assume it was because during this time I completely eliminated wheat. Basically, I told myself “If Imma eat carbs it’s either a Jamba Juice or a some brown rice with my meat meal”. Physique goals not met, still barely above average in the gym… meh.

Effect: Well I got from 260 in HS to around a solid 230 when I graduated. Then hit around 210 or so in college and got stuck there. Over all I guess better insulin sensitivity and better body comp.
Cause: Gym, wanted to be athletic, didn’t want to have to shop in the big and tall section and pay more for clothes lol.

Now the year is 2009. Going to Japan in August. When getting to Japan I was able to make friends relatively quickly with another Teacher who was from Hawaii but had been up in Japan for over 5 years. Training BJJ, and lifting. Fortunately, he had some exp with AAS and advised I run a cycle. Unfortunately, no bashing him, I doubt he let me get to my true potential due to his competitive nature, or perhaps he was telling me stuff but I was too stubborn to listen. Now thinking back on it, I was probably too stubborn to take his advice. He always told me “Matt, cortisol is your #1 enemy. That’s all.” My hdrol cycle was amazing. Like I said before I went from a bench of 225X3-5 to 335X4 in 6 weeks. I took my squat from 225X5 to 395X5. Deadlift from 135X10, to 315X5. All in 6 weeks. I was shocked. Happy, wasn’t “Cut” but I noticed some recomp while just focusing on keeping my over all cals high and drinking a couple protein shakes a day. I could eat, no problem with eating. Then… I did the dumbest thing ever for PCT…. I cut… And not only did I cut, I upped the volume of my workouts. While I don’t remember my exact numbers my cut probably brought me back down to pre cycle weights. Which IMO is weaker because I didn’t have proper programming prior to coming to Japan, hell I didn’t even know what that meant until this year.
In 2010, I got on the scivation diet, followed it to the T. In 3 months I got in the best shape of my life, but still I could not get leaner… The pic up there is of me at the end of my cut. I was nearing 80kgs.. .and my muscle to fat ratio was getting worse…someplace I didn’t want to be. That pic was of me @ 85kgs or so and when I was at 80kgs I looked worse…. Hell I workout so I can look good naked AND be able to eat something once in a while. I don’t want to starve myself all the time. So in fear of losing all my muscle, and not being able to enjoy food I tried to turn the tables around and bulk. I thought, this time I’ll do it right, good food, good timing, and volume training. Sadly… when I say volume I meant volume. I read Arnolds 2 a day rotation of 3 days on 1 day off… Legs every morning… Well I’ll tell you one thing.. I don’t recover THAT fast… worked till my hernia exploded again. That was March. Took a break and did wendler 531 just to keep strength up… but man… My numbers were so sad. Got married in July, so during that time had my mom and uncle up and took a week off the gym. The day I got back I decided to ME dead lifts…. Pulled my back. My numbers on deadlift are just coming around now… 4 months later… as you can see this is a very badly planned training and diet cycle. While I’m pretty sure I’ve dieted off all my PH gains from Hdrol I am almost certain I am going to need another cycle to get to where I wanna be. Why? Because mentally… I’m weak lol. Also, I tend to over do it when I diet. I’ve done 2days off one day on with FOOD. While a full hormonal panel is probably in order, along with a visit to the therapist about my body image issues, in Japan this is just not going to happen.

Now why am I doing all this?
Well after being training/diet ADD for around 2 years I figure I need to write everything down. Keep tabs on myself because I tend to get lost in the moment, in the article, in the training programs, in all the information out there.
This is not only a reminder to me to show me that I can’t be doing dumb stuff like this (hell ups and downs throughout this whole time amounted to … almost nothing??? A learning experience basically, a good one, but I can’t be making these mistakes again! Haha). I hope I can help anyone else, not by providing data on health, nutrition, or training as I’m not someone you should be looking to for advice, but as someone who is not a genetic freak getting it done, doing what needs to be done and sticking to something to reach his goals.
Good luck to us all, and if you read this all then reps to you. I’m typing this in word and I am on page 3 lol.


Wow talk about a crazy and motivational story.


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Hehe, thanks man. I'm not perfect. But trying to be the best I can be ;)
Brother we all have our own issues. Trust me I am no different. Have you seen my before pics. If not let me know I will show you my journey in 3 short pics.


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Brother we all have our own issues. Trust me I am no different. Have you seen my before pics. If not let me know I will show you my journey in 3 short pics.
yea man I know how far you've fought. And are still fighting. You inspire as well my friend. If you wanna post um up you can. but I remember seeing them before :D


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ok just because you wanted to see my body. LMFAO From High School, through Surfing until the beginning of the year. The date says 2010 on the pics but someone had the wrong date on the camera set. They were really on 2011 When I started training again.

Texas City Stings.jpg
Jeff and King Palace Budha.jpg
1-29-10 Front Double Bicep.jpg
1-29-10 Front Fatty.jpg
1-29-10 front.jpg
1-29-10 Rear Double Bicep.jpg
1-29-10 Side Pic.jpg
10-22-11 Front Double Bicep.jpg




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You're getting there man~ How heavy were ya in those first pics from HS? What position you play?

Interestingly, you came from the other side in HS lol. The Jock. I went from being on the plump end of the spectrum to being average now. Gotta get leaner! We both have work to do! Let our stories motivate! haha


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In high school I was QB I weighed 175-180 in the surfing pics I was 185-190.. in 2001 after I had my acl replaced is when I started gaining my weight. Then I have 1 1/2 feet of my large intestines removed and got fatter. I was 300 lbs in the first pics of me showing my skin chub.


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In high school I was QB I weighed 175-180 in the surfing pics I was 185-190.. in 2001 after I had my acl replaced is when I started gaining my weight. Then I have 1 1/2 feet of my large intestines removed and got fatter. I was 300 lbs in the first pics of me showing my skin chub.
Soon you will be able to post the "I Lost 100lbs!" Great motivation there man!

Like I said before.. .I'd have to get down to 160 to say that... I don't wanna go there lol.


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Quote from your story:
"This is not only a reminder to me to show me that I can’t be doing dumb stuff like this (hell ups and downs throughout this whole time amounted to … almost nothing??? A learning experience basically, a good one, but I can’t be making these mistakes again! Haha)."

I hope more than anything they were a source of joy and motivation to you. It is about the journey my friend and not the port. In life there is a beginning and an end. They are necessary but are only there for you to experience the life in the middle.

You have come a long way, it isn't important to reflect on the times we sit and rest or even get knocked on our asses it is the times that we rise, that is what life is about. Recognize your victory, celebrate the small victories at every opportunity. Remember the fall but celebrate the opportunity to rise again.

You had and do have a body worth of envy to others. You are an inspiration and can do what ever you set your mind too.


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Well said Chris... Matt check you email.


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Quote from your story:
"This is not only a reminder to me to show me that I can’t be doing dumb stuff like this (hell ups and downs throughout this whole time amounted to … almost nothing??? A learning experience basically, a good one, but I can’t be making these mistakes again! Haha)."

I hope more than anything they were a source of joy and motivation to you. It is about the journey my friend and not the port. In life there is a beginning and an end. They are necessary but are only there for you to experience the life in the middle.

You have come a long way, it isn't important to reflect on the times we sit and rest or even get knocked on our asses it is the times that we rise, that is what life is about. Recognize your victory, celebrate the small victories at every opportunity. Remember the fall but celebrate the opportunity to rise again.

You had and do have a body worth of envy to others. You are an inspiration and can do what ever you set your mind too.
Yea, I look back and seen the journey and thought I need to take better notes so I don't forget what I did and make the same mistakes twice. Reading about it won't do, but writing what I wrote will. That's why I had to do kinda a reflection, to remotivate myself if I ever need to. And for others to see it's possible. And to always learn as much as you can with information out there.

And so I don't need to dance in a diaper.... ;)

Thanks for reading Kleen, you are a BIG contributor to this forum. Keep posting, and keep killing it!


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Matt, you have made some fantastic progress since the time you explained to us in high school and in college. It is something to be proud of - so be proud of it! And furthermore, continue chugging along.


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Matt, you have made some fantastic progress since the time you explained to us in high school and in college. It is something to be proud of - so be proud of it! And furthermore, continue chugging along.
Thanks, glad everyone took the time out of their day to read it and comment!

Appreciate it guys!


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Awesome and motivating story man, back before i even started lifting i was SUPER skinny like hardcore ectomorph. I'm gonna try and get some pic's up so i can tell my story. Great work all of you and thanks for sharing!!


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Thanks man!

Awesome and motivating story man, back before i even started lifting i was SUPER skinny like hardcore ectomorph. I'm gonna try and get some pic's up so i can tell my story. Great work all of you and thanks for sharing!!
Hehe, Opposite side of the spectrum! But yea, please when you do have the chance why not post your story as well eh? hehe. Love it. Looking forward to seeing your progress ;)


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Left arm: 38cm unflexed, 41cm flexed
Right arm: 38cm unflexed, 41.5 flexed
Neck: 37cm
Chest: 102cm
Belly button: 86cm
Hips: 101cm (wow my glutes got much bigger lol)

Right Quad: 62cms
Left Quad: 61cm

Left arm: 37cm unflexed (-1), 41.5cm flexed (+.5)
Right arm: 36.5cm unflexed (-1.5), 41.8 flexed (+.3)
Neck: 38cm (+1)
Chest: 99cm (-3) !! What?!
Belly button: 84.5cm (-1.5)
Hips: 101cm No change

Right Quad: 63cm (+1)
Left Quad: 63cm (+1.5)

Measurements update... pretty good, but my poor chest SHRUNK?!
Man... lol.


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Thanks for sharing your story bud. I really enjoyed that and I like you even more (not that I didn't before-no homo):)


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Thanks for sharing your story bud. I really enjoyed that and I like you even more (not that I didn't before-no homo):)
Hehe, thx for reading. I really hope to keep going in the right direction. The wife is starting to worry more about her health now, She works night shifts as a nurse here in a hospice. Her job is very high stress, mainly because it deals with old dying people, plus it's overnight. 4pm-9am shifts. She started this when she came back from her 2 years abroad in Fiji studying English (I know... strange). Her acne has since shot through the roof, and her weight jumped around 10lbs. Granted she is still SUPER skinny IMO but she still now wants to lose weight and get rid of her acne.

I think I will be trying to get into more juicing (man I really wish this meant roids in this case...). And maybe I will try to get her that acne cream thing on NTBM. Seeing I cant really get her to sleep during her work hours, thats out of the picture. But I will do my best to feed her the best foods, and non acne promoting food.

Anyway, I think the whole thing that made her see was when I told her I was doing a challenge (The Kleen challenge), and she thought I was doing a REAL competition. Like a physique model comp. My old training partner who moved back to Cali took 4th place in a competition last month out of 41 contestants. So she thought I was going to enter one of those. HAHAH. Anyway, I think its a good first step to get her into thinking about eating healthy and eating for anti aging. I know a lot of trainers in Japan so maybe I can talk to them to see what is socially "Accepted" in Japan. Oddly, protein powder in Japan is viewed socially as a steroid, while steroids are legal. BUT, marijuana will get you 15 years behind bars, PLUS over 1 million dollar fine...

I donno where that rant came from but I guess it was good to share lol.

Gonna hit my second deload workout.


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Dude your wife works 17 hour shifts??? Wow!


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Dude your wife works 15 hour shifts??? Wow!

Japan has horrible work hours... Full time Nurses get it even harder... they go on rotation... where sometimes they have 15hr shifts... etc. She said when she worked full time she had one 24hr period straight off every 10 days or so. Sometimes she'd work the night shift, get off at 9, sleep for 6 hours in her car, then go back to work at around 4 to work the "half shift" till 10...


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Hehe, thx for reading. I really hope to keep going in the right direction. The wife is starting to worry more about her health now, She works night shifts as a nurse here in a hospice. Her job is very high stress, mainly because it deals with old dying people, plus it's overnight. 4pm-9am shifts. She started this when she came back from her 2 years abroad in Fiji studying English (I know... strange). Her acne has since shot through the roof, and her weight jumped around 10lbs. Granted she is still SUPER skinny IMO but she still now wants to lose weight and get rid of her acne.

I think I will be trying to get into more juicing (man I really wish this meant roids in this case...). And maybe I will try to get her that acne cream thing on NTBM. Seeing I cant really get her to sleep during her work hours, thats out of the picture. But I will do my best to feed her the best foods, and non acne promoting food.

Anyway, I think the whole thing that made her see was when I told her I was doing a challenge (The Kleen challenge), and she thought I was doing a REAL competition. Like a physique model comp. My old training partner who moved back to Cali took 4th place in a competition last month out of 41 contestants. So she thought I was going to enter one of those. HAHAH. Anyway, I think its a good first step to get her into thinking about eating healthy and eating for anti aging. I know a lot of trainers in Japan so maybe I can talk to them to see what is socially "Accepted" in Japan. Oddly, protein powder in Japan is viewed socially as a steroid, while steroids are legal. BUT, marijuana will get you 15 years behind bars, PLUS over 1 million dollar fine...

I donno where that rant came from but I guess it was good to share lol.

Gonna hit my second deload workout.
So steroids are legal but no protein powder, strange culture, marijuana will get you worse in Singapore check this out
[h=3]nalties for Drug Possession in Singapore[/h]Under the Misuse of Drugs Act, the prescribed penalties for possession of small amounts range from fines of up to $20,000 to a maximum of ten years in prison.
As per Section 17 of the Act, you are automatically presumed to be trafficking in drugs if you are caught with the following amounts:
  • Heroin - 2 grams or more
  • Cocaine - 3 grams or more
  • Morphine - 3 grams ore more
  • MDMA (ecstasy) - 10 grams or more
  • Hashish - 10 grams or more
  • Cannabis - 15 grams or more
  • Opium - 100 grams or more
  • Methamphetamine - 25 grams or more
As per Schedule 2 of the Act, a mandatory death penalty is prescribed if you are convicted of possessing any of the following:
  • Heroin - 15 grams or more
  • Cocaine - 30 grams or more
  • Morphine - 30 grams or more
  • Hashish - 200 grams or more
  • Methamphetamine - 250 grams or more
  • Cannabis - 500 grams or more
  • Opium - 1,200 grams or more
[h=3]Mandatory Drug Testing[/h]In Singapore, you can be dragged into custody without a warrant and be compelled to submit to drug testing by the Singapore authorities. As Singaporean drug counselor and ex-detainee Tony Tan explains: "[Penalties for] the first time you are caught for drug consumption is one year, the second time is three years and the third time is five minimum with three strokes of the cane," says Tan. "Consumption just means that your urine has tested positive."
According to Tan, Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) officers are stationed at Changi Airport, searching for telltale signs of drug use. "In Singapore, if you are taking drugs overseas once you cross the border into Singapore and test positive you will still be charged even though you didn't consume the drugs in Singapore," says Tan.
[h=3]What to Do If You Are Arrested in Singapore[/h]When in Singapore, you are subject to Singaporean laws. If you're an American citizen, the American Embassy in Singapore should be immediately notified upon your arrest. If you're not certain that the Embassy has been notified, ask the arresting authorities to notify the Embassy immediately.
An Embassy officer will brief you about Singapore's legal system and provide you with a list of attorneys. (Singapore does not have a system of free legal assistance, except for capital cases - God forbid it should come to that!) Embassy officials cannot secure your release, as that would contravene Singaporean laws.
The officer will also notify your family or friends of the arrest, and facilitate the transfer of food, money, and clothing from family or friends back home.
Here are a few tips to follow if you want to avoid even the barest possibility of arrest on drug-related charges in Singapore:
  • Do not carry anything onto a plane if you don't know what's in it. Don't carry anything for a friend or an acquaintance. Remember that Singaporean law presumes possession, if the luggage checked in under your name is found with any amount of illegal drugs inside.
  • Do not take drugs before your flight into Singapore. Because Singaporean law presumes possession even in the instance of a positive drug test, you might want to completely detox weeks before your flight.
[h=3]Notable Drug Arrests in Singapore[/h]Johannes van Damme, arrested in 1991, executed in 1994. Van Damme, a Dutch national, was caught while in transit at Changi International Airport. The police found 9.5 pounds of heroin in his suitcase; van Damme said he was only carrying it for a Nigerian friend, and he had no idea what was inside. The alibi didn't take. Authorities executed van Damme on September 23, 1994 despite appeals from the Dutch Foreign Ministry and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. (New York Times)
Nguyen Tuong Van, arrested in 2002, executed in 2005. Nguyen was an Australian citizen who was trafficking in heroin to help pay his twin brother's debts. He was caught while in transit between Ho Chi Minh City and Melbourne. The total haul was 396.2g of heroin, about 26 times the minimum necessary for a mandatory death penalty in Singapore. (Wikipedia)
Shanmugam "Sam" Murugesu, arrested in 2003, executed in 2005. Murugesu was arrested after a kilo of marijuana was found in his luggage. Despite a clean record and an eight-year term in the Singapore military, Murugesu was convicted and executed. (

[h=5]Drugs and the Law in Singapore[/h]

Scarey Huh? I use none of the about so the Truth is safe in Singapore. Regarding your wife's acne it usually has more to do with hormonal swings than diet. Any good herbalists in Japan? if not she could increase her intake of soy and that may help


  • RockStar
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So steroids are legal but no protein powder, strange culture, marijuana will get you worse in Singapore check this out

Scarey Huh? I use none of the about so the Truth is safe in Singapore. Regarding your wife's acne it usually has more to do with hormonal swings than diet. Any good herbalists in Japan? if not she could increase her intake of soy and that may help
Yea man I know!! SIngapore is nuts!
And none of those drugs for me.... lol.

Soy might aggrevate the problem though... soy can sometimes cause imbalances in endocrine function. Im thinking Im gonna try blend up some nice probiotic shakes, with some nice fresh veggies in it.

Have you done any juicing? Like with veggies and fruits? Donno how much better doing it that way is over just blending it a lot....


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Japan has it all messed up. Protein powder is viewed as bad, but steroids are!


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Japan has it all messed up. Protein powder is viewed as bad, but steroids are!
I'd gladly live there for that reason.....I could do without protein powder.....just replace it will whole food.


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I'd gladly live there for that reason.....I could do without protein powder.....just replace it will whole food.
Yea it's what I've been doing for a good eight months.
It's more the social stigma of it lol.

It's like oh man your a huge bodybuilder, you must be drinking protein.

I'm like... Nope. Until recently I had to stop all shakes. And they just look at me and find it impossible to believe. Haha. I tell them I just eat like 8 chicken breasts a day.


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Or take the legal juice. Since you are in japan. Danielson.


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Matt check your email.
Thanks man!

Jeff sent me a good template for a LG diet plan. Though I have been following this style of eating for a while I will change it up a bit with macro manipulation a bit. While I do eat more paleo style, I have since sort of moved from that (just basically not eating the fattier meats because... well... sadly as it might help with test production, over all health etc. when I wanna lose the weight... I gotta drop it lol, though not to extremely low levels.)


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Thanks man!

Jeff sent me a good template for a LG diet plan. Though I have been following this style of eating for a while I will change it up a bit with macro manipulation a bit. While I do eat more paleo style, I have since sort of moved from that (just basically not eating the fattier meats because... well... sadly as it might help with test production, over all health etc. when I wanna lose the weight... I gotta drop it lol, though not to extremely low levels.)
Dont know what your talking bout willis.


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I love lean gains bro. Its been a complete lifestyle change for the better for me :)

My body composition has changed more in the time that I've been on LG than any other time in my life


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Lean gains should do matt good also. Since he doesn't have the same quality food. He can eat more at one sitting and for 3 meals then 5-6 smaller meals. And have a little more flexibility.


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Lean gains should do matt good also. Since he doesn't have the same quality food. He can eat more at one sitting and for 3 meals then 5-6 smaller meals. And have a little more flexibility.
The smaller 500 cal meals were fun though lol.
I guess it just was a pain but I still loved how everyone around me at work and stuff were like, how can you eat so much?!


  • RockStar
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I love lean gains bro. Its been a complete lifestyle change for the better for me :)

My body composition has changed more in the time that I've been on LG than any other time in my life
Yea I've been doing it for quite a while know actually. Just a bit more haphazard.

Anyway, I hope to be adding this dietary change in about a week. As my log for this is about ending sadly. Still donno what I'm going to do next.


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You make it sound like that's a bad thing!!! lol I'd move in a heartbeat. Plenty of Fish there for protein lol.

Japan has it all messed up. Protein powder is viewed as bad, but steroids are!


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You make it sound like that's a bad thing!!! lol I'd move in a heartbeat. Plenty of Fish there for protein lol.
The fish are whole though. Finning and de gutting take too long lol. Specially when you have next to no time.. But chicken breast is cheap here. Around $2 a pound :)


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Dang mang that is cheap. My family is from Guam lol SPAM the other white meat.


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What!!! Geese it's like 2.34 here. I haven't eaten it in years cause it's flat out horrible for your health.


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What!!! Geese it's like 2.34 here. I haven't eaten it in years cause it's flat out horrible for your health.
Yea lol. I only look because it reminds me of home. (Hawaii)
I don't eat it at all though. Not even in Hawaii. Lol


Well-known member
No protein! What! Lmao that is some crazy ****..I'll never understand that one..
and am I wrong but didn't the Japanese bioengineer human waste into a "steak"?
Lol coulda sworn I read that somewhere


  • RockStar
  • Established
No protein! What! Lmao that is some crazy ****..I'll never understand that one..
and am I wrong but didn't the Japanese bioengineer human waste into a "steak"?
Lol coulda sworn I read that somewhere
It was a hoax I believe.

But I think Japanese ppl just don't understand nutrition at all. Their solution for athletes is for them to eat more white rice. If you wanna lose weight only drink juice and ear veggies.

I don't listen to anything anyone says here. Lol

Plus I can't eat flour so they think I'm some odd foreigner because I don't eat pizza, burgers, or any other American labelled food. I just eat like a bb'er cause that's really all I can eat...


Well-known member
Hoax? Damn it..had to ruin for me ;)


  • RockStar
  • Established
Hit a workout today. And yesterday... I cant stay away...


Bench 5x5


Bent over row




Pretty good deload with a buddy who I got back in to working out again. Got him taking slim FX.. he took the original, He's on day 3 and he is liking it.

Todays stupid workout...

OH press. (wider grip)

135x10 (wtf, last week I could barely get this up for 5...granted the grip is wider and I like wider grip. Just doesnt translate into my Jerk, or bench)

Bent over row

265x6 (rep PR...)

WTF... how am I PRing now? I should be dying. I am on a detox diet and dropped the Transaderm today as the day of the run...I dont understand lol.



This workout here was supposed to just be if I felt I wasnt already spent enough.. and hell I am spent.. but I went in and killed it... I think I need an adaptogen. So I can workout everyday and not get cortisol build up and horrible body comp from over training... I love lifting so much... sigh...

Anyway.... going to start my stoked and testopro with some HGHpro and start back on DAA. Should be fun haha. Not as interesting as a full on cycle I was planning but oh well... I will write my final review now.

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