Matthersby‘s mission: 50lbs by 2019. Slin,NPP,Dbol and lots more.



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When we left to go to Iraq they tried to form a human chain at the gate to stop us from leaving....But, changed there minds after seeing a 50K# Stryker vehicle coming at them. Lol. Thats why I cant stand the North West and got out of there as quickly as I could. To many hippy @$$ mf that still think its the f****in 60's and wanna do meth and hug trees, and protect ants. There is an ant species on Ft. Lewis that is protected. Destroying a mound can cost you up to $50K and each ant in the mound that dies will cost you $1k unless its the queen thats $25K. I seen aunt mounds as big as houses there.
Seriously cant stand all the p*ssies around here for sure. Freaking annoying the way they act about that kind of sh1t. But to treat the military that way is on a whole other level. Makes me mad. I actually tried joining the military when i was 22 but since i had been through chemical dependency treatment they wouldnt let me join


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Seriously cant stand all the p*ssies around here for sure. Freaking annoying the way they act about that kind of sh1t. But to treat the military that way is on a whole other level. Makes me mad. I actually tried joining the military when i was 22 but since i had been through chemical dependency treatment they wouldnt let me join
Yeah I had to get a moral waiver after right after 9/11 because of a DWI and court appt AA.


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LOL. It's your fault bro, your like the backbone of this board.
Man I get a lil edgy when I use a couple of tablespoons of PB on a samage, a whole tub, sheeet!
Awwww thanks ❤s.

I actually love the stuff. I love PB, it takes me an hour at night but I just go after it.


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I also bought these generic granola bars. A 10 pack is like $1.50. I just throw 3 down after a meal or when I walk inside door. 100 calories each and I don’t even notice them. I’m easily eating a half box a day. That’s 3000 calories JUST from my evening PB and granola bars.
Plus 6 meals. Typically with 50 grams of protein per meal and averaging 800 calories.

I’m doing a Myfitnesspal when things slow down next week. I wouldn’t even be surprised if I’m putting away 7000 a day. I’ve gained 7.5 lbs in 2 weeks and haven’t even started my cycle yet. Just finishing off some Trest and using Lantus. I brought it to 20iu’s and I’m loving the increase in hunger and weight gain that’s coming with it too. This isn’t going to be too difficult if I keep up with diet and training the way I have been trying to.


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On another note, my “package” has been sitting at customs for 5 days now.


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On another note, my “package” has been sitting at customs for 5 days now.
Mines sat in customs for over a week before and I still got it. You might still be good. Now, @10 days you might have a problem


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Mines sat in customs for over a week before and I still got it. You might still be good. Now, @10 days you might have a problem
Ya. Crazy enough it happened for the first time this year, 4-7 days is totally common. Once I hit day 13 early this year, the letter from customs showed up the next day. It didn’t bug me with that package bc it was just Test which I keep enough on me for a year or two. But I’m itching to start NPP asap so I’m hoping it makes it through. A re-shop will cost me 2 weeks easy. Oh well.


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Ya. Crazy enough it happened for the first time this year, 4-7 days is totally common. Once I hit day 13 early this year, the letter from customs showed up the next day. It didn’t bug me with that package bc it was just Test which I keep enough on me for a year or two. But I’m itching to start NPP asap so I’m hoping it makes it through. A re-shop will cost me 2 weeks easy. Oh well.
What has your experience been like with npp and if youve run it how would you compare it to deca... Ive always heard good things but never run the shorter ester nandrolone.


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What has your experience been like with npp and if youve run it how would you compare it to deca... Ive always heard good things but never run the shorter ester nandrolone.
I can tell it’s great, somewhat like trest(my favorite) but my experience with it has been inconsistent. I ran it too low and it was underdosed first time. But still put on thick dry muscle. And the other time it was crashed and again, I ran too low. I’m going for 525 a week this time giving me just under 9 weeks.
I’m psyched to run with Dbol too. I know receptor saturation is a joke, but blasting and cruising is definitely requiring me to use heavier doses or just see limited results. This is why I still like orals, huge jumps in size and strength in short periods, and then I like injectables with lower doses for longer. I feel like I’m getting a little of both even though I’m dosing NPP a little more aggressively.
We will see. Gonna start it all Monday.


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I can tell it’s great, somewhat like trest(my favorite) but my experience with it has been inconsistent. I ran it too low and it was underdosed first time. But still put on thick dry muscle. And the other time it was crashed and again, I ran too low. I’m going for 525 a week this time giving me just under 9 weeks.
I’m psyched to run with Dbol too. I know receptor saturation is a joke, but blasting and cruising is definitely requiring me to use heavier doses or just see limited results. This is why I still like orals, huge jumps in size and strength in short periods, and then I like injectables with lower doses for longer. I feel like I’m getting a little of both even though I’m dosing NPP a little more aggressively.
We will see. Gonna start it all Monday.
Yeah 525 should be healthy... Nothing crazy. Should def blow you up w the dbol.
I know what you mean cruising and even throwing in low doses consistently w trt you gotta make a jump in dose to see big results. Thats basically how I run everything (trt dose) with 1-2 compounds moderately dosed... Every once and a while I'll go balls deep but really trying to stay healthy above all things.

I would like to give npp a shot some time... I loved deca. It put thick quality muscle on me like nothing else.


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Looks like you went with the good choice there. Love DP
They’ve never let me down in the past, used since 2012. I saw some bad reviews last year but realized the source. When I buy them from a good source, it’s always worked exactly like it should. And I’ve used half their orals and a lot of their injectables. And they have oral Superdrol 100 tabs for 50bucks. For me, that’s 3 entire cycles.

December maybe?


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They’ve never let me down in the past, used since 2012. I saw some bad reviews last year but realized the source. When I buy them from a good source, it’s always worked exactly like it should. And I’ve used half their orals and a lot of their injectables. And they have oral Superdrol 100 tabs for 50bucks. For me, that’s 3 entire cycles.

December maybe?
Yeah, I got their primary source that I buy from and it has never let me down. I will be picking up some more soon. For my next run.


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They’ve never let me down in the past, used since 2012. I saw some bad reviews last year but realized the source. When I buy them from a good source, it’s always worked exactly like it should. And I’ve used half their orals and a lot of their injectables. And they have oral Superdrol 100 tabs for 50bucks. For me, that’s 3 entire cycles.

December maybe?
Man how did i miss this thread ?


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Not looking for a huge explanation but how does deca compare to npp for you? Originally planned on running deca this winter but I keep going back and forth with that and npp. Assume your doing eod pins with it? Still get the benefit of joint relief with your choice of phenylprop?


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Not looking for a huge explanation but how does deca compare to npp for you? Originally planned on running deca this winter but I keep going back and forth with that and npp. Assume your doing eod pins with it? Still get the benefit of joint relief with your choice of phenylprop?
It’s hard to say, so for me, if Deca is 100% joint lubrication, NPP seems like 70%
I don’t really notice since I have good joints(except my knees), even Winnie doesn’t really mess with them.
Here’s how I look at it, you run Deca for 12-16 weeks, takes 5 damn week’s before you start noticing much. NPP you notice week 2. And you can run it 8-10 weeks. And it has less sides. It’s a no brainer for me. Deca would be something to low dose cruise on for some of the good effects.


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They’ve never let me down in the past, used since 2012. I saw some bad reviews last year but realized the source. When I buy them from a good source, it’s always worked exactly like it should. And I’ve used half their orals and a lot of their injectables. And they have oral Superdrol 100 tabs for 50bucks. For me, that’s 3 entire cycles.

December maybe?
DP is my pick as well. Been using for years, oils, orals, all good.


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DP is my pick as well. Been using for years, oils, orals, all good.
Geneza still does well for me too. I was using 180mg/week of their test cyp and my test was 1250. I’ve had good luck this year with domestic labs too, but no domestic offers deals like 10 Test Cyps250 for $335.


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Geneza still does well for me too. I was using 180mg/week of their test cyp and my test was 1250. I’ve had good luck this year with domestic labs too, but no domestic offers deals like 10 Test Cyps250 for $335.
I know we're you got that deal. That's we're I go too


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It’s hard to say, so for me, if Deca is 100% joint lubrication, NPP seems like 70%
I don’t really notice since I have good joints(except my knees), even Winnie doesn’t really mess with them.
Here’s how I look at it, you run Deca for 12-16 weeks, takes 5 damn week’s before you start noticing much. NPP you notice week 2. And you can run it 8-10 weeks. And it has less sides. It’s a no brainer for me. Deca would be something to low dose cruise on for some of the good effects.
I recently finished a nandrolone cypionate cycle wich would be between the two and i can really tell the difference in my elbows soim go a run 100 mg on this cycle i hope that's enuf to cushon them again


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I know we're you got that deal. That's we're I go too
I’ve been using another lately that’s super similar to them but damn bro, they are getting packages to me In less than a week. From damn Malta too. It’s shipping in less time than USPS can update the tracker. Mine was showing NY Customs still and it was in my mailbox today. Two orders in a row now, it’s almost as fast as domestic and way cheaper.


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I’ve been using another lately that’s super similar to them but damn bro, they are getting packages to me In less than a week. From damn Malta too. It’s shipping in less time than USPS can update the tracker. Mine was showing NY Customs still and it was in my mailbox today. Two orders in a row now, it’s almost as fast as domestic and way cheaper.
Can I get a pm?!


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Pinned 150mg NPP today, 20mg Dbol at 930, 20mg at 3pm and I’ll take another 10mg post workout in an hour here after I train. I’m at 20iu’s Lantus now and can really tell the difference on the weekends when I don’t take it with my appetite. I’m up 7lbs total since I started last week but if fluctuates and is always highest at night before bed. Then I pee off a ton of water.

Good stuff coming in the next 6-8 weeks.


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Sounds like one hell of a stack. That’s an incredible amount of food you’re shoveling down.


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Pinned 150mg NPP today, 20mg Dbol at 930, 20mg at 3pm and I’ll take another 10mg post workout in an hour here after I train. I’m at 20iu’s Lantus now and can really tell the difference on the weekends when I don’t take it with my appetite. I’m up 7lbs total since I started last week but if fluctuates and is always highest at night before bed. Then I pee off a ton of water.

Good stuff coming in the next 6-8 weeks.
Man when i had to stop the lantus to travel my apetite tanked. Starting to get it back tho second day back on 16 ius today 18 tomorrow and continue the rise baby


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Pinned 150mg NPP today, 20mg Dbol at 930, 20mg at 3pm and I’ll take another 10mg post workout in an hour here after I train. I’m at 20iu’s Lantus now and can really tell the difference on the weekends when I don’t take it with my appetite. I’m up 7lbs total since I started last week but if fluctuates and is always highest at night before bed. Then I pee off a ton of water.

Good stuff coming in the next 6-8 weeks.
Let the gainz begin!!!!!


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Dude! Awesome report. You're seriously going to cause me to jump back on the juice without my proper time off. 7lbs. That quick?!?!?! F*$% Yea! Is the eating easier bc of the lantus or is it still just a "job" to shovel that in every day. It's awesome to see how this stuff is hitting you so I know what to expect when I start the slin....finally starting to shake off the nerves of running it too.


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Dude! Awesome report. You're seriously going to cause me to jump back on the juice without my proper time off. 7lbs. That quick?!?!?! F*$% Yea! Is the eating easier bc of the lantus or is it still just a "job" to shovel that in every day. It's awesome to see how this stuff is hitting you so I know what to expect when I start the slin....finally starting to shake off the nerves of running it too.
Meh, it’s still a job for sure.. Lantus for my size makes me hungrier at 18 IU’s and up. But even when my appetite is better, I still have to shove down twice as much as I want in a meal, and if I’m not feeling sick, I’ll throw down even more, something that’s not intimidating like whole milk and a few granola bars. Everyone can find something that will work for hardgainjng. For me, it’s peanut butter. It’s not that hard to watch tv at the end of a day, or work on my laptop for an hour, and spoon peanut butter. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, you don’t have to chew it, and I always know, as soon as I finish that jar, I’ve eaten another 2500 calories for that day. End of 2016, I realized very quickly that no person can get past 6 or 7000 calories eating clean food only. It was hard then and it’s hard now, bc I’ve had the same bullshyt put in my head that many have from fitness industry for years and years. There’s some days where I’m focused 100% on my full time job of eating because I want that size on me, and some days where I don’t want it bad enough and I half ass it, and the scale shows that every time the next morning. But every day I get up and put on a shirt for work, and it’s a little tighter, it motivates me to eat my ass off that day. It’s nuts how much food you can put down. I used to eat 2 6oz carbsmart yogurts mixed with another 6 oz Greek yogurt, yesterday I ate 50oz combined in one sitting. I was literally choking on yogurt. I’ve taken what I thought I could bulk with and doubled it. Vacations are out too until holidays are over. It’s literally impossible to eat enough on them.


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Meh, it’s still a job for sure.. Lantus for my size makes me hungrier at 18 IU’s and up. But even when my appetite is better, I still have to shove down twice as much as I want in a meal, and if I’m not feeling sick, I’ll throw down even more, something that’s not intimidating like whole milk and a few granola bars. Everyone can find something that will work for hardgainjng. For me, it’s peanut butter. It’s not that hard to watch tv at the end of a day, or work on my laptop for an hour, and spoon peanut butter. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, you don’t have to chew it, and I always know, as soon as I finish that jar, I’ve eaten another 2500 calories for that day. End of 2016, I realized very quickly that no person can get past 6 or 7000 calories eating clean food only. It was hard then and it’s hard now, bc I’ve had the same bullshyt put in my head that many have from fitness industry for years and years. There’s some days where I’m focused 100% on my full time job of eating because I want that size on me, and some days where I don’t want it bad enough and I half ass it, and the scale shows that every time the next morning. But every day I get up and put on a shirt for work, and it’s a little tighter, it motivates me to eat my ass off that day. It’s nuts how much food you can put down. I used to eat 2 6oz carbsmart yogurts mixed with another 6 oz Greek yogurt, yesterday I ate 50oz combined in one sitting. I was literally choking on yogurt. I’ve taken what I thought I could bulk with and doubled it. Vacations are out too until holidays are over. It’s literally impossible to eat enough on them.
I think that Brian Shaw is on the vertical diet he only has to eat around 8,500 day - but that’s all clean, mainly bison & rice. It was considerably higher & dirtier when Nathan Payton was his nutritionist, but they had pushed his bodyweight to 450+ for the Arnold at the time. Payton is a helluva nutritionist too.

Something Stan Efferding has his guys on the vertical diet do is to sprinkle dextrose on their white rice. Not because of the extra calories, but rather it promotes salivation which makes the food digest faster and thus you can eat again 2 hours later easier.


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I think that Brian Shaw is on the vertical diet he only has to eat around 8,500 day - but that’s all clean, mainly bison & rice.
That is a **** ton of bison and rice!


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Brian Shaw is an utter food processing unit.


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Ya that’s just nuts. I start waning to puke at 5500 clean cals


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Skipping today. Started getting flu symptoms literally hours after pinning NPP. Still trained chest tris frontal delts last night but by nighttime I was sweating and had cold sweats. Zero pip at all so I don’t thing dragon made some dirty gear, just switching compounds maybe, I had pinned Trest just the day before. Today I took 20 of Lantus and appetite increased, only to leave work an hour later to work from home. Haven’t ate a lot but I’m trying


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Skipping today. Started getting flu symptoms literally hours after pinning NPP. Still trained chest tris frontal delts last night but by nighttime I was sweating and had cold sweats. Zero pip at all so I don’t thing dragon made some dirty gear, just switching compounds maybe, I had pinned Trest just the day before. Today I took 20 of Lantus and appetite increased, only to leave work an hour later to work from home. Haven’t ate a lot but I’m trying
Dam bro sorry to hear that try to rest up not a good time to be sick. Im at 18 iu today and 3rd pin of tren ace.


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Skipping today. Started getting flu symptoms literally hours after pinning NPP. Still trained chest tris frontal delts last night but by nighttime I was sweating and had cold sweats. Zero pip at all so I don’t thing dragon made some dirty gear, just switching compounds maybe, I had pinned Trest just the day before. Today I took 20 of Lantus and appetite increased, only to leave work an hour later to work from home. Haven’t ate a lot but I’m trying
Hope u feel beter fast brother !!!


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Hope you feel better. Wait til all the symptoms are gone then maybe try the NPP again. If you get it again... you will know it’s no bueno for you


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How you bounce back quick brotha. I'm sure you will - with everything your throwing in there I'd think an adjustment phase here and there is not unlikely. Now you'll have to pound 17 lbs. Of not butter tomorrow


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Hope it's your body going WTF and sorts out soon and not getting sick.


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I hate admitting this, but I changed Kratom brands yesterday, and it feels much like withdrawal. Hope that’s not the case, as even if the brand is garbage, it wouldn’t make me as sick as I’m feeling, but who really knows.


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I hate admitting this, but I changed Kratom brands yesterday, and it feels much like withdrawal. Hope that’s not the case, as even if the brand is garbage, it wouldn’t make me as sick as I’m feeling, but who really knows.
That would be sucky.
I seem to be lucky with opiates, I screwed my back at 21 and have used quite a bit of codine on and off over the years.
I can take 3-500mg/d for a month if need be without withdrawals. After what some of your guys here have said I'm very thankful.
Good luck sorting whatever it is.


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That would be sucky.
I seem to be lucky with opiates, I screwed my back at 21 and have used quite a bit of codine on and off over the years.
I can take 3-500mg/d for a month if need be without withdrawals. After what some of your guys here have said I'm very thankful.
Good luck sorting whatever it is.
Thanks brother, it seems to happen every 8 weeks and may just be how hard I’m pushing myself in several arenas.


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I hate admitting this, but I changed Kratom brands yesterday, and it feels much like withdrawal. Hope that’s not the case, as even if the brand is garbage, it wouldn’t make me as sick as I’m feeling, but who really knows.
I've always wanted to try it good? How does it compare to a legit an oxy 30 for example?

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