Libido up and down post PCT


New member
Hi all,

I have had another post open where I raised this but thought I would start a new one solely so I don't get confused!

Anyway, 4 weeks ago I finished my PCT from a strong havoc cycle. I did 5 weeks clomid and once I finished the clomid my sex drive came back with a bang! My strength started going up again and my mood increased. Just under 4 weeks after i finished PCT, I had bloods for total test, thyroid, liver etc and everything came back normal In fact, my baseline total test is 519 before cycle (2 years ago when I last had it taken) and it actually came back at 726 which is awesome. In the UK the NHS would only test me for total test and not free test or estro. I feel great now and my training is great too. However I noticed that the past week my libido has dipped below what it was pre-cycle. Plus it seems my semen has gone a little watery which is unusual especially as I haven't had a lot of activity recently lol. My sex drive has gone from amazing (like when I was a teenager) to not bothered at all. I heard it could be high oestrogen which is causing this. So a few days ago I had a bottle of unopened Triazole. I started a course and after 48 hours my libido was back with a bang again! however it has now dropped. I am little confused.. Can anyone give any input? I know that even now I won't be fully recovered and that will take more time naturally, maybe months but I would like some input.


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