KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!



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Holy crap. Spot on.
I was tempted to go take a fish oil to get that extra gram of fat.
How are you feeling now a few days in with these numbers?
I am still feeling really good. I was definitely eating over maintenance before. This is relatively close to maintenance now next phase which starts the week after next it drops another 300 cals I think... That is when I am gonna start noticing it more I think.
I realize that you have a lot more wear on the joints than I, but fwiw I use some Elite FTS heavy elbow sleeves (get a huge size; I use 3XL so you'd need 4-5XL for your guns) and they all but eliminate elbow pain on french presses, tri extensions, dips, etc. They will restrict your pump slightly, but you can keep them on for a while (and the slightest occlusion should only promote mass gain).

Also heard great things about Lifting Large's 1-ply Crusher sleeves.
YOu know what I have the SBD sleeves I just bought and typically don't think og putting them on since not training heavy right now. I guess i should go ahead and start using them. Although it is my pulling movements that seem to get me the worst but i am sure support is support regardless.
Assuming you're not using anything already, obviously :)
No I wasn't but will do that before bastardizing the program.
Great job on hitting your numbers!!
Same here with the joints getting achy after more than 3 days straight. I usually do 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off.
Thanks BigRed and yeah it would be either 3 on 1 off, 3 on 1 off or the way you just laid it out if I changed it up.
Leg day is just ridiculous!! Lol
I agree!!!!

Okay speaking of ridiculous... this morning's workout was ridiculous! I had to call on the inner BEAST!


Tempo 4-0-1-0 unless mentioned otherwise and 40 seconds rest between sets and super sets.

SuperSet 1
BB Preacher Curl 4-0-1-5 tempo - 3 sets - You try to press your pinkies through the bar supinating so hard at the top while flexing for 5 seconds... OUCH!
DB Incline Curls 10 reps x 3 sets + NOS X Set on last work set - (NOS X is a drop sets with a 20-30 second weighted stretch between each drop) Excruciating!!!!

Super Set 2
2 Handed High Cable Curls - 15 reps x 4 sets
Incline DB Press 12 x 4 sets - both of these were pretty intense failed on my last set of each.

LifeStyle Chest press machine 7-1-1-1 tempo 12 reps x 4 sets - Oh man these demolished my chest!

Super Set 3
60 degrees Incline Prone DB Lateral Raises - 12 reps x 3 sets - These are just an awesome exercise grow shoulders into boulders baby!!!!
DB Front Shoulder Raises 2-1-1-1 tempo - 12 reps x 3 sets Talk about feeling the burn! Had to rest pause a set than drop the weight on following set and still failed! Way to finish a workout with an all out effort!


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The only words I have is beautiful! THAT is a BEAUTIFUL workout! I can just feel it reading about it. I'm making mind muscle gains by reading your workouts! Keep it up man, your making me BIGGER!


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Supination and long holds will fry up you azz the arm workouts really fuggin hurt. My fist NOS-X was with biceps, a real eye opener.


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Thanks tommurph I can feel myself growing too. I have a feeling the muscle will feed on the fat to grow for the next week or so at least. I know I am swole the heck up every time I leave the gym right now. Getting in the bulk of my carbs in my last meal is really helping make sure i have some glycogen left in the muscles for the workouts which is helping also. Last night a good 80g of my carbs were in my last meal.


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Supination and long holds will fry up you azz the arm workouts really fuggin hurt. My fist NOS-X was with biceps, a real eye opener.
Yeah it was brutal flexing all the opposing muscles to get the maximum stretch... talk about intensity! I originally though 30 seconds NO Problem until I got to about 15 and the pain and burn was getting serious!


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Yeah it was brutal flexing all the opposing muscles to get the maximum stretch... talk about intensity! I originally though 30 seconds NO Problem until I got to about 15 and the pain and burn was getting serious!
Yah some I can do for 30 but a lot I had to break it off at 20.


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Looks like everything is falling into place! Perfect!!


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Thanks tommurph I can feel myself growing too. I have a feeling the muscle will feed on the fat to grow for the next week or so at least. I know I am swole the heck up every time I leave the gym right now. Getting in the bulk of my carbs in my last meal is really helping make sure i have some glycogen left in the muscles for the workouts which is helping also. Last night a good 80g of my carbs were in my last meal.
BPak really has this system dialed in doesn't he? I'm seriously considering buying this system.


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Pain is Gain!! Nice work Kleen


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BPak really has this system dialed in doesn't he? I'm seriously considering buying this system.
It's definitely legit. Gotta be a tough son of a bitch to make it through. It hurts if you're not used to lifting 6 days a week.


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Yah some I can do for 30 but a lot I had to break it off at 20.
Yeah I am almost dreading the one for legs...
Looks like everything is falling into place! Perfect!!
Yes Sir! Small deficit right now with extremely intense training and short rest should lead to an improved physique rather quickly!
BPak really has this system dialed in doesn't he? I'm seriously considering buying this system.
YOu really should the diet and system are laid out very well.
Pain is Gain!! Nice work Kleen
Thanks Red!
Looks like you kicked off week 2 with a bang! Nice..
I kicked it back off because i am a sucker for punishment.
It's definitely legit. Gotta be a tough son of a bitch to make it through. It hurts if you're not used to lifting 6 days a week.
No doubt so far it is working me good.
Sounds like some gooood PAIN!!!


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Getting me more and more interested :)


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Getting me more and more interested :)
Montego1, you would love this stuff and would give your joints some recovery time from the beating with the weights you have been giving it without easing up on the muscle at all. Plus the growth diet that comes with it would be great for you!
Me too. I just spent about 30 minutes on B Pak's website.
I am telling you it is worth it the tips and instruction change everything. I know how to lift have known tricks and tips to crush many a person and I am constantly learning and doing better. Getting better contractions and twice the effort with less weight.


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Okay Macro report...

Protein 260
Carbs 111
Fats 97

Protein 253
Carbs 124
Fats 93

Macros not as spot on but today was date day with the wife we go out to eat so I keep track and add things in to get close or at least close to my caloric intake. I am pleased with this.


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They're close enough.


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Looking good, MrKleen! Are you seeing any results yet or is that still a week or two off?


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Heck yeah Kleen!!! You ARE a BEAST!! No doubt!!! Great song too!!


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Kleen you hit so close to your macros.. obviously extremely well planned.


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A date has been set and finalized for the MASSIVE Intro Sale with Nutraplanet which will premiere VITAL1TY (Vital Anabolic Ammunition) and our new pre-workouts (CONQU3R Demigod Edition and CONQU3R Stim Free). I can confirm that the intro prices on CONQU3R DGE and CONQU3R DGE Stim Free will be $28.99 which is an amazing value considering the labels these both carry and the price on VITAL1TY will be an all low probably never again seen $14.99 per unit.

Yes, CONQU3R is back, and better than ever with all new flavors!

Now more news, It's been confirmed that at least 2 of our retailers will be running Black Friday Sales (Nutraplanet being one, and Nutriverse being the other). I'm guessing the prices from both will be again, the best prices you will see in a while since Black Friday IS usually the biggest sales time of the year.

We will let the company's running the Black Friday Sales tell you more.

So to all those who have been waiting on the release to buy or for your promo tubs, the time is almost here! NOVEMBER 7th is when it will all go DOWN!


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CONQU3R DGE stimfree





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They're close enough.
Looking good, MrKleen! Are you seeing any results yet or is that still a week or two off?
I am pretty hard on myself but I have to say I see some tightening of the midsection and I can see some veins going across the inside of my biceps now. Not enough for me to post up a picture and say hey look at this progress. As of last week I would say I looked almost exactly like I did in the pictures I posted in the beginning of the log since I had the free weekend this past weekend. So right now I am improved over that and it may be obvious to you all when I take some pictures Sunday before I have my higher carb day. However I think the real changes will be obvious next Sunday or the one following when things really just begin to melt off. Right now it is a lot of peripheral fat loss like arms and legs. The fact I noticed looking slightly tighter this morning though is definitely a positive.

Sunday mornings are going to be my scheduled progress pics. I will post this weeks then may hold off 2 weeks to do another we will see. If noticeable changes week to week I will definitely post them up.

Heck yeah Kleen!!! You ARE a BEAST!! No doubt!!! Great song too!!
Thanks and yeah I love that song!

Okay speaking of music i am just going to put a song that motivated me in every workout. One that struck me as motivating during the workout and got me moving. This one got me through my dead lifts as he blasts his haters verbally. Yes I was thinking that BPak just might be an azzhole for making this damn workout!!!!


Okay this morning was a beast I wont go into complete details but here is the break down everything was 4-0-1-0 this time. The superset at the beginning had a 40 second in between each exercise and an 80 second rest after all three.

Superset 1 x 4 rotations
Decline Barbell Lying Triceps Ext - x 7
45 degree Barbell Incline Lying Triceps Ext - x 7
Standing Barbell triceps ext - x 7

Deadlifts 10, 14, 21 - these were a beast the 4-0-1-0 tempo was brutal. I wqas only supposed to do 7 the first set but had 10 in my head for some reason. I started with 275x10, then decided I could squeeze out 14 with the same weight. I managed it but it was insane with the tempo. Moving on I went to 225x21 this was ridiculous and I paused 3 times to get all the reps.

Wide Grip Pull Downs 10 reps x3 sets

Bent Over DB Rows 7,14,21,7,14,21 these were insane!

Kleen you hit so close to your macros.. obviously extremely well planned.
Thanks! I give it hell.
A date has been set and finalized for the MASSIVE Intro Sale with Nutraplanet which will premiere VITAL1TY (Vital Anabolic Ammunition) and our new pre-workouts (CONQU3R Demigod Edition and CONQU3R Stim Free). I can confirm that the intro prices on CONQU3R DGE and CONQU3R DGE Stim Free will be $28.99 which is an amazing value considering the labels these both carry and the price on VITAL1TY will be an all low probably never again seen $14.99 per unit.

Yes, CONQU3R is back, and better than ever with all new flavors!

Now more news, It's been confirmed that at least 2 of our retailers will be running Black Friday Sales (Nutraplanet being one, and Nutriverse being the other). I'm guessing the prices from both will be again, the best prices you will see in a while since Black Friday IS usually the biggest sales time of the year.

We will let the company's running the Black Friday Sales tell you more.

So to all those who have been waiting on the release to buy or for your promo tubs, the time is almost here! NOVEMBER 7th is when it will all go DOWN!
I can not wait. I think I am getting the stim and nonstim version and taking half of each so I don't get too stimmed but get the full dose of everything else.


View attachment 108997

CONQU3R DGE stimfree

View attachment 108998


View attachment 108999
Such a bad ass profile!!!!


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2 caps epic+1 scoop Conqu3r+1 scoop vitality = total domination!!

Add extra stims to your liking(for addicts like me).


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Okay guys I kind of botched my macros a bit yesterday but also was more active than usual. In the effort to be honest with you all I had candy yesterday but I put it in with my macros so you will see the reflection of it there in some extra carbs.

Target Macros as normal
Protein 260
Carbs 111
Fats 97

Actual Macros
Protein 262
Carbs 139
Fats 97
2477 - so 120 over with the Jolly Rancher Hard Candies and 1 small box of DOTS candy. Jolly Ranchers are my favorite and I don't know why but I love DOTS...

Anyway that part is over and now we are just looking forward to more cuts... I will be updating my leg workout later today after I go to the gym. Man after watching the instruction video on how he wants step ups done I am not looking forward to this at all! PAIN!!!!


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If you're training and especially with the frequency you are going at it. A small difference like this will go by unnoticed in your progress. Even if you pigged out last night it might have done you more good than harm. I am more and more getting convinced that nutrient timing is even more powerful than nutrient restriction.


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Loved the tub of Conqu3r I logged for you guys - I'll be picking these up on my own most definitely! Can't wait til we get em over at Orbit; we've got that OLYMPUS25 code still going on for 25% off ALL OL products in stock in your cart. Got 2 bottles of EP1C for 75 bux and enjoying them right now :)


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in the grand scheme of an 8 week diet, one day of a 20g surplus will, like DW said, go unnoticed.

You probably burned them off walking around gathering the candy lol.

That isnt a botched day. Keep on killing!


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Shoot, I wouldn't sweat that at all. You probably should've eaten a lot more candy and looked at it as a cheat. One day is nothing, and it's so minimally over.


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I just had 2 botched days in a row and woke up lighter today than I have all cycle!!! And I'm not cutting!!


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I just had 2 botched days in a row and woke up lighter today than I have all cycle!!! And I'm not cutting!!
Me too, brother! I'm down 2lbs today! No good food in the house, so I'm scarfing down what ever I can to keep up calories!


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I missed two breaks last night trying to get a jet out. I'm super bloated today... I cut out and ate the chicken quesadilla at moes with bacon and ranch and a large side of queso... I think that kept my calories close.


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I'm just sayin...




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If you're training and especially with the frequency you are going at it. A small difference like this will go by unnoticed in your progress. Even if you pigged out last night it might have done you more good than harm. I am more and more getting convinced that nutrient timing is even more powerful than nutrient restriction.

Loved the tub of Conqu3r I logged for you guys - I'll be picking these up on my own most definitely! Can't wait til we get em over at Orbit; we've got that OLYMPUS25 code still going on for 25% off ALL OL products in stock in your cart. Got 2 bottles of EP1C for 75 bux and enjoying them right now :)
That sale is still going on that is awesome!!!!
in the grand scheme of an 8 week diet, one day of a 20g surplus will, like DW said, go unnoticed.

You probably burned them off walking around gathering the candy lol.

That isnt a botched day. Keep on killing!
Nah not a botched day just not as close as I have been. 100 calories over is nothing in the big scheme of things.

Shoot, I wouldn't sweat that at all. You probably should've eaten a lot more candy and looked at it as a cheat. One day is nothing, and it's so minimally over.
Yeah not sweating it just mentioning it because this is not only my log but also a point of accountability and if I am not being honest then I am not doing it right. Tomorrow is the day I get to add some calories in and I am sure some of the extra carbs will be in the form of jolly ranchers!
I just had 2 botched days in a row and woke up lighter today than I have all cycle!!! And I'm not cutting!!
Certainly the effects of a change can be really good as long as they are limited.
Me too, brother! I'm down 2lbs today! No good food in the house, so I'm scarfing down what ever I can to keep up calories!
Sounds great! Do what you need to Tom you are trying to grow more than anything right now.

I missed two breaks last night trying to get a jet out. I'm super bloated today... I cut out and ate the chicken quesadilla at moes with bacon and ranch and a large side of queso... I think that kept my calories close.
OH MAN! I Wish I was there with ya!
Totally beasting there Doug! You are like a proud Pappa! Good reason for it though! Tell her I am impressed, she doesn't know me but still will appreciate the positive feedback!

Thanks for all of the support guys! Talk about a great group in here! You guys rock!


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I'm just sayin... <img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=109048"/> <img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=109049"/>
That's your kid?! Holy crap dude.


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Good, because it's a lot easier to discuss honestly whenever you don't know the father lol


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That sale is still going on that is awesome!!!!

Nah not a botched day just not as close as I have been. 100 calories over is nothing in the big scheme of things.

Yeah not sweating it just mentioning it because this is not only my log but also a point of accountability and if I am not being honest then I am not doing it right. Tomorrow is the day I get to add some calories in and I am sure some of the extra carbs will be in the form of jolly ranchers!

Certainly the effects of a change can be really good as long as they are limited.

Sounds great! Do what you need to Tom you are trying to grow more than anything right now.

OH MAN! I Wish I was there with ya!

Totally beasting there Doug! You are like a proud Pappa! Good reason for it though! Tell her I am impressed, she doesn't know me but still will appreciate the positive feedback!

Thanks for all of the support guys! Talk about a great group in here! You guys rock!
Thanks Chris she has heard of you and \I am trying to get her to join us.


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lol yah she is my training partner slash trainee. if I showed you a pic of her butt you guys would bust a nut cuz it's world class ...


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Getting ready to head to the gym. Reviewing the videos for a couple exercises first. Taking my CONQU3R now and getting ready to rock it!!!!


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She is steady looking better and better! DreamWeaver We'd love to have her here! Not many girls around!!

Getting ready to head to the gym. Reviewing the videos for a couple exercises first. Taking my CONQU3R now and getting ready to rock it!!!!
Go kick butt!!!!


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At the gym much anus was kicked but it was mostly mine!

As usual 4-0-1-0 tempo and 40 seconds rest unless otherwise mentioned.

Lying Leg Curls Body Extended = 7 reps x 7 set WHY!?!?!?!?!?! My hamstrings were pretty much toast by this time...

Super Set A
DB Squats DB to front and side of legs - 7, 7, 14, 14
DB Squats DB back by hips 7,7,14,14 this superset was wicked my lower back was bitching after the deadlifts yesterday!!!!

Roman CHair Hypers 7,14,7,14 this was supposed to be GHR but we don't have a machine for it and the seats on our lat pulls are way to thin to do it. I tried!!!!

Super Set B - 80 seconds rest between supersets...
Barbell Straight Leg Deadlifts 21 reps times 4
Cable Resistance Step Ups - 21 reps x 4 sets I only got 10 on the first set with the resistance... the way he wanted these done I had to go without weight to get 21 on the following sets and they were not perfectly continuous. WOW what a change from how I have been doing step ups for years!!! HUMBLING!!!!!

Nutrition today has been interesting. I will end the night a little below normal but I plan to make up whatever I miss tomorrow minus the 120 cals from yesterday. The request for dinner was my turkey chili and I worked out too late and messed up any chance of getting all my macros in unless I stay up to eat more tonight. That is okay though I can deal with it.


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Where are you getting trutein. What's their website? I ask because I thought they had their own site like tn. When I google it I get a bunch of other stores


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Bodybuilding.com was running a sale.


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Where are you getting trutein. What's their website? I ask because I thought they had their own site like tn. When I google it I get a bunch of other stores
Bodybuilding.com they carry all the flavors. The new company is calldy Body Nutrition and it is a much improved formula over their old Trutein. ame owners but I think part of the reason for the change was the True Protein and True Nutrition Sciences always got confused. The actual site is bodynutrition.com I think.

Bodybuilding.com was running a sale.
Yes they were! By the way they just released a Pumpkin Spice flavor for the holidays WHAT WHAT!!!!!!

Speaking of trutein, I made my first protein pancake today Lemon Meringue flavored. I found that I needed a lot of extra liquid to get them thin enough to have the right consistency but man were they good!


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Bodybuilding.com they carry all the flavors. The new company is calldy Body Nutrition and it is a much improved formula over their old Trutein. ame owners but I think part of the reason for the change was the True Protein and True Nutrition Sciences always got confused. The actual site is bodynutrition.com I think. Yes they were! By the way they just released a Pumpkin Spice flavor for the holidays WHAT WHAT!!!!!! Speaking of trutein, I made my first protein pancake today Lemon Meringue flavored. I found that I needed a lot of extra liquid to get them thin enough to have the right consistency but man were they good!
Bb doesn't have the pumpkin. Definitely think I may order some. Damn you Chris! I'm trying to save money!


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Bb doesn't have the pumpkin. Definitely think I may order some. Damn you Chris! I'm trying to save money!
LOL Ain't I a stinkah! I am trying to save money too so I am probably not going to order it. I am really not super crazy about pumpkin. I like it but I know tons of people who love it.

SO I didn't hit my macros yesterday, a little below, and i got most of my carbs from a nice tall Shiner Bock. I also had 2 servings f jolly ranchers... to my unhappy realization yesterday this diet does not have the carb up for yesterday like the growth one does.So I went over carbs by about 23g but who cares... LOL Made for an excellent workout this morning. Yesterday I was BBQ'ing just didn't eat enough plus I made brisket even though it was lean the fats add up so I got pretty close to my fats. Only thing I was under on was protein but I was still over 1g per lb of LBM so again not worried about it.

We all know the target macros they are the same as last week.

Here is what I hit,
Protein 189
Carbs 134
Fats 88
calories with alcohal included about 2200

Not complaining here I wanted the beer and had it. I wish I had more protein but it didn't work out that way then again my needs were lower too since I didn't lift.

Okay on to the awesomeness of todays lift!

4-0-1-0 tempo & 40 seconds rest same as usual

30 degree DB Incline Bench Press - 10 reps x4 sets

45 degree DB Incline Bench Press 10 reps x 4 sets failed on 3rd set and dropped weight for 4th.

Super Set A 3 rotations

Flat DB FLies - 8 reps x 3 rotations + NOS X - this NOS - X was excruciating! My pecs and my biceps were getting so crazy pumped it was unreal. The burn in my pecs was insane!
Cable Cross Overs cables high to directly in front of thighs - 15 reps x 3

Super Set B 3 rotations
Lying Cable Front Raises - Tempo 4-0-1-2
- 10 reps x 3 sets
Cable Lateral Raises - 15 x 3 sets

Barbell Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 6 sets - had to drop weight on last set due to failing at 8 on the 5th set. Man my biceps didn't even move when flexed after this they were just too full!!!

I was looking huger when this was done. I mean big, shoulders were full, chest, triceps, biceps everything was full of blood!

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