Introducing EQ-Plex by Competitive Edge Labs



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Oops nevermind the part about type I and II anabolic explanations. That was another post. Its late and Ive been reading on here for a while. My bad.

But Great Posts none the less!!!


New member
Thank you for posting all the you guys. That was extremel informative. I really appreciate the section explaining the difference between types I and II anabolics. I especially enjoyed the fact that the whole conversation was kept very professional and mature throughout the thread. That goes to show we are not all a bunch of big dumb meatheads.

But thank you again igoriginal and CompEdgeLabs for your extremely informative posts.

And I look foreward to my next CEL cycle which after reading this thread will almost definately contain EQ-Plex.

Oh yeah...Best of luck to igoriginal on his Havoc/EQ-Plex cycle.

I appreciate your kind words for both me and the CEL representative on here. :)

I personally still have MUCH to learn, and I believe that the only way in which discussions can remain civil within these threads is when we regularly admit to ourselves that NO ONE knows everything. Everyone, big and small, contains a bit of knowledge that someone else may lack. No single person has every piece of the puzzle within their posession. Only through sharing, discussing and constructive and well-informed debating can we all hope to continue on our path of a steadily-evolving field of fitness / bodybuilding. And, therefor,, me, him, her....plays a crucial role in the learning process and the furthering of the advancement of sports / performance sciences. When we shut people out with our egos, we ultimately shoot our OWN personal path of knowlede in our proverbial foot.

That having been said, I suppose I owe a few of the readers of this thread an apology, as I've promised to keep you good folks in the loop on my "cycle" with Havoc / EQ-Plex. So, much thanks goes to Breeze for sending me this recent reply today, reminding me that I abandoned my posting without a satisfying conclusion of reporting my proposed cycle.

Here's how my (experimental) cycle went:

- Week #1:

I first "prepped" my body for the upcoming cycle by up-regulating the total number of available androgenic receptor sites within my skeletal muscle. This is done by doing a short-duration (one week) load of ARACHIDONIC ACID (an "omega-6 fatty acid"). I stress the statement "short-duration", because with prolonged and elevated intakes, arachidonic acid (and most other omega 6's) is a highly pro-inflammatory compound and is one of the primary nutritional causes of increased blood pressure, joint stiffness, arthritis, insulin disfunction / diabetic diseases, cardio-pulmonary (heart / lung / circulatory) problems, and other related conditions where inflammation plays a pivotal role in the progression of such diseases.

It is no coincidence, then, that when we get stressed out or overtrained, for example, the extra production of negative stress hormones (such as cortisol) act on our physiology by allowing pro-inflammatory fatty acids such as arachidonic acid to have a greater effect on our bodies (break down of tissue, inflammation, swelling, etc), while inhibiting anti-inflammatory fatty acids (such as the Omega-3 fatty acids). Although this is a short-term defense mechanism, if not kept in check, becomes chronic or rampant and can lead to your gradual yet eventual demise! No kidding! Stress and inflammation KILLS! Quite literally!

However, ironically, arachidonic acid (along with the rest of the omega-6 family) is one of the primary "gateway" chemical-mediated signal molecules that control the quality of your androgenic (hypertrophic muscle growth) responses! Without efficient utilization of omega-6 fatty acids, you CANNOT theoretically build huge muscles. No matter HOW hard you push yourself!

In fact, in recent studies performed by independent universities and medical establishments such as the Mayo Clinic and published in peer-reviewed literature such as the New England Journal of Medicine, biopsies of various genetically varied human muscle tissues were conducted to see why some people have BETTER "muscle genetics" (mesomorphic) than others. The startling find shows that muscularly-genetically superior humans (mesomorphs) utilize arachidonic acid at much higher rates than "hard-gainers." It is one of the first solid studies done which indicate strong evidence that genetic variants in muscle growth even effect nutritional uptake of specific compounds!

Of course, this may then conversly explain why many genetically-gifted (mesomorphic) bodybuilders....the largest of the bunch....have heart trouble later in life. The same genetic affinity for omega-6 utilization that made them huge, also made them more likely to have health problems down the line. These genetic freaks have higher instances of inflammatory-mediated diseases as they age. I guess the sword cuts both ways.

What does this all mean in a nutshell? That how well we utilize specific fatty acids, specifically omega-6 fatty acids, will determine how easy it is for us to build muscle beyond the basic need for human survival. In short, if you lack the ability to utilize these fatty acids effectively, then you are prone to living out your life as a mediocre "HARD-GAINER!"

But fear not, because these same studies show that the hurdles of genetic use of these compounds can be partially overcome by INCREASING our consumption of these acids. At least in short bursts, to prevent permanent damage to your health. In nature, arachidonic acid is found in high abundance within specific meat souces, such as "red meat" bovine animals (beef, buffalo, etc), eggs and dairy products, for example. This may partially explain why some bodybuilders SWEAR by eating large amounds of steak as their means of getting "huge." Obviously, there is some nutritional truth to these claims.

But unfortunately, for the rest of the hard-gainers to cross the nutritional threshold of omega-6 utilization, they would have to GORGE on these meats beyond all normal means in order to obtain the amounds needed to produce a meaningful result. And they'll most likely get FAT faster from the grossly elevated calorie intake, before they ingest enough arachidonic acid to grow muscles beyond their genetic limitations. (Hence, why many hard-gainers require high-calorie "bulking" cycles if they are to add any meaningful amounts of muscle).

But for those wishing to stay lean while "fixing" this hurdle? Simple. By consuming a sole high-quality pharmaceutical source of arachidonic acid (without added calories) in gel-cap form. (I say "gel-cap", because unless the contents are enterically sealed, the fatty acids will turn rancid and spoil quickly). One of my favorite supplements for arachidonic acid intake is Molecular Nutrition's "X Factor." Although I am not promoting a particular supplement, just giving an example. No doubt, there are quite a few companies that probably manufacture high-quality arachidonic acid gel-caps. But they are NOT common, as who would see the face value of ingesting a pro-inflammatory agent from the standard medical "wellness" community? So you have to do a good search. Also, I am not personally recommending the use of this product, just sharing information, and what I've experimented with for myself. If you are ALREADY prone to having high blood pressure, heart-related problems, inflammatory diseases (arthritis, diabetes, liver disfunction, kidney disfunction, immune disorders), this may not be a smart choice. It is up to you to make an educated and informed decision. Just know that, as always, less is more. And it helps if your blood tests show that when off of a cycle, you have otherwise healthy, non-abnormal parameters and no traces of any serious medical complications. Don't use a supplement that adds on to an already existing problem. Muscle is cool, but the value of your life is much cooler. :)

Besides, even a FOOD source of arachidonic acid (such as steak and eggs) is better than nothing. You certainly can't lose with this mentality, as these sources provide ANOTHER valuable exogenous compound....CREATINE.

So, there you have it. If you don't gain muscle quickly, chances are you need to "wake up" your androgen receptors. Even if you take the most POWERFUL illegal injectables, if your genetic physiology cannot overcome the hurdle of omega-6 fatty acid utilization and androgen up-regulation, then NOTHING will work well like it's supposed to. NOTHING.

I will be posting Week #2 tomorrow. Thanks.
