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Hey guys,

I was lucky enough to be chosen to log Tr3st and Dermatrest as a test base for an Epistane cycle. Tracking shows it in route, and i should actually receive it tomorrow :)

I'm really looking for a solid transformation here, and i am very excited!

Here's some info on me:


I first started my journey in March of 2011 at the ripe old age of 36 years old, starting at a weight of 335 lbs. I struggled to lose weight through caloric restriction and cardio alone, and did a little research (since that's what I do for a living ;)), and decided to try lifting for the first time in my life. That was in November of 2011. Once I started lifting with the Stronglifts program (5 X 5), the weight began to fall off quickly.

I reached my low weight back in March of 2013, hitting 210 lbs. at about 15% BF or so. Since then, I focused on lifting 5/3/1 style and stayed relatively lean while adding some mass.

This last year I did not do as well. I've ended up letting myself go by not tracking my intake and doing a lot less lifting. I'm working a second job at UPS right now, and that plays into it, but I need to get myself back into the mindset, and I'm hoping this log will help me with that.

I'm now back to about 255 lbs. and my body fat has been reduced quite a bit through the use of Osta and Cardarine, along with Sup3r Epi.

My lifting has been a bit sporadic as of late, but I am planning to get in the gym more often, and I have a new treadmill at home for cardio on non-lifting days. On lifting days I may do some cardio after weights.


During this log, I will be tracking my intake and my lifts every day. My goal is to gain strength, lose some fat and gain lean mass (recomp).

I'll be using 5/3/1, but have yet to decide between:

Bodybuilding template: 5/3/1 and Bodybuilding -


Building the Monolith: Building the Monolith – 5/3/1 for Size -

As far as caloric intake goes, I've been hitting around 2,700 or so during my cut, so I'm going to reverse diet back up to a recomp diet as advised by yates84 :) I'm going to add more fats first, as I don't want a massive carb bloat and i will probably increase


I always have a problem with determining my activity level, so I'm going to try to get a starting range by using a moderate activity level. I lift 3-4 times a week and work 5 days a week at night at UPS. I figure that at least puts me at moderate. Of course, I will be tracking my weight and appearance and adjust as needed. I track my intake through MFP, and after having a period of about 6 months where I didn't track I have now been doing it consistently for quite a while now. I will be weighing each Monday. I'm also going to try to post pictures on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, as well as measurements (waist, arms, legs, chest, hips, etc.).

Using Katch-McCardle with a BF% estimate at 18-20% with Moderately active as my activity modifier gives me a TDEE of right at 3,500-3,600 calories per day.

If anyone has any suggestions here, PLEASE chime in. I'm all about listening to input and want to make the best use of this log!


As far as the main supps go, here is what I will be running for this log:

OL Dermatrest: 50/50/50/50/50/50
OL Tr3st: 50/50/50/50/50/50 (2 caps, 25mg each cap)
IBE Epistane: 30/40/40/40/40/40 (may bump last two weeks to 50 if I feel good, as I have 180 10mg caps)

I'll be using the Tr3st and Dermatrest as a test base, using Tr3st caps primarily PWO. I'll be applying the Dermatrest twice daily (about 12 hours apart) post shower. As I work a second job, I'll probably apply it post workout and post work (before bed). I'll wear a t-shirt to prevent transfer to my wife.
Also, I'll be using an oral syringe to make sure of consistent dosing.

Supports are:

Anastrozole on hand in case of flareups during cycle, will also have some exemestane available.

Inhibit P on hand in case of flareups during cycle, as I've heard some prolactin issues can arise.

Cycle Assist run every day (8 caps per day, 4 caps AM/4 caps PM). I've already been taking this dose for almot two months.

Odorless Garlic

A veggie and fruits supp called JuceFestiv that was on special at Sam's

Taurine 5g daily

RYR 1,200mg daily

CoQ10 150mg daily

Fish Oil 2x day

Joint Support XT

Cissus XT

PCT will be Torem 120/90/60/60, Sup3r PCT and Exemestane 12.5mg E3D after PCT.


I'll probably be using IFN HemaVO2 MAX and other non-stim pres like OL Conqu3r Unleashed Non-Stim and ProSupps NO3 Drive. I don't want heavy stims due to the possibility of BP issues.

As I have some serious issues with heel spurs on the part of my heels where the Achilles attaches. Squatting seems to seriously affect this, in a bad way. I'm feeling better after taking Cissus XT and Joint Support XT everyday, along with some stretching, but my entire posterior chain is always tight. My calves, hammies and glutes are super tense all of the time. I think I need to try to add some flexibility and mobility work. Like I have the time!!! ;) In other words, I'll be trying to add Squats back, but will be taking it easy and trying to incorporate some flexibility work.

Once again, input here is WELCOME!


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Really hoping you get to experience all that is good about trest, man. It has alot to live up to (rip tbone) :D


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Misfit, Id personally lean toward the second template.

The first is good in that you train 4x per week, but I would much prefer the greater bodypart frequency of the other one. Similiar to madcow.

Just my opinion of course.


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Misfit, Id personally lean toward the second template.

The first is good in that you train 4x per week, but I would much prefer the greater bodypart frequency of the other one. Similiar to madcow.

Just my opinion of course.
That's what I was leaning towards :)

3x per week is fine with me as well. Recovery should be awesome on both of these compounds.

Those 20 rep Squats will be killer ;)


Well-known member
That's what I was leaning towards :)

3x per week is fine with me as well. Recovery should be awesome on both of these compounds.

Those 20 rep Squats will be killer ;)
So whats your tactic gonna be as far as hitting those 100rep exercises? Lots of rest-pause sets? Or go the straight set/longer rest route?


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So whats your tactic gonna be as far as hitting those 100rep exercises? Lots of rest-pause sets? Or go the straight set/longer rest route?
I was thinking of doing 10 X 10 on those. It will be challenging, as I'm only used to the BBB 5 X 10 sets.


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I was thinking of doing 10 X 10 on those. It will be challenging, as I'm only used to the BBB 5 X 10 sets.
Youd be using something like a 20rm across all sets?

Wendler didnt appear to make any recommendations in the article.


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Youd be using something like a 20rm across all sets?

Wendler didnt appear to make any recommendations in the article.
I might have to play it by ear the first week, but probably.

Just FYI, it begins tomorrow :D



AnabolicMinds Site Rep
In brother,
Let's get this ;)


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Damn dude you should make some good gains the oral trest solo from focused nutrition is awesome and you got TD plus epi nice!


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Day 2

Alright guys, my first day lifting after dosing both Tr3st, Dermatrest and Epistane starting yesterday.

I love the carrier for Dermatrest so far. It is light, not greasy at all, has a nice citrus smell and dries VERY quickly.

I've really got to figure out the best times to apply the DT. It gets kinda tricky bc of my work schedule.

My thoughts were to apply it every 12 hours, after my workout and before bed. That ends up being late because of my second job, so I had to move my workout to mid-day. So as of right now, I am applying it after my post-workout shower at ~12PM or so and after I get home and shower after work, which is about 11PM or so.

I took one capsule and 1 cap of Epi preworkout today. I do possibly feel a mild strength boost (but could be placebo), I also was a little more pissy. That might be some estrogen creeping up, I'll have to keep a check on that.

I actually ran out the door this morning and left my preworkout (HemaVO2 Max + 5g Taurine) in the fridge. Darn Stanley Cup Playoff keeping me up late ;) Nevertheless the pump was insane :) It may have been the amount of volume I did, but I think the Tr3st could have added a bit.

I haven't squatted in quite a while, so I didn't finish out my sets. My hammies and groin started cramping a bit, I might have to ease into Squats a bit slower. I also have no idea what my 1RM currently is for Squats, either.

Anyways, here's what I did today:


75 X 5
90 X 5
110 X 5
130 X 5
145 X 5

Cramped up here, so I went to Shoulders.

Standing Barbell OHP:

60 X 5
75 X 5
90 X 5
105 X 5
120 X 5
130 X 5
105 X 12 (AMRAP set)

These felt really good. I was able to drive from a pause at the bottom on these and make the reps pretty easily. The pump was painful :)

Chin-Up (Lat Pulldown):

I did Lat Pulldowns instead of Chins, as my BW keeps me from doing full chins at multiple reps until i get a bit stronger. No assist machine, either. I know these aren't the same, but hopefully will get my lats some vertical pulling.

I did 5 X 20 with a neutral grip with 37.5 kg

Face Pulls:

4 X 25 @ 100lbs.

These had my rear delts and traps on fire :)


I only did one set of 10, I also haven't done these in a LONG time. I'll need to work back up, as I also have elbow pain from these at times.


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Nice workout bro. When I took oral trest on my last cycle I took it pwo for the boost and I think I noticed it on the second day and really felt the oral around day five during my workout. Loved the pump I got from it


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Starting to feel some of the alpha feeling from the DT/Tr3st. First couple of days I felt a bit lethargic, probably from the slight suppression from the Osta and Sup3r Epi. Starting to feel warm all the time, and muscle fullness seems to be increasing.

I'm pretty sore today from my workout yesterday, lol. Deadlights and Bench are on tap tomorrow, with high rep DB rows (5 X 10-20) and curls (100 total reps).


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Starting to feel some of the alpha feeling from the DT/Tr3st. First couple of days I felt a bit lethargic, probably from the slight suppression from the Osta and Sup3r Epi. Starting to feel warm all the time, and muscle fullness seems to be increasing.

I'm pretty sore today from my workout yesterday, lol. Deadlights and Bench are on tap tomorrow, with high rep DB rows (5 X 10-20) and curls (100 total reps).
Oh yeah, Trest should warm you up! That's one of the traits it shares with Tren that people tend to report, especially when consuming carbs.


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Nice man keep it up I'm on day 13 90 mg a day trest size is starting to come on


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Getting ready soon for DLs, still dosing 30mg Epi (split three doses per day of 10mg), DT ~12 hours apart, with 1 cap of Tr3st PWO.

I've noticed some sleepiness after applying the DT. I wonder if this is normal, LOL.

Scale is going up already, which is odd. I haven't been eating a ton, but I think I may need to drop the carbs down a bit as I have read about some bloat with trest and higher carbs.

Nothing much to notice yet about the Epi either. Workout update will be around 12-1 PM.


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Day 4

Whew, I'm toast after my workout today. Preworkout was 1 cap of Epi, 1 cap Tr3st, 1 scoop of HemaVO2 MAX, 5g Taurine.

Conventional Deadlifts:

140 X 5
185 X 5
210 X 5
230 X 5
260 X 5
315 x 3
295 X 5
295 X 5

I actually went a bit high on these to start, and dropped the weight to make sure I got my three sets in. Actually haven't hit Deads for a bit.

Flat Barbell Bench Press:

75 X 5
90 X 5
110 X 5
130 X 5
145 X 5
165 X 5
165 X 5
165 X 5
165 X 5
165 X 5



25 # X 2 X 20


20 # X 1 X 20

Fixed weight barbell:

30# X 2 X 20

These were painful at the end, LOL. Pump was insane. I'm sure it was part Tr3st, part HemaVO2 MAX, but either way it was nuts.

Hammer Strength Chest Supported Rows:

1 45lb plate each side:

5 X 20

I am totally wiped now, LOL. Still have some residual DOMS from Monday in my legs and my scapula.


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I started Inhibit P and 1 dose of Anastrazole today, just to see what happens. I think I aromatize Trest pretty easily. I considered getting some private labs done just to see.

I'm not going to overdo it, just .5mg E3D right now.

I'm feeling a bit more energetic today so far. Getting an alpha feeling, and recovery seems to be accelerating. Also upping calories, as I think that may be part of the lethargy as well. I feel solid, and I think this program is going to really help my back and legs to grow quite a bit on this cycle. I'm still getting the warming sensation (and tons of sweating) with exertion and after applying before bed.

Still dosing DT in the morning and before bed, but this is more than 12 hours apart due to my second job. Yesterday I did 1/2mL before my second job and 1/2 mL before bed even though it's really hard to dose it like that. I also dose 1 cap of Tr3st mid-day, which is my PWO dose on workout days.

Also, I took before pictures at the start and will do final pics as well. I really need to do measurements, and will do my best to get some today or tomorrow.

I don't think the Epi has kicked in yet, expecting that within the next week or so.

Things have been very stressful lately, and the gym helps quite a bit. My mother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and will end up living with us (my wife, myself and my son). Looks like a long road is ahead. We are also house hunting right now as well. Honestly, DT is helping keep my spirits up as well.

Tomorrow is my second Squat day of the week, and my final set is a 20 rep Squat. My weights are really low on Squats right now, but I'm sure it will still be brutal, LOL. Also, extremely high volume on OHP tomorrow as well. Other lifts will be Chins (if I can manage them), 100 reps of Face Pulls again and 100 reps of Shrugs. I have a feeling I will be yoked out big time when I finish this run, LOL.


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In and good luck! I ran a similar cycle mid last year 6 weeks of 75 dermatrest and 40 epistane. I really liked the combo, still had to add in an AI by week 3 though.


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In and good luck! I ran a similar cycle mid last year 6 weeks of 75 dermatrest and 40 epistane. I really liked the combo, still had to add in an AI by week 3 though.
Awesome! Were you bulking, cutting or recomping? What were your results?


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I forgot to mention that in the past while Squatting and Deadlifting heavy, my Achilles tendon/bone spurs on the backs of my heels seem to flare up. This is not the case, and they feel better than they did last week.

I'm constantly on Joint Support XT, Fish Oil and Cissus XT, but I'm thinking that because the Tr3st is a wetter compound, it might be helping with this. My shoulders and elbows feel a bit better as well, especially with all the pressing, rowing and curls.Thoughts?


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On my last cycle, when I bridged from LGD/Dermacrine to Dermatrest/PMag, my shoulders went from dry and clicky to feeling nice and lubed. It definitely is the Trest!


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Awesome! Were you bulking, cutting or recomping? What were your results?
I was doing a recomp. I have found it hard to not put on significant mass with trest though. I did the oral version the first time with dymethazine and added about 15 pounds. I added about the same with dermatrest and the epistane but it was significantly leaner. Definitely a fantastic combo, wish I could get my hands on some more epistane still kicking myself for not loading up during the ban-anza sales.


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On my last cycle, when I bridged from LGD/Dermacrine to Dermatrest/PMag, my shoulders went from dry and clicky to feeling nice and lubed. It definitely is the Trest!
My hips bug me with squats but they felt so smooth both times I was on trest. It really keeps the joints feeling lubed.


Well-known member
I started Inhibit P and 1 dose of Anastrazole today, just to see what happens. I think I aromatize Trest pretty easily. I considered getting some private labs done just to see.
Trest aromatizes VERY easily. Perhaps the most out of any aromatizing anabolic, and to a more potent form of Estrogen, 7-alpha-methyl-estradiol. So it's a good idea to keep it in check. However, it's been theorized that some of it's muscle building ability may be in part due to this potent form of Estrogen, so like with all things, it's not about crushing it, but keeping it in optimal range.

Things have been very stressful lately, and the gym helps quite a bit. My mother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and will end up living with us (my wife, myself and my son). Looks like a long road is ahead. We are also house hunting right now as well. Honestly, DT is helping keep my spirits up as well.
I can definitely understand that being stressful, man. I'm sorry to hear about your mother, that has to be very tough. I hope the DT does indeed help keep your spirits up, brother!

I forgot to mention that in the past while Squatting and Deadlifting heavy, my Achilles tendon/bone spurs on the backs of my heels seem to flare up. This is not the case, and they feel better than they did last week.

I'm constantly on Joint Support XT, Fish Oil and Cissus XT, but I'm thinking that because the Tr3st is a wetter compound, it might be helping with this. My shoulders and elbows feel a bit better as well, especially with all the pressing, rowing and curls.Thoughts?
Trest, like other wet compounds, will definitely help with past injuries. Its very common for people to report old injuries, or aches and pains, diminishing with Trest.


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Starting to really feel the good mood effects from Trest, I like it. Just as I suspected, I think the lethargy was left over from the discontinuation of Epi-Andro and the Ostarine. Now that those have probably cleared my system, and the Trest is starting to kick in my lethargy is much better. So far, it is excellent as a test base. I'm interested to see how I feel when the Epistane kicks in.

I seem to have a basal "pump" going on as well. I just feel full all the time, and like I just finished a set of presses or something, LOL. That, and I always feel warm.

Looks like I'm lifting in a polo shirt today, as I ran out and forgot my workout shirt, LOL. I'll probably head home after lifting, as I KNOW my shirt will be absolutely soaked afterwards, LOL.

Upcoming lifting today will be 6 sets of 5 Squats, leading up to a final 20 rep set. It's pathetically light weight, as I'm getting back to Squatting, but I'm sure it will still be brutal. I honestly can't wait to get in the gym ;)

After that, I have 10 X 5 Standing OHP, followed by 5 X 5 chins, 100 reps of Face Pulls and 100 reps of Shrugs.

I'm gonna be jacked on this program when everything gets going good ;)


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Starting to really feel the good mood effects from Trest, I like it. Just as I suspected, I think the lethargy was left over from the discontinuation of Epi-Andro and the Ostarine. Now that those have probably cleared my system, and the Trest is starting to kick in my lethargy is much better. So far, it is excellent as a test base. I'm interested to see how I feel when the Epistane kicks in.

I seem to have a basal "pump" going on as well. I just feel full all the time, and like I just finished a set of presses or something, LOL. That, and I always feel warm.

Looks like I'm lifting in a polo shirt today, as I ran out and forgot my workout shirt, LOL. I'll probably head home after lifting, as I KNOW my shirt will be absolutely soaked afterwards, LOL.

Upcoming lifting today will be 6 sets of 5 Squats, leading up to a final 20 rep set. It's pathetically light weight, as I'm getting back to Squatting, but I'm sure it will still be brutal. I honestly can't wait to get in the gym ;)

After that, I have 10 X 5 Standing OHP, followed by 5 X 5 chins, 100 reps of Face Pulls and 100 reps of Shrugs.

I'm gonna be jacked on this program when everything gets going good ;)
Things sound like they're starting to roll bud:). No worries on the polo shirt. I'm always pressed for time so half the time I lift in whatever I have on. I'm THAT guy. Jeans, boots,business formal attire. It doesn't matter. I still beast the workouts.


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Things sound like they're starting to roll bud:). No worries on the polo shirt. I'm always pressed for time so half the time I lift in whatever I have on. I'm THAT guy. Jeans, boots,business formal attire. It doesn't matter. I still beast the workouts.
Haha, today I'm the old guy with gray in his beard out lifting the college kids with a sweat soaked polo on ;)


Well-known member
Things sound like they're starting to roll bud:). No worries on the polo shirt. I'm always pressed for time so half the time I lift in whatever I have on. I'm THAT guy. Jeans, boots,business formal attire. It doesn't matter. I still beast the workouts.
Lol who were those bros from the early 90s that trained in jeans? Had long Fabio hair, always in Musclemedia mag
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