Im about to buy into the alri venom stack, any options/opinions welcome!


New member
Hi guys, im a pretty well behaved BB'er, my diets in shape, never miss a shake (although should prolly eat more real food) and i train seriously hard 3/4 times a week without fail to a set reigime including 2 days with good cardio.

However due to my genetics (and a propensity for beer) i have a BF of about 23% (down from 34% when i started BB'ing in march) however i seem to have plateaued in the weight loss department, im currently 6'2" and 230lbs, maybe even put a bit back on, so i thought its time for a cutting stack!

Like with everything ive done in BB'ing so far i want to do it as well as poss first time. The Venom stack has attracted me due to its supposedly ridiculous energy hikes and the lean dreams sleep stuff sounds interesting.

Would you lot advise this stack for someone like myself? im dedicated and good at taking my supps on time. At £100 a cycle ($200 to you americans) is it going to feel like money well spent? or would there be a better cheaper alternative that would give the fat loss?

Essentially im looking to lean down whilst bulking (holy grail eh!?) but right now id take a 5% BF decrease over a CM on the Bi's anyday.

Advice suggestions etc, help :)


Its nice to know someone else is in the same boat I am in. I am 6'3" and 230 at 21% bf. I just started taking the Venom hyperdrive 3.0, its been 2 weeks and I am down to 226 when i step on the scale in the morning. The stuff is awesome. After like two days of low carb dieting i get this desire for fast food that cant be stopped, this stuff controls cravings and hunger so well if i didnt manage my diet so closely i could forget to eat.

I have tried lipo6, hydroxycut hardcore, xenadrine hardcore, and ephedra. This works for me. I am happy with the 40 bucks i spent on it. Are you looking at getting the lean dreams also?? I want it, but alas, i am to poor right now. 200 dollars sounds pretty expensive though, what all comes with it?


New member
You get the venom hyprdrive, lean dreams and special tactics.

As i understand it the Hyperdrive speeds up metabolism by boosting energy

The special tactics compliments it by aiding the mobilization of fat stores.

And the lean dreams does a bit of both while tranquilizing you so that you can sleep.

Seems like a great program and i hear you can lose up to 10% bf in one cycle, which would turn me from what i am now into something pretty damn good i reckon.

Thanks for the info on hyperdrive, i was pretty sure i would get this at some point anyway as a £30 bottle of pills (~$60) is neither here nor there, but i figured i might bite the bullet and get the stack. Expensive tho, at least for poor old me :)


The special tactics compliments it by aiding the mobilization of fat stores.
That kinda pisses me off..... I didnt know about the special tactics. The supp store in my gym doesnt carry it i guess. Hrmmmm.......

Being poor sucks.


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You should check out Nutraplanet. They sell the box set for $79. Even if you have to ship it to England, you'll save at least 50%.


New member
You should check out Nutraplanet. They sell the box set for $79. Even if you have to ship it to England, you'll save at least 50%.
Do nutraplanet ship overseas? that would be awesome $ vs Pound at the mo is like 2 for 1 $79 = ~£40 which is only a bit more than one bottle of hyperdrive!!


Just checked it out, i can get 2 sets of the stack for only $200 shipped! awesome, ill get double the supps for only a bit more than id have paid for one set. Cheers for the heads up Beowolf!


New member
I know this is kind of after the fact, but if you check out Ebay you can usually find it for really cheap... I picked up the whole system with all 4 bottles for only $100 with shipping.

Also, the products work extremely well, i went down at least 10lbs in the past month and a half just using hypedrive alone, and i'm just starting using the other three products... just make sure you be careful when you do cardio, because my heart rate got almost up to 190.

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