IGF-1 During PCT



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Hi All - Experienced AAS user and bb-er here, IGF-1 virgin. I'm coming off a 16 week sust/deca cycle and will be starting PCT next week. I decided to run IGF-1 during PCT to continue making gains, etc. I've read up on everything on the forum and think I know the answers to the following questions but I want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly so consider this a double-check.

1. Reconstitution of the 1mg solid powder is performed by adding 4mL BA water to the vial. This will result in 250mcg/mL or 25mcg/0.1mL.

2. Injections will be 4x/wk immediately PWO, 0.1mL (25mcg) in each side for a total of 50 mcg.

3. Diet during PCT (during IGF-1 usage) will be same as on cycle, anabolic diet roughly 500 calories in surplus of BMR.

4. IGF-1 does not require a taper down nor a PCT of its own.

5. Duration of usage at EOD injections will be 6 weeks.

Is all this correct? Is there anything else I need to know/do?


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ill only only bump this once more (perhaps again tomorrow)

Points 1-3 and 5 im pretty confident about. Just want to verify IGF-1 doesnt require a taper down or some form of a pct. I can just go from 50mcg 4x/wk and then simply stop?


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Ive used IGF in pct before as well... It does not need a taper nor does it require a pct of its own. I injected 20 mcg bi laterally (40 total) post workout on a 5 on/ 2off protocol. No sides other than lethargy. Good luck !


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looks good man, I've gone as high as 150mcg, for me pretty much regardless of how I use it though it stops working after 4-5 weeks, so if it were me I'd up the dose slightly and go for 5 weeks.

I don't know if you'll "keep making gains" on it but it definitely helps recovery, I use IGF in PCT pretty much every time now. Having huge hunger helps for sure and I swear its pretty much impossible to gain fat while on it.

when I reconstituted it I used acetic acid and not just BA, I read the acid helps preserve it and if you put it in ba then it will rapidly degrade, like in a few days.


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looks good man, I've gone as high as 150mcg, for me pretty much regardless of how I use it though it stops working after 4-5 weeks, so if it were me I'd up the dose slightly and go for 5 weeks.

I don't know if you'll "keep making gains" on it but it definitely helps recovery, I use IGF in PCT pretty much every time now. Having huge hunger helps for sure and I swear its pretty much impossible to gain fat while on it.

when I reconstituted it I used acetic acid and not just BA, I read the acid helps preserve it and if you put it in ba then it will rapidly degrade, like in a few days.
Yes, acetic acid is the best solution to reconstitute IGF. It will remain stable this way for several weeks at room temp. without the need to refrigerate it. The bacteriostatic water is only used to backfill the syringe and lessen the burn during injection.


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Sweet thanks guys.

Yeah I have no illusion that this stuff will be the same as sust/deca but just hoping to not catabolize muscle, etc. and recover.

I'll use acetic acid for the reconstitution and I think I'm going to keep it at 50mg but I'll run 5x/wk for 5wks. instead of 4x/wk for 6 wks.. This will hopefully make for a nice recovery.


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is there any need to take creatine with it? im on IGF-1 lr3 right now and pct (nolva clomid) and i was wondering can i take creatine with it or not?


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is there any need to take creatine with it? im on IGF-1 lr3 right now and pct (nolva clomid) and i was wondering can i take creatine with it or not?
You can take creatine, sure. You don't NEED to but you can.


Hi All - Experienced AAS user and bb-er here, IGF-1 virgin. I'm coming off a 16 week sust/deca cycle and will be starting PCT next week. I decided to run IGF-1 during PCT to continue making gains, etc. I've read up on everything on the forum and think I know the answers to the following questions but I want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly so consider this a double-check.

1. Reconstitution of the 1mg solid powder is performed by adding 4mL BA water to the vial. This will result in 250mcg/mL or 25mcg/0.1mL.

2. Injections will be 4x/wk immediately PWO, 0.1mL (25mcg) in each side for a total of 50 mcg.

3. Diet during PCT (during IGF-1 usage) will be same as on cycle, anabolic diet roughly 500 calories in surplus of BMR.

4. IGF-1 does not require a taper down nor a PCT of its own.

5. Duration of usage at EOD injections will be 6 weeks.

Is all this correct? Is there anything else I need to know/do?
I know this is an old thread, but since it came back up I thought I'd share my own experience with IGF based on the original thoughts posed by Crazy Chemist.

1. Use acetic acid to reconstitute the IGF. BA causes immediate degradation of the IGF and it is pretty much useless after 48-72 hours.

2. For a first time user, I recommend going 50mcg post-workout, 3xs/week. I think this is plenty to start.

3. IGF makes my appetite go through the roof, so I take full advantage of the increase and eat as much as I can, especially when using IGF PCT. This is my favorite time to run IGF.

4. No taper of PCT of its own.

5. I recommend 28 days for the first couple of runs. You will see and obtain plenty of benefits in this time frame. After a couple IGF runs under your belt, stretch them out to six weeks.

Glutamine and BCAA's are welcomed in large quantities while using IGF. A maize-based carbohydrate like Pure Karbolyn or Glucevol are also great additions in your post-workout drink following your IGF injections.


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I know this is an old thread, but since it came back up I thought I'd share my own experience with IGF based on the original thoughts posed by Crazy Chemist.

1. Use acetic acid to reconstitute the IGF. BA causes immediate degradation of the IGF and it is pretty much useless after 48-72 hours.

2. For a first time user, I recommend going 50mcg post-workout, 3xs/week. I think this is plenty to start.

3. IGF makes my appetite go through the roof, so I take full advantage of the increase and eat as much as I can, especially when using IGF PCT. This is my favorite time to run IGF.

4. No taper of PCT of its own.

5. I recommend 28 days for the first couple of runs. You will see and obtain plenty of benefits in this time frame. After a couple IGF runs under your belt, stretch them out to six weeks.

Glutamine and BCAA's are welcomed in large quantities while using IGF. A maize-based carbohydrate like Pure Karbolyn or Glucevol are also great additions in your post-workout drink following your IGF injections.
I appreciate the info. Actually, I didn't run the IGF-1 during PCT.

I will reconstitute is with acetic acid in about 10 days and probably start running it march 21. I will run 50mcg/wk for 5 weeks. What is the shelf life like after reconstitution? I mean 48 hour degeneration is terrible. If I reconstitute in acetic acid will it last 5 weeks? Maybe I should split the powder into two doses and reconstitute half. Then do the other half after I finish the first?


No need to rush after reconstitution with acetic acid bro. It is stable up to 98 degrees for a year. Just mix it all up and go to it. Be careful with dosing. I've ran 3xs a week and up to 5xs a week. I've ran as little as 40mcg/day up to 100mcg/day. In my experience, receptors seem to rapidly downgrade when dosed over 60mcg. When IGF binds to a receptor, the receptor site stays active for 72 hours. If dosed too high, and or too frequently, receptors will still be active from the previous dose. For me, 50mcg post-workout 3xs/week is optimal. Great results and there seemed to be no diminished effects. I've ran IGF several times and this dosing protocol is still as effective for me now as it was the first time I ran it.


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No need to rush after reconstitution with acetic acid bro. It is stable up to 98 degrees for a year. Just mix it all up and go to it. Be careful with dosing. I've ran 3xs a week and up to 5xs a week. I've ran as little as 40mcg/day up to 100mcg/day. In my experience, receptors seem to rapidly downgrade when dosed over 60mcg. When IGF binds to a receptor, the receptor site stays active for 72 hours. If dosed too high, and or too frequently, receptors will still be active from the previous dose. For me, 50mcg post-workout 3xs/week is optimal. Great results and there seemed to be no diminished effects. I've ran IGF several times and this dosing protocol is still as effective for me now as it was the first time I ran it.
Sweet. Good to know. You mean 50mcg bilaterially right? I was thinking of doing rotation of shoulders day 1, biceps day2, triceps day3. I work traps with shoulders, lats with biceps and chest with triceps - none of which I think are good injection sites. I do legs on weekends and my genetics are such that I have massive legs with little effort compared to my upper body so I wont inject after my leg wo.


Sweet. Good to know. You mean 50mcg bilaterially right? I was thinking of doing rotation of shoulders day 1, biceps day2, triceps day3. I work traps with shoulders, lats with biceps and chest with triceps - none of which I think are good injection sites. I do legs on weekends and my genetics are such that I have massive legs with little effort compared to my upper body so I wont inject after my leg wo.
Correct. 50mcg bilaterally...25mcg in each muscle you're pinning that day. Chest has actually been a very good injection site for me personally.


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Correct. 50mcg bilaterally...25mcg in each muscle you're pinning that day. Chest has actually been a very good injection site for me personally.
O yeah? How do you inject? From the side, like in front of the arm pit, from the center facing outward or head on?


I measure three finger widths above my nipple and then move inward about half an inch. This gets you in the real meaty part of your pec. I use a 1/2" insulin syringe when injecting, so depth isn't really an issue. I just hit it straight on. :)


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I measure three finger widths above my nipple and then move inward about half an inch. This gets you in the real meaty part of your pec. I use a 1/2" insulin syringe when injecting, so depth isn't really an issue. I just hit it straight on. :)
nice - i'll give it a shot (no pun intended)

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