IDS mass tabs


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Hey guys I am here to post some results I am having while on mass tabs and I have a couple of questions about them as well. I would like to say I do not believe they are a traditional steroid I have just seen others post pro-hormone threads in this steroid forum…Well I am 23 years old and I am 5’10 and before I started this cycle I was
186 lbs. consistently in the morning. I have been training for about 9 years now. I have had power lifting coaches and strongman coaches in high school. In college I have had training partners that are now competing on the national amateur level so my knowledge of my own body and how to make it grow are vast. I love doing heavy compound movements such as squat, dead lift, and bench. My training split is one of the classics…Shoulders + forearms, back + biceps, chest + triceps, legs, and have Friday, Saturday, Sunday off.
Tomorrow will be my 16th day on the tabs …I am doing a full 30 day cycle then I am starting on my last week and continuing for 3 more weeks with a cycle of formadrol for my post cycle recovery. Along with the tabs I take cell mass, ABB or muscle milk protein and gluteamine. I am a big fan of eating but eating good foods, taking vitamins, and getting plenty of rest. I started my cycle at 186 and now in the morning after 15 days I weight 189 in the morning. It seems like my strength has increased but not tremendously. Though, I am getting huge pumps with my workouts. The first ten days I had no acne, no aggression, no loss of sex drive, no hair loss, JUST a feeling of being lethargic. But now that feeling has gone away. But starting my 13 through 15 days I have felt at random times throughout the day a rapid, irregular heart beat. For about 30 or 40 seconds it seems like I can feel my heart beating fast and at inconsistent beats though besides a feeling of “what the hell is going on” I felt fine when that was happening. Has anyone else experienced this will on a prohormone cycle? And just because this happened while on a cycle does that have to mean it is from the tabs? I will try to keep this post updated with more results or if any of ya’ll have questions for me please ask. BUT please no haters lets keep this thread “feeling free” and pure fact based or personal experience based. I appreciate all feed back as I will try to provide the same “unbiased” back to ya’ll.


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Well my increased hart rate comes at random moments usually though when I am doing no activity like resting after a meal or watching tv...


  • Established
one of my buddies is using mass tabs...i think he gained like 8lbs and i can def notice the gains
his only sides were lethargy and a little nipple sensitivity


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id have to say it is from the tabs. I believe this has happened to me before, the same as you describe, while on cycle...i cant remember what it was that i was using tho. I just kinda shook it off because it only happened a few times.

What kind of support supplements are you using? Are you taking fish oils? Any kind of heart health supp? If not then you should right away and maybe consider stopping the cycle short if it becomes a regular thing or gets worse.


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My blood pressure went up slightly with the mass tabs and this was on top of a high dose of hawthorne extract and coq10. I wouldn't do any cycle without these two supps.


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To be honest with yall. I was most concerned about my liver the most pre cycle then I saw that the tabs contained milk thistle and that eased my mind slightly besided that I take a multi vitaman, Vit. C, calcium magnesium and zinc, and fish oil. I will definitely look into hawthorne extract and coq10. If the irregular beat continues I will stop b/c health is my priority not anything else. Thanks for yalls feedback so far.


  • Established
Check my thread... I ran a 4 week MassTabs cycle (twice) and logged the first one with pics. I went day-by-day and logged it...

Everything you're experiencing is normal thus far... I gained a SOLID 8 lbs of lean mass and my body fat reduced quite a bit. The before and after's are pretty decent. I coupled it with a REALLY strict and clean diet. If i had carbed up more, i likely could have gained a good 12lbs...

Anyways.. if you have any questions or concerns about the effects and side... Your welcome to send me a PM or post in ehre and i'll be sure to follow along.

I also had some irratic heartbeats... but nothing that really freaked me out... I also felt EXTREMELY lethargic at times but that went away aswell... I will give you one word of warning though... this stuff CAN AND WILL shut you down pretty hard! For whatever reason.. even though its a PH... it caused MAJOR shutdown for me! PLEASE get your Post Cycle Therapy ON HAND now if at all possible! I made the mistake of thinking that since it was an "Over the Counter" that it woulndt cause much shutdown!

WRONG!!!!!! I waited about a 1.5-2 weeks AFTER my cycle to jump on PCT and i paid for it BIG TIME! So take it from me... jump on a good Clomid/Nolva PCT... maybe try the newer stuff like Torem, which is pretty good aswell! (never used it, just heard good things!)

Anyways... thats that! Hit me up if you need anything!


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I appreciate the help and/or advice you are offering
insidious1. I am going to take a look at your thread. I was thinking about what ya'll had been saying thus far as getting on something about my overall heart health. Today I went to the supplement store and bought some coq10 100mg and started taking my first capsule after lunch. I guess the bad part about it is that I think it will take a week or so before the cog starts really working but I guess now is better than never. Ending my 16th day I have not noticed any irregular heart rate today (I am glad). I had a really intense shoulder workout today with a great pump. One thing I need to get back on track with (not relating to the tabs) is drinking more water. Anyway out of curiousity now that I am taking cog 10 100 mg. when it starts really kicking in to help my heart could that lead indirectly to a better pump since it will get me a healthier heart rate and better circulation?


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I appreciate the help and/or advice you are offering
insidious1. I am going to take a look at your thread. I was thinking about what ya'll had been saying thus far as getting on something about my overall heart health. Today I went to the supplement store and bought some coq10 100mg and started taking my first capsule after lunch. I guess the bad part about it is that I think it will take a week or so before the cog starts really working but I guess now is better than never. Ending my 16th day I have not noticed any irregular heart rate today (I am glad). I had a really intense shoulder workout today with a great pump. One thing I need to get back on track with (not relating to the tabs) is drinking more water. Anyway out of curiousity now that I am taking cog 10 100 mg. when it starts really kicking in to help my heart could that lead indirectly to a better pump since it will get me a healthier heart rate and better circulation?
No it won't give you a better pump but it will help you have a healthier heart. I'd look into hawthorn berry too. It's very cheap and lowers your blood pressure quite effectively. I pay 3 bucks a bottle. Look into NOW hawtorne berry. The extract is even better for a few dollars more. None of these supps will give a better pump though. If you have blood pressure related headaches the hawthorne will relieve this.


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Today completed day 17. I had a great back work out, huge pump. It seems like my strength really rose today. I was able to jump twenty pounds on my dead lift from last week for a total of the same reps though " five". All my other exercises jumped in weight, too. I have not noticed anymore irregular heart rate either. This morning, I was still weighing in at 189. I appreciate your input paulieg...I will look into the hawtorne berry.


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Today completed 18 days. This morning I weighed in at 190 lbs. It felt great to hit that weight. If I am able to weigh that consistantly for a few days then I know it wasn't just water weight. Today was my chest and tris and my barbell bench stayed the same but went up 5 reps from last week so I can't complain. But my dumbles incline and regular bench went up from 85's to 90's for the same reps (10). I had a huge pump at the end of the workout. I did have a couple of questions...out of everyone that has done 30 days of mass tabs what was the amount of weight gained? And has anyone ever tried IDS sostonol 250 or hemogen 50. The owner of the supplement store I go to said mass tabs were right under neath these two products in potentcy. I was curious if anyone ever tried them. O yeah tomorrow is leg day...20 rep breathing squats.


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To answer your question on weight gain, I gained a total of 16 pounds from my 30 day run of mass tabs/halodrol. I wasn't even trying to put on weight like that. I was doing more of a strength/recomp cycle/eating regime. Most was muscle and some water.


New member
i ran mass tabs last year and experienced the same things your going through. 1 thing that happend to me was taking on water and a few back pumps but i never lost a hair . hind site being 20/20 i should have taken some cranberry extact with them, but the hawthorne sounds promising. the strength gains were great. i ran milk thistle and aromastin rx with them. i have a half assed log in here on my times with mass tabs, it isnt pretty but its what i went through. i have a box of mass tabs im going to run again in the spring. but this time i'll know what to expect. good luck and enjoy,later maynard


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I appreciate ya'lls feedback so far on your own results with mass tabs. For a subject that is legal and has been talked about its cool to see that new posts can still be interesting to read...Anyway I completed 19 days on and weighed in at 190lbs again this morning I was thrilled. I had a hardcore leg workout... the breathing 20 rep squats did not fatigue me as bad so I did another set of just 8 rep squats to really work my muscles. My quads and hams were fried. At the end of the leg workout I have started doing a arm workout as well...I like to start with the tricep then do biceps since triceps are a bigger muscle. I really blew them out today. At the end of my workout my arms measured 17.5 on my right arm and 17 1/4 on my left arm. I really like these mass tabs so far. I am not experiencing anymore irregular heart rate either.


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I was just wondering also...why do some of ya'll only do 15 day cycles instead of longer? I thought 30 days were short compared to some of my friends who do 6 to 10 week cycles of different help.


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Tomorrow will be my 20th day...I have 10 tabs left. I took my first 7 tabs with each of the 7 days in a week then I decided I would start taking sat. and sun. off from taking the tabs and just take them Monday thru Friday...I thought that would make the sides lower (if there were any) and let me stay on them longer... I am still weighing in at 190 lbs in the morning. My g/f says she can see a little more acne on me than I usual but I am not so sure. I did have some irregular heart beat twice sat and once today (Sunday) for a purely a short period of time… I am looking forward to tomorrows workout.


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I've been looking at mass tabs for a while just thinking, "maybe I should give it a try." But I've also got 140 ax's original superdrol laying around, so really what would be the point, just to give my liver something else to hate me for? Anyone who's done both sd and mass tabs want to chime in to say if one's better than the other and why.


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DO NOT take Sat and Sundays off from taking the tabs...

I have known people to do that and it REALLY messed up their hormones! Mass Tabs are VERY strong and taking 48hours off then puttin it back into your system, when you're already likely shutdown as it is... is NOT the best idea bro..

If you already did it, then ok, but if you plan on doing it this coming weeken, please don't! Just my opinion...


  • Established
I've been looking at mass tabs for a while just thinking, "maybe I should give it a try." But I've also got 140 ax's original superdrol laying around, so really what would be the point, just to give my liver something else to hate me for? Anyone who's done both superdrol and mass tabs want to chime in to say if one's better than the other and why.

I've done a Mass Tabs cycle... I've also done a Mass Tabs (4 wks) followed by an Epistane (4 wks) cycle....

I could tell it definately gave me some SOLID mass... BUT i likely wouldn't do TWO Prohormones, back to back like that again... My libido shutdown pretty bad, along with some other sides... Nothing HORRIBLE, but i felt my body was a bit taxed...

When i do another "cycle" it will either be an Epistane OR an injectible cycle... But i plan on giving my body a few months off to normalize itself again...

I'd be warry of doing Superdrol+MassTabs, though.... Mass Tabs has a tendency to REALLY shut someone down.. that coupled with Superdrol's sides and ITS tendency to shut down.. and you might be in for a bit of a hormone-ride...

Just my opinion, of course....


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I meant superdrol or mass tabs, not both at one time, sorry I didn't make that clear. I would never mix those two. I've got a bunch of superdrol so i'm wondering what advantages mass tabs would have if any over superdrol.


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MassTabs are GREAT... But i've heard BETTER results from Superdrol type compounds....

If you have it on hand, might has well run that over MassTabs...


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DO NOT take Sat and Sundays off from taking the tabs...

I have known people to do that and it REALLY messed up their hormones! Mass Tabs are VERY strong and taking 48hours off then puttin it back into your system, when you're already likely shutdown as it is... is NOT the best idea bro..

If you already did it, then ok, but if you plan on doing it this coming weeken, please don't! Just my opinion...
Agree 100% I was completely shutdown within 2 weeks of using the tabs. Taking a few days off will only prolong shutdown, making it longer until PCT and getting your hormones back to normal.


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Thanks a lot guys for the input. I can only learn from this and go forward. Later this afternoon I will take my 20 pill and I will go from 20 to 30 tabs straight with no days off. Hopefully by doing this and taking a good pct my hormones will get back to normal.


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Well currently I have formadrol for my pct. The same guy (the store owner) said that ---- that would be plenty and he took formadrol for his pct after mass tab, sostonol 250, and hemogen 50 cycles and it got him back to normal every time. I posted this on the pct forum of anabolic minds and it seems like no one really likes formadrol at all...I need a legal solution and one that i could by from a store in person b/c i dont like using cards over the internet...If i have to I will. I have done only one cycle before this one and that was three years ago...I did 6 weeks of 1-AD by ergopharm and used 6 oxo for my pct. The store owner said formadrol is alot better than 6 oxo for pct


  • Established
Hey Iceman...

I just posted in your other thread in the PCT therapy section about a good PCT...

BE SURE to get it soon though... If yuo don't have it on hand, then get it now... Sometimes SERMS ordered online can take over a week to arrive..


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I have 6 tabs left now. I am still weighing in at 190 lbs in the morning. My strength is starting to level off more dramatic increases on certain compound exercises. I upted my water intake from a little over a gallon to 1 and 1/2 gallons. and I am now eating 2 grams of protein per my body weight instead of 1 1/2. After my workouts I feel very sore the next morning then it goes away...I will take that as a sign that I have built muscle instead of overtrained since I take 3 days off from training and my longest workout is only 40 minutes I just have very intense muscle building sessions


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Sounds like mass building to me!

Good job... hope your PCT is lined up now...


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Today is my last tab... I love the feeling while on them...the strength, the big pumps, seeing myself gain weight. But I have to tell you the last 6 or so tabs after I take them starting about 30 to 45 min. later I get very bad nervousness and anxiety to the point where I wondered if I should start my pct early and not finsih the tabs. I decided to finish the tabs but I am definetly glad to be done with them. I am ready for my hormones to be balanced out properly again.


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Hey guys I finished my mass tab cycle by 4 days day and I am on my pct. I am sorry for letting you all down by not posting more frequently on my cycle progress but I have been having to work nights and days and by the time I train I am ready to just crash for some sleep. I was very impressed with the tabs. I started at 185 lbs and ended at 192 lbs. A 7 lbs. gain in 4 weeks is pretty solid in my opinion and my pumps were insane. I would recomend the tabs to anyone who wants to gain muscle and strength but please be ware I am not a fan of pills b/c of how the affect the liver but this will be my last cycle for a good while to come, and I wanted to stay legal without going the injectable route. It is almost a little sad not being on them but I have not lost any weight yet.

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