How to "pulse" orals


Dr. D...

Planning on starting a 3 day pulse here soon...

How long should someone wait to start a pulse after doing a full cycle of Epidrol (Havoc clone) w/ a 2 week Tamox post cycle therapy? I was only going to wait 4 weeks after the end of the 4 week cycle to start the pulse... since it is a pulse...but I have some objections from others on this...


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Dr. D...

Planning on starting a 3 day pulse here soon...

How long should someone wait to start a pulse after doing a full cycle of Epidrol (Havoc clone) w/ a 2 week Tamox post cycle therapy? I was only going to wait 4 weeks after the end of the 4 week cycle to start the pulse... since it is a pulse...but I have some objections from others on this...
I'm not D but here goes: Cycle Time + PCT = Time off of any kind of methyl etc.

So if you did: 2 weeks on + 2 weeks PCT then = 4 weeks off in between cycles ....

right guys?

Much love,



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I'm not D but here goes: Cycle Time + post cycle therapy = Time off of any kind of methyl etc.

So if you did: 2 weeks on + 2 weeks PCT then = 4 weeks off in between cycles ....

right guys?

Much love,

Yes, basically. If a SERM is involved, you can consider the PCT as "on" time too, otherwise I would count PCT as off time, in general.

So if you ran a 4 wk Epidrol cycle, did Nolva 2 more weeks after that, and inverse ramped an AI for an additional 2 wks to finish up, I would only consider that 6 wks of ON time and wait 4 more wks to go again.


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Hey Dr.D

I have 1 simple question regarding dosing times if I was doing your inverse taper (serm/AI) pct. For example Tor 120/90/60/30, ATD 25/25/50/75. Take everything all at once before bed or Tor before bed and spread out the ATD? What would be best?

Thanks a lot!!


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DR.D -

I do not believe a T7 test was run, but I will inquire about it. Thank you. I really think it's mostly genetic, since it runs in my family. My dads cholesterol was very low, and he was a solid 6'2"/225 who ate bacon, eggs and sausage for breakfast everyday of his life. My brother is 6'1"/320 (not solid), his diet is not good at all, yet his total cholesterol is below 100. He has had it tested and retested. His doc is at a loss about it.

I read a study years ago that was trying to link low cholesterol to schizophrenia ( . . . it would explain a great many things :blink:). Could never find a follow up, so I assume nothing came from it. Schizo is not what I need, women make me mental enough.


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So If I were to pulse my next superdrol cycle it would be something like this

20-30mg split throughout the day on M-W-F. I workout mon-thurs, and I would be able to continue this for 8 weeks correct?

Man there was ALOT of pages to read, I dont think I even absorbed all of it there was so many words
am I correct?


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Hey Dr.D

I have 1 simple question regarding dosing times if I was doing your inverse taper (serm/AI) post cycle therapy. For example Tor 120/90/60/30, ATD 25/25/50/75. Take everything all at once before bed or Tor before bed and spread out the ATD? What would be best?

Thanks a lot!!
This is what I suggest:

wk1: 25mg ATD/n, 90mg/n tor (120mg the first 3 nights only)
wk2: 25mg ATD/n, 60-90mg/n tor
wk3: 50mg ATD (25 morning, 25 night), 30-60mg/n tor
wk4: 50-75mg ATD (25 morning, 25 night, another 25mg noon if needed), 30mg/n tor

So basically, start spreading out AI doses only because SERM is still used at night. If the PCT was AI only though, take the whole dose at night regardless of the amount.

Also, on the inverse ramp, you can feel free to do 25,25,50,50 and only hit 75 that last week if you really need it. If your test output has recovered with a vengeance, you may find 75 to be nice. You may even want to milk that a few more weeks after the SERM is withdrawn. Otherwise 50 is probably ok for wk4 also. Too much ATD gives great gains but not too pleasant in other areas!

If recovery response is rapid, wks 2-4 on the tor may only need to be 60,30,30. If you are recovering slowly, be more aggressive like 90,60,30.


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DR.D -

I do not believe a T7 test was run, but I will inquire about it. Thank you. I really think it's mostly genetic, since it runs in my family. My dads cholesterol was very low, and he was a solid 6'2"/225 who ate bacon, eggs and sausage for breakfast everyday of his life. My brother is 6'1"/320 (not solid), his diet is not good at all, yet his total cholesterol is below 100. He has had it tested and retested. His doc is at a loss about it.

I read a study years ago that was trying to link low cholesterol to schizophrenia ( . . . it would explain a great many things :blink:). Could never find a follow up, so I assume nothing came from it. Schizo is not what I need, women make me mental enough.
Interesting. I have read studies linking schizo closely to various globin levels (like alpha, beta, gamma-globin & albumin for example) and how it relates to steroid levels and metabolic idiosyncrasies to various drugs. That would make sense there could be a cholesterol connection. Women generally do have lower cholesterol values with much higher rates of schizo so your premise may be worth some investigation!

In the meantime, rest assured that at least you're not alone my friend. Woman make me crazy too. :)


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This is what I suggest:

wk1: 25mg ATD/n, 90mg/n tor (120mg the first 3 nights only)
wk2: 25mg ATD/n, 60-90mg/n tor
wk3: 50mg ATD (25 morning, 25 night), 30-60mg/n tor
wk4: 50-75mg ATD (25 morning, 25 night, another 25mg noon if needed), 30mg/n tor

So basically, start spreading out AI doses only because SERM is still used at night. If the post cycle therapy was AI only though, take the whole dose at night regardless of the amount.

Also, on the inverse ramp, you can feel free to do 25,25,50,50 and only hit 75 that last week if you really need it. If your test output has recovered with a vengeance, you may find 75 to be nice. You may even want to milk that a few more weeks after the SERM is withdrawn. Otherwise 50 is probably ok for wk4 also. Too much ATD gives great gains but not too pleasant in other areas!

If recovery response is rapid, wks 2-4 on the tor may only need to be 60,30,30. If you are recovering slowly, be more aggressive like 90,60,30.
Doc is this a recommended PCT for pulse or the regular cycle?


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Doc is this a recommended post cycle therapy for pulse or the regular cycle?
It's for any medium intensity oral cycle really, that's why I allowed the variation in doses depending on how shut down you feel. If you aren't sure, take the higher dose to be safe, but after awhile you'll learn to read your body and respond very effeciently with only what is needed.

Remember though, with most pulses, this schedule is still quite excessive. If you finish a 4 or 8 wk pulse and have no symptoms or visual signs of suppression, but still want to play it safe, all you really need is something like this:

wk1: 60-90mg tor (120mg the first 2-3 nights)
wk2: 30-60mg tor
(I didn't include an AI, assuming you used one on the off days during the pulse, but adding one here is ok too)

Also, add some fenugreek in there at night at 2,3,4 caps and/or a quality trib supp at 4,5,6 caps. Something like that, just a guideline but it depends on the brand. I have run superdrol before at 10,20,30,40 and PCTed with fenugreek and DHEA only! Some things that don't suppress you too bad allow you to get away with easy PCTs like that, but just use some common sense and learn to listen to what your body is asking you for.


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It's for any medium intensity oral cycle really, that's why I allowed the variation in doses depending on how shut down you feel. If you aren't sure, take the higher dose to be safe, but after awhile you'll learn to read your body and respond very effeciently with only what is needed.

Remember though, with most pulses, this schedule is still quite excessive. If you finish a 4 or 8 wk pulse and have no symptoms or visual signs of suppression, but still want to play it safe, all you really need is something like this:

wk1: 60-90mg tor (120mg the first 2-3 nights)
wk2: 30-60mg tor
(I didn't include an AI, assuming you used one on the off days during the pulse, but adding one here is ok too)

Also, add some fenugreek in there at night at 2,3,4 caps and/or a quality trib supp at 4,5,6 caps. Something like that, just a guideline but it depends on the brand. I have run superdrol before at 10,20,30,40 and PCTed with fenugreek and DHEA only! Some things that don't suppress you too bad allow you to get away with easy PCTs like that, but just use some common sense and learn to listen to what your body is asking you for.
Ah ok, I think I'm feeling slight shrinkage.

I'm planning to run nolva (cannot get torm) like this:

post cycle therapy with nolva for 15 days:

Day 1-5 = 40 mg
Day 6-10 = 30 mg
Day 11-15 = 20 mg

and run trib for 30 days.. I won't be using AI since I already use it on my off days.

Do you think 15 days of nolva treatment is sufficient? Or should I extend it to 30 days?


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Hey dr have a question for you. I read different things just want your input. should i run half doses of hyperdrol everyday or just off days and should i take it at night or during the day?


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Hey dr have a question for you. I read different things just want your input. should i run half doses of hyperdrol everyday or just off days and should i take it at night or during the day?
Yes, daily is very nice with HD. Spread it out. If you elect to use on off days only for economy sake (this is still suffecient to discourage shutdown) then take the whole dose at night.


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is it possible to 'pulse' sublingual test prop/test suspension?
I have tried it, it is not pleasant sublingually or buccally! If you have some very micronized free test, it may work alright, but those prop crystals never dissolve.


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First Post!! Ok this might be long... Ive been a long time lurker of this (and other) forums and finally decided to take the plunge. Just got back to the gym from over a year off. After just over 2 months I lost 20 lbs on the scale. Dont know my BF% from before and Ive been testing myself (not too accurate with the placement) so Im guessing Im just under 20% right now. Im currently 187, 25 years old.

Just wanted to get some feedback on my mdrol pulse. I know I should have waited longer before I started so dont be too harsh on me. (gym exp. at least 5 years, but ive always been on/off so im always "starting over")

Im pulsing 20 mg a day Mon Tues Thur Fri. My work out schedule is chest bis and tris Mon and Thur and back shoulders Tues Fri. Legs on wednesday and sometimes Sat.
Cardio is about 15-30 mins a day, with a long morning bike ride on Sat.

My diet is clean 6 days of the week, im averaging 350 grams of protein a day, probably 250 grams of carbs and 30-40 grams of fat (half that being fish oil). My only concern is that the majority of days approx half my protein comes from shakes. Im getting a large serving of natty PB everynight with a casein shake, and Im loading my post shake w/ 8g of glutamine.

On off days Im taking:
dhea 25 mg
RYR 600 mg
MT 700 mg
saw palmetto and hawthorn
animal stak2

2 multis and 3 st johns wort ED
also no-explode pre workout

I take the mdrol at 8-10 and again at 4-6. I usually hit the gym around 4. I have been on 4 days now and I must say WOW this stuff is kicking in. Probably going to run it for 5 weeks, might push it to 30 mg near the end but I doubt Ill need to.

clomid on hand, never done any of this soooo Im not sure how this is going to affect me
Im thinking an abbr. cycle maybe 70x1 35x2.
Will run myogenx during clomid or after, not sure which is better. I think I might save it for right after, and pick up something else to run with the clomid.

If I missed anything or any pointers anyone had that would be great, thanks! BTW i have gained at least 2 pounds of muscle since i started, and I look and feel like its more.
(ive gone up 9 lbs since Thurs., but I added alot to my carb intake so some is BF and water intake has gone up alot too)


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Yes, daily is very nice with HD. Spread it out. If you elect to use on off days only for economy sake (this is still suffecient to discourage shutdown) then take the whole dose at night.
Thanks doc:box:


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Don't forget to add your pulse to the 'pulsing results' thread so others can prosper from your knowledge / experience.

Much Love,



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First Post!! Ok this might be long... Ive been a long time lurker of this (and other) forums and finally decided to take the plunge. Just got back to the gym from over a year off. After just over 2 months I lost 20 lbs on the scale. Dont know my BF% from before and Ive been testing myself (not too accurate with the placement) so Im guessing Im just under 20% right now. Im currently 187, 25 years old.

Just wanted to get some feedback on my mdrol pulse. I know I should have waited longer before I started so dont be too harsh on me. (gym exp. at least 5 years, but ive always been on/off so im always "starting over")

Im pulsing 20 mg a day Mon Tues Thur Fri. My work out schedule is chest bis and tris Mon and Thur and back shoulders Tues Fri. Legs on wednesday and sometimes Sat.
Cardio is about 15-30 mins a day, with a long morning bike ride on Sat.

My diet is clean 6 days of the week, im averaging 350 grams of protein a day, probably 250 grams of carbs and 30-40 grams of fat (half that being fish oil). My only concern is that the majority of days approx half my protein comes from shakes. Im getting a large serving of natty PB everynight with a casein shake, and Im loading my post shake w/ 8g of glutamine.

On off days Im taking:
dhea 25 mg
RYR 600 mg
MT 700 mg
saw palmetto and hawthorn
animal stak2

2 multis and 3 st johns wort ED
also no-explode pre workout

I take the mdrol at 8-10 and again at 4-6. I usually hit the gym around 4. I have been on 4 days now and I must say WOW this stuff is kicking in. Probably going to run it for 5 weeks, might push it to 30 mg near the end but I doubt Ill need to.

post cycle therapy:
clomid on hand, never done any of this soooo Im not sure how this is going to affect me
Im thinking an abbr. cycle maybe 70x1 35x2.
Will run myogenx during clomid or after, not sure which is better. I think I might save it for right after, and pick up something else to run with the clomid.

If I missed anything or any pointers anyone had that would be great, thanks! BTW i have gained at least 2 pounds of muscle since i started, and I look and feel like its more.
(ive gone up 9 lbs since Thurs., but I added alot to my carb intake so some is BF and water intake has gone up alot too)
That plan looks good to me. Not sure about the myogenx though, and not sure you'll need 3wks of clomid, but if it's your first go it's best to play it safe and develop good habits about PCT so 75,35,35 is probably a good idea. Keep that water up! You can have a strong diuretic response to SD initially, but it's not nearly as pronounced when pulsing usually. Your protein consumption is impressive, even if it's from shakes, that still a great intake and keeping carbs high on SD is smart too. Ancillaries look fine.

On a side note, how long have you been taking the SJW? It's a CYP inducer, but that can be avoided if you eat a grapefruit a day, that'll help keep the effect of your supps stronger in general, but it may not be an issue for you since your making such good gains. Whatever your doing, it's working so keep it up! BTW, welcome to AM.


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... Any reasons i shouldnt run this cycle?(I'm accustom to the night thing now so sides wont be as much of a problem) Any suggestions to add to or take away from the cycle?
I think it's a great stack myself, at exactly the doses you mentioned too, or maybe slightly higher. Daily test, test boosters, DHEA or 3AD also stack well with that combo to discourage lethargy, but similar to you, I have never had probs with Epi solo (superdrol is another issue.)

Your post cycle therapy looks slightly excessive, but I'm assuming as specific and atypical as the doses look, you know exactly what works for you. ;)


I have tried it, it is not pleasant sublingually or buccally! If you have some very micronized free test, it may work alright, but those prop crystals never dissolve.
hmm, an underground lab is selling this, their feedback on sublingual test suspension seemed good, I was intrigued by the idea of sublingual test prop.

Thanks D


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hmm, an underground lab is selling this, their feedback on sublingual test suspension seemed good, I was intrigued by the idea of sublingual test prop.

Thanks D
Adil, It may very well be good this way, it's just extremely water insoluble. It generally comes in needle-like crystals of 1-5mm, so if you micronized it with a mortar prior to deposition, or if it comes as a very fine particle size already, I would not doubt their claims. I see no advantage in the prop over the free alcohol (some call it test base) so get whichever is cheaper I suppose.


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That plan looks good to me. Not sure about the myogenx though, and not sure you'll need 3wks of clomid, but if it's your first go it's best to play it safe and develop good habits about post cycle therapy so 75,35,35 is probably a good idea. Keep that water up! You can have a strong diuretic response to superdrol initially, but it's not nearly as pronounced when pulsing usually. Your protein consumption is impressive, even if it's from shakes, that still a great intake and keeping carbs high on superdrol is smart too. Ancillaries look fine.

On a side note, how long have you been taking the SJW? It's a CYP inducer, but that can be avoided if you eat a grapefruit a day, that'll help keep the effect of your supps stronger in general, but it may not be an issue for you since your making such good gains. Whatever your doing, it's working so keep it up! BTW, welcome to AM.

So Dr. D can you run RPM along a superdrol pulse? i thought the icariin or naringin(which ever one is in grapefruit) would make it to strong or something..thought i read that somewhere...another question... i haven't seen anyone use ZMA with their pulse. is that ok on off days or ED?


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I'm not sure if this has been asked before or not, but my question is, is it necessary to split the dosage pre and post? If so what is the reason?

If I just take the whole dose pre-workout as a pre-workout booster is that ok?

What's the pros and cons between the two dosing system (pre-workout only vs split pre-post)?

These last few workouts I've been taking the whole 40 mg of Epi pre-workout instead of my usual 20 mg pre and 20 mg post, and I've been noticing better boost in strength during my workout. I actually like dosing the whole 40 mg as a pre-workout booster better compared to splitting them, but my concern is about the post-workout anabolism, I assumed that you recommend to dose half post-workout is to boost post-workout anabolism, is this correct? But then again, I'm thinking the half-life should be long enough that it should still promote anabolism long after post-workout anyway without the need of the post-workout dose, but I'm not so sure.. lol!.. Just taking wild guesses here... :D

So currently my favorite dosing system is to dose everything pre-workout only, but if this is not a good idea, maybe you could explain why it's not good, and why splitting the dosage is better?


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i was getting ready to run a test e dbol cycle this month but there is a 'shortage' so to say in supplies with my guy so i have to put that off for a little while as i don't want to settle for anything else injectable for my first cycle. in the meantime, i would like to run a pulse cycle for 6-8 weeks of superdrol 3-4x ew. would i be able to do that and still have enough time off to do my 12 week test cycle this winter?

also, i have this tester bottle of 3 ad staring me down. would i be able to pulse that or take it straight through with the superdrol? would that inhibit my size gains on that cycle? i'm looking to put on some mass. or should i save it for a different cycle?


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So Dr. D can you run RPM along a superdrol pulse? i thought the icariin or naringin(which ever one is in grapefruit) would make it to strong or something..thought i read that somewhere...another question... i haven't seen anyone use ZMA with their pulse. is that ok on off days or ED?
I think it would be fine to stack, I do have mixed feelings about naringin, but it should boost effects to some degree which is fine for a pulse usually. RPM seemed to play out really fast with me. Pulsing RPM on the off days only might help keep the effects fresher longer.

ZMA every night, all year round! Gotta have that zinc for prostate health anyway and magnesium for hundreds of enzyme reactions in the body, plus it's a central depressant so good to take before bed.


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I'm not sure if this has been asked before or not, but my question is, is it necessary to split the dosage pre and post? If so what is the reason?

If I just take the whole dose pre-workout as a pre-workout booster is that ok?

What's the pros and cons between the two dosing system (pre-workout only vs split pre-post)?

These last few workouts I've been taking the whole 40 mg of Epi pre-workout instead of my usual 20 mg pre and 20 mg post, and I've been noticing better boost in strength during my workout. I actually like dosing the whole 40 mg as a pre-workout booster better compared to splitting them, but my concern is about the post-workout anabolism, I assumed that you recommend to dose half post-workout is to boost post-workout anabolism, is this correct? But then again, I'm thinking the half-life should be long enough that it should still promote anabolism long after post-workout anyway without the need of the post-workout dose, but I'm not so sure.. lol!.. Just taking wild guesses here... :D

So currently my favorite dosing system is to dose everything pre-workout only, but if this is not a good idea, maybe you could explain why it's not good, and why splitting the dosage is better?
No, you definitely have the right idea! In the most pure form of pulsing, only 1 dose is given pre-w/o. I've been suggesting 2 doses (pre & post) more as a concession, because like you state if offers additional anabolism post w/o and kind of fool proofs the method, though compromising some of the pre-w/o strength. But ideally, the whole dose is taken pre-w/o and you lift and eat fast enough such that you still have enough in your system after the w/o to promote caloric assimilation.

Only taking 1 dose pre-w/o requires insight and a more strict scheduling of training and diet, plus it involves 1 big dose (which I thought might scare people at first) but it is clear that you understand the essence of the system so feel free to explore that Sol.


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i was getting ready to run a test e dbol cycle this month but there is a 'shortage' so to say in supplies with my guy so i have to put that off for a little while as i don't want to settle for anything else injectable for my first cycle. in the meantime, i would like to run a pulse cycle for 6-8 weeks of superdrol 3-4x ew. would i be able to do that and still have enough time off to do my 12 week test cycle this winter?

also, i have this tester bottle of 3 ad staring me down. would i be able to pulse that or take it straight through with the superdrol? would that inhibit my size gains on that cycle? i'm looking to put on some mass. or should i save it for a different cycle?
That would be fine to pulse the SD for now and stack the 3AD daily. Assuming you train in the evening, I'd take 1 dose of 3AD in the morning on w/o days and take 2 doses on non-w/o days (morning and early-mid afternoon). It's a great stack and the anti-catabolic benefits are amazing. Great fat loss too. You'll be spoiled with the impressive results of that combo for sure, but still find test e/dbol to be a great stack later this winter with it's own unique perks and benefits. :)


  • Established
No, you definitely have the right idea! In the most pure form of pulsing, only 1 dose is given pre-w/o. I've been suggesting 2 doses (pre & post) more as a concession, because like you state if offers additional anabolism post w/o and kind of fool proofs the method, though compromising some of the pre-w/o strength. But ideally, the whole dose is taken pre-w/o and you lift and eat fast enough such that you still have enough in your system after the w/o to promote caloric assimilation.

Only taking 1 dose pre-w/o requires insight and a more strict scheduling of training and diet, plus it involves 1 big dose (which I thought might scare people at first) but it is clear that you understand the essence of the system so feel free to explore that Sol.
Cool! Sounds good doc! :D :thumbsup:

I wish I can rep you everytime you answer my questions, but I need to spread it around more.. :( :frustrate


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Cool! Sounds good doc! :D :thumbsup:
The student has become the master! lol

BTW, I have noticed that pre-w/o only dosing is also especially well suited for A50 and Halotestin too, but I am unsure how popular those are anymore. Any oral with a longer half-life really. With the great stuff available OTC these days, who needs them anymore though?! Seriously, it's hard to beat 20mg SD or 40mg Epi as a pre-w/o supp.


  • Established
The student has become the master! lol
LOL! I still got long long way to go doc, I'm looking forward to learn as much as possible from you now and in the future. :D

You've been a great help to all of us. No denying that. Thank you!

BTW, I have noticed that pre-w/o only dosing is also especially well suited for A50 and Halotestin too, but I am unsure how popular those are anymore. Any oral with a longer half-life really. With the great stuff available OTC these days, who needs them anymore though?! Seriously, it's hard to beat 20mg superdrol or 40mg Epi as a pre-w/o supp.
Yeah I love 40 mg Epi as pre-workout booster, I tried 50 mg but I don't feel any difference to 40 mg in strength, but the acne breakout got really bad with 50 mg, so I guess for me personally 40 mg is just right.

I'm planning to pulse SD for my next cycle, been hearing a lot about how great SD is for a pulse cycle, sounds real fun.. Can't wait! lol! :D


I just started my M-Drol pulse cycle and i'm am stocked up on a testosterone "amplifier" take it about 45 mins. before you this still ok to take or should i just lay off it till off cycle???


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I just started my M-Drol pulse cycle and i'm am stocked up on a testosterone "amplifier" take it about 45 mins. before you this still ok to take or should i just lay off it till off cycle???
17-hd? or something else?


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Probably safe, most people here on the board will say its garbage, I'm less sure. It seems to have a strong stim effect at the very least, and gives a good feel in the gym so who really knows. It doesn't seem to be very hormonal, but lets see what Dr D has to say about it


I've done a search on this but can't find a positive i take creatine on a pulse cycle or save it for post???


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That would be fine to pulse the superdrol for now and stack the 3AD daily. Assuming you train in the evening, I'd take 1 dose of 3AD in the morning on w/o days and take 2 doses on non-w/o days (morning and early-mid afternoon). It's a great stack and the anti-catabolic benefits are amazing. Great fat loss too. You'll be spoiled with the impressive results of that combo for sure, but still find test e/dbol to be a great stack later this winter with it's own unique perks and benefits. :)
i just counted and have 84 3-ad pills in the bottle :think: and a full bottle of the original ax S.D. i was thinking maybe a six week superdrol pulse with the 3-ad extending two weeks after as a standalone for the anit-cortisol effects. which means i would be starting the 3-ad later into the pulse cycle. i'm up in the air on this though. what do you think my dosing protocol should be? i've run SD 3 times up to 30mg if that matters at all. should i run 3-ad on non workout days only?


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Just looking for a little insight. My first post is just a page back showing my pulse (20 mg mdrol 4x wk, lots of support supp on off days)
The first four days on (with a 2 day break in the middle) were outstanding. Then yesterday (off day) and today (back on) I have felt like crap. When I first took the mdrol I felt great, good mood, increased strength, energy etc. Yesterday I had to work in the heat and felt sick to my stomach. Also had slight muscle tension or maybe BP related headache. Also very lethargic and slightly uncoordinated. Similar effects today, that went away somewhat after taking my first dose, then returned. I took a long nap and started dosing 5 grams of vit C. Felt a little better but still lethargic. Hit the gym and got the blood flowing and I feel better now, but I am slightly concerned. Took my BP 129/56 (Im always low, but my heart rate has always been INSANE when I do cardio)
The only difference I can think of what I did was double the dose of DHEA to 50 on my off day cos I was suppper sore from making such big gains and my diet has been off a little but I think that was because I felt like crap. Also I dropped the SJW (which I have only been on for about 1.5 months. It seemed to be helping the mood alot but I am eating soooo many pills now)

Im back on tomorrow. Gonna get some extra rest and hit the gym early. If I continue to feel like this I might cut the pulse short.


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I know on superdrol you get tired from lack of carbs. Maybe up your carbs?

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