How to "pulse" orals


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Thanks for the input hman 85. Do you think its better to take retain only on off days or everyday. Same with the hyperdrol.


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About to start a 6 wk Original SD 3x a week pulse. I plan on using HDX2 (AI) and Alpha drive to boost test during . For PCT do you think SNS PCT XT Stack would be sufficient ? I have a SERM on standby if needed. Also would a Test Booster be needed or would the SNS stack free up enough T to bring back the boys. This is my attempt at trying to keep the cost down. Was going to get the AX triple stack but they are out of stock. Thanks for the input.


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8 week pulse starting monday. M W F. Lift MTWT. Plan is 20mg, 10mg 1.5hr before lifting, then 10mg post workout. Any objections let me know SD btw


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sounds real long but that is my opinion. I am on my second superdrol cycle(pulses) and feel that your gains stop after 4-5 weeks. I did the first one 61/2 weeks and believed it was too long i am going to go for 20/30/30/30


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sounds real long but that is my opinion. I am on my second superdrol cycle(pulses) and feel that your gains stop after 4-5 weeks. I did the first one 61/2 weeks and believed it was too long i am going to go for 20/30/30/30
I am currently pulsing Havoc MWF - wk1 10/20/30 wk2-wk6 40/40/40 and only sides I noticed is acne and back pumps for this whole duration...

how are the sides with pulsing superdrol???


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I had almost no sides with my SD pulse. Steady gains and the only side I noticed was some back pumps. It seems to give me a slight boost in energy taken preworkout.


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Please critque

Ok about start my 6 wk SD pulse. 32Y/o 230 17%BF. Lift 5 days a week
Flaxseed Oil 2x 1000mg/ED
Multi/ED Protein/ED BCAA/ED
1 10 20 20 On days HDX2 2Bedtime(AI)
2 30 30 30 Alpha drive 3x(TB)
3 30 30 30
4 30 30 30 OFF days HDX2 1am 1pm 2Bedtime
5 30 30 30 DHEA 50-200mg 1am 1pm(Cort Cont)
6 30 30 30 Alpha DriveXL 3x
7 SNS PCT STack (Inhibit E + Reduce XT) Alpha DriveXL 3x(ATD,Cort Cont,TB)
8 SNS PCT STack (Inhibit E + Reduce XT) Alpha DriveXL 3x

Creatine/ED during PCT
Let me know how this sounds and if you would recommend any changes.


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I have to admit it: I've run A LOT of DS cycles,but I still haven't touched those bottles since I've purchased them in2006!!! It still looks a little misterious to me.I don't feel so comfortable with something I cannot understand deeply.GENERIC LABZ reps? It's time to talk OPENLY and FRANKLY about that compound as you don't sell it anymore!PLEASE...
xtyler--If you're still apprehensive to use these unknown tren compounds, you could just send them to me for "proper disposal"! Seriously, make me a price on them if you like. PM me please!


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I still think a lot of people are dosing too low to get the max benefits of pulsing methods. I see people saying they're gonna use superdrol for instance. Week 1: 20 mg. pre-workout. Weeks 2-4: 30 mg. PWO. then weeks 5-8: 40 mg. PWO. Hell, I take 30 or 40 mg. on ED straight cycles! If pulsing I think I would go like this---Week 1: 30 mg. super PWO. Week 2: 40 mg. super PWO. Weeks 3-8: 50 or even 60mg. PWO! You gotta pulse high then take your day off. Am I right on this one?


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I still think a lot of people are dosing too low to get the max benefits of pulsing methods. I see people saying they're gonna use superdrol for instance. Week 1: 20 mg. pre-workout. Weeks 2-4: 30 mg. PWO. then weeks 5-8: 40 mg. PWO. Hell, I take 30 or 40 mg. on ED straight cycles! If pulsing I think I would go like this---Week 1: 30 mg. super PWO. Week 2: 40 mg. super PWO. Weeks 3-8: 50 or even 60mg. PWO! You gotta pulse high then take your day off. Am I right on this one?
You are absolutely right. I pulse 50mg of SD when I am stacking it. I try to aim for what would be a med-low weekly dose and just split that up onto just two days.


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Question. While pulsing 3 days a week (mwf) will my non pulse days (tt) lifts not be as great as the pulse days? For this reason I am going to not do legs on tuesday and on wednesday when the stuffs in my system. Or am I being paranoid? And as for cardio, is it best to do it on the pulse day or off. My cardio I do 30min @ 160bpm.


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Question. While pulsing 3 days a week (mwf) will my non pulse days (tt) lifts not be as great as the pulse days? For this reason I am going to not do legs on tuesday and on wednesday when the stuffs in my system. Or am I being paranoid? And as for cardio, is it best to do it on the pulse day or off. My cardio I do 30min @ 160bpm.
You will still get some benefits from it on off days, but maybe not as much. cardio seems to be a non issue just do it when you can. As for changing your schedule you can or maybe just take it on days you need for a lagging body part.


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Hi, I'm new to this thread, but I've read a few pages and haven't found an answer to this...Should you take a test booster like 6-oxo on off days while pulsing? Thanks
It is a good idea.


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You will still get some benefits from it on off days, but maybe not as much. cardio seems to be a non issue just do it when you can. As for changing your schedule you can or maybe just take it on days you need for a lagging body part.
Ya I dont need my bis and shoulders blowing up and my legs not so much, so the switch is a good thing then. Thanks


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I still think a lot of people are dosing too low to get the max benefits of pulsing methods. I see people saying they're gonna use superdrol for instance. Week 1: 20 mg. pre-workout. Weeks 2-4: 30 mg. PWO. then weeks 5-8: 40 mg. PWO. Hell, I take 30 or 40 mg. on ED straight cycles! If pulsing I think I would go like this---Week 1: 30 mg. super PWO. Week 2: 40 mg. super PWO. Weeks 3-8: 50 or even 60mg. PWO! You gotta pulse high then take your day off. Am I right on this one?
50mg! Your crazy. Im just doing 20mg a day (10 pre 10 post) for 8 weeks. If by popular demand "more is better", 30 can be possilbe, but I wouldnt dare to go above that.


50mg! Your crazy. Im just doing 20mg a day (10 pre 10 post) for 8 weeks. If by popular demand "more is better", 30 can be possilbe, but I wouldnt dare to go above that.
dude, less is more, use the least amount you can possibly use to get the desired results.


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To both "dudes" above, I've used 30 mg. per day through a straight cycle taking it everyday plus 10 mg. of Phera-plex. I can't see how you guys are getting anything out of 20 mg. pulsed only on workout days. I'm 6'3" and 270 pounds, so I need a little more "juice" to get the resulsts I'm looking for. But to each their own. I don't pay out good money for PH's just to waste them because I'm scared to dose it high enough. If I decide to pulse (And I probably won't, don't like the idea of fluctuating hormone levels everyday) I would go up to 50 mg. 3 days a week PWO! But, Like I said, That's just me!


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50mg! Your crazy. Im just doing 20mg a day (10 pre 10 post) for 8 weeks. If by popular demand "more is better", 30 can be possilbe, but I wouldnt dare to go above that.
If I'm crazy then answer me this question. If you were to take the superdrol everyday(Non-pulse) at 20 mg. per day, in a week you would take 140 mg. Right? You with me so far? The idea of pulsing is to use higher than normal dosages only on workout days 3 days a week. If I take 50 mg. PWO 3 days a week then that's a total of 150 mg. per week. This is the idea behind the pulsing method. But you guys probably know more than me! So enjoy your small doses!


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If I'm crazy then answer me this question. If you were to take the superdrol everyday(Non-pulse) at 20 mg. per day, in a week you would take 140 mg. Right? You with me so far? The idea of pulsing is to use higher than normal dosages only on workout days 3 days a week. If I take 50 mg. PWO 3 days a week then that's a total of 150 mg. per week. This is the idea behind the pulsing method. But you guys probably know more than me! So enjoy your small doses!
But at 50mg 3 days a week, due to the half life of the chemical (lets guess 7 hours on avg), that size of a dose will never clear the body, even on Sunday (following typical MWF pulse) you will have measurable bloodlevels of the chemical. 7 days a week your liver will be working to clean out the body, and the HPTA will be affected negatively. My opinion is that if one is to pulse too high of a dose then it will negate the 'benefits' of this method due to the body never clearing the chemical on off days, thereby receiving no time to repair / restart.

Just my thoughts, for discussion, not an argument.


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If I'm crazy then answer me this question. If you were to take the superdrol everyday(Non-pulse) at 20 mg. per day, in a week you would take 140 mg. Right? You with me so far? The idea of pulsing is to use higher than normal dosages only on workout days 3 days a week. If I take 50 mg. PWO 3 days a week then that's a total of 150 mg. per week. This is the idea behind the pulsing method. But you guys probably know more than me! So enjoy your small doses!

But i do have something to add you can get results from 20mgs if your smaller and it is your first but those gains will only come in the frist or second week. In my opion you will most definately have to jump to 30mgs to keep gains coming


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To both "dudes" above, I've used 30 mg. per day through a straight cycle taking it everyday plus 10 mg. of Phera-plex. I can't see how you guys are getting anything out of 20 mg. pulsed only on workout days. I'm 6'3" and 270 pounds, so I need a little more "juice" to get the resulsts I'm looking for. But to each their own. I don't pay out good money for PH's just to waste them because I'm scared to dose it high enough. If I decide to pulse (And I probably won't, don't like the idea of fluctuating hormone levels everyday) I would go up to 50 mg. 3 days a week PWO! But, Like I said, That's just me!

I too am a larger guy (275) and only got a little out of 6 weeks of superdrol @ 40mg/day. BTW, blood work 1 month after post cycle therapy came back fine. Good cholesterol took a hit, but not as bad as I feared; it dropped about 5 points. Bad cholesterol went up less than 10 points. A couple months after that, all was normal. Liver was fine for both tests. What I didn't like was how I felt; lousy, and had increased anxiety. Also the low back pumps... wow.

I am trying a 1x week pulse as discussed earlier in the thread. Went to 70mg, which is not quite twice what I'd take on a straight cycle. I take it on the day that matters most to me, and have been getting decent gains. I take a low dose AI the other 6 days. I do not feel shut down in the slightest. Gains are mild, noticeable after a few weeks. I feel much better.


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What do you consider "measureable" levels?
I should have used a different word since even at 20mg 3 days a week there is a measureable level throughout a pulse.

At 50mg MWF, on Sundays, there should be something like 6-8mg still running through the body.

At 20mg MWF, on Sundays, there should be something like 2mg.

I have no idea how the liver and HPTA reponds to 2mg of superdrol though (though I guess its better than 6-8mg)...anyone wanna run 2mg a day for a month a get bloodwork? and then 7mg a day and get blood done??? :)

Im not trying to bash or promote the pulse method here...just discussing ideas...though I am considering trying it...or trying the pulse on the day after a workout method which I think makes most sense.

I am trying a 1x week pulse as discussed earlier in the thread. Went to 70mg, which is not quite twice what I'd take on a straight cycle. I take it on the day that matters most to me, and have been getting decent gains. I take a low dose AI the other 6 days. I do not feel shut down in the slightest. Gains are mild, noticeable after a few weeks. I feel much better.
Thats interesting..I missed that part of the thread...will go back to find it.


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I thought superdrol had a 1/2 life of about 6 hours.

If you take 80mg (!!!) then 48 hours later you should have 0.3125mg of it going through your body.

If the half life is 7 hours, 80mg nets you 0.625mg 49 hours after ingestion.

I chose 80mg because it's a safe bet nobody will run a higher pulse than that; at least I wouldn't. :)


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I thought superdrol had a 1/2 life of about 6 hours.

If you take 80mg (!!!) then 48 hours later you should have 0.3125mg of it going through your body.

If the half life is 7 hours, 80mg nets you 0.625mg 49 hours after ingestion.

I chose 80mg because it's a safe bet nobody will run a higher pulse than that; at least I wouldn't. :)
That makes sense...I think i have a formula error in my spreadsheet...lemme fix that.

Edit - TO ALL : MY MATH IS FLAWED....:think::think:

I see nothing wrong with a 50mg pulse based on my 'new math'

Sorry :thumbsup:


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Edit :mad: (crap, can't post excel files...ah ha! I snuck in through as a word document)

OK, I now have what I think is a spread sheet that lets you calculate the approx. amount of chemical that would be active on a daily basis on a normal cycle vs. a MWF Pulse.

You can change the amount of dosing by each 'day', or change the half life in the top section and it will do all the math

The 'level' will basically portray the amount of chemical active in the body within the first 6 hours of dosing. If you subtract the dose from the level it will tell you whats left from the last dose.

If I wanted to go crazy...I could make each day 24 'cells' across and show it on an hourly basis..but don't hold your breath ;) this is now pretty accurate when looking at a 50mg MWF Pulse, vs a 20mg ED cycle.

If anyone sees glaring flaws in the math, let me know. I hope this helps. (double click the chart to get the spread sheet functional)




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Very interesting. IM 230lbs, so maybe after 2 weeks Ill bump it to 30mg. Now would I take 20mg pre workout or 20 post?


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Very interesting. IM 230lbs, so maybe after 2 weeks Ill bump it to 30mg. Now would I take 20mg pre workout or 20 post?
Im of the opinion 20 post would be more beneficial since growth happens after the gym. I'd want the longest anabolic window to be in my post workout phase.


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I take it a little before the workout. First of all, some substances give you a little boost when taken pre-workout. Secondly, then you have the stuff in you as you're breaking tissue down. I honestly don't think it matters that much though. Another reason to take pre-workout instead of post workout is the suggestion that PH's taken later at night could possibly suppress you a bit more.


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Very interesting. IM 230lbs, so maybe after 2 weeks Ill bump it to 30mg. Now would I take 20mg pre workout or 20 post?
I would go with doctor d on this one and go 20 pre,(about 1 hour or 1 1/2 hour before workout) he says it is best to always take the larger part preworkout. You could do something like 1 in morning 1 preworkout and 1 after but you will probably get shutdown easier. i personally never had aproblem with getting shutdown but everyone is different. I would go with 20 pre and 10 post.


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Hey I know this was mentioned earlier, but has anyone gotten good results from 3days on pulse while working out those 3 days and then 4 days off, no workout, no PH...Just curious, Thanks.
Thats the whole idea! m/w/f is best but don't use it 3 days in a row.


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Very interesting. IM 230lbs, so maybe after 2 weeks Ill bump it to 30mg. Now would I take 20mg pre workout or 20 post?
I'm still not pretending to know all about pulsing. But I would take the larger dose PWO. I'd take the 20 mg. PWO and the 10 mg, post workoout! But, that's from the information I've gleaned from here and Dr. D who got this thread going. 40 or 50 mg. 3 days per week is not outrageous nor un-doable!


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That makes sense...I think i have a formula error in my spreadsheet...lemme fix that.

Edit - TO ALL : MY MATH IS FLAWED....:think::think:

I see nothing wrong with a 50mg pulse based on my 'new math'

Sorry :thumbsup:
Glad to see that I'm not "crazy' like those other guys said. I just want to get the most out of my supps. Placebo doesn't do it for me!


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I think pulsing on leg day is great. Just did a 405x3 squat. 7 more leg days cant wait


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What do you mean sources? I pioneered this method myself! Back in the late 80's there was no such thing as post cycle therapy. You had to be smart to keep your balls and your gains back then. It wasn't as easy as it is now. Like I did reference in the post though, this method is derived from corticosteroid pulsing techniques used in kids and that's an easy search away. If you do decide to try it, this is what I have found works with greatest efficiency.

Perfect Logic works for me


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Hey I know this was mentioned earlier, but has anyone gotten good results from 3days on pulse while working out those 3 days and then 4 days off, no workout, no PH...Just curious, Thanks.
You may have gotten that idea from me. As far as I know, I haven't convinced anyone else to try it. But I'm telling you, it's the best pulsing protocol. It actually does what pulsing is supposed to do -- prevent shutdown. I do not believe in "normal" EOD pulsing. The one day off is not enough to maintain HPTA. You will gradually shutdown. In fact, I think pulsing 20mg EOD will shut you down just as much as straight cycling 10mg ED. I've been "micro-cycle" pulsing Superdrol for almost 4 months (that's right) at 20-30mg; I've gained over 20 lbs (that's right too), and I don't think I'm shutdown -- my nuts haven't shrunk, and I'm actually hornier than normal, for my 46yo self. I attribute this to what Dr.D (whatever happened to him?) calls the HPTA "bounceback" that occurs on my 4 off days each week. I also dialed back to low-dose (10mg) 2on/5off for a couple weeks in the middle, to really give my HPTA/liver/lipids/prostate, etc a nice little break. And I've been using various natty test boosters on my off days (as well as very thorough support supps). I basically feel like I don't need any PCT at all, but I'm gonna use some 6oxoExtreme (light AI/SERM combo) just to make sure. I will use a more traditional SERM if it seems necessary (or if gyno rears it's ugly head), but I don't see how that's possible -- I really don't think I'm shutdown. And before you guys go off about the 4 month thing, understand that I've only gone through one bottle of Superdrol in this time. (Other guys might use up a bottle in 6 weeks.) So it's been more of a slow, steady cycle. If you're gonna use up a bottle of Superdrol, it's safer/healthier to spread it out over 4 months than to use it all in 6 weeks.
In fact, I'm starting to believe it really is possible to design the holy grail of cycling: the perpetual (never-ending) cycle. I'd use something like 6oxoExtreme (or AI's PCS, or PP's Sustain Alpha) 4 days in a row, with your PH/AAS on the first 2 of those days. Support supps on all 4 days; total-body resistance training on the 2 "on" days (I already have a good workout routine for this); then 3 days without any supps whatsoever (except maybe your multi). This routine also gives you plenty of opportunity to get in 2-3 days of cardio/abs. I think maybe you could run this "cycle" forever, without any PCT, and safely/gradually put on LBM. Maybe. ???????????????


You may have gotten that idea from me. As far as I know, I haven't convinced anyone else to try it. But I'm telling you, it's the best pulsing protocol. It actually does what pulsing is supposed to do -- prevent shutdown. I do not believe in "normal" EOD pulsing. The one day off is not enough to maintain HPTA. You will gradually shutdown. In fact, I think pulsing 20mg EOD will shut you down just as much as straight cycling 10mg ED. I've been "micro-cycle" pulsing Superdrol for almost 4 months (that's right) at 20-30mg; I've gained over 20 lbs (that's right too), and I don't think I'm shutdown -- my nuts haven't shrunk, and I'm actually hornier than normal, for my 46yo self. I attribute this to what Dr.D (whatever happened to him?) calls the HPTA "bounceback" that occurs on my 4 off days each week. I also dialed back to low-dose (10mg) 2on/5off for a couple weeks in the middle, to really give my HPTA/liver/lipids/prostate, etc a nice little break. And I've been using various natty test boosters on my off days (as well as very thorough support supps). I basically feel like I don't need any post cycle therapy at all, but I'm gonna use some 6oxoExtreme (light AI/SERM combo) just to make sure. I will use a more traditional SERM if it seems necessary (or if gyno rears it's ugly head), but I don't see how that's possible -- I really don't think I'm shutdown. And before you guys go off about the 4 month thing, understand that I've only gone through one bottle of Superdrol in this time. (Other guys might use up a bottle in 6 weeks.) So it's been more of a slow, steady cycle. If you're gonna use up a bottle of Superdrol, it's safer/healthier to spread it out over 4 months than to use it all in 6 weeks.
In fact, I'm starting to believe it really is possible to design the holy grail of cycling: the perpetual (never-ending) cycle. I'd use something like 6oxoExtreme (or AI's PCS, or PP's Sustain Alpha) 4 days in a row, with your PH/anabolic steroids on the first 2 of those days. Support supps on all 4 days; total-body resistance training on the 2 "on" days (I already have a good workout routine for this); then 3 days without any supps whatsoever (except maybe your multi). This routine also gives you plenty of opportunity to get in 2-3 days of cardio/abs. I think maybe you could run this "cycle" forever, without any PCT, and safely/gradually put on LBM. Maybe. ???????????????
That sounds interesting... maybe a decent idea... have you thought of getting bloodwork done to see what your levels look like? I'd also be curious to see the resulsts of a hepatic function panel...


OK, so I have a question about pulsing P-Plex... is it not fast acting enough to do a pulse or would it be fine?


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That sounds interesting... maybe a decent idea... have you thought of getting bloodwork done to see what your levels look like? I'd also be curious to see the resulsts of a hepatic function panel...
I'm afraid to see my current liver and lipid values, so I'm not gonna get bloodwork for awhile, lol. Actually, I don't quite understand the fascination with pre-P.C.T. bloodwork. If you've been on Superdrol, your numbers are gonna be whack. Period. I will wait until a couple "clean" months after PCT to get bloodwork done. It's the longterm probs that are most worrisome. Hopefully, I'll be A-OK at that point.


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OK, so I have a question about pulsing P-Plex... is it not fast acting enough to do a pulse or would it be fine?
I actually just picked up some Phera today, and I'm about to break another of the cardinal rules of cycling, by stacking the Phera with my Superdrol (2 methyls, uh-oh) for the last 3 weeks of my "micro-cycle" pulse, in the hopes of gaining even a little more size. I'm still only gonna be taking 20-30mg of methyls/day, but it's gonna be split between 2 dif methyls, instead of all 1 methyl. I don't see what the big deal is.
I'll have to check my notes, but I think that will put me at exactly 4 months, and it'll be time to run a little 6oxoExtreme.


i have one bottle of h-drol that id like to pulse...i havent figured out exactally how im going to dose it yet heres a few possible ways to dose.

5 weeks @ 100 mg m,w,f

4 weeks @ 100 mg 2 on 2 off

4 weeks @ 100 mg eod

8 weeks @ 50 mg eod

8 weeks @50 mg 2 on 2 off

What do you guys think i would benefit from the most, what would be the advantages and disadvantages of running it eod vs 2 on 2 off vs m,w,f and why....if you have other suggestions on the cycle and how to make it better im wide open to suggestions, however i dont feel like discussing my pct as that is not my question or concern..


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I think you would benefit most from buying another bottle and running a full cycle. Halo isn't exactly worlds best pulser, it has too long a half life for one thing


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I think you would benefit most from buying another bottle and running a full cycle. Halo isn't exactly worlds best pulser, it has too long a half life for one thing
Hey easy do think one bottle of hdrol would be enough for a first time run of hdrol(not a pulse).


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maybe if you are 165lbs. its 50mg a day for 30 days, and you won't see major results till day 20 or so. Depends on what you are looking for I think. I wouldn't imagine that worth much more than 4-5 lean pounds even on a 165lb guy. could be 10lbs with fat added of course.

I'd think buying 3 bottles with plans for 2 cycles would be better, either 75 for 30 days 2x or even 50 for the first 4 weeks, then 75 for 10 days. that way each cycle uses 90 caps. Probably the 50 for 4 weeks and 75 for 10 days would be best.


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I think i'm going to find a way to get oral turinabol instead (halo's cousin) and just run that when I do :)


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Hey guys,
I have been reading this thread from the beginning and I'm trying to catch up, and learn all I can, but In the mean time, I figured I ask the following.

I was thinking of running a Hemadrol/Propadrol 4 week cycle, as my PCT I wanted to try AI's Post Cycle Support tabs, or PF's Cyongenx.

Question 1) Regarding the cycle, would you think it would be of my best interest to "pulse" the cycle and run it 6 - 8 weeks as oppose to just 4 weeks, only because I've read that sometimes PH's do not kick in until after 3 maybe as late as 4 weeks

Question 2) PCS by AI, and/or PF's Cyongenx should be enough for PCT, without having to run a SERM. right?
Anybody have experience running the PH's i have in mind, If so how were your results (gains,sides) ?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

I'm out.


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so far, no one has seen a ton of success with a halo clone pulse, but not a lot have tried it. the issue is that oral turinabol has a 16+ hour half life, and halo is considered "related" to OT, and likely has a long halflife as well. so it may be that it never quite completely clears your system, somewhat negating the purpose of a pulse.

Nobody knows for sure on that though, as there are no real studies on it for halodrol.


so far, no one has seen a ton of success with a halo clone pulse, but not a lot have tried it. the issue is that oral turinabol has a 16+ hour half life, and halo is considered "related" to OT, and likely has a long halflife as well. so it may be that it never quite completely clears your system, somewhat negating the purpose of a pulse.

Nobody knows for sure on that though, as there are no real studies on it for halodrol.
:thumbsup: I've been trying to find some info on that for a while now. Good stuff.

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