How strong are you??



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It means he thinks the forces of green guy is a homosexual.

Irish Cannon

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is it cool cuz ur of the ghey?
Bodybuilding in itself is kind of homosexual. We have to come to those terms at some point in our lives. At least the competition portion of it.

I'll see guys posing in the mirror at the gym and I think to myself, "What a queer." But then I catch myself doing the same thing.


Current stats: 6'8, 320 pounds, high bf% from bulking (damn cheat foods)

I dont really max in attempt to prevent injury, so here are my best current lifts...

Bench press - 315x8

Dumbell bench - 130's x 8

Curl bar curls - dont know

Hammer Curls (dumbell) - dont know, but i've done regular standing rotating DB curls at 65's x5

Straight bar curls - 135x3

Tricep pushdowns - dont know

Deadlifts - 315x8

Squats - 275x6 (knee injury... cant go heavy)

Leg press - dont know

Back pull downs - 275x8 (whole stack + 15... but not impressive because i weigh 320 lol)

Cable rows (back) - 240x6


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Just got back into the game. Haven't benched over 295 in 10 years. Anyways been at it for a few months solid now. 6 FT 2 285 in the morning. Got 335 easy missed 365 bench. Seated military did 205 x 5 last week. Incline 265 x 2. flys 100 x 7. It is a long road back. poacher


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What's your Max on the weights I haven't maxed out in forever. I will post best lifts.

Bench press-335lbs for 5 reps

Dumbell bench-120lbs for 10reps Can't go any higher

Curl bar curls-135lbs for 5

Hammer Curls (dumbell)-80lbs for 8 reps(not anymore:sad: }

Straight bar curls

Tricep pushdowns-220 for 15 reps

Deadlifts -455lbs for 3

Squats -335lbs for 3:toofunny:

Leg press-10 plates on each side for 5(don't feel like adding up the weight

Back pull downs-190 for 10(highest weight)

Cable rows (back)-220-15 reps

Weight now-230, for most of those lifts I was at 245-250lbs. Not the best numbers but its all good.

Guys lay off Force. :bruce2:
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I will destroy you all.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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You guys are all very strong... shizzzz...

I need to start trying to jack my strength up again. All these stats are intimidatingly good.


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I am happy to say I did hit 270 for a tough 1 on seated press this past saturday. Now it is onto my goal of 275. Just the look of hte plates is awesome


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Forces, glad to see that you're pissing people off in multiple areas.

Here are some numbers for me (all raw):

incline: 325-3 or 345-1 (don't do flat much)
standing military : 215-5 or 245-1
squat (w/ knee wraps): 505
deadlift - 545
snatch - 231

Edit: Updated a few.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Forces, glad to see that you're pissing people off in multiple areas.

Here are some numbers for me (all raw):

incline: 325-3 or 345-1 (don't do flat much)
standing military : 225-3 or 235-1
squat (w/ knee wraps): 405-7 or 465-1 (haven't tried an all out max, though)
deadlift - 525-1
snatch - 195
Word. I must say those are some impressive numbers.


Set new PR for squat 685x1 (belt+single ply inzer power pant). Wish my freaking pec tear would heal so i could do a full meet cause my legs have been getting strong as hell.


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I set 2 pr's this am,

Seated press: 275 1 rep and 225 8 reps. I almost jumped out of the seat. Now I am tired and want to nap


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What's your Max on the weights

Bench press: 385

Dumbell bench: No Idea

Curl bar curls: No Idea

Hammer Curls (dumbell): No Idea

Straight bar curls: No Idea

Tricep pushdowns: No Idea

Deadlifts: 551

Squats: 661

Leg press: No Idea

Back pull downs: No Idea

Cable rows (back): No Idea

And anything else??? Oh and be honest no Bull$hitting!
Here's mine. :D I wear cheater gear, so take it for what it's worth. :toofunny:


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Hey, as long as you're making progress and as long as you're happy with the progress you are making, that's all that should matter. We all start somewhere. Do you think Nick started benching 700 overnight? Personally I recently started squatting again because I've always had problems with my knees. I front squatted 235 for 8 and my knees were screaming! But they feel a lot better than they used to. So what if I don't use a lot of weight. I've been happy with my leg development over the past two months since I started hitting the legs hard like I used to. It feels great. By the way, I've noticed that lunges have really helped with my knee problems.
I'm in the same boat man. Knee surgery was a ***** but I try to use it as fuel to make me stand up and crush that weight. I just put it in my mind that I want people to see the weight I'm pushing up and when I squat down they see my scar an go "O **** HE DID THAT WEIGHT AND HAD SURGERY?"


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Bench press: 545 lbs x 1
315 lbs x 25
225 lbs x 54

Incline press: 470 lbs x 1

Incline Dumbell bench: 160 lbs x 20

DB curls : 100 lbs x 2

Tricep pushdowns: 11th plate x 4 (on lat machine not tricep)

Deadlifts: 600 lbs x 1

Squats: 600 lbs x 1 (a$$ to heels)

Leg press: 2500 lbs x 3 (full reps)

Stiff Leg Deads: 405 lbs x 6

DB Shoulder Press: 140 lbs x 10

All my lifts are done raw - NO shirts or suits, wraps, "hands of spotters" or belts. I hate these things and they make the lifts awkward feeling (belts and wraps never put on a shirt or suit), but I did use lifting straps on the deads.

NO I DO NOT JUICE AND NEVER HAVE (ANY SHAPE, FORM OR FASHION - NO PH, PS, AAS)! However, I do bust my a$$ and lift hard and heavy with 3-4 rest days per week. I am 5'8" 245 lbs and 25 years old...been lifting since 9th grade (football).
Australian made

Australian made

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Bench press: 545 lbs x 1
315 lbs x 25
225 lbs x 54

Incline press: 470 lbs x 1

Incline Dumbell bench: 160 lbs x 20

DB curls : 100 lbs x 2

Tricep pushdowns: 11th plate x 4 (on lat machine not tricep)

Deadlifts: 600 lbs x 1

Squats: 600 lbs x 1 (a$$ to heels)

Leg press: 2500 lbs x 3 (full reps)

Stiff Leg Deads: 405 lbs x 6

DB Shoulder Press: 140 lbs x 10

All my lifts are done raw - NO shirts or suits, wraps, "hands of spotters" or belts. I hate these things and they make the lifts awkward feeling (belts and wraps never put on a shirt or suit), but I did use lifting straps on the deads.

NO I DO NOT JUICE AND NEVER HAVE (ANY SHAPE, FORM OR FASHION - NO PH, PS, anabolic steroids)! However, I do bust my a$$ and lift hard and heavy with 3-4 rest days per week. I am 5'8" 245 lbs and 25 years old...been lifting since 9th grade (football).
you are one strong mofo :bb:


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If the bar ain't bending you're just pretending.


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Agreed. I wish I could have it as my background.:whiner:


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Bench press: 545 lbs x 1
315 lbs x 25
225 lbs x 54

Incline press: 470 lbs x 1

Incline Dumbell bench: 160 lbs x 20

DB curls : 100 lbs x 2

Tricep pushdowns: 11th plate x 4 (on lat machine not tricep)

Deadlifts: 600 lbs x 1

Squats: 600 lbs x 1 (a$$ to heels)

Leg press: 2500 lbs x 3 (full reps)

Stiff Leg Deads: 405 lbs x 6

DB Shoulder Press: 140 lbs x 10

All my lifts are done raw - NO shirts or suits, wraps, "hands of spotters" or belts. I hate these things and they make the lifts awkward feeling (belts and wraps never put on a shirt or suit), but I did use lifting straps on the deads.

NO I DO NOT JUICE AND NEVER HAVE (ANY SHAPE, FORM OR FASHION - NO PH, PS, anabolic steroids)! However, I do bust my a$$ and lift hard and heavy with 3-4 rest days per week. I am 5'8" 245 lbs and 25 years old...been lifting since 9th grade (football).
HOLY **** IS ALL I CAN SAY!!!! .......thats crazy strength


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Bench press: 545 lbs x 1
315 lbs x 25
225 lbs x 54

Incline press: 470 lbs x 1

Incline Dumbell bench: 160 lbs x 20

DB curls : 100 lbs x 2

Tricep pushdowns: 11th plate x 4 (on lat machine not tricep)

Deadlifts: 600 lbs x 1

Squats: 600 lbs x 1 (a$$ to heels)

Leg press: 2500 lbs x 3 (full reps)

Stiff Leg Deads: 405 lbs x 6

DB Shoulder Press: 140 lbs x 10

All my lifts are done raw - NO shirts or suits, wraps, "hands of spotters" or belts. I hate these things and they make the lifts awkward feeling (belts and wraps never put on a shirt or suit), but I did use lifting straps on the deads.

NO I DO NOT JUICE AND NEVER HAVE (ANY SHAPE, FORM OR FASHION - NO PH, PS, anabolic steroids)! However, I do bust my a$$ and lift hard and heavy with 3-4 rest days per week. I am 5'8" 245 lbs and 25 years old...been lifting since 9th grade (football).
Very nice benching!!! your going to be a flat out powerhouse when you bring your deadlift and squat up to match.


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NO I DO NOT JUICE AND NEVER HAVE (ANY SHAPE, FORM OR FASHION - NO PH, PS, anabolic steroids)! However, I do bust my a$$ and lift hard and heavy with 3-4 rest days per week. I am 5'8" 245 lbs and 25 years old...been lifting since 9th grade (football).
This is the most impressive part...awesome numbers w/o any steroids!

Now that is something to be proud hats off to you sir.



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Very nice benching!!! your going to be a flat out powerhouse when you bring your deadlift and squat up to match.
'Preciate it! Those lifts have always sucked. I see how much other guys do and it pisses me off :twisted: I am working on them but I am by no means a powerlifter and I have never competed in a competition. However, I got interested in bodybuilding about 3-4 years ago and I am going to try to do a show in 2008.

...any pointers how to get the dead and squat up?


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This is the most impressive part...awesome numbers w/o any steroids!

Now that is something to be proud hats off to you sir.

Thanks bruh! I am a firm believer in maxing the body's potential first before someone takes such measures but to each his own. I don't and probably will never use roids, but I do enjoy reading and studying about them and all the good and bad things that they can do - never hurts to understand. I know my competition will be pretty stiff since the majority of the bodybuilders I know juice heavily but I probably will look into doing the drug tested competitions. In thinking about this though, it's kind of weird since most of the federations I've seen only require that you be drug free for 3-7 years with no regard really to the time before but oh well.

...any info to the contrary would be very much appreciated.


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Bench press: 200

Dumbell bench: about 80-90????

Curl bar curls: umm 100?

Hammer Curls (dumbell): 45

Straight bar curls: 100-105

Tricep pushdowns: How about tri ext? 30 for those

Deadlifts: 365

Squats: about 205-215 ATG

Leg press: IDK? I'm guessing around 315? 405? IDK

Back pull downs: About 180-190

Cable rows (back): BB Rows? 205

Weight 170
Agent White

Agent White

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25, 198lbs

Bench press--325 (current--PR 365)

Dumbell bench--140x4

Straight bar curls--130 (current--PR 150x4)

Tricep pushdowns--250lbs (guess~112kgs)

Deadlifts--385(L4/L5 herniations)

Squats--350 (PR 495)

Leg press PR 900lbs

Back pull downs 128kgs ~280lbs


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What's your Max on the weights

Bench press

Dumbell bench

Curl bar curls

Hammer Curls (dumbell)

Straight bar curls

Tricep pushdowns



Leg press

Back pull downs

Cable rows (back)

And anything else??? Oh and be honest no Bull$hitting!

all lifts are current. 19yo 6'1 240

Bench press 410

Dumbell bench ?

Curl bar curls 200x6

Hammer Curls (dumbell) 85x6

Straight bar curls 165x6

Tricep pushdowns ?

Deadlifts 385x7

Squats 405x8

Leg press ?

Back pull downs 245x10 300x1

Cable rows (back) ?


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could I see this freaky lift?

Bench press: most I've ever done in gym 725 TnG, right now 675 with long pause, 625 incline

Dumbell bench: no idea

Curl bar curls: no idea

Hammer Curls (dumbell): no idea

Straight bar curls: most ever tried was 245

Tricep pushdowns: no idea, but can do sets of 10 with 315 on skull crushers

Deadlifts: 730 with straps

Squats: no idea right now, injured MCL on right leg

Leg press: no clue

Back pull downs: no clue

Cable rows (back): no clue, can do sets of 10 with 405 on bent over rows
You guys are a strong bunch, I know it is the internet and all, and just like I was 6 feet even in my college football program (I'm 5'10" if I'm lucky) there may be a little exageration now and again. I don't theink I am calling bull****, but if you could share a video of the 315 X 10 skullcrsusher, I think that would be awesome. I always thought I was kind of a freak on that particular movement, and can do a pretty clean 225 X 10. I have worked out with some pretty strong benchers, 500 plus, who cannot touch even 225 X 10.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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You guys are a strong bunch, I know it is the internet and all, and just like I was 6 feet even in my college football program (I'm 5'10" if I'm lucky) there may be a little exageration now and again. I don't theink I am calling bull****, but if you could share a video of the 315 X 10 skullcrsusher, I think that would be awesome. I always thought I was kind of a freak on that particular movement, and can do a pretty clean 225 X 10. I have worked out with some pretty strong benchers, 500 plus, who cannot touch even 225 X 10.
Go on youtube and search "Nick Winters" :thumbsup:

You'll be presently surprised. I've trained in the same gym as Nick in the past. I can def vouch for a lot of the numbers he's saying. I may have not seen the actual lift but number that weren't too far off.


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I've got to see 315 x 10 skullcrushers. I know Nick is an incredible lifter, but properly performed skullcrushers with those numbers would equate to a 1000+ pound RAW bench.


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Just based on what dozens of people I've lifted with that have varying builds can skullcrush in comparison to what they can RAW bench. Not trying to dog Nick, I'm well aware that he's an incredible lifter, but just saying I'd like to see it. I'm assuming they're done with a short ROM or something.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Just based on what dozens of people I've lifted with that have varying builds can skullcrush in comparison to what they can RAW bench. Not trying to dog Nick, I'm well aware that he's an incredible lifter, but just saying I'd like to see it. I'm assuming they're done with a short ROM or something.
Gotcha, I've skullcrushed 135 for a good number of reps before and was j/w the correlation because the most I've ever benched is in the high 3's. Since my number is a little less than 1/2 of Nick's then I should be able to bench between high 4's low 5's. I guess i'm not benching to my full potential :sad: lol


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I might be wrong. He could have incredible tri strength, and lack lat strength or something. The guy I've worked out with closest to Nick's strength, could SC 225 x 6-8 and could raw bench 600. For the record, I don't think Nick is lying, I just want to see it, really I do.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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I might be wrong. He could have incredible tri strength, and lack lat strength or something. The guy I've worked out with closest to Nick's strength, could SC 225 x 6-8 and could raw bench 600. For the record, I don't think Nick is lying, I just want to see it, really I do.
O I hear ya man. I'd also like to see it. ;)


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What's your Max on the weights

Bench press : 450

Dumbell bench : 135 3x12

Curl bar curls : ? Preacher Curl: 155x8

Hammer Curls (dumbell) 70

Straight bar curls ?

Tricep pushdowns ?


Squats 575

Leg press ?

Back pull downs

Cable rows (back)

And anything else??? Oh and be honest no Bull$hitting!
fun stuff


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I might be wrong. He could have incredible tri strength, and lack lat strength or something.
I remember Nick used to complain on here that his tri's were his weakest link bench-wise. Maybe he corrected the problem, though.


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I remember Nick used to complain on here that his tri's were his weakest link bench-wise. Maybe he corrected the problem, though.
Good lord, if tri's are his weak link he must row 585 for 15:blink:


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Good lord, if tri's are his weak link he must row 585 for 15:blink:
Yeah, I know. I think that 1-2 years ago so maybe he's brought his tri's up by hitting those skullcrushers hard. No idea. I haven't seen him post anything around here in a while.


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Yeah, I know. I think that 1-2 years ago so maybe he's brought his tri's up by hitting those skullcrushers hard. No idea. I haven't seen him post anything around here in a while.
Yeah, I heard they were doing casting for human acting version of Shrek, guess he's busy. I should kill myself.


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so where would you guess my bench at, i do skull crushers 165x8-10, and 180x5.


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i call bs to more then half the posts, i want proof


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i call bs to more then half the posts, i want proof
Personaly i don't see why there would be any need to lie. Why do you think half the posts are BS?

click on the link to my training thread in my sig. I have a video posted up almost every training session.

Nick's got tons of vids as well.


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so where would you guess my bench at, i do skull crushers 165x8-10, and 180x5.
My guess is your right on 500lbs. Damn i'm good:bb:

EDIT: ah damn...thats your goal. Mid 400's based off the skull crushers alone. Alot is dependent on technique and what else your utilizing.


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Buki, how old are you? You're one of those guys that look like you could be anywhere from 24-34?

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