Help with an expired product!


New member
i have used to distribute herbalife products.... which i have stopped now. i had a product called bulk and muscle which i still have an abundance of. i am wondering whether this would be okay to take? i called the herbalife rep who states the product is over due by 6 months. the product life is 2 years when the container hasn't been opened.

here is the product ingredient list:
sorry i can't post links due to insufficient posting
-google - herbalife bulk and muscle
-it should be the second link
-view product label, the pdf.

is there anything in there that is perishable?

would i be safe taking this product?
Palo Alto Labs

Palo Alto Labs

  • Established
Federal regulations require a expiration date be put on all food items... supplements are classified as food items by the FDA.

Most expiration dates mean nothing towards freshness... its just a good barometer to judge when the product was manufactured and how long it is deemed to still be fresh under normal circumstances (ie no heat or moisture)

Will it hurt you... i highly doubt it. Ive drank tubs of protein that was 1 year past expiry without any problems

protein powders are almost 100% lactose free... so there is not too much to worry about with spoil

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