Help planing next cycle


New member
Current stats 235lbs 14%bf 6'2
Goal after pct 240lbs 10-12 %BF

so my last cycle did a 12 weeker of 50mg ED, first 8 wekks were deca 300mg/week, 9-11 50mg winny, week 12 was 40 mg anavar.

for my next cycle, i want to go on longer 16weeks, and up the total dose from around 600mg/week too around 900. i want to experiment with dbol and tren. I've done my reserach on it, i know some of you wouldn't use it, i'm willing to up to 300mg a week for 6 weeks.

I was planning something along these lines.

week 1 & 2
Prop 50mg ED 350mg/week
Deca 100mg mon wed fri 300mg/week
dbol -here is where i could use some advice, dont know how i should dose it. The idea is to use it for rapid water and mass gain.

week 3-8
either prop 50mg ed or sus 250 or 400(depends on what i have available) 250-400 a week
deca mon wed fri 100mg 300mg/week
tren ace tues thurs sat 1cc ~300mg/week

week 9-14
test will remain the same
i will double the dose of deca and drop the tren

week 14-16
winny 25-50mg ed, depends on what is available.
prop ed 50-75mg ed (except sunday)(so it will clear out of my system with the last 3 days on anavar)50mg if the winnys tabs are 50, 75 if the winny tabs are 25.
the last 2 days of week 16 will be anavar at 40mg, which will be my bridge into my nolva clomid pct.

aromasin or arimidex will be used all the way through, help with dosing would be appreciated.

I will have to use hcg. I've never used it before, but what i've been told is from week 3-16 to use it. don't remember suggested dose, but it was 2x a week. this is where i need the biggest amount of help. i can read the literature, but i would like some of you that have experience with this stuff to chime in.

i need help with duration and dosing of both nolva and clomid during my pct.
(up until now i used nolva on cycle for estro control, and clomid as pct.)

any input would be greatly appreciated.

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