Help me!!! It's impossible to bulk up for me...


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believe it or not but its making a difference eating so much i just weighted myself and im at 156?!?!?! whattttt!!!!! is that possible its only been 3 days??? ive been eating everything i was told oatmeal, cup of almonds, olive oil, peanut butter, steak, cheese, alotttt of eggs for breakfast


i'm cutting and pasting my bulking diet, and hopefully that'll help. i think i was at 4k calories when i went from 126 to 151, then i stalled for a bit and this 7k diet took me to where i am now :)

my diet :
breakfast - 5 eggs, two bowls of cereal (organic version of honey bunches of oats) with whole milk, two cups of coffee with three cups of 1/2 and 1/2 = 1900 calories
snack - peanut butter - 2 tbsp = 180 calories
snack - string cheese = 90 calories
lunch - two double cheeseburgers = 800 calories
pre workout - 50g of protein, 120g of carbs = 650 calories
post workout - 50g of protein, 120g of carbs = 650 calories
snack - peanut butter - 2 tbsp = 180 calories
snack - string cheese = 90 calories
dinner - 8oz buffalo or chicken + veggies + rice = 400 calories (est.)
snack - two servings of peanut butter (4 tbsp) = 360 calories
snack - string cheese = 90 calories
bedtime meal - 6-8 oz steak - no veggies or carbs = 280 calories (i'm guessing here)

also throughout the day i drink 1/2 a gallon of whole milk (1000+ calories), and i don't count the calories of canola and olive oil i cook with, since most of them are left in the pan.
This diet looks good, but it looks to me as more of a cut diet. When you are trying to bulk up you need to try to slow your metabolism down as much as possible. You can manipulate this by the amount of meals you eat. If you were to cram 5000-6000 cals into 3 or 4 meals your metabolism would slow down. When you cut, you eat every 2 hours so your body is constantly blazing the inferno.


The BPS Rep
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This diet looks good, but it looks to me as more of a cut diet. When you are trying to bulk up you need to try to slow your metabolism down as much as possible. You can manipulate this by the amount of meals you eat. If you were to cram 5000-6000 cals into 3 or 4 meals your metabolism would slow down. When you cut, you eat every 2 hours so your body is constantly blazing the inferno.
Sorry man, but that isn't true. Number of meals doesn't affect whether you gain or lose weight, number of cals does.


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Try adding oatmeal and some fruit with breakfast- instead of a sandwich, have a can of tuna with a couple slices of bread, -also add a quart of milk and a couple slices of bread to wash down the peanut butter.


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now and before pics.... embarrasing but i think ive had some good progress
??? Whats the span of these pictures? I think maybe you're thinking the gains are going to come a lot faster than they will, NOBODY gets big overnight, I see ALOT of progress in those pictures!


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hello sorry i havent been here in a while... well that picture has a span of a year and a half... anyways right now im weighting 156-157 right when i wake up in the morning by nightime im weighting around 160 i think its working its been like almost a month wow... anyways do u guys have any ideas of what i can do to get an appetite (other than smoking weed lol) because its hard for me to eat so much.... it makes me to want to throw up but i still try to stuff my face as much as i can...


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slowly stretch your stomach. it cant happen all at once, at least not for me. take in little fiber cause fiber keeps u full all day.


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what kind of things have alot of calories and little fiber?


The BPS Rep
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what kind of things have alot of calories and little fiber?
Fiber is beneficial for gastric health, I wouldn't aim to cut it out of your diet.

Just make fat your friend. Oil, Cream, Coconut Milk, Nuts, butter, Avocado, Sausage, etc. Load up on it. 1/2C Cream + 1/2C Coconut Milk +3TBSP PB +3scoops of protein makes for an amazing shake. Just drinking shots of oil is good for quick cals too. Start Adding lots of cheese to stuff.
Jake Fires

Jake Fires

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maybe after every meal drink the weight gainer.

but i see this adding alot of fat to you as well.


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Hey from my own experience with jack3d, it's a great stimulant but it also kills your appetite not just for the rest of the day but 1-2 days after even if you don't take it again. Also try getting more of your calories from real food instead of weight gainers. Lastly, getting enough sleep at night (at least 6 hours uninterrupted sleep, should be closer to 8) makes a big difference.


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sleep alot and dont worry about adding 20 pounds in a month and stuff like that.. seriously focus on getting your bench squat and deadlift up.... eat whenever you get hungry... and the weight will be put on..its not impossible to gain weight... i ate a BBQ chicken pizza and small thing of ice cream every night to put on weight last summer.... had a little flab but i weent from 170 to 190.. now im solid at 183... and got a 4 pack lol would be six but i dont watch my carbs like a BB would


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make shakes with 50g+carbs, 600+calories and 50g+protein and take that twice a day (after workout and before bed)....also eat breakfast,brunch,lunch,linner and dinner......have fun eating EVERYTHING!!!....with this i went from 183lb to 217lb in 2 1/2 months!


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when u gained that much weghit sexyrexy was it good muscle or fat?


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i wouldnt cut out fiber, just watch out for shakes that are high in fiber


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You take 3 weight gainer shakes!! I dont know what kind you take but im guessing each is around 500-600 calories. Which would equal 1500-1800cals, this is probably more calories then you eat in whole food. This ratio desperately needs to change, as you are an ecto and you burn through those weight gainers like crazy. You need to get rid of the weight gainers all together and just get a regular whey protein to mix with whole foods. I would say keep the protein shakes to 2 times a day, 3 if short on time or something. Example of a Balanced meal including a shake, 2 scoops protein, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 oz almonds that equals 670calories. In which the calories sources are much more effective because they have more nutrients and take longer to digest.


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i gained barely any fat.... these gains might also be because it was right after football season. im staying on this track till i get to 230lb


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yea i play football to man im 5'10 200lbs now i run a 4.9 nd im working with a speed traine nd he cuts an average of .3-.4 or ur 40 in 6 months if uve never done speed traininng b4 he is the best were i live so i will b at least at 4.7-4.6 and im a junio rin high school and i play line backer nd fullback nd im trying to get to 215-220 but pretty cut obviously i dont exspect to have a legit 6 pack ya know but have big abbs


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im lookin to get at about a 4.8 40 at 230lb by next season so im tryng to put on that weight as lean as i can!...i play linebacker too


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yea what state do u play in? ..and i saw some of ur other post man ph arnt smart to use at this age man ive thought about it if u wanna gain lean muscle safe try this stack could drive/rpm it helps with speed strength fat loss and mauscle gain! my friend is on it and he is 6'7 and was 193ish and he is a wr good as **** lol.. but he is like 204 now nd he has used it for about 3weeks-a month nd hes also using creatine but it has mad ehim so much stronger nd faster he cut his time in like a month from a 4.87-a 4.7 now


I saw some pill called black hole, its supposed to make you be able to eat more. No idea if it works havent tried it or talked to anyone that has but it may be worth looking into.


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i play in cali, you??... yeah in know that stuff is bad but it is ridiculus how many people our age use that stuff where im from.....and it might be the difference between a acholarship(hopefully not though)..that friend of yours has gotta be skinny!


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i gained barely any fat.... these gains might also be because it was right after football season. im staying on this track till i get to 230lb
I think alot of those gains probably came from these two steroids right here man

this is not my first 1st cycle was rage t19 (19-Norandrosta-4, 9-diene-3, 17-dione)stacked with epidrol (2a, 3a-Epithio-17a-Methyl- 5a-Androstan-17b-Ol) over a 6 week period....this did not give me any side effects and i gained 8 pounds of muscle


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lol i play in maryland complete opposite side of the us lol i know kids who have tought about taking ph or steriods nd i kno i few guys i lift with at the gym who are in collage nd r 20 but im 5'10 pushing 5'11 nd id like to make it to 6' foot so im trying not to screw up my growth you know ur 6'3 man ur plenty tall at around me just lift hard man ..and yea my one friendis pretty skiny but hes a wr so it dosent matter you kno but hes a pretty srtong kid for being that skinny and he dosent look to skinny hes well prportions nd hes got strong legs he can squat 365 and bench 225 so its not bad for a wr....nd he is sick like since he is so tall he catches every jump ball if we r with in the 15-20 yard line its like an aoutomatic td lol we just throw it up to him


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i only gained 8 pounds on the ph...and 15lb before the cycle and 11lb after....ha maryland is far iguess it must be a whole different world


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This is what I ate yesterday. I just started working out. I am currently 5'10" and 140lbs
I eat ALL day. My main meals are usually around 500-700 calaries, with 4-6 small meals in between.

Calories: 3100

Fat: 131g (38% of my diet)
Saturated: 32.3g
Polyunsaturated: 33.3g
Monounsaturated: 52.2g

Carbohydrates: 330g (39% of my diet)
Dietary Fiber 37g

Protein 185g (24% of my diet)

Along with these I also drank a gallon of water, fish oil, flax seed oil, and a multi vitamin.


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dude u wanna make sure more of that is protien and carbs nd less fat bro ...and you should be drinking a protien shake or 2 a day man...whats ur meal plan look like?


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dude u wanna make sure more of that is protien and carbs nd less fat bro ...and you should be drinking a protien shake or 2 a day man...whats ur meal plan look like?

This is what I ate that day.
1 egg white
2 whole eggs
4 slices wheat toast
1 glass OJ
1 slice cheese
2 protien shakes
1 ceatine shake
tuna fish w/ mayo
2 bananas
16oz 2% milk
1 avacodo
2 oz cream of mushroom soup
pasta noodles
2 oz chicken breast
2 tablespoons peanut butter
2 packets oatmeal

Any suggestions on food with more Carbs and Protien, but less fat?


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IMO you NEED more fat. More meat and more rice.
Try this, take a whole tub of oatmeal and throw it in a blender and blend it all into flour. Take 16 oz milk, 2 scoops protein, 1-2 scoops oat flour, 1-2 tbsp peanut butter or 1-2 tbsp oil (I use canola oil, I can't stand EVOO) and mix that up. Yields 900+ calories of goodness.


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eat some nuts.. penut butter...tuna fish ..less carbs man less bread and drink a ton of milk!!!!!!like half galon -gallon a day nd u will gain like 10lbs in a month


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Dude eat all WHOLE eggs, ditch the egg whites. You are missing half the protein and most of the nutrients by discarding the yolk, plus more fat in the yolk=more cals which you need. I eat 6 whole eggs a day, even on cuts and it never has been a problem for me.


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i mean you dont need to cut down the carbs but when you eat a **** ton of carbs i fal i put a lil more fat on then id like

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