Hair Loss Prevention



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It has been four months since using the LLLT brush and despite some promise with the temples, my scalp isn't doing anything.

It even bothered me more when I read the Laser Brush Testimonials:

Kind of irritated how all these people are seeing results in weeks where it has been well over four months now with no actual results.

Do you know of anyone who didn't experience any results with this treatment?
Most people seem to report positive results with LLLT, from what I've seen. Even though its suggested that it may take up to 6 months to see the results from any MPB treatment, I'd think you'd notice something after 4 months.

TheExperiment - is your condition getting worse, or staying the same? Also - are you using anything else to stimulate regrowth, like Minoxidil or the pyridine N-oxides we were discussing in this post?


The Experiment

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Most people seem to report positive results with LLLT, from what I've seen. Even though its suggested that it may take up to 6 months to see the results from any MPB treatment, I'd think you'd notice something after 4 months.

TheExperiment - is your condition getting worse, or staying the same? Also - are you using anything else to stimulate regrowth, like Minoxidil or the pyridine N-oxides we were discussing in this post?

My condition isn't getting worse. When I shower, I don't see any hair on my hands from my head.

I did read about a site regarding LLLT where the guy did it every day for 20 minutes for 4 weeks. I'm considering doing the same. I'll keep doing it for 20 minutes every day until I start seeing some growth. Then I'll start cutting down on it.

I am using the pyridine N-oxides shampoo. It has only been about two weeks since I started using it and it is suggested that it takes a few months to see results.

Anyway, I was just venting about my frustrations. The site where I bought it had success stories from only a few weeks in. My temples did improve but that could very well be due to Spiro. I'll never stop doing it since I already have the comb purchased.


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Definitely a good idea to keep it up - the fact that your hair hasnt got worse might actually be a sign of improvement. (its better than regressing, anyway)

How are you using the brush bro? With mine, I move it all around my head, stopping for ~4 seconds in each spot...can actually feel the skin warm up just a tiny bit.


The Experiment

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Definitely a good idea to keep it up - the fact that your hair hasnt got worse might actually be a sign of improvement. (its better than regressing, anyway)

How are you using the brush bro? With mine, I move it all around my head, stopping for ~4 seconds in each spot...can actually feel the skin warm up just a tiny bit.

I do the "1001, 2002, 3003, 4004, 5005" approach. Should be 4-5 seconds in each spot.

I don't feel the skin warming up but my scalp usually turns red at that spot. I do not press it hard on my head at all; just letting the brush and my head make contact.

Maybe I'll wait until I do feel a little heat on my head before moving to the next spot.


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Huge bump to this insanely awsome thread.

During my first cycle I seemed to shed a bit. During PCT I stopped shedding, and now since my hpta has recovered I've began to shed again.

I used niz last night, and today my scalp isn't as itchy and does not seem to be shedding as much.

I'm starting a new cycle however, and I know it's going to start the shedding process all over again.

My plan is to preemptively attack it. Actually I'd like to devise a plan with instructions as to dosage, and application for anyone who wants to prevent hairloss. Not to steal BigV's clout, just add to it really.

My question is, how often do you apply Nizoral 2% Shampoo, and how much do you use? How long do you leave it in your hair before rinsing?

How often do you apply Acid 5% & Minoxidil 5%? How much do you use, and how long do you leave it in your hair before rinising?

How often do you apply Polysorbate 80? How much do you use, and how long do you leave it in your hair before rinsing.

I think I'm clear on the .5 ml of fina a day.

I'm not sold on the laser brush yet, but if things get bad, I may be getting one.

I also have some scalpiscin, and coal tar.



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Hey CryingEmo -

My plan is to preemptively attack it. Actually I'd like to devise a plan with instructions as to dosage, and application for anyone who wants to prevent hairloss. Not to steal BigV's clout, just add to it really.
The more people we have thinking about it, the better!:)

My question is, how often do you apply Nizoral 2% Shampoo, and how much do you use? How long do you leave it in your hair before rinsing?
EOD usually in the AM. Ill apply it as soon as I get in the shower, and rinse last. Then use a hair thickening shampoo and/or conditioner. It's usually on the scalp a good 10 minutes. I would say, if you're cycling, to use Nizoral ED as its a general anti-androgen and should help...just be sure to use a good conditioner as it can dry out your scalp.

How often do you apply Acid 5% & Minoxidil 5%? How much do you use, and how long do you leave it in your hair before rinising?
I apply 1mL of the 15% Xandrox solution at night, and I leave it in until the AM. 1mL of 5% minoxidil in the morning after a shower, and leave that in as well. The minoxidil solutions arent meant to be rinsed out...

How often do you apply Polysorbate 80? How much do you use, and how long do you leave it in your hair before rinsing.
Ive never used Polysorbate80 - maybe someone else can chime in here.

This might help out bro - its my current 'stack' of products and has been the most effective by far:


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Every Day

  • Emu Oil
    • Applied to affected areas of the scalp - a few drops on finger tips and massage into skin.
    • Alleviated inflammation from androgen activity in the scalp
    • Excellent skin conditioner
    • May help suppress DHT
    • Enhances absorption of other transdermal products
    • Emu oil hair loss and frontal regrowth
  • Retonic Acid .025%
  • 1mL 15% Xandrox Solution
    • Applied with an eye dropper to the entire scalp.
    • Most potent liquid minoxidil solution available
    • In my experience, a fantastic potentiator for hair regrowth
    • Contains 5% Azelaic Acid, a topical inhibitor of DHT
    • Xandrox Page
  • 2% Spironolactone
    • Applied with a dabber bottle to hairline only.
    • Very potent anti-androgen - use with care and be weary of potential side effect.
    • Never allow pregnant women to come in contact with this compound - potential for birth defects in male children.
    • A valuable ally against non 5AR converting anabolics like Tren, 1-test, etc
    • For normal use, I apply to hairline only. If cycling a non 5-AR converting compound that caused hair loss, I would use 1x per day at night before the application of any of the above products.
    • Spironolactone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • .5mg Finasteride
    • Systemic inhibitor of 5AR enzyme - inhibits 65% of TypeII 5AR (TypeII is the 5AR in skin and prostate tissue)
    • FDA Approved to treat hair loss
    • Never allow pregnant women to come in contact with this compound - potential for birth defects in male children.
    • Generally, side effect free for most men. However, use caution and be weary of potential side effects.
    • I am currently experimenting with EOD dosage - seems to be working well. Finasteride has a half life of 5-7 days, but after long term use the blocked 5AR enzyme takes up to 30 days to turn over. I'm trying to use as little of this stuff, and thus block as little DHT as possible, to achieve the intended effects.
    • Finasteride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    • Google Answers: Stopping finasteride

Every Day
  • 1mL 5% Minoxidil Solution
    • Currently using non-AA Minoxidil, considering adding Azelaic Acid and/or Crinagen in the future.
    • Applied with an eye dropper to entire scalp
    • Lightly dry hair-only (try not to touch scalp) with a damp towel after application.

Every Other Day

Every Other Day
  • 2% Regrowth Treatment Shampoo - (Nizoral)
    • Apply 1st thing in the shower, rinse last. (~10 minutes)
    • Contains 2% Ketoconozole (Nizoral) w/3%Salicylic Acid
    • Increases effectiveness of Minoxidil
    • Ketoconozole is a general androgen blocker - probably a good thing to use ED while on cycle.
    • Also reduces inflammation.
    • Ketoconazole shampoo as a treatment for pattern hair loss
    • Regrowth
This combination of compounds has provided the best results by far, of any treatment protocol I have ever used. My hair is the thickest its been in years, and I rarely lose more than 2-4 hairs in the shower or when I do the 'tug test', often none at all. I suggest reading the supplied links for more indepth info - the general idea is that you want to try and attack the problem from every possible angle. Blocking androgens, stimulating regrowth, reducing inflammation, and providing an optimal environment for healthy hair and scalp. Many are also working to potentiate eachother, resulting in an anti-MPB combo that is greater than the sum of its parts.

It should go without saying that proper nutrition, adequate rest, and being absolutely religious about applying your treatments is essential if you are to see any degree of success.

Remember it can take up to 12 months to start seeing results from any hair-loss treatment. Generally, I think most can tell after 4-6 if a product is working for them.

There are other brands and other types of products out there that are also effective, but this is what I currently use. If you've read about a new treatment, or are using something that we havent mentioned, please chime in!!! To a degree, MPB can be treated effectively and while one day genetics may take over and Ill lose the battle - I'm not going down without a fight!!:)

Hope that helps -


New member
Hey BigVrunga that's quite an impressive stack you have going on there. A couple questions if you don't mind: How do you think your hair would hold up to some tren with all those different compounds you're taking and approximately how much per month does all that stuff set you back (if you don't mind me asking)?



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Hey BigVrunga that's quite an impressive stack you have going on there. A couple questions if you don't mind: How do you think your hair would hold up to some tren with all those different compounds you're taking and approximately how much per month does all that stuff set you back (if you don't mind me asking)?

Total cost of everything is ~$40 a month or so, I built the laser comb myself for $50. The Xandrox15,EmuOil, Spiro, Retin-A, and Regrowth Shampoo last a good 4 months,and the 5% minox goes for about 2 before I have to re-order. The Finesteride is available online for far cheaper than you'd buy it locally at a pharmacy (although I do have prescription from my doc).

I think that Tren would still probably do a number on my hair line - although its hard to say, because it doesnt affect some (even if they do have MPB), and Ive never tried it. It doesnt convert via 5-AR, so all the DHT blocking stuff will be pretty much uselss. The ketoconozole and Spiro would help, but I have no idea how much. The hair loss would probably be less than if I used nothing at all, but Id imagine Id still see some shedding.



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Every Day

  • Emu Oil
    • Applied to affected areas of the scalp - a few drops on finger tips and massage into skin.
    • Alleviated inflammation from androgen activity in the scalp
    • Excellent skin conditioner
    • May help suppress DHT
    • Enhances absorption of other transdermal products
    • Emu oil hair loss and frontal regrowth
  • Retonic Acid .025%
  • 1mL 15% Xandrox Solution
    • Applied with an eye dropper to the entire scalp.
    • Most potent liquid minoxidil solution available
    • In my experience, a fantastic potentiator for hair regrowth
    • Contains 5% Azelaic Acid, a topical inhibitor of DHT
    • Xandrox Page
  • 2% Spironolactone
    • Applied with a dabber bottle to hairline only.
    • Very potent anti-androgen - use with care and be weary of potential side effect.
    • Never allow pregnant women to come in contact with this compound - potential for birth defects in male children.
    • A valuable ally against non 5AR converting anabolics like Tren, 1-test, etc
    • For normal use, I apply to hairline only. If cycling a non 5-AR converting compound that caused hair loss, I would use 1x per day at night before the application of any of the above products.
    • Spironolactone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • .5mg Finasteride
    • Systemic inhibitor of 5AR enzyme - inhibits 65% of TypeII 5AR (TypeII is the 5AR in skin and prostate tissue)
    • FDA Approved to treat hair loss
    • Never allow pregnant women to come in contact with this compound - potential for birth defects in male children.
    • Generally, side effect free for most men. However, use caution and be weary of potential side effects.
    • I am currently experimenting with EOD dosage - seems to be working well. Finasteride has a half life of 5-7 days, but after long term use the blocked 5AR enzyme takes up to 30 days to turn over. I'm trying to use as little of this stuff, and thus block as little DHT as possible, to achieve the intended effects.
    • Finasteride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    • Google Answers: Stopping finasteride

Every Day
  • 1mL 5% Minoxidil Solution
    • Currently using non-AA Minoxidil, considering adding Azelaic Acid and/or Crinagen in the future.
    • Applied with an eye dropper to entire scalp
    • Lightly dry hair-only (try not to touch scalp) with a damp towel after application.

Every Other Day

Every Other Day
  • 2% Regrowth Treatment Shampoo - (Nizoral)
    • Apply 1st thing in the shower, rinse last. (~10 minutes)
    • Contains 2% Ketoconozole (Nizoral) w/3%Salicylic Acid
    • Increases effectiveness of Minoxidil
    • Ketoconozole is a general androgen blocker - probably a good thing to use ED while on cycle.
    • Also reduces inflammation.
    • Ketoconazole shampoo as a treatment for pattern hair loss
    • Regrowth
This combination of compounds has provided the best results by far, of any treatment protocol I have ever used. My hair is the thickest its been in years, and I rarely lose more than 2-4 hairs in the shower or when I do the 'tug test', often none at all. I suggest reading the supplied links for more indepth info - the general idea is that you want to try and attack the problem from every possible angle. Blocking androgens, stimulating regrowth, reducing inflammation, and providing an optimal environment for healthy hair and scalp. Many are also working to potentiate eachother, resulting in an anti-MPB combo that is greater than the sum of its parts.

It should go without saying that proper nutrition, adequate rest, and being absolutely religious about applying your treatments is essential if you are to see any degree of success.

Remember it can take up to 12 months to start seeing results from any hair-loss treatment. Generally, I think most can tell after 4-6 if a product is working for them.

There are other brands and other types of products out there that are also effective, but this is what I currently use. If you've read about a new treatment, or are using something that we havent mentioned, please chime in!!! To a degree, MPB can be treated effectively and while one day genetics may take over and Ill lose the battle - I'm not going down without a fight!!:)

Hope that helps -

Thanks alot bro, reply is much appreciated.

I think I'll start with the minox, azelaic acid, spiro, and fina. I'm hoping that has some positive effect.

How exactly did you go about building yourself a laser brush?


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How exactly did you go about building yourself a laser brush?
I put up some instructions back in the thread somewhere...its basically 6 650nm, 5mW,3v Laser Diodes that you can get on Ebay for cheap (~$25) from a company called Aixiz Lasers. The brush is a high quality boar's head brush that ran me about $10, and a universal power supply that can put out 3V DC, another $15. Just wire all the +'s together and all the -'s togeher. Cover the bare wire with heat shrink tubing or electrical tape, and then connect to the power supply (make sure its 3V DC!!) and you're set.



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I just got my order of 10grams of RU 58841. Anyone here try this as part of their regime? I split one order before and used it mixed with penetrate during both a halo and an epi cycle. no hair loss or scalp irritation during halo cycle, but my scalp was bothering me during my epi cycle even with the RU. Hopefully this will help me regrow anything lost during my rune epi run. I make a 5% solution and apply it twice a day. 10g should last about 6 months.


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Wow, RU58841 is a rare one! Was it really expensive?

Ive read about it, but I havent used it, and I dont think anyone in this thread has either. Have you had good results when using it off-cycle?

From what I've read of it, its a specific blocker of DHT, which may make it ineffective for a compound like Epistane. I believe Epi's hair loss issues may be from the Epistane molecule, or a metabolite, binding to androgen receptors in the scalp. Maybe Spiro , Ketoconozole, and Emu oil would help there.



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I am pretty sure it should be able to block any androgen, I think epi is just hell on the hair. Was using 5% spiro, keto shampoo as well.

It came to about $400 total for what will last between 6-10 months. I have never used it off cycle before, and am just hoping to add this to my regime in order to get some regrowth. Last time I split an order so only got 5 grams. I pretty much used this up over three 30 day cycles. The first two with h-drol I had no hair problems, but with epi I did.


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I am pretty sure it should be able to block any androgen, I think epi is just hell on the hair. Was using 5% spiro, keto shampoo as well.

It came to about $400 total for what will last between 6-10 months. I have never used it off cycle before, and am just hoping to add this to my regime in order to get some regrowth. Last time I split an order so only got 5 grams. I pretty much used this up over three 30 day cycles. The first two with h-drol I had no hair problems, but with epi I did.
Were you 'pulsing' Epistane or running a full cycle?


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Hey guys, about to start using minox/aa combo from WHP again, along with nizoral 2%.

Will it be a problem after application of aa/minox if I am going to be sweating most of the day?
I'll be applying it in the am and pm. Reason I ask is because before I used to use spiro 5% and when I sweat it used to give me sides (thinking from systemic absorption taking place).

I work part-time in an office and part time as a CDL driver and will be loading/unloading and working outside. Just worried about both possible systemic effects and/or lack of results from sweating. Any help here would be apprec. GREATLY, thx.


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Also, sorry if said before, but should I be using the niz shampoo once ED or EOD? Thx


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Hey Lifted,

Ive never had any sides from sweating with a 5% Minox/AA solution. I have experienced some wierd sides from applying 2% Spiro directly after a hot shower - so I know what you're talking about there.

You should be fine with the Minox.

I use Nizoral EOD. I dont think it will hurt to use it ED (I would if you're cycling any hair-unfriendly hormones), it'll dry your scalp out though, so watch for that and take the proper precautions.



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Thx BV, I'm on test at 600mg/week atm so I'll 1st see how it treats me doing it EOD and then gauge it and maybe I can get away w/ using it ED if the drying isn't too bad... apprec. the quick response. :thumbsup:


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Thx BV, I'm on test at 600mg/week atm so I'll 1st see how it treats me doing it EOD and then gauge it and maybe I can get away w/ using it ED if the drying isn't too bad... apprec. the quick response.
Np brutha - Ive found the best ways to alleviate scalp irritation is to use a good hair thickening shampoo and conditioner right after the Nizoral. If it persists, rub skin lotion right into your scalp at night. It will make your hair greasy as hell but who cares, you'll wash it out in the AM and your scalp will feel great.



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Np brutha - Ive found the best ways to alleviate scalp irritation is to use a good hair thickening shampoo and conditioner right after the Nizoral. If it persists, rub skin lotion right into your scalp at night. It will make your hair greasy as hell but who cares, you'll wash it out in the AM and your scalp will feel great.

Great, any particular hair thickening shampoos and conditioners you recommend?

My problem is weird. At first, a few years back, I noticed that my hair line was starting to recede in the temples and a tad in the front, but not much at all...basically my temples concerned me the most. So I was easy on the sauce for awhile and used the mino/aa combo and it actually grew hair back in the temple region and eventhough I quit using the mino/aa for like 1.5 years or so, to this day, I STILL have tiny new hairs growing back in the temples.

As you can see in my avy, I recently shaved my head (usually fade myself up pretty descent if I'm just too busy to go to the barber, but this time I cut it, I messed up, lol).
Now, eventhough like I said above my temples are still as good as ever, I noticed a SHlTLOAD of thinning in the upper front (vortex?) and on the very back crown, where that swirl is. I was shocked! Like you BV, I also have black thick Italian blooded hair type. And eventhough the actual HAIRS are thicker than most peoples, the problem lies in the number of hairs on the scalp, and this is why I just really noticed, not until I shaved it bald and it grew back a little.

I also noticed that my hair has a strip in the middle of my head (going ear to ear, not forehead to back) that has a lot more hair than the front and back.

Also, after getting done shaving my head, I noticed I had a fungus on it (can't remember the name atm) and had these tiny scabs and redness and irritation all over it. Went to the docs and he gave me some topical called Loprox gel. Said it was from sweating all day and then itching my head throughout the day?? Used that for a few days and it seemed to clear it up a bit and now my scalp is just peeling from the dryness of washing it more and the gel. (stopped the gel due to sweating at work and it getting in my eyes)

So I think w/ the combo of the fungus, MAD STRESS this past year, and AAS, and a lot of dairy, my hair is just getting it's azz kicked, so I decided to try the mino/aa and niz to help somewhat alleviate the problem. What do you (BV) and other guys think, any more suggestions, comments?

Sorry for the long post, but I thought some might have some of the same problems as me and we can all learn by learning from each other.


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I also noticed that my hair has a strip in the middle of my head (going ear to ear, not forehead to back) that has a lot more hair than the front and back.
We have a very similar hair loss pattern bro...mine is the same. Thinning in the front and back, very thick on the sides and in the middle, with some receeding at the temples.

While I'm sure the scalp irritation and stress played a part, that is the classic pattern for Male Pattern Baldness, so definitely treat it accordingly.

That stack I listed a few posts back is working well for me, Ill put some progress pics up later...I'd say my hair is a good 15-20% thicker that it was 6-8 months ago in the thinning areas.



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We have a very similar hair loss pattern bro...mine is the same. Thinning in the front and back, very thick on the sides and in the middle, with some receeding at the temples.

While I'm sure the scalp irritation and stress played a part, that is the classic pattern for Male Pattern Baldness, so definitely treat it accordingly.

That stack I listed a few posts back is working well for me, Ill put some progress pics up later...I'd say my hair is a good 15-20% thicker that it was 6-8 months ago in the thinning areas.


Thx, I'm going to try the minox/aa and nizoral for awhile and hopefully that will stop the hair loss and help regrow a little back. If not then the hell w/ it, I'll just keep the dome shaved. :) I can't afford all the other products unfortunately.

Do you think I'll be able to tell within a few months if the products are causing any regrowth and stopping of the situation? If I let my hair grow back It will be hard to tell if it is or not. My hair is AFRO thick, crazy... I might just keep it short for the next few months in order to get a better determination.


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Thx, I'm going to try the minox/aa and nizoral for awhile and hopefully that will stop the hair loss and help regrow a little back. If not then the hell w/ it, I'll just keep the dome shaved. I can't afford all the other products unfortunately.

Do you think I'll be able to tell within a few months if the products are causing any regrowth and stopping of the situation? If I let my hair grow back It will be hard to tell if it is or not. My hair is AFRO thick, crazy... I might just keep it short for the next few months in order to get a better determination
You should be able to tell in 4-6 months if the stuff is working. You might not see any improvement, but the situation hasnt gotten worse either - this could also be a sign that the product are working to keep the MPB at bay, but just arent enough to regrow hair for you. Everyone is different when it comes to how they respond to MPB treatments. I'd highly recommend adding Emu oil and LLLT to your stack - they're both cheap. The laser brush is a one time expense, and the Emu oil might cost you ~$20 every 3 months or so.

I hear you on just keeping the head shaved - Ive thought about it many times. At this point, its more of a challenge now to see how long I can suppress the genetic expression of my bald gene. :)



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Fina + 2% niz alone seems to be working on cycle. Fina @ 1 mg a day, and niz 2% once a day. Hair loss seems to be reduced to about 20-30% of what it was. I wonder what else I should implement? I'm also using head and shoulders, and I have some Alzeic Acid, the spray bottle I think, but I'm not sure how to use that. My scalp gets itchy sometimes, but when I pull hair in the itchy area, most of the time, nothing comes out. Also I wonder how much hair would naturally fall out anyways. 50 follicles a day maybe? If so, I'm losing roughly the average amount.


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I think I'm going to be running some SD this fall and I wanted to get some input from you guys on hairloss measures to take.

I'm currently using Nizoral 2% eod and laser brush daily. What should I add while I'm on to maintain the status quo?


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I'm currently using Nizoral 2% eod and laser brush daily. What should I add while I'm on to maintain the status quo?
Might want to try some 2% Spiro with the superdrol, but only if you need it. Emu oil may help as well.



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Fina + 2% niz alone seems to be working on cycle. Fina @ 1 mg a day, and niz 2% once a day. Hair loss seems to be reduced to about 20-30% of what it was. I wonder what else I should implement? I'm also using head and shoulders, and I have some Alzeic Acid, the spray bottle I think, but I'm not sure how to use that. My scalp gets itchy sometimes, but when I pull hair in the itchy area, most of the time, nothing comes out. Also I wonder how much hair would naturally fall out anyways. 50 follicles a day maybe? If so, I'm losing roughly the average amount.
50-100 follicles a day is average bro. Problem is, when you have MPB, they grow back in thinner every time, and eventually nothing...what are you using for your cycle?


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50-100 follicles a day is average bro. Problem is, when you have MPB, they grow back in thinner every time, and eventually nothing...what are you using for your cycle?
Weeks 1-4: 500 mg test prop EW
Weeks 1-16: 500 mg test-e EW
Weeks 1-16: 500 mg boldendone (undeclynate ester) EW
Maybe weeks 14-16 Anavar, 50 mg ED


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This is a cool thread. I have been delaying even reading it b/c of I am totally just in denial. Roommate totally commented that I am looking bald as **** on the top of my head tonight....going to have to do somethin about that now.

The Experiment

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Time for update:

1) I started doing the laser comb 6 out of 7 days of the week. I came across this thread from another site where the OP gives credit to you, BV:

According to this guy, with the four laser, you are to use it every day for 6-7 days a week for 20 minutes for the first two weeks. Then slowly taper down. So the problem may very well could have been a result of not doing it enough. Given the high success rate, it is odd that I have yet to see any.

For the past week, I've been following that. I do it 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before I go to bed. I'll post up new results in a month.

2) Increased temple growth. The temple hairs have moved past "peach fuzz" and into "light but noticeable hairs." It will probably take a month to see it grow in even thicker.

3) The Thinning Hair Solution is ok. The biggest problem is that is has a rough texture and almost seems like you need half the bottle to get it to cover your whole scalp. No results yet but it says to wait at least 3-6 so I'm still using it. If I don't see good results by the end of my fourth bottle (should be at least 6 months time), I won't get it again. So final review coming in the next couple months.

4) The Emu Oil is improving the overall quality of my hair. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll probably always have it in the rotation for now.

5) Ceasing Spiro 2% use until 9/1. Not sure how great continuous use is so I decided to hold off for a few weeks and then start it up again.


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safe for hairline

hey guys, great thread.
im thinking about doing my first cycle now, but the only thing thats been stopping me is hairloss.
i have been on minoxidil 5% for about 1 year and 7 months. i was on finasteride for the whole time but 2 months ago dropped that and started dutasteride. i have done laser treatments but i am getting the lasercomb next week.the main problem is the front of the head.
anyway, the question; is what would be extremely safe on the hairline even if it sacrifices a bit of the gains, i was thinking of maybe 500 mg of sus 250 or 500 mg of test enanthate/stacked with primobolan or boldenone for 9 weeks, and dont have a clue for post cycle. i will continue with 1 mg dutasteride, minoxidil, and laser and nizoral, i will also add spiro 5% during the cycle, if anyone knows that this cycle will increase hairloss or there is a safer bulking stack please let me the way i am 6'4 and 227lbs.
thanks guys....


  • Established
hey guys, great thread.
im thinking about doing my first cycle now, but the only thing thats been stopping me is hairloss.
i have been on minoxidil 5% for about 1 year and 7 months. i was on finasteride for the whole time but 2 months ago dropped that and started dutasteride. i have done laser treatments but i am getting the lasercomb next week.the main problem is the front of the head.
anyway, the question; is what would be extremely safe on the hairline even if it sacrifices a bit of the gains, i was thinking of maybe 500 mg of sus 250 or 500 mg of test enanthate/stacked with primobolan or boldenone for 9 weeks, and dont have a clue for post cycle. i will continue with 1 mg dutasteride, minoxidil, and laser and nizoral, i will also add spiro 5% during the cycle, if anyone knows that this cycle will increase hairloss or there is a safer bulking stack please let me the way i am 6'4 and 227lbs.
thanks guys....
Speaking from experience...

If you are fighting hair loss then forget about juice period, it is a battle you will lose everytime.

Sure, there are some things that are easier on the hairline but regardless of what roids are taken you will most likely end up losing more hair... regardless of what precautions you take.

I personally would not take anyones advise in regards to personal "I took (insert name of any steroid here) and even regrew hair, wow wee!" stories either. What most people don't seem to grasp is depending what phase your hair is in, it can be months after a cycle until the falling out process begins, which just gives you a false sense of hair security...not to mention it's friggin mentally draining to boot.

I used to do a couple cycles a year and while I miss cycling alot, I would miss my hair much more.


What most people don't seem to grasp is depending what phase your hair is in, it can be months after a cycle until the falling out process begins, which just gives you a false sense of hair security...not to mention it's friggin mentally draining to boot.
Amen to that, it's like sneak attack hairloss. Just when you think you're in the clear....wham! molting season.


5) Ceasing Spiro 2% use until 9/1. Not sure how great continuous use is so I decided to hold off for a few weeks and then start it up again.
What's the concern here? I think I might know, but I want to hear it from someone who's done the field tests.

Tom 185

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anyone else stop using their spiro or crinagen because of the smell?


anyone else stop using their spiro or crinagen because of the smell?

Its Especially bad if it mixes with minoxidil, there's a chemical reaction that smells like a stinkbomb and if you sweat, then it really gets bad.


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Its Especially bad if it mixes with minoxidil, there's a chemical reaction that smells like a stinkbomb and if you sweat, then it really gets bad.
Yep, the general rule is to apply the Sprio 1st, let it dry, and the apply the minox. Like azr101 mentioned if you sweat, it can really smell - another reason why its recommended to apply spiro at night before bed.



  • Established
Speaking from experience...

If you are fighting hair loss then forget about juice period, it is a battle you will lose everytime.

Sure, there are some things that are easier on the hairline but regardless of what roids are taken you will most likely end up losing more hair... regardless of what precautions you take.

I personally would not take anyones advise in regards to personal "I took (insert name of any steroid here) and even regrew hair, wow wee!" stories either. What most people don't seem to grasp is depending what phase your hair is in, it can be months after a cycle until the falling out process begins, which just gives you a false sense of hair security...not to mention it's friggin mentally draining to boot.

I used to do a couple cycles a year and while I miss cycling alot, I would miss my hair much more.

I nearly full agree with this. At the same though, you and have your cake and eat it too. Hairtransplant + Juice. The transplanted hairs will not fall out for any reason. It is suggested that you determine your pattern of MPB before you juice and/or get a transplant.

i suggest everyone take comfort in the advances of hair restoration... it's truly remarkable today. You can go from Terry Bradshaw to Terry Bradshaw with nearly a full head of hair in 8 months - following a procedure or two.

i do agree that the meds for prevention and regrowth are hardly solutions.


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I personally would not take anyones advise in regards to personal "I took (insert name of any steroid here) and even regrew hair, wow wee!" stories either. What most people don't seem to grasp is depending what phase your hair is in, it can be months after a cycle until the falling out process begins, which just gives you a false sense of hair security...not to mention it's friggin mentally draining to boot.
I do believe that consistent hair loss treatments can help slow or stop hair loss on a cycle, depending on what the substance is. If someone has MPB, and thinks they can just get away with running preventative measures on-cyle only, then I totally agree with trav and CED - it's a losing battle and always will be.

While I do think current treatment protocols can be very effective for some, with time most of these will lose effectiveness as your follicles become more and more sensative the factors that drive MPB. Transplant surgery really is the only permanent solution.



anyone else stop using their spiro or crinagen because of the smell?
I had a review with my boss (two faced Wanker) he called me back from the other side of town again and said.. "are you smoking Marijuana.."

initially i laughed at him.. but to shut him up i told him to smell my hair.. it was the Spiro or Crinagen..


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I had a review with my boss (two faced Wanker) he called me back from the other side of town again and said.. "are you smoking Marijuana.."

initially i laughed at him.. but to shut him up i told him to smell my hair.. it was the Spiro or Crinagen..
LOL I suppose it does smell kinda skunky :D


  • Established
I hear a lot of bodybuilders/steroid monkeys have transplants -- and their are even doctors that 'specialize' in working with such clients. I can't find any board certified doctors that claim they work with bodybuilders/athletes though... it probably doesn't matter in the end

Tom 185

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I hear a lot of bodybuilders/steroid monkeys have transplants -- and their are even doctors that 'specialize' in working with such clients. I can't find any board certified doctors that claim they work with bodybuilders/athletes though... it probably doesn't matter in the end
bump..i'd love to know as I am losing a good amount of hair myself. Please post on this thread if you ever figure it out....


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Yep, the general rule is to apply the Sprio 1st, let it dry, and the apply the minox. Like azr101 mentioned if you sweat, it can really smell - another reason why its recommended to apply spiro at night before bed.

Came across this article on Spiro which mentions "The most serious adverse effect of spironolactone is hyperkalemia (dangerously elevated levels of potassium)." I discovered elevated serum potassium levels after about 4 weeks of 5% 1ml doses applied each night. Noticed headaches every time it was applied. Worked good for me in preventing hairloss however.

Topical Spironolactone 5%


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Came across this article on Spiro which mentions "The most serious adverse effect of spironolactone is hyperkalemia (dangerously elevated levels of potassium)." I discovered elevated serum potassium levels after about 4 weeks of 5% 1ml doses applied each night. Noticed headaches every time it was applied. Worked good for me in preventing hairloss however.

Topical Spironolactone 5%
Ive heard others say the same thing, Steve777. Did you have lab work to confirm the elevated levels or were you just going on how you felt? No doubt it's possible - Spiro is a very potent chemical...I dont use it very often at all.

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