Hair Loss Prevention


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Ive been using WWHP finasteride, which isnt a very accurate dose due to the eye dropper for measurement. I discontinued use about a month ago and my libido and ejaculate volume skyrocketed.
same exact thing happens to me, except my balls swell up nicely too :)


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so again, what is it that you suggest 3a-HSD would do that finasteride doesnt?

DHT's role in genital health alone is enough to make me work VERY hard to avoid suppressing it systemically.
Well I suggested that It could perhaps be a SUBSTITUTE for finastride.

Finastride prevents the conversion to DHT.
3a-HSD deactivates DHT.

Combined toghter they might have same positiv effects or perhaps similar effect as dutastride, though not having as long halflife as duta?
Or perhaps they have long halflife and u could eat 1m 3a-HSD a week and have the same results as with finastride.

Anyway, thought it was worth looking up! Havnt really heard anyting bout it til now!


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Quick Update

Well, I have been on Tren E and Test E now for almost exactly 6 weeks. I have been running about 1/2 a gram of each per week. Still no trouble with hairloss! Nothing beyond very normal amounts of shedding. I should have a digital camera arriving within the next week. So for whoever wanted to see pictures, I will try to post some of my head now, probably after I get a haircut.

I think it is spiro that has been most effective. I am not running finasteride right now, but I am still using AA,spiro and minoxidil.

I'll be sure to give an update after post cycle therapy, but as of right now I don't think I'll be losing any hair to speak of. I know the tren I am using is real for a few reasons. Decent strength gains, color is good. Can't seem to gain weight to save my life. And for the first time the other day I got a noticeable tren cough after my shot. That was a new experience!


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are you using the spiro2% for the crown and spiro5% for the hairline?


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Cardinal are you getting good gains? i am all but convinced that the available topical spiro creams go systemic, but i could be wrong.


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Cardinal are you getting good gains? i am all but convinced that the available topical spiro creams go systemic, but i could be wrong.

Not Cardinal, but I have been on 75mg Tren and 100mg Test Prop (synovex) per day for about 25 days. I used 5% spiro cream for the first time at the beginning of the was such a pain in the ass, that I took half of the cream (1 oz worth) and mixed 1 oz of grain alcohol to make a 2oz 2.5% lotion. I actually have it in a sray bottle that I have been spraying on my hairline/temple area three times spread throughout the day.

I have not had any signs of gyno (which is amazing being it is synovex). The gains slowed a few days ago however when I bumped up my finasteride from .25 to .50 (I get bad sides easy from finasteride) It was also at that time that my sky rocketing sex drive was coming back to a more normal level.

So, in essence the spiro even applied numerous times per day for the last few weeks, doesn`t seem to affect me systematically, as oppossed to Finasteride which wrecks my life, lol.

I need to find a cheap place for spiro tabs so I can make my own custom topical in the future, I like that stuff.


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I wish that every hair on my body would fall out. I'm tired of shaveing this sh#*!!!!!!LOL.



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Not Cardinal, but I have been on 75mg Tren and 100mg Test Prop (synovex) per day for about 25 days. I used 5% spiro cream for the first time at the beginning of the was such a pain in the ass, that I took half of the cream (1 oz worth) and mixed 1 oz of grain alcohol to make a 2oz 2.5% lotion. I actually have it in a sray bottle that I have been spraying on my hairline/temple area three times spread throughout the day.

I have not had any signs of gyno (which is amazing being it is synovex). The gains slowed a few days ago however when I bumped up my finasteride from .25 to .50 (I get bad sides easy from finasteride) It was also at that time that my sky rocketing sex drive was coming back to a more normal level.

So, in essence the spiro even applied numerous times per day for the last few weeks, doesn`t seem to affect me systematically, as oppossed to Finasteride which wrecks my life, lol.

I need to find a cheap place for spiro tabs so I can make my own custom topical in the future, I like that stuff.
do you know if you are MPB prone? i assume you are - that's a bold cycle for the MPB prone bro! i applaud your bravado (some may call it recklessness, but that's splitting hairs really...*cough cough*)

is it wholesale hair care spiro?

good info, thanks.


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do you know if you are MPB prone? i assume you are - that's a bold cycle for the MPB prone bro! i applaud your bravado (some may call it recklessness, but that's splitting hairs really...*cough cough*)

is it wholesale hair care spiro?

good info, thanks.
Well basically it`s just my temple area that has been receeding over the last few years, overall I think I still have a pretty good hairline, I would say i am not MPB prone...I`m like a NW 1.5 or something.

Yes the spiro was bought from there, I think finding the tabs and making your own topical may be a better way to go IMO.


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Well basically it`s just my temple area that has been receeding over the last few years, overall I think I still have a pretty good hairline, I would say i am not MPB prone...I`m like a NW 1.5 or something.

Yes the spiro was bought from there, I think finding the tabs and making your own topical may be a better way to go IMO.
if you have recession to any degree, you likely have the gene. its expression will of course vary depending on other factors.

the tabs will have filler and such, which i personally wouldnt want in a transdermal. the stuff from WSHCP appears to be legit.


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CEDeoudes59: I am using 5% spiro throughout. I got mine in topical cream from wholesalehairlossproducts. I use far more than necessary and it may very well have systemic effects. I may try to make a solution using grain alcohol also. My hair is pretty long and somewhat thick now and I find that I have to get my head wet to put it on.

sameold: I am still surprising myself with strength gains, but they have leveled out on some exercises. Keep in mind though I am stronger than I have ever been, so I am pushing into new territory and my strength training is less than ideal. So I can't attribute anything to the hairloss meds specifically.

My libido is so high and my temper has been tough to control. I am considering a major reduction in testosterone usage and a short dieting stint so I can focus on other things in life for a few weeks. I find it tough to gain weight on tren and would rather not bulk with it personally. I think I would have to consume a large enough amount of calories to effect my health and blood pressure.


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if you have recession to any degree, you likely have the gene. its expression will of course vary depending on other factors.

the tabs will have filler and such, which i personally wouldnt want in a transdermal. the stuff from WSHCP appears to be legit.
Yes, if I have lost some hair then I am prone to some degree..I hope not much since I am 31 and still have almost all of my hair. Now that I take notice of mens hairlines in general, most men who are oler 30+ and I would not consider to have MPB still have some regression of the hairline to some degree. If a male age 30 has a good hairline, I think still has probably had some recession since early teens...except a select few...bastards.

Yes the tabs of spiro are mostly filler, however the tabs are easily dissolved in Grain alcohol and the junk can simply be filtered out, then you can add whatever else you want to make a nice topical...I can`t beleieve no other company has done this yet.


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What does paracrine mean in this sentence below?

We also identified the inhibitory role of androgen on the growth of KC co-cultured with DPC from androgenetic alopecia (AGA) when the DPC were transfected with an expression vector encoding the androgen receptor. This growth suppression of KC was mediated by transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) derived from DPC of AGA, suggesting that TGF-beta1 is a paracrine mediator for AGA.
Sorry dont understand weather its good or bad with TGF-beta1!?
Atleast some research seems do be done: Entrez PubMed


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I don't use the wholesale brand anymore.. not in about 3 years.

I'm growing a ton back with Dutastride and Finasteride
while on 700mg of test.


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I just started taking Finpecia. What's your opinion on this product?


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also, where do you order this "comb" thing? what may be the best proven method to improve hair thickening in the receding area? Thanks.


Ah man sometimes I can be so dumb.

Sorry to all I gave a bad steer to with saying NIZORAL gave me the breathing problem, it was in fact NOT THAT AT ALL but a tar-based shampoo by a similar name. (stupid me)

I saw it at the store and thought WTF that's not the bottle I remember...and in fact I BOUGHT some and am now USING the Nizoral.

So VERY SORRY for any confusion.


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can someone tell me if there are ways to regrow hair from receeding front?

FYI, I cannot use rogaine as it's a bit too strong for me (skin irritation, etc).


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can someone tell me if there are ways to regrow hair from receeding front?

FYI, I cannot use rogaine as it's a bit too strong for me (skin irritation, etc).
If you cant use minoxidil, the Laser brush is the only other method that can actually *regrow* hair. Finasteride and spiro should be part of your arsenal as well.

Generally, I usually say to keep spiro for on-cycle only to minimize any potential systemic absorption, but with a receeding front hair line dabbing some 2% on there could be very beneficial.



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Dutasteride, without question, is growing the front for me.


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Are you noticing and sides for the Duta use CED? Are you using it while off cycle as well?


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there is a product i just discovered called spectral dnc. looks pretty promising and there has been good reviews on it. its worth the time to look it up. i have been using it for about a week now. anyone else tried it and if so what was their experience?

is it ok for me to link to it?


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Sure dynomite, a link would be great!



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Please keep us posted of results. I have heard mixed stories about that product, but it won't hurt to give it a try.

I'd also start taking vitamin B6, Biotin, sea kelp and MSM to help hair grow.


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yeah definetely got the msm rockin. ill give you guys an update in a month.


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Are you noticing and sides for the Duta use CED? Are you using it while off cycle as well?
no sides. stopped hairloss dead in its tracks and a ton of regrowth.

.5mg "off cycle"
.5mg - 2mg "on cycle"

user needs to determine his own dose..

the Avodart studied suggested:
.5mg should stop all hairloss "off cycle"
2.5mg will stop all hairloss and significantly regrow.


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That's awesome! Im using 1mg finasteride/day right now, along with Dr.Lee's 15% minoxidil during the day and a 5% minox/Retin A solution at night. Seems to be working pretty well.

Might consider that dutasteride for on-cycle use...


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anyone using vitamins to help promote hair growth? there are several vitamins that may help and here is a list based on my search:

1. MSM
2. L-arginine
3. Biotin
4. Turmeric
5. flax seed, fish oil, borage oil
6. bee pollen
7. Green tea extract
8. Sea kelp

Has anyone used any of these vitamins? :)


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Basically all of them. While they all probably work to some degree, the name of the game is to prevent DHT from choking out the follicle no matter how fast you can regrow the hair. Testosterone will grown hair faster than anything, DHT however makes it fall out.

Dutasteride is the answer, for me anyway.


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Great findings CED, you get any blood work done to ensure your liver isnt under too much stress?


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Basically all of them. While they all probably work to some degree, the name of the game is to prevent DHT from choking out the follicle no matter how fast you can regrow the hair. Testosterone will grown hair faster than anything, DHT however makes it fall out.

Dutasteride is the answer, for me anyway.
Can you give a little more feedback on the dutasteride? How long have you been using it? Where do you suggest to get this? Unfortunately IBE and wholesalehairproducts don't carry it. I am all about finding the cheapest place that if reputable! I'd also like to try this on cycle. It would cool to stay on test and watch my hair regrow!

I am running a low dose of test now and would like to see how it works if I can get it here in a reasonable timeframe.


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Just an update here fellas...

Its been ~2 months since Ive added 15% Minoxidil and 2% Spiro and consistent 1mg/day Finasteride to my daily protocol, and Ive had some serious regrowth. My hair is nearly back to 'Pre Fallout of Spring '05' levels, and I definitely plan to continue what Ive got going.

Dr.Lee has a 12.5% Xandrox (AA+Minox) solution coming out this Friday, so I may go with that 2x a day rather than the 15% during the day and 5% at night.

So, right now its:

15% Xandrox 1x/day
2% Spiro 1x/night
5% Minox/Retonic Acid 1x/night
1mg Finasteride 1x/night
Regrowth Treatment Shampoo (Nizoral) EOD
Laser Brush 10 min EOD
Pyrithione Zinc shampoo (nights after the gym)

Ive also been using PGHT/Gaba for the past 2 months - no idea if that's helping but the product definitely seems to be working in other respects (leaning out while bulking and incredibly deep sleep)

This is probably the best regrowth Ive seen so far, my hair is starting to look evenly thick even under direct bright light (before it would look ok under most circumstances, but a camera flash or direct overhead sunlight would reveal the thinning spots). Each time Ive gone through a noticeable regrowth phase 3 things have been constant:

  • I'm usng high potency Minoxidil 1x/day (15%)
  • I'm taking extra steps to inhibit DHT (Spiro/Finasteride)
  • I'm using products from Dr.Lee's products are expensive, but when you figure out the cost of the big bottles of the high-octane minoxidil with how effective they seem to be, its no contest. Not to mention they feel much nice on the scalp and dont cause any irritation...

After 2 months straight of the Spiro (applied sparingly with a dabber bottle to problem areas and hairline only) - Zero side effects.

I need to get some bloodwork done to verify that test levels, etc are all fine - but I feel great and it at least appears that everything is in order, and I seem to be regrowing a good amount of hair so Im quite pleased :)



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Just an update here fellas...

Its been ~2 months since Ive added 15% Minoxidil and 2% Spiro and consistent 1mg/day Finasteride to my daily protocol, and Ive had some serious regrowth. My hair is nearly back to 'Pre Fallout of Spring '05' levels, and I definitely plan to continue what Ive got going.

Dr.Lee has a 12.5% Xandrox (AA+Minox) solution coming out this Friday, so I may go with that 2x a day rather than the 15% during the day and 5% at night.

So, right now its:

15% Xandrox 1x/day
2% Spiro 1x/night
5% Minox/Retonic Acid 1x/night
1mg Finasteride 1x/night
Regrowth Treatment Shampoo (Nizoral) EOD
Laser Brush 10 min EOD
Pyrithione Zinc shampoo (nights after the gym)

Ive also been using PGHT/Gaba for the past 2 months - no idea if that's helping but the product definitely seems to be working in other respects (leaning out while bulking and incredibly deep sleep)

This is probably the best regrowth Ive seen so far, my hair is starting to look evenly thick even under direct bright light (before it would look ok under most circumstances, but a camera flash or direct overhead sunlight would reveal the thinning spots). Each time Ive gone through a noticeable regrowth phase 3 things have been constant:

  • I'm usng high potency Minoxidil 1x/day (15%)
  • I'm taking extra steps to inhibit DHT (Spiro/Finasteride)
  • I'm using products from Dr.Lee's products are expensive, but when you figure out the cost of the big bottles of the high-octane minoxidil with how effective they seem to be, its no contest. Not to mention they feel much nice on the scalp and dont cause any irritation...

After 2 months straight of the Spiro (applied sparingly with a dabber bottle to problem areas and hairline only) - Zero side effects.

I need to get some bloodwork done to verify that test levels, etc are all fine - but I feel great and it at least appears that everything is in order, and I seem to be regrowing a good amount of hair so Im quite pleased :)

Any updates?:)

I was thinking of trying Eucapil. Do you think I should use xandrox 12,5% lotion with this stuff? What wil you recommend?

Right now I use 12,5% mindoxil at the morning, and the xandrox 12,5% lotion at night.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Just using Nizoral one percent here. Since Ive stopped exregenous androgen use ive not seen any shredding. Actually I think it could have been an AI(Nolvadex xt).
John Smeton

John Smeton

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BV have you gotten bloodwork for the test levels?

Do you realy think any of these lower test levels? I dont think anything on the outside would but Ive heard rumors Nizoral if left on too long penetrates the scalp and causes test to drop. I think its That - rumors.


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Any updates?:)

I was thinking of trying Eucapil. Do you think I should use xandrox 12,5% lotion with this stuff? What wil you recommend?

Right now I use 12,5% mindoxil at the morning, and the xandrox 12,5% lotion at night.
i'm on eucapil. it is supposed to last all day. does it? probably not. when my head itches, i put some on and it clears it up for awhile...but maybe 6-8 hours later the itch will come back (i'm on test + other stuff, with finasteride, but i expect some itches)

if you have really short hair you only go thru an amp every 3 days or so. my box lasted forever, and i only use it on cycle.


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Saw this so I figured I would add it:

FDA just approved the Laser Hair Comb. I had no idea...

That makes 3 officially approved treatments. It takes a lot to make a case for approval. There must be something there, I have never personally looked into any research on it though.

Damn things cost $500 though.


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You can build your own for ~$50, works just as well. Look up the patent at the US gov patent site for all the specs - Ive got instructions in this thread somewhere.


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You can build your own for ~$50, works just as well. Look up the patent at the US gov patent site for all the specs - Ive got instructions in this thread somewhere.
What do you do, run it through your hair 5-10min 2x a day or something? I haven't done ANY reading on this stuff at all.

If you ever build a new one I got dibs on your old one. :D


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Lol:) I move it around my head, letting it sit in place for about 4 seconds or so, for about 10 min every other day. It works too - with consistant laser brush use, I notice I lose a lot less hair in the 'ol AM shower test...


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This entire thread is just salt in an open wound anyway...

**** the god damn genetic lottery! ;)


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Oh I know man...its sucks the big one. It all seems to be working anyway - I know Ill have a full head of hair for a good while longer then if I didnt try to treat it.

My brother is ~4 years younger than me and has lost much of his hair to MPB. Our hairloss follows the exact same pattern, but I have a full head of hair with no noticeable thinning - but 4 years ago, our hair was pretty much the same..his got worse and mine got better when I started getting serious about trying to save it.

John Smeton

John Smeton

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This just goes to show you that when you have a purpose It works. Keep up the self improvent. this thread is Awesome!!!!


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BigV its been a while and Dr. Lee might have come out with some new products since the last post. I just had an agressive amount of loss on the right temple to the front middle of my head. I have some fini. coming.
Would you suggest the 501 Minoxidil 5% with Retin-A 0.025%, 65 mL
and 201 Spironolactone 2%, liquid 60 mL as a good start?
Not on cycle at the moment but thinking about it...


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When taking say 2mg of finasteride, do you guys split the dosage (1mg twice a day), or do you take it all at once?


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I was thinkin maybe 2mg on cycle, and 1mg off cycle? or would 1mg be sufficient while on?


dead sexy wino
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I used to use Custom's AA and minox......worked great. But my supply is almost gone. Is the best game in town or are there other alternatives at this time?

Thanks for the info in this thread.....very informative.

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