Fit for February 14th... Or Dead Lift in a DRESS!!!



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Sounds good bean5er, by that I mean sounds good you already hit your goal not that you are dealing with some sides. I am going to go to the gym shortly but this is what I am working with upon rising this morning. The lighting and angle is a little different but I am pretty much there. I think if I can squueze out one more lb of fat then I will be set up for success. I will post up my workout later after I go in but here I am as of this morning. <img src=""/>
Leaning up big time kleen.

Arm day. Smashed 'em.

Cgbp up to 305
Bb curl up to 115

Seated dip machine, 3 plates and a 25 per side
Arms braced db curls up to 45s.

Single arm oh tri extension up to 35lbs
Concentration curls up to 30lbs

Fst7 vbar pd

Fst7 preacher curl machine.

Veins are making their return. Beastly pump. Decent weight moved. Guess I'm FINALLY adapting to the diet. Energy is getting a bit better. Snags seemed enthusiastic about my photo updates this morning. Really helped with the motivation.


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@ MrKleen73 - you're looking seriously best I've ever seen you. Everything is on display now.

@ superbeast668 - when will we get some progress noodsz? This wknd?


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@ MrKleen73 - you're looking seriously best I've ever seen you. Everything is on display now. @ superbeast668 - when will we get some progress noodsz? This wknd?
Idk. Maybe Friday or Saturday. Lol


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@ MrKleen73 - you're looking seriously best I've ever seen you. Everything is on display now.

@ superbeast668 - when will we get some progress noodsz? This wknd?
Thanks Hyde! To me I kind of look like I am already there but hard to tell and can't seem to replicate the lighting of the goal picture.
Idk. Maybe Friday or Saturday. Lol
Cool so I guess we all need to weigh in on how we will prove we did our goal. Do we just take pictures the morning of Feb 14th and post them up, or a video of hitting the lifts we wanted to or something? Is doing it on Saturday the 15th an option since it will be a weekend day and easier for pics? I will probably try to get pics on or before the 14th seeing as I have a Valentines Date to go on I will be breaking this diet in style at Tradicao Brazillian Steak House and probably won't look picture perfect on the 15th. Lol

Anyway lets figure out what is the plan on providing the proof as far as when it needs to be posted and stuff.


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Thanks Hyde! To me I kind of look like I am already there but hard to tell and can't seem to replicate the lighting of the goal picture. Cool so I guess we all need to weigh in on how we will prove we did our goal. Do we just take pictures the morning of Feb 14th and post them up, or a video of hitting the lifts we wanted to or something? Is doing it on Saturday the 15th an option since it will be a weekend day and easier for pics? I will probably try to get pics on or before the 14th seeing as I have a Valentines Date to go on I will be breaking this diet in style at Tradicao Brazillian Steak House and probably won't look picture perfect on the 15th. Lol Anyway lets figure out what is the plan on providing the proof as far as when it needs to be posted and stuff.
I do my progress updates for snags first thing every Saturday. I think as long as we can post from Wednesday till Saturday it's fine. No need to be severely strict on it.


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Kleen you are looking great bro! Things really coming together for you.

Countdown is on boys!


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Looking good Kleen for sure.

I'm going to give myself at least to Wednesday to try and flush some of this moosh off. It's weird cuz it's not really diet related as that has pretty much been spot on except for the hospital food last Sunday. Either way I'll post up pics end of next week and weigh in etc


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I'm going to give myself at least to Wednesday to try and flush some of this moosh off. It's weird cuz it's not really diet related as that has pretty much been spot on except for the hospital food last Sunday. Either way I'll post up pics end of next week and weigh in etc
You'll accomplish it Justin... no doubt there bro!


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i feel ya on that one beast I just got the sack after 7 years....
Yikes bro. Sorry to hear. Head up high. Best way to go about it. No need to sulk especially in a bottle. That's why I'm in this situation.


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i feel ya on that one beast I just got the sack after 7 years....
Sorry to hear about that man, that sucks. There will be something better, that's what I always told myself
Last job I got fired from was because I was a manager dating an employee...well she's my wife now and the path I was set on found me in my current job making 4 times as much. So definitely what Pete said...There's just something better out there for you.


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Yikes bro. Sorry to hear. Head up high. Best way to go about it. No need to sulk especially in a bottle. That's why I'm in this situation.
I'm not really the sulking type is rather just throw myself into my training and not have time to feel down about it. I'm frustrated due to the fact that it was bull**** the way it all happened but **** happens Best thing to do is move on.

Sorry to hear about that man, that sucks. There will be something better, that's what I always told myself
It was a pretty good number, I'm just looking at it as a chance to delve into something different. Looking at starting up my own company.

Last job I got fired from was because I was a manager dating an employee...well she's my wife now and the path I was set on found me in my current job making 4 times as much. So definitely what Pete said...There's just something better out there for you.
That's good to hear things worked out for you man! I'm enthusiastic, I believe everything happens for a reason. Starting up my own company is something I've wanted to do for a long while but never had the time, now I have plenty lol.


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Yeah what kind of business you thinking about?


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That's good to hear things worked out for you man! I'm enthusiastic, I believe everything happens for a reason. Starting up my own company is something I've wanted to do for a long while but never had the time, now I have plenty lol.
If it's an escort service...SIGN ME UP!


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Funny you mention the business idea. Been thinking about it my self.


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Restraunt with my mom if she's up to it. 100% gluten free and paleo.
Very interesting. Could take off if there is a lot of call for that type of thing in your area. Would you serve tubers also?


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Very interesting. Could take off if there is a lot of call for that type of thing in your area. Would you serve tubers also?
Lotta hippy dippy liberal health foody type stuff in this area actually. There's a few paleo food delivery type trucks. I'm sure it could be interesting. And yes. When I do the paleo thing potatoes are one of my main carb sources. Irish ancestors. Can't live without em.


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Lotta hippy dippy liberal health foody type stuff in this area actually. There's a few paleo food delivery type trucks. I'm sure it could be interesting. And yes. When I do the paleo thing potatoes are one of my main carb sources. Irish ancestors. Can't live without em.
I am contemplating going less gluten in my diet. Not saying I will go straight up paleo or anything. However really thinking about lowering the gluten to decrease inflammation. There is heart disease in my family and they say that most heart disease now is inflammation oriented & not so much from cholesterol plaque on the artery walls.


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I am contemplating going less gluten in my diet. Not saying I will go straight up paleo or anything. However really thinking about lowering the gluten to decrease inflammation. There is heart disease in my family and they say that most heart disease now is inflammation oriented & not so much from cholesterol plaque on the artery walls.
Give it a shot. You'd be surprised.


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If it's an escort service...SIGN ME UP!
Haha I run that past wifey, went down like a lead balloon! Haha
Really sorry to hear about your guys situations. And what l1fe ^ said. This is an opportunity for a fresh start. For the rest of ya's, there are only 5 days left! Make it count. :)
Thanks kix, it is what it is no point crying about it just have to keep on carrying on :)


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So I just started dress shopping... I can honestly say I'm not looking forward to this haha. Just tested my deadlift max, I pulled 535 and failed at 545 so it should be a decent pull for a guy wearing a dress :D


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Morning weight, 227# after a refeed last night. Hit legs and fasted cardio yesterday. Today will be chest n shoulders.

Started this log at 248. If we go off the data calipers gave me I have a chance still...


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Lukef2000 That will be an impressive pull for a guy in a dress for sure!

Nice work superbeast668 no matter what 19 lbs is nothing to sneeze at.

Right now I am holding it together keeping it clean and hoping I did the deed. Has been hard work but lots of fun so far. Diet has been the worst of it obviously.

Last night it was cold and rainy and I had already been soaked from walking to me Jo at her work. So I did not want to get back outside in that crap once inside. I hit upper body on my Tower 2000. It goes up to 100lbs per handle and I used every resistance. I used it for a metabolic style lift. Burned a lot of calories and got myself one hell of a pump. Make no mistake this was a challenging workout don't let the fact it was on a resistance band set up fool you. Oh yeah I also peppered in several sets of Kettle Bell Swings and Push Ups to really keep the metabolism going. This actually felt really good and I might just do a repeat of this in the evenings. Just add in more leg oriented stuff for a little more full body feel. Oh yeah all exercises were done back to back not resting but moving from one to the next to the next only stopping to add or remove resistance.


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It's gonna be close but I think I'm gonna make it...189.2 this morning


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Lukef2000 That will be an impressive pull for a guy in a dress for sure! Nice work superbeast668 no matter what 19 lbs is nothing to sneeze at. Right now I am holding it together keeping it clean and hoping I did the deed. Has been hard work but lots of fun so far. Diet has been the worst of it obviously. Last night it was cold and rainy and I had already been soaked from walking to me Jo at her work. So I did not want to get back outside in that crap once inside. I hit upper body on my Tower 2000. It goes up to 100lbs per handle and I used every resistance. I used it for a metabolic style lift. Burned a lot of calories and got myself one hell of a pump. Make no mistake this was a challenging workout don't let the fact it was on a resistance band set up fool you. Oh yeah I also peppered in several sets of Kettle Bell Swings and Push Ups to really keep the metabolism going. This actually felt really good and I might just do a repeat of this in the evenings. Just add in more leg oriented stuff for a little more full body feel. Oh yeah all exercises were done back to back not resting but moving from one to the next to the next only stopping to add or remove resistance.
Easy to add legs into KB or DB routines by adding something as simple as thrusters, or man-makers. Throw some box jumps in between sets of whatever you're doing and you're in for a world of hurt.


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Give it a shot. You'd be surprised.
I'll agree as well. I really notice a difference when I avoid gluten.
Looking at an earthmoving company, an excavator, tipper and a bobcat. Should be fun I think! :)
Def fun work. I know a lot of guys (customers) who run their own construction biz. Make good money but they work a ton of hours.

I will say the only way to make money is to be your own boss. I'm excited to see where this takes you bud.

Morning weight, 227# after a refeed last night. Hit legs and fasted cardio yesterday. Today will be chest n shoulders. Started this log at 248. If we go off the data calipers gave me I have a chance still...

It's gonna be close but I think I'm gonna make it...189.2 this morning
Very cool.
I'm there as well, water is slowly coming off. Pictures won't do me justice but regardless I got it done.

Easy to add legs into KB or DB routines by adding something as simple as thrusters, or man-makers. Throw some box jumps in between sets of whatever you're doing and you're in for a world of hurt.
Definitely agree with this. Thrusters and box jumps are brutal!


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It's gonna be close but I think I'm gonna make it...189.2 this morning
Nice the goal was 187 right?
Easy to add legs into KB or DB routines by adding something as simple as thrusters, or man-makers. Throw some box jumps in between sets of whatever you're doing and you're in for a world of hurt.
Yeah that is what I was thinking, lots of options to bring the legs in more. I just really felt great after last night so the thought is to rinse and repeat the rest of the week but with more legs. I will let you all know what I add in there tonight for the legs. I may add in some Sissy Squats as well. Man those are beasts!!!!
I'll agree as well. I really notice a difference when I avoid gluten.

I'm there as well, water is slowly coming off. Pictures won't do me justice but regardless I got it done.

Definitely agree with this. Thrusters and box jumps are brutal!
Yeah reading some of your comments is part of what has got me thinking about avoiding or limiting my gluten.

Yeah you looked pretty lean in the pictures you posted last week or whenever that was.

I have a speaker box I could do some box jumps on at home. You know I have a darn trampoline out back and I am always wondering why in the hell I don't play on it for cardio... Probably cuz I think about it at times like now when it is 35 degrees out and I am not going to go jump in the cold. I will tell you what 30 minutes on the trampoline is way more energy expending than walking on a treadmill and tons more fun.


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Yep anywhere in the 187's. Basically just under 188


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All you guys getting smaller and here I am getting bigger......I'm out of the loop :p


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Definite grinder. Try not to dip the hips pre pull. Looked solid but maybe one if the better dead lifters will chime in and help you you If I'm not seeing something. Looks a lot like my 405 pull a few weeks ago. Is that a new pr? If so, bad ass and congrats.


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Definite grinder. Try not to dip the hips pre pull. Looked solid but maybe one if the better dead lifters will chime in and help you you If I'm not seeing something. Looks a lot like my 405 pull a few weeks ago. Is that a new pr? If so, bad ass and congrats.
I dip the hips and bring them back up until I feel my hams engage, otherwise I take them out of the equation.
It's a PR for me post-2010 so I'll take it. My form still needs some tweaking but it had gotten better. Squat and bench to come later this week. Hopefully my FREAK shirt gets here today.


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I dip the hips and bring them back up until I feel my hams engage, otherwise I take them out of the equation. It's a PR for me post-2010 so I'll take it. My form still needs some tweaking but it had gotten better. Squat and bench to come later this week. Hopefully my FREAK shirt gets here today.
Bad ass dude. I know Hyde lingers in here and kleen are both solid dead lifters.


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Thanks Bro Namath.
I sent the vid to Sean for his input. Everything but the initial pull looked ok to him (the one I reset after). I think I'm going to start pulling in flat shoes though, to stop forward drift.


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Thanks Bro Namath. I sent the vid to Sean for his input. Everything but the initial pull looked ok to him (the one I reset after). I think I'm going to start pulling in flat shoes though, to stop forward drift.
I picked up some rebock crossfit nanos. Nicer than bare foot IMO. Definitely feel more glute and ham activation in squats and deads. If you can get them cheap id recommend them.


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I picked up some rebock crossfit nanos. Nicer than bare foot IMO. Definitely feel more glute and ham activation in squats and deads. If you can get them cheap id recommend them.
When I saved the old dude's life in December, he gave me a $100 gift card. I picked up some nano 3.0s. I don't care for the toe box but otherwise they're pretty solid.


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When I saved the old dude's life in December, he gave me a $100 gift card. I picked up some nano 3.0s. I don't care for the toe box but otherwise they're pretty solid.
You saved a dudes life? Bad ass.

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