FDA is trying to ban Compounded TRT



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That's not how it works, big guy. You aren't IMMUNE from COVID after you get COVID. You can get it multiple times. Can you PLEASE do some research before you keep spewing this complete nonsense?
i think i hear your mommy calling you, sonny.


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Woah woah wait, why should I have to get vaccinated if your “vaccine” protects against the virus? Then you shouldn’t be able to catch it right? Isn’t that the whole point of the vaccine? Oh ya that’s right, cause it doesn’t even f$cking properly work. And how many of those hospitalizations are people who are obese? Stuffing there face with McDonald’s telling me to be a good person and get the vaccine, Smfh, get the hell outta here man. Listen I’m not claiming “ohh the vaccine has microchips in it blah blah blah” but why the hell should I be forced to put a drug in body?
I don't even understand what you're saying here. Like I said above, when people have their cognitive dissonance challenged their start throwing around insults and totally irrational, incoherent arguments and things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the topic at hand.

Woah woah wait, why should I have to get vaccinated if your “vaccine” protects against the virus? Then you shouldn’t be able to catch it right? Isn’t that the whole point of the vaccine? Oh ya that’s right, cause it doesn’t even f$cking properly work.
And yet again, more claims with ZERO EVIDENCE, ZERO RESEARCH, ZERO PEER REVIEWED STUDIES, nothing. Just your own personal claims and thoughts, which totally invalidate your argument.
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I don't even understand what you're saying here.
Wtf do you mean? “I don’t understand this”. It’s simple English bud. If your vaccinated and I’m not and we are hanging out you should be protected right? And shouldn’t be able to catch the virus, correct?


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Yup, I had Covid and was nothing more than the common cold for me, but I’m sure that’s not because I exercise, eat healthy, non-smoker,etc.
That's you're own personal ANECDOTAL experience, and does not necessarily make the fact that you had a mild case of COVID change the plain and simple FACTS that more people have DIED from COVID-19 than in the bloodiest battle on the American country, the Civil war, which had a death toll of SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE died, yet COVID has still overtaken that and CONTINUES to overtake it as more and more people with vaccine hesitancy refuse to get vaccinated.

You used a personal experience or an isolated example instead of a sound argument or compelling evidence.
It's often much easier for people to believe someone's testimony as opposed to understanding complex data and variation across a continuum. Quantitative scientific measures are almost always more accurate than personal perceptions and experiences, but our inclination is to believe that which is tangible to us, and/or the word of someone we trust over a more 'abstract' statistical reality.

Example: Jason said that that was all cool and everything, but his grandfather smoked, like, 30 cigarettes a day and lived until 97 - so don't believe everything you read about meta analyses of methodologically sound studies showing proven causal relationships.

And consider yourself lucky, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans who have LIFE LONG after effects from getting COVID.

Most people who have coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) recover completely within a few weeks. But some people — even those who had mild versions of the disease — continue to experience symptoms after their initial recovery.

These people sometimes describe themselves as "long haulers" and the conditions have been called post-COVID-19 syndrome or "long COVID-19." These health issues are sometimes called post-COVID-19 conditions. They're generally considered to be effects of COVID-19 that persist for more than four weeks after you've been diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus.

Older people and people with many serious medical conditions are the most likely to experience lingering COVID-19 symptoms, but even young, otherwise healthy people can feel unwell for weeks to months after infection. Common signs and symptoms that linger over time include:

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Cough
  • Joint pain
  • Chest pain
  • Memory, concentration or sleep problems
  • Muscle pain or headache
  • Fast or pounding heartbeat
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Fever
  • Dizziness when you stand
  • Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities

By staying unvaccinated, you could continue contribute to people you'll brush past at the grocery store, or the office or at the gym, and as I posted above, which you obviously missed, I'm sure:

Nearly 60% of all new coronavirus cases may come from people who carry the virus but who exhibit no symptoms of Covid-19. Overall, the model predicted that 59% of coronavirus transmission would come from people without symptoms, including 35% from people who were pre-symptomatic and 24% from those who never showed symptoms at all.

But, you don't care about these people. You'll never meet them or see them again. Just by your sheer ignorance and negligence, you could be potentially leaving them with life long symptoms they will NEVER get over.


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That's you're own personal ANECDOTAL experience, and does not necessarily make the fact that you had a mild case of COVID change the plain and simple FACTS that more people have DIED from COVID-19 than in the bloodiest battle on the American country, the Civil war, which had a death toll of SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE died, yet COVID has still overtaken that and CONTINUES to overtake it as more and more people with vaccine hesitancy refuse to get vaccinated.


And consider yourself lucky, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans who have LIFE LONG after effects from getting COVID.


By staying unvaccinated, you could continue contribute to people you'll brush past at the grocery store, or the office or at the gym, and as I posted above, which you obviously missed, I'm sure:

Nearly 60% of all new coronavirus cases may come from people who carry the virus but who exhibit no symptoms of Covid-19. Overall, the model predicted that 59% of coronavirus transmission would come from people without symptoms, including 35% from people who were pre-symptomatic and 24% from those who never showed symptoms at all.

But, you don't care about these people. You'll never meet them or see them again. Just by your sheer ignorance and negligence, you could be potentially leaving them with life long symptoms they will NEVER get over.
Answer my last response.


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Wtf do you mean? “I don’t understand this”. It’s simple English bud. If your vaccinated and I’m not and we are hanging out you should be protected right? And shouldn’t be able to catch the virus, correct?
No, that's not how it works, genius. A vaccine is not a 100% BULLETPROOF method of not getting COVID. But, again, I'll post you to the statistics you neglected to read. Because I'm sure you're a very busy man, too busy to read anything with reason or logical at midnight.

More than 99% of recent COVID deaths in US involve unvaccinated people, a 'sad and tragic' situation

Covid Hospitalizations by Vaccine Status Bar Graph​

How do dispute those statistics and still think it's a good idea not to get vaccinated?
But, let's look at another statistic, just for the hell of it, huh?

Who’s vaccinated?
  1. Donald Trump and every other living U.S. president
  2. All 50 governors-both (Republican) and (Democratic)
  3. Nearly 100% of US Congress
  4. 96% of American physicians
  5. 75-80% of the military, soon 100%
  6. Who’s not vaccinated? 99.2% of all people currently dying of Covid-19.


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That's you're own personal ANECDOTAL experience, and does not necessarily make the fact that you had a mild case of COVID change the plain and simple FACTS that more people have DIED from COVID-19 than in the bloodiest battle on the American country, the Civil war, which had a death toll of SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE died, yet COVID has still overtaken that and CONTINUES to overtake it as more and more people with vaccine hesitancy refuse to get vaccinated.


And consider yourself lucky, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans who have LIFE LONG after effects from getting COVID.


By staying unvaccinated, you could continue contribute to people you'll brush past at the grocery store, or the office or at the gym, and as I posted above, which you obviously missed, I'm sure:

Nearly 60% of all new coronavirus cases may come from people who carry the virus but who exhibit no symptoms of Covid-19. Overall, the model predicted that 59% of coronavirus transmission would come from people without symptoms, including 35% from people who were pre-symptomatic and 24% from those who never showed symptoms at all.

But, you don't care about these people. You'll never meet them or see them again. Just by your sheer ignorance and negligence, you could be potentially leaving them with life long symptoms they will NEVER get over.
Dr. Faucci is dat chu? GTFOH


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Do you have any REAL sources, and not some whack-o video sharing sites from Iceland with absolutely NO references including? Just a bunch of soccer players collapsing on the field? That **** happens ALL the time. There is absolutely no references ANYWHERE on the page any of these people died. And you legitimately believe this is a real source making accurate claims?

Man, did how many grades did you get held back?


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Listen man, I’m laying back watching tv and enjoying this. Last thing I feel like doing is pulling up sources, if I’m up to it tomorrow maybe I will. But I got better things to do than argue on forums, However any source I pull up you will most likely not trust because they are against the vaccine, just like how all your sources are for the vaccine.


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Answer my last response.
Yes, sir! You'll have to forgive me, all I saw was "the vaccine doesn't f**king work" and something about "McDonalds"? And I knew I was talking to a true delusional lunatic, but I'll hop right back up there and read to and respond to your mad ramblings.

hey fuktard, here is the first paragraph:
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

i bolded and underlined the name of the VAX that is not yet available to the public FFS. you got an emergency use authorized trial batch of god knows what.. and further demonstrating your ineptness... there are HOW MANY SHOTS available? and NONE are approved

ONLY Comernity is approved
Okay.... So I'm going to point to you to my thread, right here --> https://anabolicminds.com/community/threads/fda-is-trying-to-ban-compounded-trt.326069/post-6568161 Feel free to pursue that at your leisure because you've gone off the deep end I'm done responding to your insane rantings and ravings. Like I said, your cognitive bias hivemind has been cracked open and you can't keep it together to not insult anyone, make a coherent argument, research ANY sort of topics on your own and get your info from some websites run by your fellow anti-vax lunatics.

Are you familiar with a site called PubMed? You might want to start there from where you get your scientific information from, or any of the good publications like Scientific American or any of the sites that have LEGITIMATE medical information, like the ones I already posted above that have already debunked a good deal of what you've posted.

Have a nice night!


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Woah woah wait, why should I have to get vaccinated if your “vaccine” protects against the virus? Then you shouldn’t be able to catch it right? Isn’t that the whole point of the vaccine? Oh ya that’s right, cause it doesn’t even f$cking properly work. And how many of those hospitalizations are people who are obese? Stuffing there face with McDonald’s telling me to be a good person and get the vaccine, Smfh, get the hell outta here man. Listen I’m not claiming “ohh the vaccine has microchips in it blah blah blah” but why the hell should I be forced to put a drug in body?
Why should you be forced to put a drug in your body? Oh, but my dear friend, as I've already explained, you've already been forced to have COUNTLESS drugs put in your body your whole life. But, I'll REQUOTE it, because apparently you're reading comprehension is at the level FÜCKING OF A CHILD.

You've already been vaccinated your whole life. What's different this time?

When you were first born your parents had you immediately innoculated against these common diseases:

  • Hepatitis B (2nd dose)
  • Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis) (DTaP)
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Polio (IPV)
  • Pneumococcal (PCV)
  • Rotavirus (RV)
Then when you went to public school you were required to get vaccines for the following diseases:

  • Diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis.
  • Polio.
  • Measles/mumps/rubella.
  • Hepatitis A and B and.
  • After a student turns 11, they are required to be vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis.
And if you travel internationally you'll be forced to get the following vaccines.

What are routine vaccinations?
"Routine" vaccinations are those that are normally administered, usually during childhood, in the United States. These include immunizations against

International travelers should make sure that these vaccinations are up to date and that no boosters are required, since many conditions which are rare in the U.S. due to immunity in the general population may be more common in other countries.

But you live such a privileged life, you have no concept of science, history, or any concept of generations before you who had to suffer through PLAGUES that killed millions.

More than likely these vaccines saved your life & you never even realized it. You were lucky not to live through the plague, the times of cholera where there were thousands of people lying dead in the streets & never have had dysentery, or the Spanish flu (which the COVID death rate has already surpassed) and especially polio and simply take it for granted you won't get these diseases when it reality it was government policies made before you were even born to keep you safe & alive so you can live your life in full and in safety from those common diseases.


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So, believe it or not, you bunch of dopes, I have other things I need to be doing at 1am other than arguing with a bunch of clueless anti-vaxxers. I've said my piece, posted evidence, you have posted absolutely NONE. So, this an like trying to teach toddlers how to change their own diapers.

Oh, and don't forget to get your panties in a twist and report me to all the mods and admins you can!

Have an especially lovely evening!


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Yet another example of my "Why I don't argue with anti-vaxxers". They have absolutely no argument to back up a SINGLE one of their claims. It's a complete waste of time replying to posts like these.
There is no NEED to argue, why are you so concerned with other peoples choice? In my 38 year i never had a flu shot and you know what, i never had a 70 year old telling me I'm a moron or a conspiracy theorist for it, funny that. Think what you want about the virus and the vax, get it or not it's your choice and i dont care what anyone else wants to do with their body, i never argued with people about smoking, drinking, drugs, base jumping, hang gliding or any other stupid dangerous **** people wanna do its their life. How did we let the media and gvt divide us like this?


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"Oh, and before I go"
TF? they have already banned you multiple times. im pretty sure you aint goin nowhere smdh!


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Wtf do you mean? “I don’t understand this”. It’s simple English bud. If your vaccinated and I’m not and we are hanging out you should be protected right? And shouldn’t be able to catch the virus, correct?
he only speaks scientific calculus pie squared bullshit lol :ROFLMAO:


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Pro tip for Dr. Faucci. maybe you should quit using google for your info. the only one brainwashed in this thread is u.

no one in here is anti vax. we are all anti "this vax" and you are sooo mad LOL


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of relevance...
Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes (nih.gov)

5 young athletes in 8 days die or suffer career-threatening heart attacks — rupreparing

New Pandemic: Vaxxed Athletes Dying Of Heart Attacks - Covid 19 Reporter

Healthy Athletes Collapsing from Heart Attacks - The Tatum Report

Report Shows Nearly 300 Athletes Worldwide Collapsed or Suffered Cardiac Arrests after Taking COVID Vaccine This Year — News From The Perimeter

sooooo if you followed the first link, scd (sudden cardiac deaths) you would see the average 1 per thousands over the yrs.. its close to 1 in 40000 players get SCD. until last yr. but yea, Keep denying it. Something has changed in the last yr.. I wonder what it is. Must be the pot that all the athletes just love to use.


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So, believe it or not, you bunch of dopes, I have other things I need to be doing at 1am other than arguing with a bunch of clueless anti-vaxxers. I've said my piece, posted evidence, you have posted absolutely NONE. So, this an like trying to teach toddlers how to change their own diapers.

Oh, and don't forget to get your panties in a twist and report me to all the mods and admins you can!

Have an especially lovely evening!
damn i knew i was forgetting to do something! brb i got you! :ROFLMAO:


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Shameful that you make a post and have ZERO clue what you are talking about...

The CDC on Dec. 3 released the new data which show a total of 927,740 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 26, 2021.

For public awareness and in the interest of transparency, CDC is providing timely updates on the following serious adverse events of interest:
  • Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare and has occurred in approximately 2 to 5 people per million vaccinated in the United States. Anaphylaxis, a severe type of allergic reaction, can occur after any kind of vaccination. If it happens, healthcare providers can effectively and immediately treat the reaction. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
  • Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen (J&J/Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccination is rare. As of November 24, 2021, more than 16.4 million doses of the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine have been given in the United States. CDC and FDA identified 54 confirmed reports of people who got the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and later developed TTS. Women younger than 50 years old especially should be aware of the rare but increased risk of this adverse event. There are other COVID-19 vaccine options available for which this risk has not been seen. Learn more about J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS.
    • To date, two confirmed cases of TTS following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Moderna) have been reported to VAERS after more than 437 million of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered in the United States. Based on available data, there is not an increased risk for TTS after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
  • CDC and FDA are monitoring reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in people who have received the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. GBS is a rare disorder where the body’s immune system damages nerve cells, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. Most people fully recover from GBS, but some have permanent nerve damage. After more than 16.4 million J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine doses administered, there have been around 268 preliminary reports of GBS identified in VAERS as of November 24, 2021. These cases have largely been reported about 2 weeks after vaccination and mostly in men, many 50 years and older. CDC will continue to monitor for and evaluate reports of GBS occurring after COVID-19 vaccination and will share more information as it becomes available.
  • Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. As of November 24, 2021, VAERS has received 1,949 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine. Most cases have been reported after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), particularly in male adolescents and young adults. Through follow-up, including medical record reviews, CDC and FDA have confirmed 1,071 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis. CDC and its partners are investigating these reports to assess whether there is a relationship to COVID-19 vaccination. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis.
  • Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 459 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through November 29, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 10,128 reports of death (0.0022%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. CDC clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records. A review of reports indicates a causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS, a rare and serious adverse event—that causes blood clots with low platelets—which has caused or directly contributed to six confirmed deathsexternal icon.
Why would anyone believe what CDC tells you? We are living in dystopian future. Fauci lied and people died. Yes, COVID is real. My wife had it and her sister. Her sister had no symptoms and my wife mildly sore throat. Everything is politicized. That's the real threat


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Why would anyone believe what CDC tells you? We are living in dystopian future. Fauci lied and people died. Yes, COVID is real. My wife had it and her sister. Her sister had no symptoms and my wife mildly sore throat. Everything is politicized. That's the real threat
exactly! and cdc is exact same gov that hes spoutin about


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i don't care who the republican nominee is i will vote for him/her...after all democrats voted for a mentally deficient old guy clearly suffering from mental illness who thought he was running for the senate and campaigned from his basement--how can republicans do any worse than biden.

personally like someone already mentioned a desantis/tulsi gabbard ticket would kickass, imo.
Tulsi Gabbard would be great. I would love to see her and Kinzinger on the ticket. Always good to have leaders who have put it all on the line and actually walk the walk.


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Not even gonna lie, it was Friday night I had just gotten home from the bar and literally don’t remember typing a single thing I said above


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Not even gonna lie, it was Friday night I had just gotten home from the bar and literally don’t remember typing a single thing I said above
dude i can have about 2 strongish drinks now and not remember anything the next day lol. old age sucks :oops:


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dude i can have about 2 strongish drinks now and not remember anything the next day lol. old age sucks :oops:
Ya man I feel that, I only had six shots over 2-3 hours last night and feel shitty this morning. I remember getting blasted in college waking up feeling great and going to workout.


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That's you're own personal ANECDOTAL experience, and does not necessarily make the fact that you had a mild case of COVID change the plain and simple FACTS that more people have DIED from COVID-19 than in the bloodiest battle on the American country, the Civil war, which had a death toll of SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY
That's you're own personal ANECDOTAL experience, and does not necessarily make the fact that you had a mild case of COVID change the plain and simple FACTS that more people have DIED from COVID-19 than in the bloodiest battle on the American country, the Civil war, which had a death toll of SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE died, yet COVID has still overtaken that and CONTINUES to overtake it as more and more people with vaccine hesitancy refuse to get vaccinated.


And consider yourself lucky, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans who have LIFE LONG after effects from getting COVID.


By staying unvaccinated, you could continue contribute to people you'll brush past at the grocery store, or the office or at the gym, and as I posted above, which you obviously missed, I'm sure:

Nearly 60% of all new coronavirus cases may come from people who carry the virus but who exhibit no symptoms of Covid-19. Overall, the model predicted that 59% of coronavirus transmission would come from people without symptoms, including 35% from people who were pre-symptomatic and 24% from those who never showed symptoms at all.

But, you don't care about these people. You'll never meet them or see them again. Just by your sheer ignorance and negligence, you could be potentially leaving them with life long symptoms they will NEVER get over.
hey man, you ever hear of a guy named FAUCI?

you know, the guy who said the only way to get rid of covid was through HERD IMMUNITY-do you understand the meaning of herd immunity?


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There is no NEED to argue, why are you so concerned with other peoples choice? In my 38 year i never had a flu shot and you know what, i never had a 70 year old telling me I'm a moron or a conspiracy theorist for it, funny that. Think what you want about the virus and the vax, get it or not it's your choice and i dont care what anyone else wants to do with their body, i never argued with people about smoking, drinking, drugs, base jumping, hang gliding or any other stupid dangerous **** people wanna do its their life. How did we let the media and gvt divide us like this?
the CDC estimates that 61,000 AMERICAN"S died from influenza in the 2017-2018 flu season and a whopping 959,000 were hospitalized from influenza in 2017-2018....
only 36% of AMERICAN'S got flu shots in 2017. where was the outcry calling out all those non flu vaxxers for killing those 61,000 and hospitalizing 959,000???

c'mon man.


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the CDC estimates that 61,000 AMERICAN"S died from influenza in the 2017-2018 flu season and a whopping 959,000 were hospitalized from influenza in 2017-2018....
only 36% of AMERICAN'S got flu shots in 2017. where was the outcry calling out all those non flu vaxxers for killing those 61,000 and hospitalizing 959,000???

c'mon man.
i remember the mandates and masking fo sho!


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i remember the mandates and masking fo sho!
makes one have to consider that this divide over covid vaccines just might be politically based to enforce the divide this country already suffers-eh?

imagine that all the liberal media is all in for mandates and forced vaccinations, while the single conservative network [fox] is pro- choice...lol-it's funny if you think about it. conservatives are PRO-CHOICE and liberals are ANTI- PRO-CHOICE....can you say ironic?

my body, my choice-eh?


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makes one have to consider that this divide over covid vaccines just might be politically based to enforce the divide this country already suffers-eh?

imagine that all the liberal media is all in for mandates and forced vaccinations, while the single conservative network [fox] is pro- choice...lol-it's funny if you think about it. conservatives are PRO-CHOICE and liberals are ANTI- PRO-CHOICE....can you say ironic?

my body, my choice-eh?
Funny cause with abortion the way I feel about it is if each parent decides it’s what they want to do then I support it, however, I feel the father should have just as much as a say as the mother considering it’s F$CKING just as much of his child as it hers. That really grinds my damn gears man. I’m tired of them acting like having a kid can happen solo, and as if the child doesn’t come originally from our damn ballsack.


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Can we make a new thread dedicated to the topic at hand and just have this one for politics and covid issues which some of us aren't here for or care about
how can you not care about politics and covid-do you live under a rock?
politics and covid affect every facet of our lives today.
c'mon man!!!


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I care about what the FDA is trying to do. There is way more appropriate places to do real research on things like that outside of the anabolic section of a fitness forum filled with gym bros.


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I care about what the FDA is trying to do. There is way more appropriate places to do real research on things like that outside of the anabolic section of a fitness forum filled with gym bros.
there is a form attached in this thread, fill it out....unless you are so wrapped up in what others are doing in this thread you didn't start at the top and even realize those forms were there :unsure:


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the CDC estimates that 61,000 AMERICAN"S died from influenza in the 2017-2018 flu season and a whopping 959,000 were hospitalized from influenza in 2017-2018....
only 36% of AMERICAN'S got flu shots in 2017. where was the outcry calling out all those non flu vaxxers for killing those 61,000 and hospitalizing 959,000???

c'mon man.
This what i don't get about covid, they've made fear a virtue and the unafraid social pariahs, i swear we are one step away from unvaxxed people having to sow a star of david on their jackets, two steps from being hoarded on freight trains, how the hell did we let this happen???! Sometimes I feel like the world really did end in 2012 and this has to be some kind of dsytopian matrix


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This what i don't get about covid, they've made fear a virtue and the unafraid social pariahs, i swear we are one step away from unvaxxed people having to sow a star of david on their jackets, two steps from being hoarded on freight trains, how the hell did we let this happen???! Sometimes I feel like the world really did end in 2012 and this has to be some kind of dsytopian matrix
i heard today that they are considering having child protection services remove children for parents who won't have children vaccinated....
i can't believe the biden admin keeps coming up with these hitlerian tactics when the courts keep shutting them down as government overreach-unconstitutional...
i thank GOD trump was able to get so many conservative judges on federal and scotus or we would be totally screwed with no recourse since liberal control house senate and WH.


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i heard today that they are considering having child protection services remove children for parents who won't have children vaccinated....
i can't believe the biden admin keeps coming up with these hitlerian tactics when the courts keep shutting them down as government overreach-unconstitutional...
i thank GOD trump was able to get so many conservative judges on federal and scotus or we would be totally screwed with no recourse since liberal control house senate and WH.
Trump was the most pro american and BEST PRESIDENT EVER!!! Trump 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit: well.....i liked reagan too! 😁


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i heard today that they are considering having child protection services remove children for parents who won't have children vaccinated....
i can't believe the biden admin keeps coming up with these hitlerian tactics when the courts keep shutting them down as government overreach-unconstitutional...
i thank GOD trump was able to get so many conservative judges on federal and scotus or we would be totally screwed with no recourse since liberal control house senate and WH.
Dear god how could an idea like that even get off the ground?

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