EvoMuse Fat Loss Sponsored Log - Kaprice



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If you look again at my workout description, it's pretty close to that.

Each exercise has 4 set going from higher reps and lower weights to lower reps with higher weight.


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But, you're not saying you got that chest and those massive arms doing 3 sets of moderate weights, are you? I'd find that hard to believe.
Actually, yes, sort of. But every now -and then I'm a show-off, that's why I'm injured now, but did not gave me the gains.
I'm not a follower of anyone's routine -or diet. My overall philosophy is: "Figure it out by yourself."
There is a recent study that buried the bro-science on heavy weights.
The study concluded (paraphrasing): Moderate weight+high volume to failure = heavy weight + low volume to failure, for hypertrophy.
I do mostly that and about 50% are body weight exercises. Even when I started with a similar body composition as you have now (not for long I bet), I began with :
-assisted pull ups/chin ups
-assisted dips
-push ups (could do about 10 regular ones first)
-inverted rows (please look up, awesome exercise)

I'm still doing them. What I hold most responsible for my gains are rest pause sets, like doing push ups to failure, then 10 seconds pause -again push ups to failure.Doing 3 sets, each with a rest pause set on EVERY exercise. When I could do 45-60 push ups I began doing them elevated with feet on bench and handles, also doing them very slow now to get more time under tension.

I'm convinced that this workout is useful, especially for us older people.
As soon as I'm healed I will not go for heavy weights anymore. 70% of perceived max weight will be the most I will do.
My son does my exact workout (body weight + rest pauses) without going heavy, as he is no show-off, just look at him!


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Ah, please look at kenpoengineer 's log, he is doing "sheiko". I took his approach and modified it. He does 1-2 exercises a day but like:
Pull ups: 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 After that chin ups (!): 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 Look at his body, he is our age.

I admit, after the modification, you can hardly tell, lol. But it consists of total fatigue of a muscle with body weight -or moderate weight.


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Ah, please look at kenpoengineer 's log, he is doing "sheiko". I took his approach and modified it. He does 1-2 exercises a day but like:
Pull ups: 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 After that chin ups (!): 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 Look at his body, he is our age.

I admit, after the modification, you can hardly tell, lol. But it consists of total fatigue of a muscle with body weight -or moderate weight.
DANG! That's a killer set of sets.


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DANG! That's a killer set of sets.
What this teaches is, heavy weights for gains is not necessary, what's needed for grows is fatigue to give the stimulus.
Every gymnast or boxer should be an obvious example for this, they do not bench 300 lbs, nor do they deadlift 450lbs.
Especially looking at your "ideal body" in your avatar pic, this should be your routine to achieve it, because it shows a gymnast body.


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What this teaches is, heavy weights for gains is not necessary, what's needed for grows is fatigue to give the stimulus.
Every gymnast or boxer should be an obvious example for this, they do not bench 300 lbs, nor do they deadlift 450lbs.
Especially looking at your "ideal body" in your avatar pic, this should be your routine to achieve it, because it shows a gymnast body.
Good point. The trade off is time. More reps with lower rates takes more time than lower reps with higher weights.

Of course, if I injure myself on the higher weights, the point is moot.

I'm going to look for a balance.


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Good point. The trade off is time. More reps with lower rates takes more time than lower reps with higher weights.

I don't agree. Rest pause sets take 10 sec. pause then another 10 seconds of reps, because you can't do more.
I also do stuff like:
example pull ups:
13 rp 6 rp 4 rp 3

After that, pull ups is finished and took me hardly 2 minutes. It's quicker than doing 3-4 sets of :
13/10/8/6 with 2 minutes pauses between sets. Same fatigue = same results, IMHO.

I know HIT4ME does not agree fully on this, LOL
Maybe it's because he never tried, as it's a masochistic torture.


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Tried, but can't pull that off, came close though, LOL.
Kenpoengineer is a beast!
From looking at his log, it appears he STARTED in a very good place. And that was what, 3 years ago?


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Just as a heads up from your earlier question -- I always keep my Epitome dose 3-4 hours away from either side of the workout if any weight training is done.


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Just as a heads up from your earlier question -- I always keep my Epitome dose 3-4 hours away from either side of the workout if any weight training is done.
Thanks for that. That creates a pretty narrow window. But, good to know.

So, I'm trying to hit the gym around 1 or 2p each day. That means Dose 1 no later than 10 or 11 and Dose 2 no earlier than 6 or 7p.


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I don't agree. Rest pause sets take 10 sec. pause then another 10 seconds of reps, because you can't do more.
I also do stuff like:
example pull ups:
13 rp 6 rp 4 rp 3

After that, pull ups is finished and took me hardly 2 minutes. It's quicker than doing 3-4 sets of :
13/10/8/6 with 2 minutes pauses between sets. Same fatigue = same results, IMHO.

I know HIT4ME does not agree fully on this, LOL
Maybe it's because he never tried, as it's a masochistic torture.
At my current maxes, I'm only resting 30s between sets and 2 mins between exercises.

So, you like to keep the same weight for all sets and just go close to failure each time, resulting in fewer reps each set?

There's an argument to made for allowing for greater recovery which allows for more load on the following set.

The good news for me is that at this point, what I'm doing is having the desired effect. I won't futz with it until that stops being the case.


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At my current maxes, I'm only resting 30s between sets and 2 mins between exercises.

So, you like to keep the same weight for all sets and just go close to failure each time, resulting in fewer reps each set?

There's an argument to made for allowing for greater recovery which allows for more load on the following set.

The good news for me is that at this point, what I'm doing is having the desired effect. I won't futz with it until that stops being the case.
Many roads lead to Rome. :)
I always do every set to failure, often same weight. Progress would look like that:
Pull ups
January: 13 rp-10sec 7 rp-10sec 6 rp-10sec 4
February:13 rp-10sec 7 rp-10sec 6 rp-10sec 6
March: 13 rp-10sec 8 rp-10sec 8 rp-10sec 8

I would have to look it up, but it comes close to what progress with rest pauses look like. It gives you more resistance. The visual gains are huge, but the reps in the first set are almost not affected.

If you read my log you will find, I switch exercises often but body weight exercises not. You'll also notice that I do every muscle group twice a week with changing exercises.

I like your short rests, it's highly beneficial IMHO. Just don't up the weight, shorten the pauses.


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From looking at his log, it appears he STARTED in a very good place. And that was what, 3 years ago?
I don't know, but he is a machine and WE will become like him, no matter if it takes 5 years!

I noticed, getting cut is the difficult part -getting muscles is not as hard.


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When I re-read my posts, I may come over as a smartass, I don't want you to think that.
It's how I am in RL too, taking the lead without asking (But please don't call me Trump)
All said, is a condensed version of what worked for me and my son, it may not be appropriate for everybody.
I do respect the approaches of everyone here, because they ALL work, if HIT4ME's workouts bare fruits is to be seen....



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No, I appreciate your comments and experience.

As for coming across as harsh, I attribute it to some combination of:

* It's hard to be subtle when writing forum comments;

* English is not your first language;

* You're GERMAN! :)


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No, I appreciate your comments and experience.

As for coming across as harsh, I attribute it to some combination of:

* It's hard to be subtle when writing forum comments;

* English is not your first language;

* You're GERMAN! :)
You're GERMAN!
nailed it , LOL.

"Everyone grab their rifle, kids too! Now follow me to Stalingrad! What soldier? You have no legs? Then use your tongue and ears to crawl -and keep up with the others!" LMAO!


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DAY 10 - Wednesday

YIKES! Last night I had a bit of a meltdown. I found a bag of snacks from my move and sort of laid into it.

About 6 to 8 Twizzler Twists (small - 6 inchers)
maybe 20 to 30 potato chips
8 to 10 Peanut M&Ms

The good news is, the old me would have never stopped at those quantities. As it is, that felt like a massive binge.

Bed last night at 2am
Up at 8:40a w/o alarm
I slept well and feel pretty refreshed.

EvoMuse recommends applying Abliderated Advanced (AA) first thing in the morning after a shower. Which I did for a few days. But, I dislike showering first thing and then again after my workout.

So, I just started scrubbing my mid section with a soapy washcloth and applying after that.

I found that AA rubs on better when my skin is slightly moist, so I didn't towel dry after the washcloth. My skin wasn't dripping, just a bit moist from the washing.

No BM, yet (sigh)
Pre-BM weight: 250.7

Since I really want a post-BM weight, I'm going to try to avoid drinking anything until I have one. Just enough to wash down DCP.


EvoMuse also recommends not taking Epitome within 3 hours before or after resistance training. So, I'm going to have to adjust my timing of that.

I'm trying to hit the gym around 1 or 2. That means my first Epitome no later than 10 or 11. And my second dose no earlier than 4 or 5.

ARRGH! It's 10:55 and still no BM. I can't go without water any longer.

Taking Epitome so I can hit the gym at 2.

11:15 finally had a small BM
Post BM weight: 248.7

So, now I have high hopes for a great post workout weight!

12:00 Thermogum
32 oz water (to nurse)

3:00p - Pre WO Shake in water and 6 frozen strawberries
Left for gym (it's 30 mins away -- I just canceled it so I can join one that's only 10 mins away)

6:00p back from gym
Good workout. Much better sweat. Felt strong.
Did better on the post workout incline treadmill, too. 20 mins

Post WO weight: 247
A new low!
Can I lose 2 more by Saturday?

Defuse. Brite. DCP.

Dinner at 6:30p
3 large pancakes (mixed white/wheat flour, chocolate chips). I was generous with butter and syrup.
About 2 cups of whole milk

Prior to dinner, I'd consumed 300 calories, 240 of which was protein powder.

Using IHOP chocolate chip pancakes as a guide, my 3 pancakes (plain) come to about 500 calories.
Maybe 200 calories in the butter.
Maybe 150 to 200 calories in the syrup.
300 calories in the milk.

So, as of 8:00p, I'm at about 1,500 calories and feeling full and satisfied.

It's hard to feel like you're dieting when you have chocolate chip pancakes with butter and syrup for dinner! :)


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I'm pretty confident in my form. I never swing, always controlled. Body For Life hit that pretty hard.

Up: 1,2, pause half a second, down 3, 2, 1

When my hamstring blew on the squats, I was in perfect form. But, the ham was still weak from the sprinting pull several months prior.

I was on about week 6 or 7 when the squat injury occurred. I did start with very low weights and worked up to that point.

But, I'll give your recommendations some more thought.

One thing to keep in mind is that, at my weight, doing standing squats, even without the bar is already NOT LIGHT. :)
I hear you about the squatting with high bodyweight. When I started I was 300 pounds almost and I completely understand. I think your holding back a little is a smart idea. Get used to the volume and don't go so intense you hurt yourself, just get the movement in and work on the form. This is all about being able to move, first you perfect the movement and then you increase the weights. Your plan to stick to a lighter weight is smart. Honestly, you're kind of focusing on two different goals at this point - building muscle and losing fat. You lose fat through the diet, and you may build some muscle in a deficit, but if you even keep the muscle you have you are doing good! And there is no point in piling on weight when you have prior injuries that inhibit the movement and can't bare the load. Go slow and work up. I am telling you though, even if you just use the empty bar, throw in squats, even just 1 set, every workout and work that movement. It will loosen up your hips and get your body more in line.

If you look again at my workout description, it's pretty close to that.

Each exercise has 4 set going from higher reps and lower weights to lower reps with higher weight.
Your workout is close to the cycle in each workout. HST is a cycle where week 1 is 15 reps, week 2 is 12 reps with a heavier weight, etc. You only do 1-2 sets per exercise and every workout is a full body workout. So your workout is mixing up the sets/reps/weights - but HST does this on a weekly basis, not in the same workout.

Good point. The trade off is time. More reps with lower rates takes more time than lower reps with higher weights.

Of course, if I injure myself on the higher weights, the point is moot.

I'm going to look for a balance.
HGP and I disagree on volume, to some extent, but we agree on things too - intensity being one of them. Taxing the muscle with sufficient time under tension and going to failure are key components in maximizing results. HGP likes to do 3 sets. I like to do 1-2 sets for each exercise. HGP is older and he takes more tries to get the job done then guys who aren't 40 yet....at least that's what his wife tells me :) You know I love ya hairygrandpa

If you were to do fewer sets with lighter weights, but carry them to failure, you would get near identical, possibly better results than with your current setup and in maybe even less time. The thing is, if I ask you to give me ALL that you have on just ONE set, and you do that - you will be fried after that last rep. The last rep may take you 20 seconds alone. Throw in a couple r/p reps like HGP suggest, or some forced reps if you have a partner, or some drop sets - and you will be huffing after just one set. I don't care if you take 5 minutes between sets, when you come back you won't be nearly as strong and your stimulus will be much lower than it was on that first set. Maybe the additional metabolic stress will enhance muscle growth, but if you are going ALL OUT on ONE set, you will not be able to do 4 sets and have that 4th set be nearly as heavy and intense as the first. Of course, this is not easy to do, it takes a lot of practice and will to build that intensity where you can get as much out of 1-2 sets as most people get out of 4.

But the point of this is - fewer sets, lighter weights, to failure - and you will see results in less time. The beauty of the lighter weights is that you will put less stress on your CNS and this means you can tolerate more sets too.

I don't agree. Rest pause sets take 10 sec. pause then another 10 seconds of reps, because you can't do more.
I also do stuff like:
example pull ups:
13 rp 6 rp 4 rp 3

After that, pull ups is finished and took me hardly 2 minutes. It's quicker than doing 3-4 sets of :
13/10/8/6 with 2 minutes pauses between sets. Same fatigue = same results, IMHO.

I know HIT4ME does not agree fully on this, LOL
Maybe it's because he never tried, as it's a masochistic torture.
I don't know why you say I don't agree - I think this is common ground for us. High intensity, get in, get out and be done with it is kind of our thing. Mentzer used to say, "You can tap a stick of dynamite with a pencil all day long, but get a sledge hammer and hit it once and watch the difference in results."

I like your R/P philosophy. If you have a training partner who can spot you, forced reps are good too. And you know I like drop sets which are a similar approach, just without any rest, but at the end when you drop weight, every rep becomes a near-maximal effort.

At my current maxes, I'm only resting 30s between sets and 2 mins between exercises.

So, you like to keep the same weight for all sets and just go close to failure each time, resulting in fewer reps each set?

There's an argument to made for allowing for greater recovery which allows for more load on the following set.

The good news for me is that at this point, what I'm doing is having the desired effect. I won't futz with it until that stops being the case.
Your last sentence is key. Don't break something that doesn't need to be fixed :) If you are seeing results doing what you are doing, squeeze every last drop out of it. Every program will stall eventually. There is a time for a change, stick with whatever works that is giving you progress until you no longer see progress. I think a lot of people worry about doing the "right thing" or being smart, but if you do something stupid and get the results you want ....isn't that actually smart?

When I re-read my posts, I may come over as a smartass, I don't want you to think that.
It's how I am in RL too, taking the lead without asking (But please don't call me Trump)
All said, is a condensed version of what worked for me and my son, it may not be appropriate for everybody.
I do respect the approaches of everyone here, because they ALL work, if HIT4ME's workouts bare fruits is to be seen....

HGP, don't ever apologize for being yourself. Despite your flaws, you do have some good points, I just don't like to point them out all that often. Something about blowing out your candle makes my candle shine brighter. :)

And you are a smart ass.

And very few people on here agree with my approach to anything :) That's half the fun. I do fewer sets, eat less food, avoid cardio and take T3 without steroids. Funny though - I don't believe I've burned through muscle like most people would warn. I may not be jacked, but I'm coming along. After all, I'm trying to be a small woman, remember? haha.

No, I appreciate your comments and experience.

As for coming across as harsh, I attribute it to some combination of:

* It's hard to be subtle when writing forum comments;

* English is not your first language;

* You're GERMAN! :)
You are right about all of this. But I also attribute it to hairygrandpa just being a smartass and a little bit of a pain in the butt. I think Germany kicked him out.

YIKES! Last night I had a bit of a meltdown. I found a bag of snacks from my move and sort of laid into it.

About 6 to 8 Twizzler Twists (small - 6 inchers)
maybe 20 to 30 potato chips
8 to 10 Peanut M&Ms

The good news is, the old me would have never stopped at those quantities. As it is, that felt like a massive binge.

Bed last night at 2am
Up at 8:40a w/o alarm
I slept well and feel pretty refreshed.

EvoMuse recommends applying Abliderated Advanced (AA) first thing in the morning after a shower. Which I did for a few days. But, I dislike showering first thing and then again after my workout.

So, I just started scrubbing my mid section with a soapy washcloth and applying after that.

I found that AA rubs on better when my skin is slightly moist, so I didn't towel dry after the washcloth. My skin wasn't dripping, just a bit moist from the washing.

No BM, yet (sigh)
Pre-BM weight: 250.7

Since I really want a post-BM weight, I'm going to try to avoid drinking anything until I have one. Just enough to wash down DCP.


EvoMuse also recommends not taking Epitome within 3 hours before or after resistance training. So, I'm going to have to adjust my timing of that.

I'm trying to hit the gym around 1 or 2. That means my first Epitome no later than 10 or 11. And my second dose no earlier than 4 or 5.

ARRGH! It's 10:55 and still no BM. I can't go without water any longer.

Taking Epitome so I can hit the gym at 2.

11:15 finally had a small BM
Post BM weight: 248.7

So, now I have high hopes for a great post workout weight!

12:00 Thermogum
32 oz water (to nurse)
That isn't that much of a break down. Just forget it and get back on the horse. I've done worse. Worst case scenario, it takes you 1-2 days longer to get where you're going. You're talking about being in shape for the rest of your life, not temporarily. As long as you just keep going, you will get there.


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Also, like HGP said, I'm not claiming to be a know-it-all and I'm sorry if I come off like that. I have my beliefs and as HGP said, not everyone has to follow the same path. Many roads lead to Rome is the perfect way to say it (HGP post above). I'm just saying what I believe and try to do, and I hope there is something in there that is useful to you, even if you don't want to use it directly. Keep doing your thing!


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I hear you about the squatting with high bodyweight. When I started I was 300 pounds almost and I completely understand. I think your holding back a little is a smart idea. Get used to the volume and don't go so intense you hurt yourself, just get the movement in and work on the form. This is all about being able to move, first you perfect the movement and then you increase the weights. Your plan to stick to a lighter weight is smart. Honestly, you're kind of focusing on two different goals at this point - building muscle and losing fat. You lose fat through the diet, and you may build some muscle in a deficit, but if you even keep the muscle you have you are doing good! And there is no point in piling on weight when you have prior injuries that inhibit the movement and can't bare the load. Go slow and work up. I am telling you though, even if you just use the empty bar, throw in squats, even just 1 set, every workout and work that movement. It will loosen up your hips and get your body more in line.

Your workout is close to the cycle in each workout. HST is a cycle where week 1 is 15 reps, week 2 is 12 reps with a heavier weight, etc. You only do 1-2 sets per exercise and every workout is a full body workout. So your workout is mixing up the sets/reps/weights - but HST does this on a weekly basis, not in the same workout.

HGP and I disagree on volume, to some extent, but we agree on things too - intensity being one of them. Taxing the muscle with sufficient time under tension and going to failure are key components in maximizing results. HGP likes to do 3 sets. I like to do 1-2 sets for each exercise. HGP is older and he takes more tries to get the job done then guys who aren't 40 yet....at least that's what his wife tells me :) You know I love ya hairygrandpa

If you were to do fewer sets with lighter weights, but carry them to failure, you would get near identical, possibly better results than with your current setup and in maybe even less time. The thing is, if I ask you to give me ALL that you have on just ONE set, and you do that - you will be fried after that last rep. The last rep may take you 20 seconds alone. Throw in a couple r/p reps like HGP suggest, or some forced reps if you have a partner, or some drop sets - and you will be huffing after just one set. I don't care if you take 5 minutes between sets, when you come back you won't be nearly as strong and your stimulus will be much lower than it was on that first set. Maybe the additional metabolic stress will enhance muscle growth, but if you are going ALL OUT on ONE set, you will not be able to do 4 sets and have that 4th set be nearly as heavy and intense as the first. Of course, this is not easy to do, it takes a lot of practice and will to build that intensity where you can get as much out of 1-2 sets as most people get out of 4.

But the point of this is - fewer sets, lighter weights, to failure - and you will see results in less time. The beauty of the lighter weights is that you will put less stress on your CNS and this means you can tolerate more sets too.

I don't know why you say I don't agree - I think this is common ground for us. High intensity, get in, get out and be done with it is kind of our thing. Mentzer used to say, "You can tap a stick of dynamite with a pencil all day long, but get a sledge hammer and hit it once and watch the difference in results."

I like your R/P philosophy. If you have a training partner who can spot you, forced reps are good too. And you know I like drop sets which are a similar approach, just without any rest, but at the end when you drop weight, every rep becomes a near-maximal effort.

Your last sentence is key. Don't break something that doesn't need to be fixed :) If you are seeing results doing what you are doing, squeeze every last drop out of it. Every program will stall eventually. There is a time for a change, stick with whatever works that is giving you progress until you no longer see progress. I think a lot of people worry about doing the "right thing" or being smart, but if you do something stupid and get the results you want ....isn't that actually smart?

HGP, don't ever apologize for being yourself. Despite your flaws, you do have some good points, I just don't like to point them out all that often. Something about blowing out your candle makes my candle shine brighter. :)

And you are a smart ass.

And very few people on here agree with my approach to anything :) That's half the fun. I do fewer sets, eat less food, avoid cardio and take T3 without steroids. Funny though - I don't believe I've burned through muscle like most people would warn. I may not be jacked, but I'm coming along. After all, I'm trying to be a small woman, remember? haha.

You are right about all of this. But I also attribute it to hairygrandpa just being a smartass and a little bit of a pain in the butt. I think Germany kicked him out.

That isn't that much of a break down. Just forget it and get back on the horse. I've done worse. Worst case scenario, it takes you 1-2 days longer to get where you're going. You're talking about being in shape for the rest of your life, not temporarily. As long as you just keep going, you will get there.
I had to reply quoting you, because the volume of your post produces gains! LOL
This reply is set 2. LMAO


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I had to reply quoting you, because the volume of your post produces gains! LOL
This reply is set 2. LMAO
Too bad the content sucks so badly. I have to make up for the lack of quality with quantity. Kind of like your workouts. haha.

I have the most jacked fingers ever though.....no contest there :)


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Too bad the content sucks so badly. I have to make up for the lack of quality with quantity. Kind of like your workouts. haha.

I have the most jacked fingers ever though.....no contest there :)
Nah, it's a good quality post. I avoid to get into the usual discussion about volume and diminished returns, Kaprice 's head will spin and he probably will start binge eating when we do.


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My 4 set progression is designed as follows:

Set 1: Light weight, 12 reps - This is to stretch and loosen up the muscles
Set 2: Bit heavier, 10 reps - This is the warm up
Set 3: First set of any difficulty -- maybe a Level 7 - This is preparation set
Set 4: Heavy. Rep 6 should be near failure - This is the only stress set

This is a good flow for older people. There's only one high stress set and it's only 6 reps. The muscles get their workout but recovery is still within reason.

I usually rest 30 seconds between sets 1, 2, and 3. Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll usually rest 60 seconds in prep for 4.

Then 2 minutes before the next exercise.


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My 4 set progression is designed as follows:

Set 1: Light weight, 12 reps - This is to stretch and loosen up the muscles
Set 2: Bit heavier, 10 reps - This is the warm up
Set 3: First set of any difficulty -- maybe a Level 7 - This is preparation set
Set 4: Heavy. Rep 6 should be near failure - This is the only stress set

This is a good flow for older people. There's only one high stress set and it's only 6 reps. The muscles get their workout but recovery is still within reason.

I usually rest 30 seconds between sets 1, 2, and 3. Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll usually rest 60 seconds in prep for 4.

Then 2 minutes before the next exercise.
Nah, wrong, IMHO.


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Well, as I said, when it stops working, I'll start looking for adjustments.


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Well, as I said, when it stops working, I'll start looking for adjustments.
I'm on your side, do it!
I was proven wrong a lot of times!


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DAY 11 - Thursday

Bed last night at 2:15a (I binge watched the first 4 episodes of a rather intriguing show called "Hand of God".) I'm developing bad habits!

Woke (w/o alarm) at 9a

Super tiny BM

Weight: 247.1 !!! That's a new morning/pre-workout low. In fact it's just 0.1 less than yesterday's post workout weight! YAY!!!

Today is walk/jog day, so I'm planning on that dropping at least another pound after that. My 245 Saturday goal is looking within reach -- as long as I don't do anything stupid between now and then.

Washcloth washed my core area and applied AA.

New pics coming on Saturday or Sunday.

12:00p Thermogum
32 oz water (over time)

1:45p DCP
about to jog/walk

Jog had to wait until 3p
.5 mile walk downhill to the park
quick stretch
1 mile jog / walk.
the park path is hilly, as I've mentioned. 1 lap is half mile.
I made one full lap plus a bit more before I had to drop to a walk.
My jog up hill, though, is actually slower than my walk up the hill.

Did the hilly mile in just under 12 minutes -- which is slower than 2 days ago.

I walked a longer way back -- 1/2 mile, up hill for a total of 1.75 miles.

After a brief rest, I weighed in at 246.8.

That's a new low!

But, it's also just 0.2 lower than I woke up at. My only intake prior to the jog was 32 oz of water and a couple swallows of green drink. How didn't I lose more weight over 1.75 hard miles?

Anyway, that's just 1.8 pounds to reach my milestone goal of 245 (by Saturday). I've got resistance tomorrow and another jog on Saturday. So, if I watch my intake, I should hit that milestone with no problem. (hoping)

1 oz deli roast beef
1/4 cup cottage cheese
10 Roasted Almonds

Dinner - Some sort of shredded chicken mixed with various veggies
1 glass of lemonaid punch

Snack - 1 cup of crunchy cheetos
4 6" Twizzlers

EvoMuse SuperNova

Off to bed


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My 4 set progression is designed as follows:

Set 1: Light weight, 12 reps - This is to stretch and loosen up the muscles
Set 2: Bit heavier, 10 reps - This is the warm up
Set 3: First set of any difficulty -- maybe a Level 7 - This is preparation set
Set 4: Heavy. Rep 6 should be near failure - This is the only stress set

This is a good flow for older people. There's only one high stress set and it's only 6 reps. The muscles get their workout but recovery is still within reason.

I usually rest 30 seconds between sets 1, 2, and 3. Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll usually rest 60 seconds in prep for 4.

Then 2 minutes before the next exercise.
I don't disagree with this setup at all - why wouldn't you do it if you are seeing results? From a purely theoretical perspective, you are wasting some energy on all the semi-warm up sets. To some degree, you could say it's metabolic conditioning. When you start getting to the point where the weights are heavy enough, the 2nd and 3rd set will be taking a toll on your recovery even if they don't feel hard. I mean, if you can bench press 400 pounds on your working set, doing a set of 10 with 300 may not feel hard, but you are still burning a lot of calories moving that much weight and placing a lot of stress on your body. You may be prepared and capable and it may seem easy, but the metabolic toll is the same as if it was hard almost.

But that's just theory, who really cares? What is working is working. These are just ideas for down the road.

Well, as I said, when it stops working, I'll start looking for adjustments.
^This. Just do what you do. It doesn't matter what anyone else wants you to do or thinks. These are your goals. This is your journey.

Plus, I hate to admit when HGP is right :) I'd rather see you be right.


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Thanks Hit4Me.

It's over a decade old now, but I really like the science described in Body For Life -- and then the follow up by his brother, Strength For Life.

And they both claim the lighter sets are extremely valuable for reducing the chance of injury, losing fat, and building muscle.


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The concept of how much weight to use in the sets is as follows.

It's based on an effort scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is like sitting while watching TV and eating chips and 10 is where you push (or pull) as hard as you can and can JUUUUSSST barely get that final rep in.

So, the set of 12 should be at a level 7
10 at level 8
8 at level 9
6 at level 10


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DAY 12 - Friday

Up at 8:30a

I applied Supernova last night on my mid section, pecs, butt, and flabby thighs.
I think I felt a mild body temperature increase. I didn't feel any skin surface heat at all. Not sure if I'm supposed to.

I slept soundly. Nothing about the application seemed to interfere with a good night's sleep.

Applied Abliderated Advanced to core.
Waited about 5 minutes and applied Supernova to all the same places as last night.

WEIGHT: 247.5

Then I laid back in bed (on a junk cover so I don't get the goop on the bed) for a bit.

10:05a Brite/DCP/Epitome

11:15a 2 oz deli roast beef
0.8 oz colby cheese

11:45a Nap
12:05a Thermogum

2:15p DCP/Brite
applying Supernova to all flabby parts
then heading to the gym.

I've canceled Planet Fitness (an absolutely AMAZING gym) because it's a 30 minute drive away from my new house.

I'm going to join a gym called VASA, which is older, not as nice, but only 10 minutes away.

I still have almost an entire month paid for at PF, so I was going to wait until that expired before going with VASA, because who wants to pay for 2 memberships in the same month? But, I realized that the cost of gas for those extra miles will more than make up for the double fee.

5:10p Back from the gym
5 min warmup on treadmill
Full body
20 min incline walk treadmill
10 mins hydrabed

Post WO weight: 244.6 !!! NEW LOW - And met my milestone goal (of 245 by Saturday) !!!

(That's 5.5 pounds in 5 days!)

I might have to switch to split workouts, though. The new gym has the leg machines on a different floor than the free weights. And, I had my full body workout alternate between upper and lower body each exercise.

So, I switched to free-weight rail squats
then flat dumbbell press
then up stairs to machine leg ext
then down stairs to dumbbell curls
then up stairs to machine leg curl
then down stairs to horizontal dumbbell tri lifts
then single arm dumbbell rows

Not only was going up and down stairs tiring, but it messed up my rest time between body parts.

So, I'll look into splitting up my body parts to I can stay in the same area per workout -- or at least on the same floor.

I was also a bit disappointed because VASA was more crowded in the free-weights section and the weight I needed wasn't always available. There wasn't always a free bench, either. (sigh) For that, I may have to experiment with going in at different times.

Right after the gym, I had 1 oz deli roast beef
1 sc Whey / 1 sc Cassien with 1.5 cups whole milk, 4 frozen strawberries, 4 slices frozen peaches.
Felt like having dessert! Nice, thick, creamy, tasty, cold shake.

6:00p Thermogum.

7:00p Dinner
Some kind of mexican rice dish with shredded chicken, avacodo, and some sour creme.
I had 2 cups of it
plus 1 glass of sugar free pink lemonaid


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Post WO weight: 244.6 !!! NEW LOW - And met my milestone goal (of 245 by Saturday) !!!
5.5 pounds in 5 days!


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Post WO weight: 244.6 !!! NEW LOW - And met my milestone goal (of 245 by Saturday) !!!
5.5 pounds in 5 days!
Congrats! Time to watch this train build up momentum and turn into a bullet.


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Post WO weight: 244.6 !!! NEW LOW - And met my milestone goal (of 245 by Saturday) !!!
5.5 pounds in 5 days!
Nice job my man, keep moving that needle.


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I doubt I'll sustain 5 pounds a week, but with EvoMuse, who knows? That would be SO AWESOME, though! :)


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I doubt I'll sustain 5 pounds a week, but with EvoMuse, who knows? That would be SO AWESOME, though! :)
Some weeks will be slow, some fast. Don't get too happy when it's fast and don't get too down when it is slow. Just keep working and it will come. You are doing great.


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Some weeks will be slow, some fast. Don't get too happy when it's fast and don't get too down when it is slow. Just keep working and it will come. You are doing great.
HAH! Yeah, it's easy to get a bit manic / depressive when you live and die by the numbers on the scale!

Sometimes (and this kills me), I'll wake up at a certain weight. I'll pee. I'll neither eat nor drink. And, an hour or two later I'll be heavier by a pound! WHA??


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HAH! Yeah, it's easy to get a bit manic / depressive when you live and die by the numbers on the scale!

Sometimes (and this kills me), I'll wake up at a certain weight. I'll pee. I'll neither eat nor drink. And, an hour or two later I'll be heavier by a pound! WHA??
Well, that isn't really possible....shows that scales often have some fluctuation too. But it sure seems like it is possible because I know how you feel.


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HAH! Yeah, it's easy to get a bit manic / depressive when you live and die by the numbers on the scale!

Sometimes (and this kills me), I'll wake up at a certain weight. I'll pee. I'll neither eat nor drink. And, an hour or two later I'll be heavier by a pound! WHA??
LOL, weight fluctuations are crazy, I bet they are not fully understood by science either.

I had the reverse thing happened. I cheated heavily on the weekend. On Monday I lost 2 pounds, WTH?
Sadly this happened only once, lol.


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LOL, weight fluctuations are crazy, I bet they are not fully understood by science either.

I had the reverse thing happened. I cheated heavily on the weekend. On Monday I lost 2 pounds, WTH?
Sadly this happened only once, lol.
Actually, I think it's within reason to lose weight after a cheat day (maybe even after a cheat weekend). My theory would be as you refuel your body it burns more efficiently. Also, you're still burning from the previous days and weeks of exercise.

The other variable is how much of that food you managed to flush down the toilette.


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DAY 12 - Saturday - Body Measure - Progress Pics

(I can't seem to edit the titles. This is Day 13, not 12.)

So, I don't know what happened last night -- maybe too casual about hitting my weight goal -- but I stayed up until 4am!

Caught up on 3 TV shows and did some work and did a bunch of surfing.

I snacked on about a cup of sunflower seeds (in shell) and maybe half a cup of crunchy cheetos.

Woke at 10:30 feeling like a cold is coming on. Might be from staying up so late so often. Might be from the workout and diet stress my body isn't used to. I'm wondering if it also might be the topicals that are flushing fat into my bloodstream. From what I understand, the functional purpose of fat (beyond being stored fuel) is to place a protective layer around various toxins we take into our body. (Might be mumbo jumbo, but that comes from folks like Doctor Young, author of PH Miracle.)

Could also be that I don't drink much water during my workouts, so my throat just got dry and raw.

So, I'm a bit bummed that this may hamper my progress, but I'm going to try to push through it.

No BM (I hate that)
Weight: 247.4
That's up 2 pounds from post workout, yesterday, which isn't bad considering my dinner was pretty heavy and I haven't "eliminated" any of it, yet.

I'm hoping for a BM soon so I can weigh again.

Showered. Applied Abliderated Advanced, waited several minutes and applied Supernova.

I experience zero surface heat or skin burning from either of these, but I'm pretty sure I do notice a slight body temperature increase.


I'll be doing my jog/walk in an hour or so, then body measurements and progress pictures.

3:10p Applied SuperNova. jog/walk.

The park where I've been running was being used for a community activity, so I ran along the street, downhill to the main street. 0.85 miles. I was pretty disappointed in the 11 mins it took to do that. Less than a mile, all down hill and I ran it slower than 4 laps around a high school track. I THOUGHT I was doing a pretty good pace. Oh well.

My phone battery was running low, so I think it glitched MapMyRun because it showed zero elevation.

Anyway, then I turned around and mostly walked (with a few short jogs) back up the hill to the house. That took 30 minutes.

6:00p Protein shake (whey/casein/1.5 cups whole milk/4 frozen strawberries/4 slices frozen peach)

6:30p Dinner - 2 corn dogs with bbq/ranch/mustard
Can of pop

8:00p 25 roasted almonds

11:45p donut flavored croissant

I may have missed one or two food items (I don't think I did), but my log shows me at 1530 calories for the day.

12:45a DCP/AMMO/Brite


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I know the urge to snack on something in front of the computer. The first few month I changed nuts -or chips for 6-8 boiled eggs.
The peeling while reading keeps you occupied and the aminos and protein from the eggs are good. Nowadays I make a huge smoothie from casein powder, some fruits, natural yogurt and ice.
In my home ALL snacks are banned, soda too.


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Good stuff HG. Fortunately, I seldom crave soda. When I do, I have a carbinator and just make my own sparkle water. Sometimes plain and sometimes with lemon. Sometimes I even add Stevia drops.

Protein drinks are almost always satisfying to me. I'm always surprised when I don't bother to make one when I'm feeling snacky.


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If you are getting a cold, increase vitamin C until you have constant diarhea. If you catch it early, it will be gone in a day. It sounds crazy but last winter was the first time I've been sick in 3-4 years since I started taking 5 g vitamin C every day. First my parents both got it, then my gf, and then everyone I knew. Everyone was missing work and in bed for almost a week. I had a day I started feeling bad, started taking 60 g vitamin C through the next 3 days and never missed any work at all. Not a single day in bed. Was feeling sick for 3 days tops and I was good.


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I'll go pick some up. I've also had very good success with Cold-Eze zinc lozenges.


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I'll go pick some up. I've also had very good success with Cold-Eze zinc lozenges.
Yeah, it sucks you have to get it locally. I order it online by the KG. You can get like 2 KG for less than $30 a lot of times....lasts almost 3 years at 5 g/day - but I just scoop so most days I think I'm actually closer to 6. I make a gallon of Crystal Light, put in a 5-6 gram scoop of vitamin C and usually wind up drinking at least that gallon, and sometimes making a second and drinking another 1/2-1 gallon of the stuff a day. So I don't really measure...just dump in whatever and drink whatever.

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