EvoMuse Fat Loss Sponsored Log - Kaprice



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Yeah, at least that! I'm really hoping to hit 239 or even 238.

240 would only be a 1.2 pound loss for the week.

OTOH, I fully expect my body measurements to show some big improvements that aren't showing on the scale.


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I received my replacement bottle of SuperNova and clearly I had the original beta batch before. THIS bottle is night and day different than the first two I had.

NOW I feel the Icy Hot sensation mentioned by others. It's quite pronounced now. Not uncomfortable, but no way it doesn't get noticed. It even smells like menthol now, whereas the other batch did not. At all.

AND, this batch absorbs way quicker. I'd apply the other stuff and still feel "goopy" 10 minutes later. This felt mostly absorbed within a couple minutes. 5 minutes later and if I touch my skin, I can still feel the application, but it's not as goopy or sticky as before.

So, YAY!


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I received my replacement bottle of SuperNova and clearly I had the original beta batch before. THIS bottle is night and day different than the first two I had.

NOW I feel the Icy Hot sensation mentioned by others. It's quite pronounced now. Not uncomfortable, but no way it doesn't get noticed. It even smells like menthol now, whereas the other batch did not. At all.

AND, this batch absorbs way quicker. I'd apply the other stuff and still feel "goopy" 10 minutes later. This felt mostly absorbed within a couple minutes. 5 minutes later and if I touch my skin, I can still feel the application, but it's not as goopy or sticky as before.

So, YAY!
I must have been an in between batch. I got the strong icy sensation, which is kind of neat, but it's still pretty sticky for a long long while. It will cause my t-shirts to stick to my sides and has discolored them even after I've waited a good 30 minutes before putting the t-shirt on and rubbed the heck out of the stuff to get it in. Adding the hand sanitizer after helps cut the residual stickiness in half. But it's there for a long while.


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DAY 27 - Saturday

I had a good run yesterday. I increased my speed by 10 seconds going down, but that caused a decrease in speed going up. Still felt good about it.

Tood DCP/AMMO/Brite a couple hours before bed.
Had about .75 tbsp of my fiber supp just before bed.
Up very late, again.
Woke: 10:10a
Small BM - I was hoping for more with the fiber supp, but I'm also not at full dosage, yet. Ramping up.

Applied AA
Morning weight: 241.9

So, even with a good workout, today, I won't meet my goal of 238. I probably won't even hit 289. But, 240 looks doable. I was hoping for better.

I'll measure after my workout and may hold off on pics until tomorrow.

11:00a Brite / DCP / Epitome


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dsade, Please check your PM and/or email. I'm wanting to get Gut Health but need you to check something, first.


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2:30p Took a brisk, hilly walk. 1.4 miles in 24.5 mins. (well, it was brisk for ME).

I'll head to the gym in about a half hour for upper body.

I'm bummed it doesn't look like I'll meet my weight goal.

I'm hoping the body measurements make up for it.

Brite / DCP

I'll apply SN to my core, chest, and arms before I head to the gym.


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Brother, I feel your pain on the weight goals. Do NOT get bummed. Don't even try harder. Just keep doing what you are doing and remain consistent. Keep practicing. That is all this is. Practice for getting in shape.

Weight takes twice as long to come of as anyone expects. You do the math and think, "7000 calorie deficit - I will lose two pounds a week!" And then you lose just 1. But then after a while something happens and you have another week where you lose 5 pounds. You just have to keep plugging through the 1 pound weeks to get to the next 5 pound week.

Great work man. Just. Keep. Going.


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Yeah, I know fat is coming off. I just checked my belt and I'm able to tighten to another hole.

That's about 4 belt holes in about 6 weeks.

Logically, I KNOW what you're saying is true. It's the same advice I've given many others.

But EMOTIONALLY, it really sucks to not see the scale drop!


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Yeah, I know fat is coming off. I just checked my belt and I'm able to tighten to another hole.

That's about 4 belt holes in about 6 weeks.

Logically, I KNOW what you're saying is true. It's the same advice I've given many others.

But EMOTIONALLY, it really sucks to not see the scale drop!
You could instantly tighten your belt. It's all about belt placement :sgrin:



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Big workout at the gym. No appts to rush me so I was there for 2 hours.

Upper body.

Started doing barbell bench instead of Dumbell -- mostly because the dumbbells are getting too heavy to safely drop at the end.

I've got a LONG way to go -- my heavy was the bar plus 55lb on each side. Got 5 reps out of it.

Did the other stuff -- doubled up on each body part.

A bit of stretching. Some abs work. 10 mins on the hydrabed.

20 mins in the incline treadmill.

I'm really noticing my improvement here.
1 min warmup straight to Incline 7 at 3.2 speed.
100 paces, 10 secs to check heart rate. 10 paces using my arms to rest my legs a bit (but still walking).
Back to 100 paces.
HR never got above 142. That's a first.
And my "rest" periods are shorter.
And I'm staying at 7 incline longer.
very pleased.

Post WO Weight: 239
New Record Low!

2.2 lbs loss from last week.

So 5 pounds 2 weeks ago
3 pounds last week
2 pounds this week.

I was hoping to lose one more pound this week, but I'm pretty pleased with the progress.

I made the mistake of taking body measurements right after the workout. Apparently, just about everything is swollen right now. So, I'll measure tomorrow.


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Congrats for breaking the 240 lbs barrier! Wohoo!



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It's mostly water loss. I really wanted to hit a good number this week, so I did a hilly walk AND a 90 minute tough workout. Fasted.

But, I'll take it! :)


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That's 27 pounds total loss over 4 months, 10 of which was in the past 3 weeks on an EvoMuse stack.

My goal is 25 more pounds. By year end??

That would put me at 215, which I haven't seen in 3 decades. And, if I can grow stronger and limber with more cardio endurance in the process, that will be a very enjoyable place to be.


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I am currently playing with a lighter weight range than I have seen in 15 years by a LONG shot. If I can get to 160 I will be in better shape than I was in HS probably.

I do everything exactly the opposite of how I SHOULD be doing it. So if I can do it - you got this. 215 is well within your reach!


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I am currently playing with a lighter weight range than I have seen in 15 years by a LONG shot. If I can get to 160 I will be in better shape than I was in HS probably.

I do everything exactly the opposite of how I SHOULD be doing it. So if I can do it - you got this. 215 is well within your reach!
How are you FEELING at this weight? Are the ultra low calories making you lethargic? Or, are you feeling energetic and vibrant?


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Honestly, I feel run down and tired at times, but once I got used to it it became OK. I o obviously don't have the energy to be running marathon, but the shorter workouts I do are challenging but doable.

About 75% of the time I feel pretty good. 25% has issues and sometimes it can be intense, especially the mental fog and lazy feeling .


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I'm up and down on energy. Most days I struggle to be productive at work, but I can't tell if it's the low calories, the tough workouts, or the the stress I'm feeling about my work. I suspect it's the stress, first, then the low calories.

I feel reasonably energetic during my workouts. And, of course, wasted after.


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Final macros for Saturday:

Cal: 2178
F: 107
C: 54
P: 135


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DAY 28 - Sunday

Today is a rest day. No workout. No supps.

At 3:00p, with no food or water since waking, my weight was 239.1 -- essentially where I was after yesterday's workout, even though I had 2 slices of pizza for dinner. So, that's not bad.

Here are my body measurements and pictures.

I'm not sure what to make of this week. A couple pound weight loss. Just a few good body measurements. I expected to see better pictures -- esp in the arms and chest.

I AM quite pleased with the gut reduction though.

Clothes are fitting much nicer.
And I went down another belt notch.

It occurred to me that the way I'm doing my comparison pics, we can't see changes over the two weeks. So, when we look at these and see nice progress, we don't know WHEN that progress happened.

Still, it IS nice to see some great progress since inception (1 month now).

But, I'm hesitant to take the time to create new Photoshop templates to compare current with two weeks ago.

So, I'll stick with the starting pics vs now.

EDIT: UGH! I inadvertently labeled some of these pics as Sep 9. Don't be fooled! They're from Sep 4th! :banghead:


01 Front Relaxed.jpg

02 Front Sucked In.jpg

03 Right Relaxed.jpg

04 Right Sucked In.jpg

05 Left Relaxed.jpg

06 Left Sucked In.jpg

07 Back Relaxed.jpg

08 Back Flexed.jpg

09 Front Flexed.jpg

10 Bicep Flexed.jpg


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Great progress seen all around! You are nailing it!

Edit: You'll not lose fat at the places you most desire, some parts are stubborn.


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Great progress seen all around! You are nailing it!
Thanks. I'm disappointed in my chest and arms growth. I may look into beefing up those exercises.

Still not liking at all the way my back looks, but more fat loss should take care of that.


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Edit: You'll not lose fat at the places you most desire, some parts are stubborn.
True. But for some reason, that doesn't stop me from desiring it! :)


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Thanks. I'm disappointed in my chest and arms growth. I may look into beefing up those exercises.

Still not liking at all the way my back looks, but more fat loss should take care of that.
You are doing awesome, man. It's a question of time to lose the rest.

You simply can't chose what fat to lose. At first I lost all my fat at the back,shoulders and legs, later came my flanks (that was good). I kept fat on boobs and belly, that I will try to get rid off with my next cut.
It's a marathon -not a sprint.


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You are doing awesome, man. It's a question of time to lose the rest.

You simply can't chose what fat to lose. At first I lost all my fat at the back,shoulders and legs, later came my flanks (that was good). I kept fat on boobs and belly, that I will try to get rid off with my next cut.
It's a marathon -not a sprint.
Well, if I'm honest, I'm REALLY glad my fat is coming off my gut first. So, I really can't complain.


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Your progress is really impressive.

You are also demonstrating what I am adding a tester in for. The formula will be beefed up slightly and be turned into the SkynFyrm, the skin tightening formula coming from FSC. It's obvious from the pictures, pretty much all of them but especially your lower ab area, that your skin is absolutely tiightening up as you lose the fat. Fantastic news!

EDIT: It will actually be a combination of the best from IDRT, Supernova, and some new/additional ingredients to suppress MMPs.


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Not to take anything away from your products, because you're probably right. But, I do want to point out that in past weight loss efforts, my skin pretty much did the same thing.


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For comparison, here's an effort I made in 2013. I don't recall how many weeks there are between the before and the after.

2013 Compare Front.jpg


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Thanks. I'm disappointed in my chest and arms growth. I may look into beefing up those exercises.

Still not liking at all the way my back looks, but more fat loss should take care of that.
You are doing great. You are not going to put on any serious muscle while in enough of a deficit to lose real weight. I know it is hard and we all think we can do it fast - but you ARE doing this fast. Obvious results over the past month.

As far as the photos - compare to the beginning ...if a two week period shows something worth noting, do it then, but I always compare to my start.

For comparison, here's an effort I made in 2013. I don't recall how many weeks there are between the before and the after.

View attachment 139835
Why do I suddenly feel a Cybergenics commercial coming on?


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Your progress is really impressive.

You are also demonstrating what I am adding a tester in for. The formula will be beefed up slightly and be turned into the SkynFyrm, the skin tightening formula coming from FSC. It's obvious from the pictures, pretty much all of them but especially your lower ab area, that your skin is absolutely tiightening up as you lose the fat. Fantastic news!

EDIT: It will actually be a combination of the best from IDRT, Supernova, and some new/additional ingredients to suppress MMPs.
I have been noticing that I have some stretch mark/scars that are not so noticeable normally, but after applying SN they flare up and stick out. Not sure if that means anything is working, but it is visually noticable.


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I have been noticing that I have some stretch mark/scars that are not so noticeable normally, but after applying SN they flare up and stick out. Not sure if that means anything is working, but it is visually noticable.
Temporary increased blood flow to the area, which is excellent for fat loss (one of the problems being that adipocyte dense areas have notoriously bad blood flow, which is necessary for freed fatty acids to be transported around to be burned.)

The Flawless IDRT was initially designed just to tackle scars and stretch marks, but the more research I put into it, the more I realized (and executed) what incredible things I could do with a full comprehensive formula.


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You gotta love a small company that refuses to rest on its laurels. dsade, RESPECT! for your constant effort and finding ways to improve your already impressive products and also creating new ones.


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You gotta love a small company that refuses to rest on its laurels. dsade, RESPECT! for your constant effort and finding ways to improve your already impressive products and also creating new ones.
Thanks! My work is my life, and I consider myself incredibly lucky to be able to do what I love that also affords me a modest living.


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Thanks! My work is my life, and I consider myself incredibly lucky to be able to do what I love that also affords me a modest living.
dsade, I just want to echo KAPrice's sentiments. I have been using your stuff for about a year and have been blown away. I've been using supplements for 20+ years and I just really enjoy your thought process behind things ...incredibly unique. It is obvious that you put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into your work. That is why I've been harassing you!


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Today is a rest day. No workout. No supps.

At 3:00p, with no food or water since waking, my weight was 239.1 -- essentially where I was after yesterday's workout, even though I had 2 slices of pizza for dinner. So, that's not bad.

Here are my body measurements and pictures.

I'm not sure what to make of this week. A couple pound weight loss. Just a few good body measurements. I expected to see better pictures -- esp in the arms and chest.

I AM quite pleased with the gut reduction though.

Clothes are fitting much nicer.
And I went down another belt notch.

It occurred to me that the way I'm doing my comparison pics, we can't see changes over the two weeks. So, when we look at these and see nice progress, we don't know WHEN that progress happened.

Still, it IS nice to see some great progress since inception (1 month now).

But, I'm hesitant to take the time to create new Photoshop templates to compare current with two weeks ago.

So, I'll stick with the starting pics vs now.

View attachment 139822

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View attachment 139832
VERY VERY GOOD results!!!! Keep it going man. Respect


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I just noticed that I inadvertently labeled some of those pictures as Sep 9th. That was me having a brain fart. Those aren't really pictures I'll be taking 5 days from now!

But, I'm not going to bother editing them in Photoshop and re-upping.

So, those progress pics are for 26 days.


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Kaprice kudos to you man. You're making great progress and I can see big improvements. Stick with it and you will no doubt get to a level that you are satisfied with but be proud of your hard work.


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Thanks so much!

Right around this point (IN THE PAST) is where I typically fall off the bandwagon.

It's partly because I stop gagging when I look in the mirror, partly because my body gets tired (and/or injured), and partly because we're entering party season (in our family we have a birthday or holiday every month until march, starting this month).

But, I have a few things going for me this time around.

* This support group.

* EvoMuse

* The fact that I actually ENJOY the way I'm eating. Never before have I gotten to this stage without massive willpower and a lot of saying NO! to the foods I crave. By eating nothing or very little prior to dinner, I'm able to have small quantities of anything yummy that pops up so I never feel deprived yet I'm always in a strong calorie deficit.

In fact, I'm finding myself at 9:00 or so and thinking I have to find something to boost my calories. Lately, it's been 2 scoops of protein in milk.

That gives me confidence I can keep this up. And when one of the birthdays or holidays comes around, I'll go lower calories in the days leading up to it so I can eat as much as I want without guilt or derailing my progress.

AND, I'm paying very close attention to my body to avoid injuries. No more "pushing past it" or "walking it off". That probably means I'm getting close to needing to stop increasing weights as often and start going for more reps and/or more sets. And NO sprinting (which is sad, because several years ago, before I pulled my hamstring on a treadmill sprint, I was getting great results with HIIT). Now, I'm relying on incline treadmill walks for cardio / fat burning.


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Macros for Sunday:

Cal: 1974
F: 107
C: 128
P: 121


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DAY 29 - Monday

Wake 9:15a

Morning weight: 242.5
Showered. Scrubbed core.
Applied AA

Oops. I also took an AMMO.
That's apparently not compatible with AA. I grabbed it without thinking.

1 tbsp Fiber in water


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dsade, I have a question for you about my stack and calories.

I know you've suggested I increase my calorie intake. My stack consists of:

Brite (running low, BTW)
Abliderated Advanced

Common wisdom is we need more calories to build muscle, fewer to burn fat.

More muscle burns more calories and, of course, makes you look and feel better.

So, would this stack actually perform BETTER if I get my calories up?

My thinking is, I increase the calories so my gym sessions have more to work with in building muscle and your products keep those extra calories from turning into fat. And, my metabolism doesn't slow down.

Is that sound thinking?

Using the calculator at: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

My maintenance is: 2796
Normal Fat Loss: 2237
Extreme Fat Loss: 1912.

I haven't stored my macros EVERY Day, but here are several over the past month that I did store.

Daily Calories:

I'm reluctant to increase my calories to 2237 for fear of stalling my progress. But, if my theory, above, is true, I may be better off doing that.

SO, after that long preamble...

What do you recommend my target calories should be?

I'm toying with the idea of targeting 2237 (normal fat loss calories) on my resistance days and 1912 (extreme fat loss calories) on my cardio and off days.

Over the past month, I've had a lot of days where I was hundreds below even the extreme fat loss target.



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You could always cycle between the two. 300/day calories equates to about 2.5 pounds of fat per month in strictly mathematical terms.not the end if the world to give it a shot.


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I've recommended that you increase your protein intake, not necessarily your calories.

Shoot for a gram of protein per lb for your TARGET weight. You should be getting in at least 185-200 grams per day of protein.

I think you will notice a definite increase in recovery and fat loss.


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I've recommended that you increase your protein intake, not necessarily your calories.

Shoot for a gram of protein per lb for your TARGET weight. You should be getting in at least 185-200 grams per day of protein.

I think you will notice a definite increase in recovery and fat loss.
So, are you saying I should not worry about calories and just add more protein? Or, try to keep my calories about where they've been but SHIFT the mix to more protein?


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Yeah, within reason don't obsess over your calories, but I think days when your protein is under 100 and your carbs over 200-250 (or even higher) that you aren't doing your fat loss quest any favors.


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So, are you saying I should not worry about calories and just add more protein? Or, try to keep my calories about where they've been but SHIFT the mix to more protein?
I know you are really well read on different approaches, but the ONE thing you will see that fits almost every approach - increase protein.

Bodybuilders often say that you need at least 1 gram protein per pound of bodyweight to grow. This may be an overestimate, especially when a lot of that weight isn't lean tissue in some cases, but if you want to grow, you should be taking in at minimum 1 gram per pound of lean bodymass (again, to grow- minimum)

In the RFL handbook - Lyle suggests 0.8-1.0 grams of protein per pound of lean bodymass just to avoid excessive muscle loss. This of course, is in a high caloric deficit, but he also doesn't expect anyone will actually grow on such a diet.

Then you have IIFYM, which doesn't care what foods you eat, as long as you (of course) hit your macros, which in most people's case involves higher protein.

And of course there are the people who will say calories don't matter at all, it is WHAT you eat; i.e.- eating 1,000 calories of broccoli doesn't have the same impact as eating 1,000 calories of twinkies - even though they are both full of carbs, etc. Of course this, IMO, is overly simplistic and ignores the fact that macros do matter and that even within macros there are chemical differences - not all carbs are equal, not all fats are equal, not all proteins are equal. But - in such a case, eating healthy foods to get higher calories will either involve some high protein foods, or you are going to be eating a TON of broccoli (bucket fulls).

If I were taking your approach to cut calories by 500 give or take below maint. - I'd usually start with 1 gram protein per pound of lean bodyweight, maybe 1.5 grams if I can get it that high. Then, the first fat I would add to that is coconut oil for a good source of MCTs - cook all that protein in it, mix it in coffee, whatever it takes to get a few tablespoons/day. The next goal would be healthy fats and fill in the blanks with whatever carbs. Carbs usually just take care of themselves.

Unfortunately, your current plus is that you enjoy what you're doing, so I don't want to change that too much - and making these changes may skew things a little more away from just enjoying it to maybe avoiding some things. What you are doing is working, so you can't really argue against it too much at this point.


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Just got back from my run.
I wasn't feeling any pain ON the run, but now that it's over, my left hamstring (the one I painfully pulled several years ago and never seemed to quite heal) is really feeling like it WANTS to pull again -- like it's going to any minute.


0.76 miles in 6:15
That's just 4 seconds slower than my previous fastest DOWN time.

I don't know how much rest time I take between the down and the up.
I just walk it off until my breathing is under control. Then I stretch until I feel rested and read to go.
I'd guess it's around a 5 minute break.

0.84 miles in 12:37
That's about 40 seconds faster than my previous fastest UP time.


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40 seconds is pretty significant.


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40 seconds is pretty significant.
Yeah, I feel really good about that. It's .84 miles up almost entirely up hill -- MapMyRun says it's a 284 ft climb.

I alternate between jogging and walking it -- 100 paces of my left foot.

Definitely felt my recovery during the walking phases happening much sooner than before.

But, my left hamstring is really bothering me right now. (sigh)

EDIT: Pain-A-Trate seems to be helping the hamstring. I just applied it to my right ankle, which has also been complaining a bit.


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Sorry, I had to do it:


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