Epi Pulse - Long Enough?


What I have planned is an epi cycle, running for a total of 7 weeks. What I am curious, however, is whether or not it will be entirely effective.

Quick Stats: 5'9" 190lbs - 15-17% BF - Maxes: Bench-275 Deadlift-405 Squat- 365 Overhead-155 <-- The last two are approximate.

I notice that most people run epi for 4-6 weeks sans pulse method, and thus, I am curious as to whether or not 7 weeks as a pulse is enough time 'on' to yield results. The design of the cycle is to cut for the summer. I am eating under maintenance (how much I'm not certain, as I'm not able to count and weigh my caloric intake, only estimate...) and workout regimen is solid, as one would expect.
The layout is as follows:
Week 1: Epi 10/20/30/40
Week 2: Epi 40/40/40
Week 3: Epi 40/40/40/40
Week 4: Epi 40/40/40 Clen 10x2 20x2 30x2 40x1
Week 5: Epi 40/40/40/40 Clen 40x1 30x2 20x2 10x2
Week 6: Epi 40/40/40
Week 7: Epi 40/40/40

Liver support and joint support along with the rest of cycle support are taken as directed, followed up with a pct of Tamoxifen Citrate run 20/20/10/10 with reversitol and Inhibit-E if deemed necessary. But I digress...

What I'm really trying to inquire to is as to whether or not this circuit for a pulse is long enough for the epi to take effect and accomplish what I want. Do you reccommend just doing a 4 week 'regular' cycle or a longer pulse, perhaps?

(My apologies for the redundance of this post and unnecessary thoroughness, I just don't want anybody wondering where I'm trying to go with this...)


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A 7 week pulse will be plenty. I would suggest having the option of upping the dose. When I did my epi pulse I did about 7-8 weeks. I took the dosing a lot higher than most. Another good idea is an AI on off nights. My suggestion would be 6-bromo or Formestane(transdermal). Also don't need 2 AIs in pct.

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