e while on cycle



ok so i am about to do a cycle of epistane for four weeks. thing is at about week 5/6 or in my 2nd week of pct. i have a party to attend. i wont be drinking on but i was wondering whether X has a worse methyl affect than alcohol on my liver. i know i shouldnt even be considering probably. but was just after everyones thoughts on doing XTC while on cycle or in pct.


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u shouldnt even be asking this question if you already know our responses. it is stupid to take it on cycle and it is stupid to take period.


ok so i am about to do a cycle of epistane for four weeks. thing is at about week 5/6 or in my 2nd week of pct. i have a party to attend. i wont be drinking on but i was wondering whether X has a worse methyl affect than alcohol on my liver. i know i shouldnt even be considering probably. but was just after everyones thoughts on doing XTC while on cycle or in pct.

Not during PCT, hey to each his own on what u do but wait a good 4 weeks after PCT before u pollute your body with anything else. XTC just kills you for 4 days afterwards, your appetite will be nothing and your gains will be lost that much faster. Load up on Gaba if u do it though, although you should seriously consider not even thinking about. Listen to PVD on your IPOD at the gym. haha


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You never really know what's in an E pill. If it's straight MDMA i say go for it bro. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Have fun and don't take to many pills.


You never really know what's in an E pill. If it's straight MDMA i say go for it bro. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Have fun and don't take to many pills.

yeah i don't think anything in the pill will hurt you but it's just afterwards that U are just dead for a few days.

Man this brings me back to Twilo back in the 90's. Pop a few and be dancing until 10 in the morning, walk outside and the sunlight just blinded you. And looking like hell from sweating and just being out of it. God those days were fun, yet I would never do it again. Anyone ever been to Twilo...when it was Twilo?


Enologist/Brewmaster/Damn good guy
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Rec drugs have no business being discussed on a bb board IMO.


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Don't Do It. Period.

It may or may not hurt you but, I garauntee you will regret it afterwards.


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androgenic hormones + mind altering drugs = BAD! coming from first hand experience, say no for the night. you can have fun sober, it is possible.


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You missed my point.
No. I got the point that's why i suggested those forums and not bb.com

A lot of people have problems with people using drugs and being a "body builder". I don't see the problem as long as you don't abuse the **** out of them. Taking a few hits of marijuana or snorting a line of coke is not going to ruin your gains if you do it once in a while. I'm not saying the OP should go out and do those things I'm just saying if u want to party a little bit go ahead just keep it under control or it will start to interfere with you goals in the gym and in your life.


Enologist/Brewmaster/Damn good guy
  • Established
No. I got the point that's why i suggested those forums and not bb.com

A lot of people have problems with people using drugs and being a "body builder". I don't see the problem as long as you don't abuse the **** out of them. Taking a few hits of marijuana or snorting a line of coke is not going to ruin your gains if you do it once in a while. I'm not saying the OP should go out and do those things I'm just saying if u want to party a little bit go ahead just keep it under control or it will start to interfere with you goals in the gym and in your life.
Well I disagree. Not about the gains, but the whole rec drug thing. I've seen alot of ug labs go down because of rec drugs. And that was the sole reason. Rec drugs give AAS's and bodybuilders a bad image IMO. If people want to do them, that is their private business. We will agree to disagree on this topic.


New member
It's been said, but the real worry comes from what the E is cut with. Personally, I'd steer clear (while on cycle). ;)
Zero V

Zero V

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E has absolutely no purpose, lacks any benefits, and is an insult to your body to take. As well as snorting a line of coke, the damage that stuff can do...

There are no benefits gained from these... except 1 night of "fun", which does nothing but kill brain cells, increase the chances of developing illnesses, and label you as retarded....

sorry, my .25


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took mushrooms one time on cycle and ended up hurting someone, coke once and ended up in jail for 24 hours. smoked some herb and ate a lot of snacks.. all 3 ended badly. except the snacks.


E has absolutely no purpose, lacks any benefits, and is an insult to your body to take. As well as snorting a line of coke, the damage that stuff can do...

There are no benefits gained from these... except 1 night of "fun", which does nothing but kill brain cells, increase the chances of developing illnesses, and label you as retarded....

sorry, my .25
Lol, funny how much play this thread got. Same can be said about someone taking juice my friend. We all make our own choices, some are not wise but as long as you know your limits then god bless. I wouldn't touch E anymore because of the hangover that lasts for a few days. The only drug I see uselful in the body building world is pot, it makes me eat a lot.


i know its really bad, and trust me im not a frequent user, ive dont it once or twice. i just know i could take e and not drink alcahol and i just wanted to know the hepatoxic comarison of the 2. i know the drug will hinder my gains i just wanted to know how bad it is on the liver if any of you had an idea??
sorry this is off topic for a body building board. but i just wanted to know if its worse drinking on a methyl cycle or popping e



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honestly drinking one nite on pct wont do anything bad to you.


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if ur worried about your liver just rail it, it bypasses first-pass metabolism in the liver when done


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Man there is nothing wrong with rec drugs as long as you KNOW what is in them. To answer your question without criticism, if your pct includes a serm, then google the drug and try to find the hepatic toxicity of it that way, these guys are obviously going to give you a hard time more than answer your question. If your pct is OTC then you are not taking anything that will damage your liver and you will probably be fine considering epi isn't "horrible" for you. for common sense's sake, i wouldn't take that **** if you are still actually on cycle.

I have to say.. it is technically for the better but like 80-90% of the best resources on this forum don't abuse any substance whatsoever so you really can't ask questions like that.

further, i'm drunk.. and loving it (while not on cycle)


  • Established
****ing eh, i railed a tad bit of mdma the other week for the first time ever.. its the way of life... :0


New member
Well I disagree. Not about the gains, but the whole rec drug thing. I've seen alot of ug labs go down because of rec drugs. And that was the sole reason. Rec drugs give AAS's and bodybuilders a bad image IMO. If people want to do them, that is their private business. We will agree to disagree on this topic.
If you take steroids, even Ps or Ph, you are being hypocritical by so strongly opposing use of other drugs.
Australian made

Australian made

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If you take steroids, even Ps or Ph, you are being hypocritical by so strongly opposing use of other drugs.
Pretty much. Its not going to hurt you popping a pill or two. Problem is the next few days where u can't train or eat because you feel like death. It can be hard to stay motivated in PCT as it doesnt feel as good as being on, so anything that is going to fukk with your motivation should be avoided.


New member
Pretty much. Its not going to hurt you popping a pill or two. Problem is the next few days where u can't train or eat because you feel like death. It can be hard to stay motivated in PCT as it doesnt feel as good as being on, so anything that is going to fukk with your motivation should be avoided.
I agree. I was relating more to the moral/ethical side of the responses. I don't condone drug use. Rather, I realize my own problems with their use and am apprehensive about judging others that use drugs of any kind. Most of us can moderate. Some can not. Some can abstain for life but they are rare. This is a drug addled culture. You can not turn on your TV after 10pm without seeing a hard-on pill commercial. Nearly everyone uses some drug running the gambit from aspirin to Xanax. That's just the reality.


New member
I will agree with everyone that says this is F*cking stupid to even talk about, I understand that this is an open forum and you should feel free to ask any questions. Obviously some of us on this board take our training on a more serious level than others, To even think about taking a rec drug like X or anything else tells me that you have little to no respect for what it takes to achieve an award winning physique, that being said, maybe you weren't ready to step to the next level and use gear either. many of us have worked our asses off so hard to have the physique we have, and our life revolves around our training. I believe that should be the mindset of anyone even tossing around the idea of using gear.


New member
I will agree with everyone that says this is F*cking stupid to even talk about, I understand that this is an open forum and you should feel free to ask any questions. Obviously some of us on this board take our training on a more serious level than others, To even think about taking a rec drug like X or anything else tells me that you have little to no respect for what it takes to achieve an award winning physique, that being said, maybe you weren't ready to step to the next level and use gear either. many of us have worked our asses off so hard to have the physique we have, and our life revolves around our training. I believe that should be the mindset of anyone even tossing around the idea of using gear.
Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. For the record, I have never taken E. I do use AAS and I do have a beer or 2 on week ends. Otherwise, one might mistake me for a model citizen. But, I am not a very judgmental person.


  • Established
Just choose one lifestyle or the other. Experimenting with drugs is very interesting and can be very enrichening, but it does not go hand in hand with bodybuilding, especially if there are steroids involved.

And yes, alcohol is much harder on the liver than MDMA. But MDMA does dehydrate a little more, and is more catabolic.
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