DMA's Never Satisfied Training Log



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Freaking DOMS all over but hit it this morning anyways. Have to be off tomorrow so...

DB Chest Press:
40's x 20
50's x 20 explosive
60's x 10
70's x 10 explosive
70's x 10
70's x 10 explosive
70's x 10
70's x 10 explosive
70's x 10
70's x 10 explosive (pump off the charts)

Stiff Leg
135 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 10
205 x 10
205 x 10
205 x 8
205 x 7 (spent)

Low Pulley Cable Cross:
40 x 12
50 x 10

Totally taxed here and hopped on a bike to cool down for 10 min. Need the rest day tomorrow.


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Nice pressing. How'd the explosive pressing feel?


  • RockStar
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Nice pressing. How'd the explosive pressing feel?
Definitely felt it. Put a couple of your tips into action today. Dynamic presses and spot on the wall for deads. Even though it wasn't a heavy deads day, trying to train my form and technique.

Will do a couple dynamic BB sessions as well and see if it helps.


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Getting bulky in this biitch. Can hardly stand it. But patience. Patience before I start doing any cardio or cutting cals. I hate the mirror. And the scale. But it's going to make some good fuel for when the cutting begins. Such a mind F!!!
looking solid bro, you are gonna get insane vascular. Your lats are looking beefed up too


  • RockStar
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looking solid bro, you are gonna get insane vascular. Your lats are looking beefed up too
Surprisingly still pretty vascular. Especially in the gym. But yes, I can't wait to get back to being a walking road map!!


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Love breakfast for dinner. Brown sugar Banana Walnut pancakes. Not the cleanest meal, but after pump city arm day, it's all good!!!




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Man that looks good!!!


  • RockStar
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Aside from battling a 24 hour headache which made the workout a challenge, it was a killer pump. I think the pump made the headache worse!!

BW Pull Ups:
Rear x 6
Regular x 6
Rear x 5
Regular x 6
Rear x 4
Regular x 6
Rear x 4
Regular x 6
Rear x 4
Regular x 7 because I had it!!

DB Shoulder Press:
35's x 10
45's x 10
50's x 10
50's x 10
50's x 10
50's x 10
50's x 10
50's x 10
50's x 10
50's x 10

Drag Curls:
95 x 10
115 x 10
135 x 10
145 x 10
135 x 10
Super Set
DB Side Laterals:
15's x 11, 11, 11, 11, 12

Spider Curls w/ Fat Gripz:
40 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 10
Super Set
DB Reverse Flys:
10's x 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Starting next week I am going to a straight up GVT routine. Will sneak in some strength moves each day, but there will be no purely strength days. It consists of 5 rotations of 4 10x10 workouts, followed by a de-load 2 rotations of 5x10 workouts. It is 2 on 1 off, each rotation takes 6 days. 7 rotations = 6 weeks.


Hell yess Getting it bro, that gvt is the ****! I love it! you stay on beast mode, love how when your sick or got a head ache your still getting it in! me I got sick and hid in my room for a couple days but im a sissy when it comes to getting sick when it rarely happens, ive learned though when I try to get it I usually get twice as sick! some people are able to sweat it out and you my friend must be one of the gifted ones.!


  • RockStar
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Hell yess Getting it bro, that gvt is the ****! I love it! you stay on beast mode, love how when your sick or got a head ache your still getting it in! me I got sick and hid in my room for a couple days but im a sissy when it comes to getting sick when it rarely happens, ive learned though when I try to get it I usually get twice as sick! some people are able to sweat it out and you my friend must be one of the gifted ones.!
Haha thanks brother. I rarely get headaches, I mean like twice a year. (Unless I'm on cycle I may get a BP headache). I'm glad I woke up this morning and it's gone. Had it for like 36 hours!!!


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Those rear pull ups look like they're getting better man, I guess I'm lucky still no headache for me in my cycle, high volume training has me curious... But I just love lifting heavy azz weights... But I need to branch out and try gvt or something similar at some point


  • RockStar
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Those rear pull ups look like they're getting better man, I guess I'm lucky still no headache for me in my cycle, high volume training has me curious... But I just love lifting heavy azz weights... But I need to branch out and try gvt or something similar at some point
I just feel like the constant heavy lifting does less (to nothing) for my body composition. So I've added volume back about a week ago and I can already see it. My body loves it.


Haha thanks brother. I rarely get headaches, I mean like twice a year. (Unless I'm on cycle I may get a BP headache). I'm glad I woke up this morning and it's gone. Had it for like 36 hours!!!
Yea those are the worst! I usually getthose from not getting enough sleep they will last a few days and their so annoying they keep me up at night, haven't had one in a long time though knock on wood but they do suck, and then theygo away and when ya start working out the pump brings it back!


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Drag curls with 145?! You're insane!


  • RockStar
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Great session today. The thing I love about these volume routines is that it is easy to keep track of your progress. Starting to see some body comp changes in the mirror. It's a combination of things. First, I believe my body responds really well to the volume. Also the holidays are over and the diet has cleaned up tremendously. Not counting calories but eating smart. I counted for long enough I can gauge my intake and macros pretty accurately. Third, I just started on my second bottle of X-Gels, and combined with being on Conqu3r and Vital1ty for a little over a month now and the effects are starting to show. So I'm happy with things.

BW x 10 60 second rest between sets 1-6
+25 x 10
+25 x 10
+25 x 10
+25 x 10
+25 x 10
+25 x 10 75 second rest between sets 7-10
+25 x 10
+25 x 10
BW x 13

Squats to Parallel Box: (weak A$s Smith Machine, racks were full)
135 x 10
155 x 10
185 x 10
205 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10
Super Set
Leg Press Calf Raises:
6 plates x 5 sets x ??? reps

Front Squats: (again in Smith Machine :gay:)
135 x 6
95 x 10
95 x 10
95 x 8
Super Set
Leg Extensions:
85 x 10
85 x 12
100 x 12
100 x 12
100 x 10

Ab Roller x 3 sets: 15, 12, 12

Speed Bag between Ab Roller sets

Yeah, killer pump and sweat as is the norm.


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Even with the Smith machine that's still a serious workout. Were you going for quad dominant or hip dominant squats with the Smith? Foot placement can make a gigantic difference if you use the right placement.


  • RockStar
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Even with the Smith machine that's still a serious workout. Were you going for quad dominant or hip dominant squats with the Smith? Foot placement can make a gigantic difference if you use the right placement.
Feet were more under me than in front of me. And a relatively wide stance because the box base forces them to be that way. So that would be hip dominant?But was still feeling it in the quads. Am I right in what I'm saying here?


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Feet were more under me than in front of me. And a relatively wide stance because the box base forces them to be that way. So that would be hip dominant?But was still feeling it in the quads. Am I right in what I'm saying here?
Feet under you on a Smith makes it more hip dominant, and for some people a little lower back intensive. If you place your feet out in front of you it cab be a great quad dominant squat, and you can even make it a pretty effective hack squat if your feet are far enough forward. It takes some tinkering but it can have tremendous effects.


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Yeah I use the smith machine with my feet in front of my occasionally and it really feels nice on the Quads with more volume, great advice man. Im gonna try one of your work outs Homie


  • RockStar
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Yeah I use the smith machine with my feet in front of my occasionally and it really feels nice on the Quads with more volume, great advice man. Im gonna try one of your work outs Homie
Dude I've got 2 strength sessions left before I just go to straight GVT for 6 weeks. The pump factor on top of how fast my body responds to it is awesome. Think the X Gels are going to really shine.


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Dude I've got 2 strength sessions left before I just go to straight GVT for 6 weeks. The pump factor on top of how fast my body responds to it is awesome. Think the X Gels are going to really shine.
I'll be watching your work outs on GVT, I think I may like it better. I've been trying to go heavy, but I've lost a lot of strength, so things are starting to really hurt trying to go heavy. I may try to duplicate some of your workouts. I haven't lost really any size just strength, but gained a lot of fat during my bulk, which has got to go!


  • RockStar
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I'll be watching your work outs on GVT, I think I may like it better. I've been trying to go heavy, but I've lost a lot of strength, so things are starting to really hurt trying to go heavy. I may try to duplicate some of your workouts. I haven't lost really any size just strength, but gained a lot of fat during my bulk, which has got to go!
Me and you both brother. Keeping calories high in pct is a catch-22. Maybe it's our age, but I got soft fast. Maintain weight and size? Sure, I did. But it's not the same weight and size by any means.


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Me and you both brother. Keeping calories high in pct is a catch-22. Maybe it's our age, but I got soft fast. Maintain weight and size? Sure, I did. But it's not the same weight and size by any means.
Haha, yeah I think the glycogen left and went to my gut!


  • RockStar
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Not sure why I open my big mouth sometimes. See my new neighbor at my gym today, nice guy, him and his wife came to our NYE party. Talked a little about working out then. He knows a little about a little. But I open the door to working out together. Fuuuuuck. He's not ready for me. And I'm not ready to slow down. Maybe I'll just feed him some Conqu3r and get him at least mentally up to it. We could only get together once or twice a week, but if we do he better be ready for 100 reps of whatever day it is!!

Last Chest/Back strength workout for a while.

Pendlay Rows:
135 warm up
185 x 10
205 x 8
225 x 7
225 x 7

HS Decline Press:
90 on each side x 12
115 each side x 10 drop to 70 to failure
115 each side x 8 drop to 70 to failure

HS Wide Press:
115 each side x 8 drop to 70 to failure
125 each side x 5 drop to 80 to failure

Flat DB Flys:
40's x 7
40's x 7
40's x 7
Super Set
DB Pullover:
70 x 8
70 x 8
70 x 8

Unsupported T-Bar Row:
135 x 8
145 x 7
145 x 6
Super Set
Single Arm Cable Rows:
80 x 12
100 x 10
100 x 10

Stiff Arm Pull Down w/ Rope:
100 x 10
80 x 10
80 x 10
Super Set
Single Arm High Cable Curls:
40 x 12
45 x 10
50 x 8

Thought I would add today's tasty jams. Not sure if any followers like metal, but if you can't get pumped to destroy the gym with this shiit, then you're dead.


Active member
Guess I must be dead. I can't listen to that stuff.

At this point I always offer to write up routines or act as a spotter but never a partner. Im more than happy to be in the gym at the same time as them to help if they need it, but I'e had too many training partners slow me down to go through that anymore.


  • RockStar
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Guess I must be dead. I can't listen to that stuff.

At this point I always offer to write up routines or act as a spotter but never a partner. Im more than happy to be in the gym at the same time as them to help if they need it, but I'e had too many training partners slow me down to go through that anymore.
Lmao, it's an aquired taste :scool:


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225 on Pendlays is solid D. Nice job.

Have you ever tried doing cable pull overs on an overhead pulley on an incline bench? Constant tension, better angle of resistance, and a more complete contraction in your chest. Just another one of my never ending suggestions. :)


  • RockStar
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225 on Pendlays is solid D. Nice job.

Have you ever tried doing cable pull overs on an overhead pulley on an incline bench? Constant tension, better angle of resistance, and a more complete contraction in your chest. Just another one of my never ending suggestions. :)
I like you're suggestion, keep them coming. This is the one thing at my gym that isn't set up to be member friendly, and that's getting the benches to the cable area. Hard to explain but all the benches are in front of the DB's at the other end of the gym from all the cable stations, and I would have to carry a bench through all the cardio equipment to get it there. Nobody does it. Might be better off pushing a stationary bike to the pulley, it's kind of an incline bench!!


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I like you're suggestion, keep them coming. This is the one thing at my gym that isn't set up to be member friendly, and that's getting the benches to the cable area. Hard to explain but all the benches are in front of the DB's at the other end of the gym from all the cable stations, and I would have to carry a bench through all the cardio equipment to get it there. Nobody does it. Might be better off pushing a stationary bike to the pulley, it's kind of an incline bench!!
That sucks. Kind a weird set up having the cables away from the weights?


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Whew! I just caught up in here! The volume and super sets! Love seeing the weighted dips, rear pullups, ab wheel of death and the speed bag being used.


  • RockStar
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Whew! I just caught up in here! The volume and super sets! Love seeing the weighted dips, rear pullups, ab wheel of death and the speed bag being used.
Starting to impress myself with the speed bag. It's fun when you get good at it. Actually did it yesterday as well an forgot to list it.


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Starting to impress myself with the speed bag. It's fun when you get good at it. Actually did it yesterday as well an forgot to list it.
Agree totally! Fun and cardio increased if you keep the body twisting with each hit. There is nothing like hearing the rata-tat-tat of the bag!


  • RockStar
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Rolled out of bed at 8:00 this morning (that's totally sleeping in), and was in the gym by 8:20. A few drinks last night and probably 2000 calories of soft pretzel and cheese guilt got my ass in there asap. Warmed up yesterdays coffee pot, X Gels, Conqu3r, Vital1ty, go!!!

Again, last strength session. I really hope the commitment to a pure GVT routine gets me that little extra mass to make bigger strength gains when I come back to it.

Standing OHP Behind Neck:
bar warm up
95 x 12
115 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 5
115 x 7 (feel like I have stalled on progressing on strength here)

Snatch Grip High Pulls:
115 x 8
135 x 7
135 x 7
135 x 7
Super Set
DB Front Raises:
25's x 16 x 4 sets

BB Shrugs:
225 x 15 (snatch grip)
315 x 12 (snatch grip)
315 x 12 (behind back)
315 x 12 (behind back)
Super Set
Reverse Flys on Pec Deck:
100 x 15
115 x 12
130 x 10
130 x 10

Split Squats:
115 x 12
165 x 10
175 x 8
175 x 8
Super Set
Calf Raises:
90 x ??? x 4 sets (slow and controlled, then pump fast to failure)

DB Alternating Leg SLDL:
35's x 12
35's x 12
35's x 12
Super Set
DB OH Tricep Ext:
50 x 12
60 x 11
70 x 11

Tricep Rope Pulldown:
90 drop to 70 drop to 50 to failure
90 drop to 60 drop to 30 to failure
90 drop to 60 drop to 30 to failure


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Rolled out of bed at 8:00 this morning (that's totally sleeping in), and was in the gym by 8:20. A few drinks last night and probably 2000 calories of soft pretzel and cheese guilt got my ass in there asap. Warmed up yesterdays coffee pot, X Gels, Conqu3r, Vital1ty, go!!! Again, last strength session. I really hope the commitment to a pure GVT routine gets me that little extra mass to make bigger strength gains when I come back to it. Standing OHP Behind Neck: bar warm up 95 x 12 115 x 8 135 x 5 135 x 5 115 x 7 (feel like I have stalled on progressing on strength here) Snatch Grip High Pulls: 115 x 8 135 x 7 135 x 7 135 x 7 Super Set DB Front Raises: 25's x 16 x 4 sets BB Shrugs: 225 x 15 (snatch grip) 315 x 12 (snatch grip) 315 x 12 (behind back) 315 x 12 (behind back) Super Set Reverse Flys on Pec Deck: 100 x 15 115 x 12 130 x 10 130 x 10 Split Squats: 115 x 12 165 x 10 175 x 8 175 x 8 Super Set Calf Raises: 90 x ??? x 4 sets (slow and controlled, then pump fast to failure) DB Alternating Leg SLDL: 35's x 12 35's x 12 35's x 12 Super Set DB OH Tricep Ext: 50 x 12 60 x 11 70 x 11 Tricep Rope Pulldown: 90 drop to 70 drop to 50 to failure 90 drop to 60 drop to 30 to failure 90 drop to 60 drop to 30 to failure
OHP progresses so slow, I'm pretty sure everyone is stalled on them


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Snatch grip shrugs eh? How'd you like them?


  • RockStar
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I like 'em. Had to move the bar behind the back though, lower back was a little sensitive today. But all 4 sets were the snatch grip. I actually feel like it forces you to squeeze only the traps. When your hands are closer to your body, you can kind of use a little momentum to pull the shrug up. But with the wide snatch grip, it's all traps.


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I like 'em. Had to move the bar behind the back though, lower back was a little sensitive today. But all 4 sets were the snatch grip. I actually feel like it forces you to squeeze only the traps. When your hands are closer to your body, you can kind of use a little momentum to pull the shrug up. But with the wide snatch grip, it's all traps.


  • RockStar
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Went in for a little core and cardio this morning. No resistance training, want to be fresh for the new routine starting tomorrow. I just want it to be Spring already so I can have a reason to start getting diet obsessed. Barely on second bottle of X Gels, need to keep feeding them. The cardio felt good this morning though. Will probably start adding it a couple days a week just so I'm not so far from decent condition when it comes time to kill it.

Hanging Leg Raises:
4 x 10

Oblique Crunches:
4 x 12 each side

Ab Wheel explosive contractions: (will feel this tomorrow for sure)
6 sets x 15, 15, 12, 12, 10, 8

Speed Bag x 6 sessions couple minutes each

Heavy Bag mixed in for a few minutes

Steady Pace jog on treadmill, 22 minutes.


  • RockStar
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Well that was fantastic. Day 1 GVT, Chest and Upper Back.

Bench Press:
135 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 10
165 x 10
165 x 10
165 x 10
165 x 10
165 x 10
165 x 10

Underhand Smith Machine Press w/ Slight Incline:
135 x 10
135 x 8
135 x 7
Super Set
1 Arm HS Guillotine Press:
65 on each side x 5, 6, 5

Kroc Rows: (can't give these up)
75's x 12
105's x 8
140's x 6 PR
125's x 6

Pendlay Rows: (program calls for bent over rows, but these are better for my lower back)
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 8 (form started breaking down here, so just did as many proper reps as I could)
135 x 6

Yeah, upper middle back will be thrashed like never before tomorrow. The puddle of sweat that formed where I was bent over for 10 sets was seriously ridiculous. Nobody else in my gym looks like this. I mean, it's a meat-head gym. Surely there are other dudes in there on juice and pump products and what-not. But nobody moves around the joint like I do. It's gotta be the heavy metal!! LOL

This is going to be a fun routine.

Also ordered a 3rd bottle of X Gels that I will dose at 2 grams pwo as well as some Fearn Soy Lecithin granules. Going to get everything out of this bulk that I can.


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What kind of rest time are you using between sets of the 10 x 10?

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