Best over the counter AI?



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Are there a lot of user reviews with bloodwork showing reduced E2 on the forum for Letrone? About how many points does it decrease e by?
There are labs posted on the forums. Prob can find with a search. Ive seen about 10x labs not counting my own.
Have seen some pretty extreme drops and some modest ones but for example my last lab I ran E2 it dropped from 97 to 35. with 2 caps.
Its impossible to say how many points it will lower yours because of course everyone is different, different percentages of aromatase, testosterone, estrogen,and sensitivity to atractylenolides. Most people who are not on cycle or TRT can do either 1 cap a day or short term 2 caps a day depending on how you feel.


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This is awesome news. I used formaron a few times before and will be looking forward to getting it again. I know it will be expensive over here in the UK, due to our government taxing the hell out of it, but I'll be getting my hands on some for sure as I know it works, and works very well. Keep up the good work brundel and please keep us posted on this. Thanks.
Thanks brother
wont be long now


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There are labs posted on the forums. Prob can find with a search. Ive seen about 10x labs not counting my own.
Have seen some pretty extreme drops and some modest ones but for example my last lab I ran E2 it dropped from 97 to 35. with 2 caps.
Its impossible to say how many points it will lower yours because of course everyone is different, different percentages of aromatase, testosterone, estrogen,and sensitivity to atractylenolides. Most people who are not on cycle or TRT can do either 1 cap a day or short term 2 caps a day depending on how you feel.
What if someone was running trt what dose would they need to take to see a drop on their e2? My AI I take from doctor kills my joints so bad.


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What if someone was running trt what dose would they need to take to see a drop on their e2? My AI I take from doctor kills my joints so bad.
What ate you taking amd if its hurting your joints sounds like your taking to much when ur e2 is low it kills the joints tey backing off what are u taking and what mg ?


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What ate you taking amd if its hurting your joints sounds like your taking to much when ur e2 is low it kills the joints tey backing off what are u taking and what mg ?
I knew that.. I was asking if letrone would work better for my joints over adex. For my doctor I was told to take 1mg of adex a week but I'm taking half that and still hurting. I'm on 200mg test and 1500iu of hcg a week.


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I knew that.. I was asking if letrone would work better for my joints over adex. For my doctor I was told to take 1mg of adex a week but I'm taking half that and still hurting. I'm on 200mg test and 1500iu of hcg a week.
I ran letrone about a year ago and it reallymade my joints hurt bad it did its job but all my lifts hurt bad i wont use it again. I stick w aromasin and ajust as needed and try to keep my e a little towards the high side for joint reasons


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I knew that.. I was asking if letrone would work better for my joints over adex. For my doctor I was told to take 1mg of adex a week but I'm taking half that and still hurting. I'm on 200mg test and 1500iu of hcg a week.
Never used adex. Letrone works great for lowering estro. It made my joints a little dry but nothing like some other stuff that made me feel like I was going to snap something.

Last time I took Lethrone it was with Flexatril and I had no problems at all after the flexatril kicked in after about 7 days. (Of course I have been lifting for 38 years)
Even taking it solo it wasn't too bad.


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What if someone was running trt what dose would they need to take to see a drop on their e2? My AI I take from doctor kills my joints so bad.
Depends on the person but 1-2 caps a day is plenty. I would start at 1 and if needed bump to 2x.


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I knew that.. I was asking if letrone would work better for my joints over adex. For my doctor I was told to take 1mg of adex a week but I'm taking half that and still hurting. I'm on 200mg test and 1500iu of hcg a week.
I think Its easier to use a lower dose of Letrone.
Its milder as an AI than adex. Not by much but still a bit milder.
Also it has a bunch of other properties that make it advantageous. For example increased IGF1, and thyroid hormones which means increased fat burning.
The Letrone really gets me dry. Like lean and dense look to the muscle.


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I think Its easier to use a lower dose of Letrone.
Its milder as an AI than adex. Not by much but still a bit milder.
Also it has a bunch of other properties that make it advantageous. For example increased IGF1, and thyroid hormones which means increased fat burning.
The Letrone really gets me dry. Like lean and dense look to the muscle.
I really like how easy it is to get rid of fat with Letrone. Don't even have to change my diet.


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Do you think Inhibit E would suffice as an Ai for Ostarine cycle or would I need prescription strength?
Bump...anybody care to chime in on an opinion on this question?


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Bump...anybody care to chime in on an opinion on this question?
Letrone which is 1000mg of 100:1 atractylodes macrocephala containing a high percentage of atractylenolides.

Screening for compounds with aromatase inhibiting activities from Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.
Jiang H1, Shi J, Li Y.
Author information

Ten compounds were isolated from the dichloromethane extract of Atractylodes macrocephala and their aromatase inhibiting activities were tested using an in vitro fluorescent-based aromatase assay. The results indicated that atractylenolide I, atractylenolide II and atractylenolide III had inhibition ratios of 94.56 ± 0.70%, 90.93 ± 1.41% and 86.31 ± 8.46%, respectively, at a concentration of 10 μM.

Youll see 86-94% inhibition with Letrone. Arimidex is~96%-ish


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Most people don't need or use an AI for Ostarine. That being said, Letrone is a better option for the money imo.
I don’t doubt from the bloodwork reviews I have seen on Letrone on the forum it does what it claims. BlackLion is a good company. I picked up some Vector to run after the Ostarine cycle. SNS Inhibit E also has bloodwork reviews too that show reduction. I am going with SNS for price reasons. I know Osta doesn’t aromatize, but it decreases SHGB which in turns increases free t which can cause increased estrogen. A few users have reported getting gyno from cycling it so I at least want to take something to be safe. I stated trt a little under a month ago, but my doctor doesn’t have me on a prescription ai so I am probably even more vulnerable than others running Ostarine. I am going to wait to run it until I have my trt dose dialed in. Should be getting bloods for total t and e2 in a couple weeks. Just emailed my trt doctor yesterday to see if he could call in a prescription ai for me to have on hand just in case (of course didn’t mention my Ostarine plans). If I get the prescription ai don’t plan on taking unless I have symptoms.


I don’t doubt from the bloodwork reviews I have seen on Letrone on the forum it does what it claims. BlackLion is a good company. I picked up some Vector to run after the Ostarine cycle. SNS Inhibit E also has bloodwork reviews too that show reduction. I am going with SNS for price reasons. I know Osta doesn’t aromatize, but it decreases SHGB which in turns increases free t which can cause increased estrogen. A few users have reported getting gyno from cycling it so I at least want to take something to be safe. I stated trt a little under a month ago, but my doctor doesn’t have me on a prescription ai so I am probably even more vulnerable than others running Ostarine. I am going to wait to run it until I have my trt dose dialed in. Should be getting bloods for total t and e2 in a couple weeks. Just emailed my trt doctor yesterday to see if he could call in a prescription ai for me to have on hand just in case (of course didn’t mention my Ostarine plans). If I get the prescription ai don’t plan on taking unless I have symptoms.
Makes sense. Good idea to have use an AI is this case. Letrone can be run at 1 cap - so it last 60 days - making it quite cost effective. Most cannot handle 2 caps for more than 2-3 weeks. It is really strong. Good luck on your cycle!


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Makes sense. Good idea to have use an AI is this case. Letrone can be run at 1 cap - so it last 60 days - making it quite cost effective. Most cannot handle 2 caps for more than 2-3 weeks. It is really strong. Good luck on your cycle!
Good point! most people can get by with 1 Letrone a day. For 60 day supply you might as well go with the best OTC AI.


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Any updates on whether it will be back
to be honest I haven't heard anymore info than before????? really sorry I couldn't be of more help.


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we have letrone which is said to be strong...but wow we need 6 bromo or form back
I just recently ran TD bromo in a phera cycle and it was closest anything has ever gotten to replicating formestane for me. I'd say it was on par with the oral Hyperdrol Bromo... for those who remember it.


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I just recently ran TD bromo in a phera cycle and it was closest anything has ever gotten to replicating formestane for me. I'd say it was on par with the oral Hyperdrol Bromo... for those who remember it.
Wow, you’re talking old school stuff! Where did you get the Phera?


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Good point! most people can get by with 1 Letrone a day. For 60 day supply you might as well go with the best OTC AI.
This stuff sounds potent like atd was... is there any comparison?


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Hydrapharm’s alchemy gets good reviews on p r e d


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Im estro prone. I take 2 caps letrone a day and 2 caps diesel E2-X and still have no joint dryness at all. But lots of fat loss and leaning out. Ill taper dose back if i ever get achy or popping joints!
Yah Letrone is strong stuff. Im not super estro prone and can only do 1 cap per day with my HRT or estro gets too low.
I do still run 2x caps though when I want to get ultra dry.


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Yah Letrone is strong stuff. Im not super estro prone and can only do 1 cap per day with my HRT or estro gets too low.
I do still run 2x caps though when I want to get ultra dry.
Letrone is hands down the best natty AI! Strength increase, increased test, and fat loss. It’s a win win!


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I just recently ran TD bromo in a phera cycle and it was closest anything has ever gotten to replicating formestane for me. I'd say it was on par with the oral Hyperdrol Bromo... for those who remember it.

celc5 this means a lot coming from you....we were members of the original formestane fan club!!!


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Letrone is hands down the best natty AI! Strength increase, increased test, and fat loss. It’s a win win!
I know an ai will lowers estrogen, didn’t know it also increases t too? Would this also apply to trt folks?


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Wow, you’re talking old school stuff! Where did you get the Phera?
I stocked up on some designers pre ban. I don't cycle often or aggressively anymore. Just for fun and to give me a boost.

Buuuuuuut, the TD bromo was a research chem from last yr. I don't think the source site exists anymore unfortunately.


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celc5 this means a lot coming from you....we were members of the original formestane fan club!!!
The CEL Formestane still takes the cake. The potency and reliability of the carrier was what set it apart.

Sadly, I only have one left. So I'll save it in case I take something stupid and need the formestane to save me from on cycle sides some day.


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P r e d fusion supplements sells formestane max

I ran two tubs with follidrone/vector and it was ok


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I know an ai will lowers estrogen, didn’t know it also increases t too? Would this also apply to trt folks?
In males estrogen is made primarily from testosterone via an enzymatic conversion.

Testosterone> aromatase=estrogen.

So, generally speaking, when estrogen is low the brain will send the LH (leutinizing hormone) signal to the testes to make more testosterone so that it can then be converted into estrogen, however, when we are taking an AI this conversion is blocked so the LH signal stays on and test continues to climb as estro continues to drop. To a point. This also assumes a healthy HPTA.

In the case of TRT the LH signal will be weak or non existant, but, this doesnt mean we cant still capitalize on the AI.
It will still block the conversion of test to estro which means less of your test will become something else therefore raising the overall total T number.
So in both cases we would expect a rise in total T.

Its at this point where I add Viron which increases the amount of FREE test available which makes the AI effect on testosterone much more effective for our purposes.


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The CEL Formestane still takes the cake. The potency and reliability of the carrier was what set it apart.

Sadly, I only have one left. So I'll save it in case I take something stupid and need the formestane to save me from on cycle sides some day.
you have way more restraint than I do....I stocked up before the ban but used it all up, I feel like a junkie jones'ing for a fix, lol!!!


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Got Letrone coming in the mail but this looks awesome
Started Letrone yesterday and have Viron on the way. Viron + Letrone or Exotherm is one of my instant classic stacks
Young Gotti

Young Gotti

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I just recently ran TD bromo in a phera cycle and it was closest anything has ever gotten to replicating formestane for me. I'd say it was on par with the oral Hyperdrol Bromo... for those who remember it.
Hyperdrol bromo was one of my favorites


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there were rumors floating that it was spiked...don't know if ever confirmed????
Ya, I'm not sure either??? I sort of felt like the bromo dosage in HD X2 was way higher than any other bromo product. So I assumed that's what made the difference.


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yes ! Really did you run another formestane product other then the fusion?
Nope, first one I’ve ever tried. Seemed a bit hit and miss some days I’d wake up and look full and lean others not so much.

I doubles the dose for a few weeks towards the end and didn’t notice much of a difference


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My best experience ever with an AI was with Myokem Alphadex. I ran at least 3-4 bottles (not in a row) and always experienced impressive body recomp and it was a very potent product. Truth be told, I have ordered it since their “comeback”, and I couldn’t even tell I was taking anything. I didn’t even finish the bottle...

Letrone is also extremely potent. So much that I never get past 5 days or so of takin 1/2 to 1 pill/day. Vascularity comes out very quickly though, as well as strength. I just get too lethargic, and it also upsets my GI system a bit.

Inhibit-E seems solid, and has some nice effects. Much more subtle though in my prior experience..

I wish I had the chance to have tried Virtus, the reviews for that are certainly quite stellar!


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I stocked up on some designers pre ban. I don't cycle often or aggressively anymore. Just for fun and to give me a boost.

Buuuuuuut, the TD bromo was a research chem from last yr. I don't think the source site exists anymore unfortunately.
They changed their name. The TD Bromo is gone, tho...


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P r e d?

It’s at a good price too

I didn’t think much of fusions formestane
td-formestane is the only way to go, imo.


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My best experience ever with an AI was with Myokem Alphadex. I ran at least 3-4 bottles (not in a row) and always experienced impressive body recomp and it was a very potent product. Truth be told, I have ordered it since their “comeback”, and I couldn’t even tell I was taking anything. I didn’t even finish the bottle...

Letrone is also extremely potent. So much that I never get past 5 days or so of takin 1/2 to 1 pill/day. Vascularity comes out very quickly though, as well as strength. I just get too lethargic, and it also upsets my GI system a bit.

Inhibit-E seems solid, and has some nice effects. Much more subtle though than my prior experiences..

I wish I had the chance to have tried Virtus, the reviews for that are certainly quite stellar!
VIRTUS is the closest I've come to td-formestane….

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