Any benifits to making Phera plex into a transdermal?


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I have some phera stashed away. I have not seen anyone do a transdermal of this yet. So would it be a good idea? And what would be the benifits? What would be the down sides also?


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I don't see any advantage in making DMT transdermal as it already has its bioavailability guaranteed by the methylation so it's like "why to fix what isn't broken?".
Think this way: transdermals are made when a product has a poor oral bioavailability, so taking it through the transdermal route makes some sense. This is why you see transdermal testostesterone, trenbolone, boldenone and why you'll never see transdermal methyl-testosterone, methyl-boldenone (a.k.a dianabol) or any other methyl turned it a transdermal base.
Plus, keep in mind that, if my mind reminds me right, only 30% of the total product used in a transdermal aplication will be absorbed, in pratical terms this means, for exemple, that instead of using only 10mg of DMT (Phera) to do a 3 week cycle and gain 5 lbs, as you would if taking it orally, you'll need 35mg of DMT to achive the same result since only 30% will be absorbed and then used by your body.


  • Established
I don't see any advantage in making DMT transdermal as it already has its bioavailability guaranteed by the methylation so it's like "why to fix what isn't broken?".
Think this way: transdermals are made when a product has a poor oral bioavailability, so taking it through the transdermal route makes some sense. This is why you see transdermal testostesterone, trenbolone, boldenone and why you'll never see transdermal methyl-testosterone, methyl-boldenone (a.k.a dianabol) or any other methyl turned it a transdermal base.
Plus, keep in mind that, if my mind reminds me right, only 30% of the total product used in a transdermal aplication will be absorbed, in pratical terms this means, for exemple, that instead of using only 10mg of DMT (Phera) to do a 3 week cycle and gain 5 lbs, as you would if taking it orally, you'll need 35mg of DMT to achive the same result since only 30% will be absorbed and then used by your body.
Thank you. this is exactly what i was looking for in a answer. And it totaly makes sence. Now i know why no one has made phera into a Transdermal.

Broly you know your stuff.....


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You're welcome ;) That's why we are here to, to learn and to help others with our knowledge:)


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you will lose some, but if you have enough then the absorbed compound will not behave the same as oral DMT, therefore it will be intersting at best and the gains/sides can not be compared to oral DMT

see feedbacks on injectable dbol and anadrol, my personal experience with inj anadrol was that it no longer can be called what we know as anadrol due to NOT passing through the liver twice like oral route would cause therefore many of its metabolites are not formed the same

like i said if you got it try it, plus less can be used for injectable so im sure 10mg absorbed after applying 50mg or 35mg will be stronger or less stronger (depends on what you are looking for DMT but now you cant compare it with oral, funny isnt it) which means less strain on liver.


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Comacho that's true to some extent. It's like taking winstrol oraly or via injection, the injection seems to behave a little diferent from the oral. But since we're talking about a mean that doesn't increase bioavailability but rather diminishes it I think it won't give any profit in terms of applying it transdermaly, as I stated above:)

(But that's a nice topic you've brought to conversation though;) )


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You may increase availability over oral, or you may decrease it.

Personally I don't see the point, but that doesn't mean there won't be advantages, sides may be less because of more stable blood concentrations, it would behave more like a short-estered injectable than an oral.


  • Established
Broly, yes i am with you,,,solely looking at the absorption aspect, eating and rubbing on tren pellets suck compared to tren shots,,,so samething here,,,wasteful in terms of delivery and bang! but curious what it can do non-oral route right?

The effects and sides could be vastly different (adrol/dbol inj) or about the same (primo/winny) and you would be using a DS with another twist thrown in there and waht a cluster F it could turn into if it turns out bad,,,, but 20mg/ml daily inj of madol wasnt bad. actually mild....i should try it again but it hurts lol.

onz, thats a good point, i didnt think about that, slower even absorption from TDS method.


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see feedbacks on injectable dbol and anadrol, my personal experience with inj anadrol was that it no longer can be called what we know as anadrol due to NOT passing through the liver twice like oral route would cause therefore many of its metabolites are not formed the same
Your facts confuse the hell outta me. Regardless of oral or injectable, or trans-dermal, all the compounds in question pass through the liver WAY more times than two. Think hundreds in the standard 4 hour half life of a designer.

The benefits of injectables is reaching androgen receptors prior to degradation in the liver, whereas orally it goes through hepatic breakdown much earlier in the process.


  • Established
you will lose some, but if you have enough then the absorbed compound will not behave the same as oral DMT, therefore it will be intersting at best and the gains/sides can not be compared to oral DMT

see feedbacks on injectable dbol and anadrol, my personal experience with inj anadrol was that it no longer can be called what we know as anadrol due to NOT passing through the liver twice like oral route would cause therefore many of its metabolites are not formed the same

like i said if you got it try it, plus less can be used for injectable so im sure 10mg absorbed after applying 50mg or 35mg will be stronger or less stronger (depends on what you are looking for DMT but now you cant compare it with oral, funny isnt it) which means less strain on liver.
So what would be the benifits, how would DMT/phera act? Would it act as if i was taking a lower dose of phera and the sides would be lower. In that case i should just take less phera and save myself the money.


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DAdams, one molecule goes in passes the liver after absorption from small intestine then out to the body then back, and you piss it out or **** it out depends on the metabolites or which CYP enzyme gets used to chew it up

what you are sayin about in the period of 4 hours, your liver is working that hard to chew out this chemical certain pathway that many times depedning on time, amount you yeah liver is a hard working organ.

i think we are talking something different there but chemicals go through liver at least once or twice, thats it. it doesnt keep recycle, you gotta excrete it out, unless you dont ****/piss....

if you take a known molecule that was made by scientists with phase i ii clinical research and it was on the market covering all basis,,,through ORAL route as the studies have been done. and some crazy *******s like us decides to shoot it,,,now you are on your own,,,will it be worse or better? nobody knows. what im saying is stuff like that becomes another animal...another drug. because no research has been done. so if a trainer says try dbol pre workout and being a jackass i am i shoot IIM dbol and tell him im getting different results,,,no duh!

thats all

i think the only thing im sure of is less liver burden through inj or TDS....oral as you can search first pass metabolsim FPM and even wiki will be enough for you to realize whats going on. so its like by passing the FPM which involves guts, and just hitting the second metabolism and piss/**** out

certain molecules work by its metabolites,,,eliminating those metabolites you will not get the sides/benefits that we may already know

those metabolites can be toxic or friendly in terms of bb,,,knocking off SHBG or etc etc. var and winny for example can do that only taken orally.

so experiment away brothers. no need to over analyze all the time, i did that it wasted my recovery time and added more stress ahhahahah just eat/sleep/lift and be happy.

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