Androseries, AlphaMass and More + Pre-Workout ROYAL RUMBLE!



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sorry to hear about your back, but at least there's hope mang! Props for hanging in there (I've hurt my knee and haven't been able to squat the past 3 weeks so I know it sucks).

as for your wrist issues, grab some wrist straps. 2nd best weight equipment purchase Ive made behind a belt.


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sorry to hear about your back, but at least there's hope mang! Props for hanging in there (I've hurt my knee and haven't been able to squat the past 3 weeks so I know it sucks).

as for your wrist issues, grab some wrist straps. 2nd best weight equipment purchase Ive made behind a belt.
Thanks man! Sucks about the knee, mines been injuried as well for abit, just got a cortisone shot not long ago, seems to have helped all tho I won't know for sure until I can squat heavy again is up to my back to decide if I'm ready for that lol.

The wrist is feeling better, little sore during biceps, but healing up nicely, def will be focusing on more wrist/forearm exercises for now on.


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Nah brother It aint a fail, we get hurt doing this all the time. It WOULD be a fail if you kept stuff garbage down your neck to "push through" the pain (like I have done before) an ended up really screwing yourself up. You sir are the king and one of the true ambassadors of awesome that lurk on ANABOLIC MINDS. Thanks for keeping it detailed and real JD, get better soon.


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Nah brother It aint a fail, we get hurt doing this all the time. It WOULD be a fail if you kept stuff garbage down your neck to "push through" the pain (like I have done before) an ended up really screwing yourself up. You sir are the king and one of the true ambassadors of awesome that lurk on ANABOLIC MINDS. Thanks for keeping it detailed and real JD, get better soon.

We all get dinged up brotha. Like I've told you before, sooner or later you have to rehab that thing. Took me out for quite a while but I came back stronger than ever. You will too!


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Thanks guys! Yeah def time to focus and rehab this thing, gonna focus on bodyweight routines 2x a week, avoid all heavy lifting and seeing this physio right now, the guy is awesome, gonna start a log for my pct while I rehab the back, it will keep me motivated to get done this therapy routine 3x a day lol.

What I can do heavy is preacher 1 arm DB curls, I'll tell ya for not being able to do much curls because of the wrist this month, the biceps felt strong and looked great! Worked up to a 45 pound DB for 15 reps! Strict reps, stretch that **** when I hit the bottom, felt good, pumps were crazy, arms were near 17 inches with just a bicep pump.

I stopped the Andromass and Alphamass about 4 days ago, I noticed a huge increase in muscle hardness with the Androhard/Androdrive alone, I've always liked Androhard, the new V3 is def improved from the V2, def feels like the first LV I used, I plan on running it again once my back is good to go. Strength gains kept going up every week, some good size increase. Sitting at about 220lbs and look about the same bodyfat as I had at 215, I'd say even with a crappy month I put on at least 5 solid pounds of muscle, you can really tell in my shoulders, back and arms. This combo gets an A+ from me!

Next time I run this I want to try the Androhard at 9 caps a day and Androdrive at 6 a day, I'll most liking throw some AndroleanV3 in too.

Primordial Performance did great with the new V3 series!

Also I must note libido for the first 2 weeks felt way up, last 2 weeks felt normal, no decrease noticed what so ever.


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Thanks guys! Yeah def time to focus and rehab this thing, gonna focus on bodyweight routines 2x a week, avoid all heavy lifting and seeing this physio right now, the guy is awesome, gonna start a log for my pct while I rehab the back, it will keep me motivated to get done this therapy routine 3x a day lol.

What I can do heavy is preacher 1 arm DB curls, I'll tell ya for not being able to do much curls because of the wrist this month, the biceps felt strong and looked great! Worked up to a 45 pound DB for 15 reps! Strict reps, stretch that **** when I hit the bottom, felt good, pumps were crazy, arms were near 17 inches with just a bicep pump.

I stopped the Andromass and Alphamass about 4 days ago, I noticed a huge increase in muscle hardness with the Androhard/Androdrive alone, I've always liked Androhard, the new V3 is def improved from the V2, def feels like the first LV I used, I plan on running it again once my back is good to go. Strength gains kept going up every week, some good size increase. Sitting at about 220lbs and look about the same bodyfat as I had at 215, I'd say even with a crappy month I put on at least 5 solid pounds of muscle, you can really tell in my shoulders, back and arms. This combo gets an A+ from me!

Next time I run this I want to try the Androhard at 9 caps a day and Androdrive at 6 a day, I'll most liking throw some AndroleanV3 in too.

Primordial Performance did great with the new V3 series!

Also I must note libido for the first 2 weeks felt way up, last 2 weeks felt normal, no decrease noticed what so ever.
Well I have to say those are pretty solid results considering your condition and circumstance throughout the cycle. You may have just convinced me...


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Thanks guys! Yeah def time to focus and rehab this thing, gonna focus on bodyweight routines 2x a week, avoid all heavy lifting and seeing this physio right now, the guy is awesome, gonna start a log for my pct while I rehab the back, it will keep me motivated to get done this therapy routine 3x a day lol.

What I can do heavy is preacher 1 arm DB curls, I'll tell ya for not being able to do much curls because of the wrist this month, the biceps felt strong and looked great! Worked up to a 45 pound DB for 15 reps! Strict reps, stretch that **** when I hit the bottom, felt good, pumps were crazy, arms were near 17 inches with just a bicep pump.

I stopped the Andromass and Alphamass about 4 days ago, I noticed a huge increase in muscle hardness with the Androhard/Androdrive alone, I've always liked Androhard, the new V3 is def improved from the V2, def feels like the first LV I used, I plan on running it again once my back is good to go. Strength gains kept going up every week, some good size increase. Sitting at about 220lbs and look about the same bodyfat as I had at 215, I'd say even with a crappy month I put on at least 5 solid pounds of muscle, you can really tell in my shoulders, back and arms. This combo gets an A+ from me!

Next time I run this I want to try the Androhard at 9 caps a day and Androdrive at 6 a day, I'll most liking throw some AndroleanV3 in too.

Primordial Performance did great with the new V3 series!

Also I must note libido for the first 2 weeks felt way up, last 2 weeks felt normal, no decrease noticed what so ever.
Hope you get to run that cycle soon bud:)


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I never ended up leaving a final review on this, so here it is, better late then never right? lol.

CRAZE- Final Review
Ok So the first few times using this at 1-1.5 scoops I was not impressed, after using it at 2 scoops and even as high as 2.5 scoops one day, this is a very unique pre-workout. I don't have the whole story about the Craze issue people were talking about, something about an ingredient not listed on the product in the formula? by the effects I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case, I do notice after using it my pupils get very dialated, other effects I noticed is I get in a very happy/talky mood for a few hours, during the workout I find your so focused you could get through set after set like nothing, sometimes I find your so focued but have no rush type energy, it's odd. Later at night a get a bit of a crash feeling. Now for training effects I felt it increased performance very well, sometimes I like to mix 1.5 scoops with a scoop of C4, which works even better as a pre-workout imo.

Overall 9/10, awesome pre-workout, hope everything is ok with the ingredients and DS keeps on making this.

Maximize Intense and Hemavol- Final Review

The Maximize Intense was a bit of a miss for me, if your looking for a hardcore rush this is the product for you, to me it felt like I get too jittery and can feel the 1,3 dime depressing effects after my workout, which I never got from a 1,3 dime product before, so I'm guessing there is a lot of it in this formula, I look forward to trying Iforces 1,3 dime free version. My friend on the other hand who loves to over do it with stims loved this product. Hemavol I used before on a cut, wasn't too impressed, using it on a bulk this time I could see the effects much better and enjoyed every scoop of it.

Overall for Maximize Intense- 6/10

Overall for Hemavol- 8/10

Flashover- Final Review

Well this was very close to Jack3d imo, I liked it, 2-2.5 scoops is my sweet spot, very good pre-workout even better for the price on this stuff, can't go wrong with having Flashover on hand.

Overall- 8/10

C4- Final Review

This was a shock to me, I really enjoyed this pre-workout, it's right up there with Craze, in fact I enjoyed it even more. Performance on this was really good, I get along very well with Nitrates, I have a love/hate relationship with them lol, but at the end of the day they work! This company came out with a new pre-workout without creatine, looks good, it has a bigger dose of Nitrates, it's the next pre-workout I want to try.

Overall- 9.5/10

One of my fav pre-workouts to date is still Anabolic Ignite from Musclefeast, I think if you added a scoop of C4 or a scoop of Craze it would be pretty wicked, I want to try this:)

In my eyes C4 is the winner, Craze comes in a close 2nd.


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I never ended up leaving a final review on this, so here it is, better late then never right? lol.

CRAZE- Final Review
Ok So the first few times using this at 1-1.5 scoops I was not impressed, after using it at 2 scoops and even as high as 2.5 scoops one day, this is a very unique pre-workout. I don't have the whole story about the Craze issue people were talking about, something about an ingredient not listed on the product in the formula? by the effects I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case, I do notice after using it my pupils get very dialated, other effects I noticed is I get in a very happy/talky mood for a few hours, during the workout I find your so focused you could get through set after set like nothing, sometimes I find your so focued but have no rush type energy, it's odd. Later at night a get a bit of a crash feeling. Now for training effects I felt it increased performance very well, sometimes I like to mix 1.5 scoops with a scoop of C4, which works even better as a pre-workout imo.

Overall 9/10, awesome pre-workout, hope everything is ok with the ingredients and DS keeps on making this.

Maximize Intense and Hemavol- Final Review

The Maximize Intense was a bit of a miss for me, if your looking for a hardcore rush this is the product for you, to me it felt like I get too jittery and can feel the 1,3 dime depressing effects after my workout, which I never got from a 1,3 dime product before, so I'm guessing there is a lot of it in this formula, I look forward to trying Iforces 1,3 dime free version. My friend on the other hand who loves to over do it with stims loved this product. Hemavol I used before on a cut, wasn't too impressed, using it on a bulk this time I could see the effects much better and enjoyed every scoop of it.

Overall for Maximize Intense- 6/10

Overall for Hemavol- 8/10

Flashover- Final Review

Well this was very close to Jack3d imo, I liked it, 2-2.5 scoops is my sweet spot, very good pre-workout even better for the price on this stuff, can't go wrong with having Flashover on hand.

Overall- 8/10

C4- Final Review

This was a shock to me, I really enjoyed this pre-workout, it's right up there with Craze, in fact I enjoyed it even more. Performance on this was really good, I get along very well with Nitrates, I have a love/hate relationship with them lol, but at the end of the day they work! This company came out with a new pre-workout without creatine, looks good, it has a bigger dose of Nitrates, it's the next pre-workout I want to try.

Overall- 9.5/10

One of my fav pre-workouts to date is still Anabolic Ignite from Musclefeast, I think if you added a scoop of C4 or a scoop of Craze it would be pretty wicked, I want to try this:)

In my eyes C4 is the winner, Craze comes in a close 2nd.
This is such an awesome review bro! I'll be picking up C4 with my next purchase of supps thanks to it. Unfortunately for me I seem to get that same feeling you had with the initial scoop of craze but its every time I take it. Not a fan at all. Thanks for reviewing the products like this.


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NP! Glad I could help:)


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Interesting, nice review. I honestly thought it was going to be craze based on feedback I have read, but now I am going to try C4 in the near future.


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I never ended up leaving a final review on this, so here it is, better late then never right? lol.

CRAZE- Final Review
Ok So the first few times using this at 1-1.5 scoops I was not impressed, after using it at 2 scoops and even as high as 2.5 scoops one day, this is a very unique pre-workout. I don't have the whole story about the Craze issue people were talking about, something about an ingredient not listed on the product in the formula? by the effects I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case, I do notice after using it my pupils get very dialated, other effects I noticed is I get in a very happy/talky mood for a few hours, during the workout I find your so focused you could get through set after set like nothing, sometimes I find your so focued but have no rush type energy, it's odd. Later at night a get a bit of a crash feeling. Now for training effects I felt it increased performance very well, sometimes I like to mix 1.5 scoops with a scoop of C4, which works even better as a pre-workout imo.

Overall 9/10, awesome pre-workout, hope everything is ok with the ingredients and DS keeps on making this.

Maximize Intense and Hemavol- Final Review

The Maximize Intense was a bit of a miss for me, if your looking for a hardcore rush this is the product for you, to me it felt like I get too jittery and can feel the 1,3 dime depressing effects after my workout, which I never got from a 1,3 dime product before, so I'm guessing there is a lot of it in this formula, I look forward to trying Iforces 1,3 dime free version. My friend on the other hand who loves to over do it with stims loved this product. Hemavol I used before on a cut, wasn't too impressed, using it on a bulk this time I could see the effects much better and enjoyed every scoop of it.

Overall for Maximize Intense- 6/10

Overall for Hemavol- 8/10

Flashover- Final Review

Well this was very close to Jack3d imo, I liked it, 2-2.5 scoops is my sweet spot, very good pre-workout even better for the price on this stuff, can't go wrong with having Flashover on hand.

Overall- 8/10

C4- Final Review

This was a shock to me, I really enjoyed this pre-workout, it's right up there with Craze, in fact I enjoyed it even more. Performance on this was really good, I get along very well with Nitrates, I have a love/hate relationship with them lol, but at the end of the day they work! This company came out with a new pre-workout without creatine, looks good, it has a bigger dose of Nitrates, it's the next pre-workout I want to try.

Overall- 9.5/10

One of my fav pre-workouts to date is still Anabolic Ignite from Musclefeast, I think if you added a scoop of C4 or a scoop of Craze it would be pretty wicked, I want to try this:)

In my eyes C4 is the winner, Craze comes in a close 2nd.
Yeah c4 is great. Didn't know they have a new version coming out....


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I am on the same page JD. Just finishing my first tub of c4 right now, it was a great value and effective.


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I am on the same page JD. Just finishing my first tub of c4 right now, it was a great value and effective.


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Yeah c4 is great. Didn't know they have a new version coming out....
It's already out I see at a couple places, called NO Extreme. It has more Nitrates and a couple other things, looks interested.


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I will catch up on the new log soon, but overall how is recovery going?
Will be starting a new one soon, I ran the peptides for a couple months, saw no results from them, even increased the dose. I got bloods and my test was at 257ng :S Not sure why it was so low, maybe peptides? or just low test idk. I'm going to be running some test and anavar soon.


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Will be starting a new one soon, I ran the peptides for a couple months, saw no results from them, even increased the dose. I got bloods and my test was at 257ng :S Not sure why it was so low, maybe peptides? or just low test idk. I'm going to be running some test and anavar soon.
That is fairly low for someone your age. I would recommend looking into the testosterone issue first before approaching another cycle. I know it will suck to wait on the cycle, but it could help in the long run. It might be a good idea to do a quick Clomid restart.


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That is fairly low for someone your age. I would recommend looking into the testosterone issue first before approaching another cycle. I know it will suck to wait on the cycle, but it could help in the long run. It might be a good idea to do a quick Clomid restart.
Already ran some clomid not too long ago, thats why I'm so shocked it's so low, I have an appointment but it's not for another 5 im gonna run a cycle with hcg and exemestane, then I will run a really good pct with torem/etc. I'm honestly thinking it may be genetics.


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Already ran some clomid not too long ago, thats why I'm so shocked it's so low, I have an appointment but it's not for another 5 im gonna run a cycle with hcg and exemestane, then I will run a really good pct with torem/etc. I'm honestly thinking it may be genetics.

Well as long as you function ok, it will be fine for now. But unfortunately, I can nearly guarantee TRT in the future as you age if that is your levels now.


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Nah brother It aint a fail, we get hurt doing this all the time. It WOULD be a fail if you kept stuff garbage down your neck to "push through" the pain (like I have done before) an ended up really screwing yourself up. You sir are the king and one of the true ambassadors of awesome that lurk on ANABOLIC MINDS. Thanks for keeping it detailed and real JD, get better soon.
i agree...jd is the man!!!


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Will be starting a new one soon, I ran the peptides for a couple months, saw no results from them, even increased the dose. I got bloods and my test was at 257ng :S Not sure why it was so low, maybe peptides? or just low test idk. I'm going to be running some test and anavar soon.
my doc said that >300ng is the cut off before he will even consider are right on the boderline it looks's a shame the medical community has to be so dammed paranoid about prescribing testosterone when they practically throw hormone replacement at women...btw- testosterone is considered in the same class as narcotics..aint that a kick in the shorts!!!!!


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my doc said that >300ng is the cut off before he will even consider are right on the boderline it looks's a shame the medical community has to be so dammed paranoid about prescribing testosterone when they practically throw hormone replacement at women...btw- testosterone is considered in the same class as narcotics..aint that a kick in the shorts!!!!!!

Thank Tom!


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It just goes to show you how backwards the treatment of hormones is. I seriously do not understand it at all.
i think in todays world of political correctness, that testosterone is considered a bad thing!!!

it's a shame, but i see lots of single moms raising boys to be total wimps...and society seems to think this is acceptable!!!


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i think in todays world of political correctness, that testosterone is considered a bad thing!!!

it's a shame, but i see lots of single moms raising boys to be total wimps...and society seems to think this is acceptable!!!
But at least in that example, a parent is choosing how to raise her child. Here the government is telling me what is ok to do with my body.


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But at least in that example, a parent is choosing how to raise her child. Here the government is telling me what is ok to do with my body.
that is a valid point....


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I wish there was a way to fight it. The issue is, the media has destroyed all chance at it. The word steroid is so tainted, that no one in a political position would risk suporting it.
hell, even the medical community is uneducated about androgens...when my doc 1st put me on trt he prescribed injecting every 3 weeks. after i copied off some articles and info for him he realized that weekly injections are the way to go....but not all doc's are that open minded to admit they might be misinformed about something!!!!


Primordial Performance Rep
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hell, even the medical community is uneducated about androgens...when my doc 1st put me on trt he prescribed injecting every 3 weeks. after i copied off some articles and info for him he realized that weekly injections are the way to go....but not all doc's are that open minded to admit they might be misinformed about something!!!!
I am actually shocked your doc was willing to change his mind. Some doctors are so set in their ways you can prove them otherwise.

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