A new Superdrol "log"



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DAY 30: Chest day!! Ofcourse, like most people, this is the very day I look forward to in the gym. So here is my workout which btw was pretty awesome:

Dumbbell chest press: 75s x 8, 85s x 6, 95s x 4 failed on 5, 70s x 8 (not a record breaker since I was hoping for 6 reps but still a very nice lift considering I'm in pct for superdrol and I'm not losing anything*

Machine flyes: 60 lbs x 15, 85 lbs x 8, 105 lbs x 5

Incline barbell bench press: 95 lbs x 6, 115 lbs x 8, 135 lbs x 14 failed on 15, 155 lbs x 5 failed on 6

End workout with stretching.

Side notes: Today I'm still on 4 activate, 60 mgs torm, and 200 mgs dhea until next week where I'll be doing 30 mgs torm, 100 mgs dhea, and 4 activate. So far so good.


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DAY 33: Back day. I feel like **** today, kind of strange. It might be the dhea considernig that ever since I got on it, I have moments where my energy is through the roof and then moments where I just crash and feel like crap. Plus, I think I'm giong to discontinue the dhea considering there are some serious side effects including mental side effects that can be caused by high doses of dhea. I read a lot of studies lately and most people shouldn't be taking more than 5-10 mgs of dhea per day and that is ONLY if they have low dhea levels in their body (basically older people beyond 30 years old). I'm 21 years old so my dhea levels are probably going to be peaking in a few years so maybe it's not the best stuff to take but I must admit, it brought my libido back. Anyway, here is my workout.

Machine pullovers: 50 lbs. x 20, 90 lbs x 10, 110 lbs x 10, 130 lbs x 10, 150 lbs x 5 with 7 forced half reps since I failed after 5.

Wide grip bodyweight pullups: 7 reps with a big struggle on 7 and then 5 reps wtih close grip cause I could barely get 10 on wide grip, also another 3 forced half reps on my close grip set.

Machine one arm rows: 90 lbs x 8 reps per arm, 100 lbs x 6, 135 lbs x 6 reps

Deadlifts: (ok here is where my workout died but I think I know the reason why, I decided to alternate my grip from my usual left hand under, right hand over to today's left hand over right hand under since years of doing the same right hand over left hand under has caused a serious imbalance with my traps and upper back, so now my right side has bigger traps and upper back than my left so I twas told to change grips to balance it out, and I'm just assuming my lifts sucked today casue my left hand is super weak from a years of not using it for overhand so yea, I could barely get what I got the last time I did back and I notice the obvious imbalance when I put the weight back on the ground, the left side of the barbell hits the ground first all the time instead of both sides evenly when I do my usual right hand over left hand under so I need to work on this!!)
Anyway here is my deadlift stats for today:
135 x 10, 225 x 6, 245 x 6, 285 x 1 had to drop weight cuase my grip gave out, 285 x 1 again, and then dropped it again, I got pissed off and tried again, 285 x 1 and dropped the weight when I got it to the top....****ing imbalances)

Then I did some forearm exercises to increase the strength in my left hand.

End workout with stretching.


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DAY 34: Rest day. And I'm probably goign to have another rest day on 35 considering that I'm up to my neck in homework and midterm papers for this week so, bleh. Wait till day 36 for the good stuff.


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did u discontinue the dhea or taper it down brother?


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Should I taper dhea down? I didn't take it for that long and it was messing wtih my head. I feel better just stopping it all together. But I'm still on 60 mg torm, 4 activate.


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taper it down.. when i see ppls pct using dhea, they always taper it down to 50mgs.. try it out i guess bro


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I'm sure it's proper to taper it down but I didn't see anyone with adverse side effects when tapering it down. Besides, the reason I stopped was a good reason. It made me nervous, anxious, irritable, and I had strange heart palpitations every now and then. All that was making me feel very uncomfortable. Then I read a study that claimed that 5-10 mgs is the only safe dosage, beyond that you can cause some serious problems. And a list of the symptoms I had were on there. One of the symptoms a lot of people have from dhea is heart palpitations and skipped beats which freaked me out. Plus, despite the feeling I had at the gym from dhea (which was insane aggression that did help a lot), the side effects I had outside the gym actually towards the last few days of dhea use really outweighed it's benefits. Yea my lifts went up, but irritability, anxiety, heart palpitations, and even a little paranoia? Totally couldn't handle another day on it especially when I have to have my A-game on everyday since I'm a student and I'm going for a scholarship. So yea, no tapering. Too scared to even get back on the stuff. Although, I did enjoy the strength increases on it. Too bad it started to cause problems, I was beginning to think it was the perfect supplement.


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so u sure this is from the dhea?? what did u go up to with dhea, 200mg was it?


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And I found this research because of my symptoms. I started getting symptoms and decided to look deeper into dhea and I found this. Everything made perfect sense after I read it. My symptoms were definitely associated with the dhea.


And I found this research because of my symptoms. I started getting symptoms and decided to look deeper into dhea and I found this. Everything made perfect sense after I read it. My symptoms were definitely associated with the dhea.
Just started my pct and I'm taking 50mg of dhea for the first and second week and then 25mg for weeks 3 and 4. As well as rxt, ryr, fenugreek, powerfull, bcaa, fish and flax seed, and milk thistle. So far its been real good. Oh yea and 40/30/20/20 of nolva.


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DAY 36: Chest and some back today. The workout was good and I still have a nice surge of aggression most likely due to my natural testosterone levels coming back to normal b/c of the torm and activate. So today's workout was pretty damn good. Here are the stats:

Dumbbell chest press: 35s x 20, 80s x 6, 90s x 6, 95s x 4 failed on 5 and went beyond failure so my spot helped me on 6.

Bodyweight dips: 18 reps, 6 reps just barely got 7 then a spot on 8

Incline barbell bench press: 95 lbs. x 15, 120 lbs x 6, 145 lbs x 6 spot on 7.

Cable flyes: Just one set for burnout on 50 lbs each arm for about 15 reps failed on 16 got a spot, kept going on 17 another spot, kept going on 18 my spotter was pretty much doing all the work here. At this point, my chest is flared and it feels like I tore every fiber on my chest. Great workout! Very intense.

Bent over barbell rows (just cause I felt like doing rows):
65 lbs. x 20, 135 lbs x 15, 145 lbs x 10, 185 lbs x 6

End workout with chest and back stretches.


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DAY 37: My chest hasn't been this sore in a while wow. I definitely tore my chest apart. Anyway today is a rest day and since I don't have anything interesting in terms of workouts, I'm goign to give you all a preview of my cycle that is beginning on may 1st. It's going to be a cutting cycle. Now, it may seem strange that I'm cutting on dbol but I personally don't see a problem with cutting on it. Yes, I will get some water retention but it is a much stronger anabolic than winstrol and I will probably in the long run end up maintaining/gaining more muscle through this cycle while cutting on a calorie deficit diet than cutting with winstrol. Plus the water weight will be kept to a minimum through arimidex and I can cut the rest of the water during pct no problem. Anyway here it is:

Week 1: Sustanon 500 mgs, Dbol 20 mgs, Arimidex (anastrozole) .5 mgs eod
Week 2: Sustanon 500 mgs, Dbol 20 mgs, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 3: Sustanon 500 mgs, Dbol 20 mgs, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 4: Sustanon 500 mgs, Dbol 10 mgs, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 5: Sustanon 500 mgs,
Week 6: Sustanon 500 mgs,
Week 7: Sustanon 500 mgs, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 8: Sustanon 500 mgs, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 9: Sustanon 500 mgs,
Week 10: Sustanon 500 mgs, Dbol 20 mgs, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 11: Dbol 20 mgs, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 12: Dbol 20 mgs, 5000 iu HCG, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 13: Dbol 10 mgs, 5000 iu HCG, Arimidex .5 mgs eod
Week 14: 5000 iu HCG, Torm 120 mgs (days 1-3), Torm 60 mgs (days 4-7), Clomid 100 mgs, dhea 100mgs
Week 15: Torm 60 mgs, Clomid 100, Dhea 100 mgs
Week 16: Nolva 20 mgs, Dhea 50 mgs
Week 17: Nolva 10 mgs
Week 18: Nolva 5 mgs

-milk thistle, cissus-rx used throughout.

And as you see here, I decided to throw in the hcg two weeks before the cycle ends because hcg is an LH mimicker. post cycle therapy is meant to bring my natural hormones back not an LH mimicker so I'm going to do hcg 2 weeks before post cycle therapy and one week into post cycle therapy and carry on with my post cycle therapy regimen on nolva/torm. HCG, hopefully will just help the post cycle therapy go better. So yea, that's my main plan and I have everything in order and ready to do it starting May 1st. If any of you have any opinions on my hcg timing, let me know but from the research I've done, it's better to use at the end of cycle instead of all out on post cycle therapy since once you stop you will still have surpressed lh and hcg is only an lh mimicker.


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Oh yea, I forgot to mention, I got the tornel brand sustanon. So I know it's crap. So considering I have two 10 ml vials, and one of them looks like it's slightly less of the sustanon than the other, I'd say from comparing the two by looking a few mms less than the other one which pisses me off. And since mexican vets are notorious for underdosing, I'm guessing that I'm taking about 450 mgs sustanon per week and I'm diving it into two shots. Oh and since I'm missing a few mms on the other bottle, I'd say about 400 mgs per week! Which sucks greatly....so hopefully the dbol makes up for that. And these tornel vials...are they supposed to be totally filled up with liquid to the top? Cause mine are about 3/4 cm not filled from the top. Hmmmm....I think I got ripped off.


Nice log man! I hope I have the similar results as you as far as keeping my strength gains on my upcoming SD cycle. I was wondering how is your weight compared to when you started? If possible could you provide a short list of major lifts and the strength increases you've seen in them. Keep up the good work!!


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Yea well my gym did get the scale they were supposed to get for a while and my weight did infact go up about 7 lbs. But I'll post the stats and everything tomorrow when I get a chance. And yea, pretty much next to no muscle loss after superdrol. Now everything seems to be evening out and my gains are staying the same since I stopped dhea, but that's ok wtih me since I reached most of my goals and I'm going go start a cutting cycle very soon. But yea, I'll have new stats posted up in comparison to my old ones.


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Ok so I guess I'm giong to have to test my maxes again to get the new stats cause right now I don't know since I haven't been maxing out on or after superdrol. My weight though is at 190 lbs from 180 lbs. So I definitely went up, certainly gained some fat and water but I'm guessing about 3-4 lbs. should be muscle that I'm assuming I haven't lost cause my strength is still up which is great. But yea, when I get my maxes done this week I'll write up some new stats. Anyway, here is day 38 I forgot to post.

DAY 38: Shoulders, hamstrings, lower back. Good workout, nice and intense. I even got a comment from a buddy of mine cause he thought I was training with crazy intensity. So the energy is definitely still there. Anyway here it is!

Shoulder dumbbell press: 45s x 10, 55s x 8, 65s x 8, 70s x 4

Seated side lateral raises: 20s x 12, 25s x 10, 25s x 12

Upright rows: 40 lbs. x 10, 50 lbs. x 10, 60 lbs. x 10, 70 lbs. x 8 , 80 lbs x 6

Rear lateral raises: 25s x 10, 30s x 10

Deadlift: 225 x 8, 245 x 6, 285 x 5 (could've kept going easily but as usual my grip won't allow it!! And straps never seemed to work for me cause when I wrap around the barbell all it does is thickens the diameter that I have to grip onto making my grip weaker....odd... maybe I never did it right but I prefer to just alternate grip without straps or gloves)

Back extensions: 10 reps with no weight, 10 reps 25 lbs., 6 reps 45 lbs.

Hamstring curls: 70 lbs x 6, 80 lbs. x 6, 100 lbs x 6 failed on 6 got a spot for 7,8, and 9

So yea, the workout was great, everything that I worked on is sore today especially traps which always gets sore from shoulder exercises. Overall great workout.


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DAY 39: Ok so today wasn't one of my best days. My joints are really giving me trouble and it hurts my forearms to do bicep curls. Hopefully the supercissus kicks in in time when I wanna go heavy on my next cycle so I don't have ot suffer so much. Anyway, my bicep curl actually went down! Mostly because I don't go heavy anymore on bicep curls since it kills my wrists and my back workouts tend to get my biceps sore anyway. So yea, today's strength stats sucked cause of that and also because my triceps are getting worse and worse despite going light all the time with triceps my elbow joints feel dry and in pain all the time when I do triceps but I did what I could. Here is my workout:

EZ bar curls: 25 lbs x 30, 40 lbs x 20, 60 lbs x 10, 70 lbs x 8, 80 lbs x 6, 90 lbs x 3 couldn't even get it up on 4.

Overhand grip ez bar curls: 40s x 15, 50 lbs x 12, 60 lbs x 10

Seated dumbbell bicep curls both hands at same time: 25 lbers x 10, 25 lbers x 10, 25 lbers x 9 failed on 10

Behind head tricep rope extensions: NO weight 30 reps, 30 lbs 30 reps, 50 lbs 20 reps, 70 lbs 20 reps, 90 lbs 15 reps, 110 lbs 8 reps (I felt my shoulder burn more on this than my triceps...probably because when I do higher reps on triceps my shoulders get very tired)

Machine pullovers (I know it's for back but I feel it a lot on my triceps and this is the only one that doesn't put direct pressure on my elbow joints): 50 lbs x 30, 70 lbs x 20, 90 lbs x 10, 120 lbs x 9

Seated pushdowns: 45 lbs per arm x 20, 70 lbs per arm x 15 (the pain was annoying at this point so I didn't go till failure...ugh)

End with stretching.


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DAY 40: Ok so I guess my body is ****ing with me cause today was a great workout. And for log purposes this week I'm on 15 mgs nolva and then next week will be ten to finish things off and I'm done wtih pct since I barely have any shut down. Almost 4 weeks of pct should be sufficient and yes I'm still on 4 activate per day which is probably helping a lot. But yea, here is my workout!

Leg press: 270 lbs x 15, 360 lbs. x 10, 450 x 8, 540 lbs x 6, 610 lbs x 6 barely got 7 but wow, that's a lot of weight for me so I'm happy with that! Before I started to bulk up I was only gonig up to 450 for a few reps and I was struggling with that, a little natural bulking then bulking plus superdrol got me to 610 for 6 reps so I'm beyond glad. And my form is dead on as usual. I let my legs for a little less than 90 degree angle or till my legs are pushing against my chest so it's pretty deep.

Barbell squats: (decided to go light since this is my first day to cut) 40 lbs x 20, 70 lbs x 20, 90 lbs x 20

Leg extension: (once again light but painful since I go slow and squeeze at the top) 40 lbs x 20, 50 lbs x 20, 70 lbs x 20

End workout with stretching.


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DAY 41: Just did some abs and cardio for 60 min. I'm on the second day only of cutting up and today is medium carb day. The rest of the week will be super high protein/low carb days so I'll be starving most of the time and suffering through relatively intense workouts on low energy. And this week I'm on 20 mgs torm, 4 activate for the last week and then I'm done with pct since I really really need some estrogen for my joints.


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DAY 42: Great workout despite my low energy levels and lack of sleep. Must be the lipo-6 yea? Anyway, I'm on 20 mgs torm today, 4 activate and tomorrow I'll switch to nolva 10 mgs and stick to 4 activate until the end of the week and my pct is over!! So yea, today I just went super light on chest and back and did a very minimal amount of sets to set things off a bit in my program so I can once again go back to working on chest on mondays so basically I didn't work on my chest and back so hard today so neither will be sore by monday and I can go back to my old program. But yea, here is what I did.

Slight incline dumbbell chest press: 25s x 20, 45s x 15, 55s x 15, 65s x 12 failed on 13 failed again on 14. On my third set I did constant motion presses which means pretty much no stopping just constantly moving up and down with the dumbbells, no rest and no touching of the dumbbells, just extend to almost lockout and then back down but I did a little variation where on every 5th rep, I would go all the way up and extend to almost lockout but I would let the dumbbells touch and I'd squeeze the hell out of my chest. Tore my chest apart this way yeeee!!

Machine pulldowns: 70 lbs per arm x 15, 80 lbs per arm x 15, 90 lbs per arm x 10 failed on 11 drop setted back to 70 lbs per arm and repped another 5 reps.

Cardio 60 min. fat burn heart rate 130-140 bpm.

End with stretching.


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DAY 43: Despite the low carb day today, I had energy up the ass. My workout was for back, shoulders, and abs. Then cardio for 55 min.

Here it is:

Deadlift: 225 x 8, 245 x 6, 285 x 6

Bent over rows: 135 x 10, 155 x 10, 185 x 6 drop setted to 135 and kept going for about 4 more reps

Dumbbell shoulder press: 25s x 20, 45s x 10, 55s x 8, 65s x 7 failed on 8

Side lateral raises: 15s x 10, 20s x 8, 25s x 10

Ab crunches supersetted with leg raises 25 reps then 25 reps leg raises back to back for 4 sets

Cardio 55 min.



Board Sponsor
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Very nice log and congrats on the gains.


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Thanks mmowry! The gains are very nice. I'm still maintaining them well for the most part. My cutting cycle has to be dead on in order to maintain this muscle and so far it couldn't be better. Here is a general example of what it looks like weekly.

Day 1: 300 gram carbs, 250 gram protein (carbs are low glycemic except for some fruit carbs after workouts)(protein is from very lean sources, tuna, chicken breast, tilapia filets, fat free cottage cheese)
Day 2: 200 gram carbs, 250 gram protein
Day 3: 100 gram carbs, 300 gram protein
Day 4: 100 gram carbs 300 gram protein
Day 5: 100 gram carbs 300 gram protein
Day 6: 50-75 gram carbs 300 gram protein
Day 7: 50-75 gram carbs 300 gram protein

Carbs taken early in the day. 1 1/2 gallon water drank throughout the day and all this is divided into 7 meals. The diet will be the same when I hit the dbol/sust cycle coming up may 1st. And I will throw in clenbuterol for the first 3 weeks and the last 3 weeks of the cycle.

Supplements used:
-super cissus rx
-flax seed oil
-multi vitamins
-amino acids

*nolva and activate almost done with at 10 mgs nolva 4 pills activate


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DAY 44: Today I'm on 10 mgs nolva and still 4 activate. It's my rest day today and I'm very very sore. Shoulders, traps, and lower back are all sore.


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DAY 45: Still on nolva 10 mgs and 4 activate. Low carb day, feel kind of ****ty but still a good workout. Here it is holla:

Dumbbell curls: 12 lbers x 20, 35s x 8, 40s x 8, 45s x 7 failed on 8.

Seated machine curls: 30 lbs x 15 with X-partial reps, 50 lbs x 10 also with some x partial reps, 35 lbs x 15 once again with x partial reps....burned the **** out of my biceps felt good.

Standing calve raise machine: 80 lbs x 15, 130 lbs x 10

Seated calf raises: 70 lbs x 10, 115 lbs x 10, 145 lbs x 8

Cardio 50 min.



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DAY 46: Great chest day! And today is my last day on nolva so I can get some estrogen that I desperately need for my sore ass joints!! Anyway here is the good stuff:

Barbell bench press: 145 lbs x 6, 165 lbs x 6, 200 lbs x 6 failed on 7 (very nice lift for one week into cutting...I think I'm stronger actually)

Incline dumbbell press: 65s x 6, 75s x 5, 85s x 5 failed on 6

Machine chest flyes: 60 lbs x 12, 100 lbs x 8, 100 lbs x 9

Abs: Crunch and leg raise superset for 3 sets

Leg raise machine 12 reps no weight.

Cardio: 55 min.


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DAY 47: Already done with my pct from the superdrol and I'm as dense and strong as I was when I finished. My bench hasn't gone down which is important! I can still squat 295 for about 7 reps which means I can probably still do 315 for 4 which was my biggest record break on superdrol. So far so good.

Today was my back day so here is the workout!

Wide grip lat pulldowns: 60 lbs x 20, 90 lbs x 15, 100 lbs x 15

Close grip cable rows: 110 lbs x 15, 130 lbs x 12

Dumbbell pullovers: 45 lbs x 15, 60 lbers x 10, 70 lbers x 8 failed on 9

One armed row machine (plate loader): 2 plates on each arm 8 times, 2 plates and 25 lbs on each arm x 8 failed on 7 or 8 i forget which

Deadlifts: 155 lbs x 10, 205 lbs x 8, 245 lbs x 12

Back extensions: 15 reps with bodyweight, 9 reps with 25 lbs in hand

Close grip cable pulldowns: 90 lbs x 10, 110 lbs x 10

30 min. cardio


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DAY 48: Wow damnit...today was insanely intense. I almost puked at one point. The puke came up my throat and somehow I managed to stop it. I was breathing so hard for a while cause I was just completely drained from the intensity of today's workout. But anyway here it is.

Barbell Squats: 135 lbs x 20, 185 lbs x 15, 225 lbs x 16 failed on 17 kept going on 18 with a spotter (squats till failure always get me panting hard especially today with lipo-6 increasing my heart rate like crazy)

Leg extensions with 15 second rest b/t sets: 40 lbs x 20 super slow, 15 sec later, 50 lbs x 15, 15 sec later, 60 lbs x 15

(after this exercise I felt like I was going to puke)

Seated dumbbell curls: 20 lbers x 20, 20 lbers x 15, 20 lbers x 15 with pauses halfway for about 3-5 seconds (I wanted to do more weight and go more intense but the nausea was killing me)

Seated machine curls: 40 lbs x 15.....I couldn't go on haha, I went to the locker room and laid there for a while panting and ready to throw up....took about 15 min for me to come back to normal

Cardio 15 min on bike

Abs: supersets with laying crunch machine 20 reps and Leg raises 20 reps (did this for about 3 sets and added 10 lbs on the crunch machine for the last two sets)

Cardio 15 min. elliptical

End with stretching.
Australian made

Australian made

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Well done mate. Just letting you know i'm still watching your log. Nice progress Poppy.:cheers:


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Thanks mate. You gotta hook me up with some more australian words haha. Apparantley when someone gets ripped off you guys say "I just got rogered...crikey". LOL. But yea man, thanks for keeping up with my log. In 3 months towards the middle of my dbol/sustanon cycle and already after a couple of clenbuterol cycles, I will look insanely good so I will definitely post some pics up in here. So keep checking. I'm going to log into this for many months for myself. I found this to be extremely useful.


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DAY 49: Good workout. No heavy weights to boast about today because I decided to go light so I can increase my heart rate and burn more fat. I'm also taking very little time b/t sets so the weight I'm using is very light unfortunately. But this should go on for only 2 weeks then I'll go back into lifting moderately heavy then after that just full blown heavy. Anyway here is today's plan:

Chest dumbbell flyes: 25s x 20 (slow with squeeze on top), 30 second rest, 30s x 20, 30 sec rest, 35s x 15

Machine Chest press: 180 lbs x 10, 180 lbs x 10

Shoulder dumbbell press: 25 lbers x 20, 30 lbers x 20, 40 lbers x 18, 40 lbers x 10 failed on 11 (once again about 30 sec rest b/t sets)

Side lateral raises: 15 lbers x 15, 15 lbers x 15, 15 lbers x 15 then supersetted wtih upright rows 40 lbs x 10 (all 30-40 sec rest)

Cardio on elliptical 40 min.
Cardio on bike 15 min.

End with stretching.

OH and today I'm on day 2 of clenbuterol 20 mcgs. And I'm still on activate 4 a day.


Ey hit me up on FB if you want nemore.....
How long are you planning on going this light
I'd lose so much strength n size if I went like that all the time =/
Australian made

Australian made

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Thanks mate. You gotta hook me up with some more australian words haha. Apparantley when someone gets ripped off you guys say "I just got rogered...crikey". LOL. But yea man, thanks for keeping up with my log. In 3 months towards the middle of my dbol/sustanon cycle and already after a couple of clenbuterol cycles, I will look insanely good so I will definitely post some pics up in here. So keep checking. I'm going to log into this for many months for myself. I found this to be extremely useful.
The Crikey catchphrase has gone around the world thanks to the late Crocodile hunter now everyone thinks we say it!:hammer:

The list is endless so i'll leave you with the one i use the most "she'l be right"


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When I cut up I typically do high reps every now and then. For now it'll only be high reps for about 2 weeks for a more intense burn and to get my heart rate up higher during my workouts. Besides, my joints just can't take heavy weight that much longer. I need to give it a rest for a couple weeks. Going heavy for too long anyway is not adviseable. Besides, going light could potentially be a good plateau breaker since you are working on different fibers especially if you go light and very slow. But yea, two weeks of light training then back to my usual 8-12 reps then after then down to 3-6 reps.


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DAY 50: Rest. Seems like my body really needs the rest today! Plus, my head is pounding. I have a horrible headache. One of those pressure headaches that hurt like hell when you get up after laying down. Ugh. And this Clenbuterol is giving me mad shakes. I'm only on 40 mcgs...I don't think I'll go beyond 80 mcgs since the shakes are really irritating but I can tell it's working. My weight since beginning of last week overall has dropped about 5 lbs. It rose again this week when carb loading but that's water retention now it seems to be dropping again very fast. By the end of the week I'll have a nice clear reading of my weight. So yea, no workout today.


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53, 54, 55 Off. Until Probably 57 when school priorities are out of my way. Plus it's about time I take that week break from working out to give my body a rest and let my joints recover a bit. And I have homework and tests up to my neck this week so I really have no time for the gym, it's been school, come home study all day and sleep literally for a few days now. It sucks trying to keep a 3.8 gpa up there! But yea, "I'LL BE BACK".
Australian made

Australian made

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53, 54, 55 Off. Until Probably 57 when school priorities are out of my way. Plus it's about time I take that week break from working out to give my body a rest and let my joints recover a bit. And I have homework and tests up to my neck this week so I really have no time for the gym, it's been school, come home study all day and sleep literally for a few days now. It sucks trying to keep a 3.8 gpa up there! But yea, "I'LL BE BACK".
if only i knew what the hell a gpa was :think:

how is/was the clen for stripping of fat? do you recommend?


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I discontinued it because it was giving me horrible shakes. So obviously it was working very effectively but I plan on using it when I don't have school to worry about which is in about a month when my summer vacation starts then I can have the shakes anytime without worry haha. But yea, GPA is grade point average which is a way of calculating your grades in school. The scale is out of 4.0 with 3.2 and above generally being considered very good grades. So now you learned something new! :D
Australian made

Australian made

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The scale is out of 4.0 with 3.2 and above generally being considered very good grades. :D
Oh now your just showing off :rofl:

I'll be in your country tomorrow. New York City for 4 days yee haa!


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Just to let you all know! I'm discontinueing this log! It's pointless now until I start my next cycle. Right now because of school I don't even hae time to cut up. I'm just eating moderate everything right now. Moderate protein, moderate carbs, relatively low fats so I'm not gaining any mass, strenght, nor am I losing any weight. So the strength stats are staying the same and it's pretty much pointless for me to post a log for now. BUT, I'm starting the dbol/sustanon cycle on may 1st. That's when I'll post a totally new log of my progress esp. since I'm giogn to be making progress mostly in fat loss and probably some in strength and mass probably not much since it's a cut. But still, it should be interesting. And the only reason I'm not starting earlier isbecause of school! I just can't function and keep my mental concentration up when I'm on a cutting diet. I'm usually always hungry, cranky, and definitely cloudy minded. So I'll save that for when I end my classes. I CAN'T WAIT!!
Australian made

Australian made

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rightio matey keep it up and ill keep an eye out for your next log :thumbsup:


what next? how many pounds you gain on bench? that is what i need to know the most.
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