A new chapter...RickRock's path on the "DARK SIDE" begins...



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I'm sure you will love it man. I set PRs for Squat, bench, and deads. I had never been as strong as I was when on SD and training DC. Wait till about a month in and your still getting stronger... every workout.


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I'm sure you will love it man. I set PRs for Squat, bench, and deads. I had never been as strong as I was when on SD and training DC. Wait till about a month in and your still getting stronger... every workout.
Wow that sounds like a damn good plan to me. I see some nice PRs coming in a couple weeks! :)


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Wow that sounds like a damn good plan to me. I see some nice PRs coming in a couple weeks! :)
Oh it sounds like so much fun. I haven't done DC in so long. Maybe during the winter months I will hit it up. That or after my week off when the program I am on now is done. Since I am over 35 I will be using the higher rep ranges when I do it again but that sounds great too. Make sure you keep your triceps and shoulders in a higher rep range especially your shoulders since you have been complaining of some on and off issues with it.


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Oh it sounds like so much fun. I haven't done DC in so long. Maybe during the winter months I will hit it up. That or after my week off when the program I am on now is done. Since I am over 35 I will be using the higher rep ranges when I do it again but that sounds great too. Make sure you keep your triceps and shoulders in a higher rep range especially your shoulders since you have been complaining of some on and off issues with it.
I will keep that in mind about the rep ranges. I'm sure the steady progression along with being on cycle will put enough stress as is, so I definitely need to watch that and avoid injury


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Day 11

Weight: 174 (+9)

Dosed 60mg EPI
Dosed 4.5mg Albuterol

Cardio/burn day today and I could probably use it to clean up some of the bloat. Carbs are going to be kept very low today, so we will see what impact that will have on appearance and weight by tomorrow morning. I'm guessing the weight will come down a tad from it. I'm pretty surprised the weight is still going up too. 9 pounds in 11 days, so I can't complain there!!

My diet today is going to be damn clean. Lots of chicken breast, green veggies, plain Greek yogurt, fat free cottage cheese, Layne Norton cheesecake, and whey will be my whole meal plan for the day.

Cardio was a 45 minute session today. I'm going to try and keep from going too much on cardio for a little bit while I'm trying to add muscle in. Sessions will be around 45 minutes average for now.

30 minutes treadmill running @ 7.5 MPH (405 cal burn)

15 minutes HIIT elliptical (200 cal burn)

Total burn-605 cals

I followed up with some ab work.

Rope cable pulldowns supersetted with hanging leg raises: 200x15x13x12, BWx10x10x9

Next pin is tomorrow morning...


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9 pounds in 11 days, I think u caught Swoliosis bro.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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If your shoulders are touchy I might rethink "front raises". They aren't a great choice for progression as it is, and they tend to beat up the shoulders a bit.

Delts were always a strong point for me, but once I added BB Strict over head press(standing), and got up/over 225lb range, they ****ing blew up. They are also pretty easy on the shoulder as long as your form is correct, and you stay tight.


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9 pounds in 11 days, I think u caught Swoliosis bro.
Lmao....I'm thinking that's a condition I can live with if that's the case :laugh:


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Haha. He's got it bad! That's crazy Rick. 9 lbs. lol. At this pace you are going to need new clothes.
I am more than willing to buy a whole new wardrobe in exchange for a lot of muscle!


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If your shoulders are touchy I might rethink "front raises". They aren't a great choice for progression as it is, and they tend to beat up the shoulders a bit.

Delts were always a strong point for me, but once I added BB Strict over head press(standing), and got up/over 225lb range, they ****ing blew up. They are also pretty easy on the shoulder as long as your form is correct, and you stay tight.
I'm not doing any front raises as part of my routine, unless you are referring to the Upright Rows. I've actually considered doing standing BB presses, but I'm just not sure how far I could go to failure safely with them and without a spotter. I guess if I set the rack up the right way it wouldn't be bad. I still have until next Monday before my workout with the Upright rows in it. I may consider trading out the rows for the presses. That would give me 3 pressing movements for my rotating shoulder exercises (smith Military, DB shoulder press, Standing BB Press), so I don't know if that's good or bad?
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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I'm not doing any front raises as part of my routine, unless you are referring to the Upright Rows. I've actually considered doing standing BB presses, but I'm just not sure how far I could go to failure safely with them and without a spotter. I guess if I set the rack up the right way it wouldn't be bad. I still have until next Monday before my workout with the Upright rows in it. I may consider trading out the rows for the presses. That would give me 3 pressing movements for my rotating shoulder exercises (smith Military, DB shoulder press, Standing BB Press), so I don't know if that's good or bad?
Yes sorry I meant upright rows.

3 pressing movements are fine. Those would all give you a ton of room for progression. Plus your triceps get a little extra work from the pressing :)

As for failing on SOHP(Strict overhead press) it is fine solo. I do them all the time. I have a lifting partner but he never spots me on those. When I fail, I just drop the weight down to the starting position and then rack it.

I use a squat rack(not power rack). The key with these is not walking back a ton. Set your one foot where you want it, come in with the other foot under the bar to unrack, half step back to where your other foot is, and PRESS. Then if you fail you can just dump it right back into the rack.

Like so:

For strict over head I would probably go 15-25rp range to start.


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Thanks, Frank. That helps a lot. That sounds like a good plan, and probably what I will do now.

I have a squat rack at my gym, and not a power rack like in the video, but the idea is about the same. Just staying close to the rack


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Rick has a butt load of big guy clothes. They will just look a lot better on him this time around when they fit. Rick was over 200 18 months ago.


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Thanks, Frank. That helps a lot. That sounds like a good plan, and probably what I will do now.

I have a squat rack at my gym, and not a power rack like in the video, but the idea is about the same. Just staying close to the rack
Damn did you see that he popped that up there like it was 95 lbs. I do mine in the same manner as Frank too. I stand in squat rack take the same half step back end everything, it gives the bar clearance but if I need to dump it the rung I need is basically right under the weight. Even if failing I can guide it in.


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Rick has a butt load of big guy clothes. They will just look a lot better on him this time around when they fit. Rick was over 200 18 months ago.
Yeh you are right about that. I have a lot of bigger shirts I haven't worn in over a year. Only this time I plan on wearing them looking jacked and not fat...lol


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Learning a lot from this thread! Good sh1t here guys keep it up! Going to incorporate SOHP in my blast next week

Oh and Frank i'm in Colorado right now but when I get back its on! That and when my back heals... I should've known to start off easy on the squats... Smh. I stopped doing them for a while due to lower back shiz. Went to the Dr and got 60 vics and 40 Somas I can barely walk. FML!


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Learning a lot from this thread! Good sh1t here guys keep it up! Going to incorporate SOHP in my blast next week

Oh and Frank i'm in Colorado right now but when I get back its on! That and when my back heals... I should've known to start off easy on the squats... Smh. I stopped doing them for a while due to lower back shiz. Went to the Dr and got 60 vics and 40 Somas I can barely walk. FML!
Colorado... The Healthiest State in the U.S.
Colorado... State that produces more beer than any other state in the U.S.
Colorado... State where beer is consumed, per person, than any other state in the U.S.

Coincidence? I think Not! Vote Yes for Beer! "Beer... It's not just for Breakfast anymore!"


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Day 12

Weight: 173.5 (+8.5)

Pinned 250mg Test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 60mg Epi

I had a damn good day in the gym today. After a pretty decent burn day, I can honestly say that today was the best I've seen my vascularity and the definition on cycle. It appeared that a decent amount of the bloat went down and I cleaned up pretty well. It surprised me that My appearance improved that much since my weight only dropped about a half pound after the burn day. At any rate, I'm noticing some very nice changes physically so I think there are some great things to come!

I don't think the Masteron should be kicking in this soon, but my vascularity was pretty incredible today, and I have a definite increase in muscle hardness for sure.

The workout itself went damn good. These DC workouts I think are working my legs harder than they ever have been. Quads and calves specifically get worked over big time in these workouts. The calf work is insane if you do it correctly. Doing 5 seconds up on big toe, then 10-15 seconds all the way down per rep will leave you nearly beaten into submission let me tell you! Then the quads....after a nice big heavy set, you have to do a 20 rep or so widowmaker....that says it all right there!

DC workout (Biceps, Forearms, calves, Hamstrings, Quads)

BB curls (rest, pause)
95x11x4x3 (starting weight)

Pinwheel curls (straight set)
55sx12 (starting weight)

Standing calf Raise Sled (straight set with enhanced negative)
180x11 (starting weight)

Single Lying leg curls (rest, pause)
60x14x7x6 (starting weight)

Hack squat (straight sets)
330x11 (+10)
280x21 (widowmaker +10)
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Good session! Can't wait too see what sort of damage you do, when you hit all these again :)

I am sure you are getting the whole "widowmaker last" thing now, huh? haha


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Rick... excuse my ignorance, but what is an "enhanced negative"?


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Good session! Can't wait too see what sort of damage you do, when you hit all these again :)

I am sure you are getting the whole "widowmaker last" thing now, huh? haha
Thanks Frank! Yeh, I most certainly understand doing the widowmaker last in the workout now. I don't really feel like I can do anything else after those...lol


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Rick... excuse my ignorance, but what is an "enhanced negative"?

Its a very slow negative that's done on calf raises where after holding a flexed positive for 5 seconds you very slowly complete a negative to as far negative as you can go (picture trying to make your toes touch your shins) for an agonizing 10-15 seconds! Congrats....you've done the first rep, now do 11 more like it...lol

That's an "enhanced" negative ;)


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Day 13

Weight: 174 (+9)

Dosed 60mg EPI
Dosed 4.5mg Albuterol

I'm doing a burn day today, and will take tomorrow as a higher calorie rest day with no exercise. Diet will be clean today, and fairly clean tomorrow (just more food).

My legs were pretty trashed from yesterdays workout and getting through the cardio today was a bit difficult. That did suck somewhat because I felt like i had a nice amount of endurance today, but physically I just had to really push. I think the Albuterol is helping out the endurance as well as giving a pretty good appetite suppression. Both those things are nice benefits on burn days! :)

Today's cardio was a 50 minute session of...

30 minutes running @ 7.5 MPH

20 minutes incline treadmill 10%@3.5 MPH

Total distance: 4.6 miles

Total burn: 750 cals


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Day 13

Weight: 174 (+9)

Dosed 60mg EPI
Dosed 4.5mg Albuterol

I'm doing a burn day today, and will take tomorrow as a higher calorie rest day with no exercise. Diet will be clean today, and fairly clean tomorrow (just more food).

My legs were pretty trashed from yesterdays workout and getting through the cardio today was a bit difficult. That did suck somewhat because I felt like i had a nice amount of endurance today, but physically I just had to really push. I think the Albuterol is helping out the endurance as well as giving a pretty good appetite suppression. Both those things are nice benefits on burn days! :)

Today's cardio was a 50 minute session of...

30 minutes running @ 7.5 MPH

20 minutes incline treadmill 10%@3.5 MPH

Total distance: 4.6 miles

Total burn: 750 cals
9 lbs and the real gear hasn't even kicked in yet.... This is going to be sickening! I'll be watching this closely as if it works extremely good for you I might mimic it for either my next run or my summer recomp/lean bulk next year.


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Yeah I'm confused as to how you've gained so much without the enthatates kicking in. Even EPI. Is it glycogen and your diet?

Cause you'll have crazy gains once everything is working.

I don't know how the tone of this comes off, but I'm not doubting or being a dick. Just figured it'd be 3+ for everything to kick in.

Good luck, subbed. Your logs are some of the best


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Yeah I'm confused as to how you've gained so much without the enthatates kicking in. Even EPI. Is it glycogen and your diet?

Cause you'll have crazy gains once everything is working.

I don't know how the tone of this comes off, but I'm not doubting or being a dick. Just figured it'd be 3+ for everything to kick in.

Good luck, subbed. Your logs are some of the best
Believe it or not its pretty typical for me to gain a pretty decent amount of initial weight on EPI. The first couple weeks I'm usually up at least 6 lbs. My very first cycle was EPI and if i remember correctly I was +10 at the 2 week mark. Its a hell of a lot of glycogen and water mostly, with a bit of muscle gain (probably 1-2 lbs or so). It would be nice to end up 180-185 at the midpoint of the cycle before I start shredding up to peak the last half! :)
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Yeah I'm confused as to how you've gained so much without the enthatates kicking in. Even EPI. Is it glycogen and your diet?

Cause you'll have crazy gains once everything is working.

I don't know how the tone of this comes off, but I'm not doubting or being a dick. Just figured it'd be 3+ for everything to kick in.

Good luck, subbed. Your logs are some of the best
Doesn't work like that. Just because something hasn't built up to its peak plasma concentration doesn't mean it isn't causing a hormonal response(ie. estrogen conversion, increased test, etc). Gaining some water in a few days, on a long ester is not really out of the ordinary IMO, add epi in, and these gains seem pretty typical to me. Same as on tren e, some people will get night sweats, and other sides in a matter of days. Doesn't take reaching peak plasma levels for things like that to happen.

For actual tissue gains, that will take longer to accumulate.

Typically the leaner I am, quicker, and more of an initial gain I get. Especially with an increase of calories.



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With how crazy lean he is, I can believe that. I'm sure ramping up calories would do that. I wasn't doubting anything he claimed.


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With how crazy lean he is, I can believe that. I'm sure ramping up calories would do that. I wasn't doubting anything he claimed.
Definitely imagine what a 1000 calorie increase does to someone whose been dieting lol.


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Doesn't work like that. Just because something hasn't built up to its peak plasma concentration doesn't mean it isn't causing a hormonal response(ie. estrogen conversion, increased test, etc). Gaining some water in a few days, on a long ester is not really out of the ordinary IMO, add epi in, and these gains seem pretty typical to me. Same as on tren e, some people will get night sweats, and other sides in a matter of days. Doesn't take reaching peak plasma levels for things like that to happen.

For actual tissue gains, that will take longer to accumulate.

Typically the leaner I am, quicker, and more of an initial gain I get. Especially with an increase of calories.

You two are both off. I'll explain. This isn't my opinion either. It is fact.

First off, peak plasma levels are achieved hours after the injection. You have to understand that the esters are attached to each molecule and each one begins to cleave as soon at it hits the blood. This is the reason for the half life being decently predictable. The more molecules, the more hormone running free in the blood. Now I think what Frank is touching on is not Peak blood plasma levels, but STABLE blood plasma levels, which are typically achieved b/t the 5th and the 7th half life of almost anything taken. So for enanthate, the half life is arguably between 10 and 14 days depending on the source. I'm sure you could find a more exact number, but keep in mind that location of the pin, the amount of blood in and around that area and a persons general activity level can in fact affect the half life of a substance. Regardless, STABLE blood plasma levels for enanthates are typically achieved 8-9 weeks in of a cycle. This does beg the question why in the world do we run 10-12 week cycles with enanathates? That is a completely different argument tho and one beyond this post.
The missing point here is Androgen Receptor (AR) saturation. The AR must be saturated for a certain amount of time before we start to feel it and this is what is referred to as it "kicking in". The problem with measuring this, is just as Frank mentioned, it is DIFFERENT for almost everybody. AR are not made equal and furthermore everybody is a little different. I can take test suspension and feel it the same day within a few hours, but I can take tren suspension in the same slin and it may take many more hours for me to feel it and a couple days for me to really feel the tren rage in the gym. What I'm saying is not only is it different for everybody it is different for differing compounds.

All that being considered, Rick will feel it when he feels it. That simple. It might be tomorrow or another week from now. Typically, MOST people will feel enanthates within a few weeks. Could be longer, could be shorter.

Now for my opinion. Rick has pretty virgin AR when it comes to pure hormones being injected and they are about to get the ride of their focking lives. I'd be willing to bet that he will start to "feel" it in the next few days, but again, you never know. I'd also be willing to bet the weight gain isn't just the EPI alone.

Does that make more sense?

I documented this very subject in a cycle thread of mine last year. Check it out.



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You two are both off. I'll explain. This isn't my opinion either. It is fact.

First off, peak plasma levels are achieved hours after the injection. You have to understand that the esters are attached to each molecule and each one begins to cleave as soon at it hits the blood. This is the reason for the half life being decently predictable. The more molecules, the more hormone running free in the blood. Now I think what Frank is touching on is not Peak blood plasma levels, but STABLE blood plasma levels, which are typically achieved b/t the 5th and the 7th half life of almost anything taken. So for enanthate, the half life is arguably between 10 and 14 days depending on the source. I'm sure you could find a more exact number, but keep in mind that location of the pin, the amount of blood in and around that area and a persons general activity level can in fact affect the half life of a substance. Regardless, STABLE blood plasma levels for enanthates are typically achieved 8-9 weeks in of a cycle. This does beg the question why in the world do we run 10-12 week cycles with enanathates? That is a completely different argument tho and one beyond this post.
The missing point here is Androgen Receptor (AR) saturation. The AR must be saturated for a certain amount of time before we start to feel it and this is what is referred to as it "kicking in". The problem with measuring this, is just as Frank mentioned, it is DIFFERENT for almost everybody. AR are not made equal and furthermore everybody is a little different. I can take test suspension and feel it the same day within a few hours, but I can take tren suspension in the same slin and it may take many more hours for me to feel it and a couple days for me to really feel the tren rage in the gym. What I'm saying is not only is it different for everybody it is different for differing compounds.

All that being considered, Rick will feel it when he feels it. That simple. It might be tomorrow or another week from now. Typically, MOST people will feel enanthates within a few weeks. Could be longer, could be shorter.

Now for my opinion. Rick has pretty virgin AR when it comes to pure hormones being injected and they are about to get the ride of their focking lives. I'd be willing to bet that he will start to "feel" it in the next few days, but again, you never know. I'd also be willing to bet the weight gain isn't just the EPI alone.

Does that make more sense?

I documented this very subject in a cycle thread of mine last year. Check it out.

As always great info here Morry!
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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You two are both off. I'll explain. This isn't my opinion either. It is fact.

First off, peak plasma levels are achieved hours after the injection. You have to understand that the esters are attached to each molecule and each one begins to cleave as soon at it hits the blood. This is the reason for the half life being decently predictable. The more molecules, the more hormone running free in the blood. Now I think what Frank is touching on is not Peak blood plasma levels, but STABLE blood plasma levels, which are typically achieved b/t the 5th and the 7th half life of almost anything taken. So for enanthate, the half life is arguably between 10 and 14 days depending on the source. I'm sure you could find a more exact number, but keep in mind that location of the pin, the amount of blood in and around that area and a persons general activity level can in fact affect the half life of a substance. Regardless, STABLE blood plasma levels for enanthates are typically achieved 8-9 weeks in of a cycle. This does beg the question why in the world do we run 10-12 week cycles with enanathates? That is a completely different argument tho and one beyond this post.
The missing point here is Androgen Receptor (AR) saturation. The AR must be saturated for a certain amount of time before we start to feel it and this is what is referred to as it "kicking in". The problem with measuring this, is just as Frank mentioned, it is DIFFERENT for almost everybody. AR are not made equal and furthermore everybody is a little different. I can take test suspension and feel it the same day within a few hours, but I can take tren suspension in the same slin and it may take many more hours for me to feel it and a couple days for me to really feel the tren rage in the gym. What I'm saying is not only is it different for everybody it is different for differing compounds.

All that being considered, Rick will feel it when he feels it. That simple. It might be tomorrow or another week from now. Typically, MOST people will feel enanthates within a few weeks. Could be longer, could be shorter.

Now for my opinion. Rick has pretty virgin AR when it comes to pure hormones being injected and they are about to get the ride of their focking lives. I'd be willing to bet that he will start to "feel" it in the next few days, but again, you never know. I'd also be willing to bet the weight gain isn't just the EPI alone.

Does that make more sense?

I documented this very subject in a cycle thread of mine last year. Check it out.

No, I am touching on peak plasma levels. Peak for THAT injection might be reached as you say HOWEVER The subsequent doses begin to compound on long esters(dosed in a fashion as rick is) as you are injecting them more frequent then you are eliminating them.

If you inject 250mg and only eliminate (for ex) 50mg, and inject another 250mg you now have more molecules as you put it.

What you are suggesting is one single 250mg dose would reach the same plasma level as one taken on Monday, Thursday, Monday, Thursday, etc. Think about that.

If that was the case then there would be ZERO merit behind a "loading dose". Here was Seth Roberts post on a loading dose.
It all depends on what you mean by "work" and also whether or not it is being done properly. Really, the only advantage to frontloading is reaching a targeted plasma level of drug sooner than you would without frontloading.
Ok well if your targeted plasma level was achieved within hours despite the half life, then there would be no use for this.

So potentially my terminology is incorrect and it is referred to as "target" plasma level, and not peak, however the point I was making remains.

Like I said the esters are being cleaved instantly, but there is still a build up.

For a simplistic view of this look at "roid calc". You can see the amount of T remaining begins to increase over time, before reaching stable levels.(again this is a simplistic view, I understand injection volume, location, etc changes elimination)

If you go to depot test(cyp) put in 250 mon/thur, it will give a rough idea.

HOWEVER. Your point is my point. That just because something has a long HALF LIFE doesn't mean it turns on like a faucet at week x. There is a hormonal response instantly.
Last edited:


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All we can informatively say is that indeed, Rick is about to have the best ride of his life!


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What, no newdz?


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Morry and Frank, I think you both have brought some great info to the table here as I respect both of you and your knowledge greatly. I'm learning a lot from you both, and i appreciate all the discussion.

With that said, I can only comment on my experience since this is a virgin world to me. I can honestly say that right now I haven't felt better in my life in terms of energy, libido, and overall feeling. I literally feel 18 again. Libido is CRAZY right now. The wood comes all the damn time and i can't stop looking at my wife like a piece of meat...lol. Test is awesome!!

I missed getting pics taken and got sidelined but I will try and get some soon guys ;)


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Day 15

Weight: 174.5 (+9.5)

Pinned 250mg Test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 60mg Epi

Well guys, I think the injectibles may be starting to kick in. I know this much at least....my libido hasn't been this high since I was a teenager (no lie), my muscle hardness seems to be increasing by the day, and my vascularity is increasing with every workout. My weight is also still creeping up and I'm within a half pound of hitting the ten pound mark! I'm sure I will be there within a couple days at least. I'm looking more and more full by the day as well, so being big, hard and vascular is a nice combo right now!

I'm also pleased to say that I did check my body fat with a 3 point caliper measurement and my bodyfat has only increased marginally. I was around 6.5% and this w weekend I came up with 6.7%, so there has been very little increase. Any loss in definition has mostly come from water retention. If I can keep the cycle this lean, I will be very happy!

Today's workout was another great one. I did some more exercises for the first time on DC and I'm happy with the choices I made. I'm also happy that I added in the standing overhead bb presses thanks to Frank. Those felt pretty good to do, and I can't wait to add weight to those in each workout. Today was also the day I was supposed to hit deads, which have been my nemesis in the past because of my back. Well, I decided to warm up with 135 just to see if I felt any pulling in my back and see how I thought these would go. My back felt great during the warmup, so I decided to add 20 lbs to my lifts from last time. The deads felt great, and I had no pain whatsoever. It felt awesome to get through those without back pain again. I paid strict attention to form and I probably could have gone heavier. My plan is to add another 20 lbs my next workout and rep out 225. I know my deads aren't great, but it's an accomplishment just getting through them for me ;)

DC workout (Chest, Shoulders, triceps, Back width, Back thickness)

DB Bench Press (rest, pause)
85sx17x5x4 (starting weight)

Standing BB overhead press (rest, pause)
135x10x4x2 (starting weight)

Triceps machine-reverse preachers (rest, pause)
190x12x5x3 (+10 lbs)

Front Lat pull downs (rest,pause)
190x11x5x4 (+10lbs)

Deadlift (straight sets)
135x10 (warmup)
205x9 (+20 lbs)


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9.5 lbs and 0.2% increase in BF...lol sick


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Almost ten pounds already! Nice work on getting those deads in bro, I tried to get them back in this week but failed. Will try them again when I can focus more time on them. Keep it up bro!


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Oh oh the beast juice is a kicking in BEWARE!! Great updates and bro nothing like having that libido up!!


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Rick I can't believe how much you have gained in such a relative short time. Can't wait to see the end results.


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You're definitely in beast mode no doubt.


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Alright, I managed to get some pics taken tonight. I think they show my fullness for sure. All feedback and input is appreciated!!




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Good **** man! Both bis and shoulders look larger already, chest separation looks more apparent, stomach area shows 0% increase of body fat...if anything, it looks like it could be leaner. You're killing it man, keep it up.

From a critical standpoint (since everyone saying "awesome" won't help), I think one of the larger aspects to focus on is upper chest. Also, none of your pics show your traps very prominently, they could possibly be an area of improvement as well (can't say for sure without pics, though).


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I just realized that all the pics I posted earlier were new ones except one...lol and no old ones, so here are the comparison pics

New pics I'm wearing white shorts and the beginning of cycle pics are the I'm wearing black shorts. I'm putting them side by side for comparison on the poses. Keep in mind that these were taken just after my last meal on a workout day (today) so I didn't clean up for these at all. These were also taken with cold flexing (no pump)










