28y/o and never had to lose fat HELP!


Long story short, 20 Rep Breathing Squats, a gallon of milk and a pound of steak a day helped me go from 160lbs to over 185lbs in less than 6 weeks. Greatest gains ever in size and strength for me but waist has never been larger.

As of now I'm in maintenance until I can figure out exactly what to do. I tried working in sprints last week but I do squats twice a week and my hamstrings were really tired. I also just take in large amounts of carbs before and after lifting, which I do every other day.

I added Max CLA, Sesamin Oil, and more Fish Oil to my diet and switched out steak for chicken on non lifting days. I also ordered more RPM and I added Drive and IGF-2 too.

So as a person who has been an ecto his whole life and I have always had to work my ass off to gain and keep weight now I have that bulge around my stomach and want to get rid of it but I still want to do squats twice a week.

If anyone can give some good advice especially diet wise it would be greatly appreciated. I kept an extremely meticulous log when I gained weight and now I'm kind of sick of logging all my food but I think I'm still around 3000cal a day.

I looked into a keto diet and although it sounds like it works I'm not sure how to transition correctly as far as training goes.

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