Recent content by rabican

  1. rabican

    Iconogenin vs Ultra Eleven

    @BCseacow83 just a single bottle at the recommended dose. I'm hoping to avoid a pharma based PCD, so if Eleven requires it maybe I should seek out (or wait for) Iconogenin, unless you know of something better/mild (wont require PCT). I dont mind running the TRS if that's what's recommended vs...
  2. rabican

    Iconogenin vs Ultra Eleven

    Hi all, I'm interested in running either Iconogenin or Ultra Eleven. Do either require a PCT for a single bottle dose (1 month I believe)? Would it be best to use with sustain alpha as a "PCT" or is this not needed? Any sides from these? Thanks!
  3. rabican

    H-drol Cycle+PCT, looking good??

    I'd def run nolva for a 6 weeks hdrol cycle. Also creatine is good to run on cycle as well, I generally start week 2 of the cycle. You will need 1000mg of taurine daily, the cramps will be unbearable without. Good luck.
  4. rabican

    hdrol and sex drive

    Mine didn't go down at all even into pct I'm on week 2, did 5 weeks at 75mg
  5. rabican

    first cycle- h-drol

    Preload cycle assist 2 weeks pre cycle. Take cycle assist 4 hours after and before hdrol. I would generally take hdrol at 7am, support supp at 11, hdrol again at 4pm then support supps before bed.
  6. rabican

    BLOODWORK from SD/TREN bridge (complications)

    Btw I would not take the nexium.
  7. rabican

    hemp???? que!

    I do a protein blend of hemp and whey, it tastes good enough and should be better for me. Try it out...
  8. rabican

    H-DROL's Cycle Over!!!

    Why do you hate it? Painful?
  9. rabican

    H-DROL's Cycle Over!!!

    I just finished 75mg 5week hdrol and really liked the gains (15lb) but sucks they took 2+weeks to appear. How's pct? So far my libido is sky high. People say time of cycle + pct is a good break, personally I'd double that. I really wana try real deal next time, test E just scared to pin ;(
  10. rabican

    Mid Cycle Help

    Anavar for 10weeks?
  11. rabican

    Supplements @ Work

    Funny story, my friend isn't much of a supplement guy like me so we were lifting at the gym and he sees me popping some vit c and says like oh is that steroids...I want to get big too let me have some. So I pull out niacin from my bag and gave him 500mg...after 20min later we had a good...
  12. rabican

    on hdrol, having gall bladder problems, need advice on pct

    What dose was your hdrol, I'd say go with otc serm like sustain alpha and quit cycle now, since you won't be lifting...
  13. rabican


    Vaporize if your worried. I have a vaporizer with water bong attachment...much cleaner than smoking...
  14. rabican

    What if a needle breaks off inside me?

    Just gave me goose bumps
  15. rabican

    Injured at week 3 of 4 week cycle PH cycle

    I would also continue, lift much lighter, more burnout style. GL.