BennyMagoo's Training Log



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Friday 19th October upper body deloadz
Went for maximum pump today, using numbers I can easily handle with 30sec rest intervals between sets:
Cable rows 45 for 10x3, 20
OHpress strict BB 40kg for 10,10,8
Plate pulldowns 100kg 3x10
Db benchpress 30kg 3x10,
Wide grip BW pullup 3x5
BW pushup 3x20
Cable rows 50 3x8


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Saturday 20th October
Yesterday I spent 9hrs hand digging and jackhammering a tunnel to find a blocked drain pipe. Pretty much a 9 hr full body gym session. Woke up this morning swollen and sore af so did a ton of recover stuff before hitting a couple of circuits involving movements to get blood moving through shoulders and elbows. After this I deloaded my deadlift, working up to 3x3 with 140kg AFAP.


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Saturday 20th October
Yesterday I spent 9hrs hand digging and jackhammering a tunnel to find a blocked drain pipe. Pretty much a 9 hr full body gym session. Woke up this morning swollen and sore af so did a ton of recover stuff before hitting a couple of circuits involving movements to get blood moving through shoulders and elbows. After this I deloaded my deadlift, working up to 3x3 with 140kg AFAP.
That’s why I got out of being a mechanic. Way too often work would derail training - or worse, I’d have to do something intense the morning after deadlift training, etc.


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That’s why I got out of being a mechanic. Way too often work would derail training - or worse, I’d have to do something intense the morning after deadlift training, etc.
Yeah nothing worse than having to dig holes after heavy deads!


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Yeah nothing worse than having to dig holes after heavy deads!
I feel you! It’s one thing when you have a fairly fixed manual job and can expect when you’ll be doing what, but many skilled labor jobs like plumbing, machine maintenance etc are going to vary by the day.


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I feel you! It’s one thing when you have a fairly fixed manual job and can expect when you’ll be doing what, but many skilled labor jobs like plumbing, machine maintenance etc are going to vary by the day.
This might sound like a stupid comment but I drive a lot for work and long journeys the day after heavy deads are horrendous- I’d rather be moving around (although not digging holes etc to be fair) but just sitting everything stiffens up like a b1tch


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Monday 22nd October Bench Power

Feel reasonably well rested, my only complaint being my r shoulder aches constantly thanks to two days of hand digging and 0.5mg adex dosed on Saturday.
130kgx3; 135kgx3; 140kgx3; 135kg 2x3
Total working vokume 1745kg
Bw pullup 5x5 - bit of a struggle here, getting fat!
Strict ohp:lat pulldown supersets 50kg 5x5 with '65' 5x8


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This might sound like a stupid comment but I drive a lot for work and long journeys the day after heavy deads are horrendous- I’d rather be moving around (although not digging holes etc to be fair) but just sitting everything stiffens up like a b1tch
Not stupid at all. I refuse to do deads or squats if I know I’m going to be running a machine for 10-12 hrs on a given day. It’s is literally impossible to recover and you just end up injuring yourself and hating life.


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Not stupid at all. I refuse to do deads or squats if I know I’m going to be running a machine for 10-12 hrs on a given day. It’s is literally impossible to recover and you just end up injuring yourself and hating life.
Yeah my experience is driving for long periods ALWAYS impacts training. When we travel, even just a few hour drive, I always suck that day in training too. And it’s tough to recover when riding because you don’t get blood flow.


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This might sound like a stupid comment but I drive a lot for work and long journeys the day after heavy deads are horrendous- I’d rather be moving around (although not digging holes etc to be fair) but just sitting everything stiffens up like a b1tch
Haha yeah that is at the other end of the spectrum - when you can't stretch hammies after deads. I find the 48hr soreness is horrific when I have to sit down all day after deads.


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Quick update: starting pct today after being sick af last 24hrs.


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Sorry to hear, hope you bounce back quick. On cycle sickness is the worst!
Thanks bro! Last time I got sick on trest I think i pushed it too far and ended up really sick, so I am playing safe, especially since this was the last week anyway.


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Thanks bro! Last time I got sick on trest I think i pushed it too far and ended up really sick, so I am playing safe, especially since this was the last week anyway.
You could cut the dose in half and stay on a few more days while you recover, to help preserve muscle while not training.

Feel better mate!


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You could cut the dose in half and stay on a few more days while you recover, to help preserve muscle while not training.

Feel better mate!
Thanks mate! I was thinking about doing that but from a psychological perspective I feel like all I want in my body now is water and clean food, so I am going to bomb 50mg of clomid tonight and kick off my PCT.


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Wednesday 24th Skwaats of Death
Feeling pretty RS after combination of chest flu and gut bug over the weekend and particularly last 48hrs.
Worked up to:
160kgx3, 180kg 4x3, last set below:
Body felt fresh, but depleted.
Lat pulldown '65' for 5x8
Leg extension '80' for 20, 20, 18
Cable calf rotation whole stack for 3x14


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Skwaats looking strong and snappy for being sick!


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Thurs 25th Oct Upper push volume:
BW down to 108kg, over 4kg lost in three days lol. Pretty much shat out the trest fluid I guess.
Dbpress BP supersets 30kg:70kg 10,6; 10,6 then 32.5kg:70kg for 10,5; 10,5; 8,4
Cable row '60' for 3x10
Isolst pulldown 140kg 3x10
Strict OHP 50kg 5,5,8
Cable rope puskdown dropsets note: bumoed up the sequence to the nrxt plate, 3 sets for 8,8,14, 8,8,12, 7,7,10
Cable bar pushdowns 3 sets
Cable row 3x8 70


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Friday 26th October shoulders & arms:

Kb side lateral raise dropaets, 8kgx8, 6kgx10 for 3 sets
Seated cable row 60 for 3x10, 70 for 2x8
Seated inverted row 80kg 3x10
Preacher dropsets 50kg,35kg,25kg for 6,8,10; 8,8,10; 8,8,10; 7,8,10 PR effort there
Seated db curls 15kg 3x8
Ab rollouts 3x8


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Saturday 27th Octobrr Deadlift
Slept in today, so decided to give work the flick to accommodate my deadlift session. I have been feeling pretty awesome this PCT every morning so far, but today things feel heavy and I am really battling with a negative mental affect. Also, I forgot to apply my laxo cream, and I think that stuff has a significant impact on interset recovery. Anyway, strength is a place, and once you find it it's just a matter of remembering the path, so today I journeyed carefully to:
210kgx5, 220kg 4x5. In some ways these were definitely easier than during cycle as my blood pressure wasn't spiking, however the first 3 reps from each set definitely moved a lot slower!
Time for a latte and a piece of mudcake.


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Omg there is a fightclub cage thing at my gym, and one of the thick glorious gorgeous female instructors is in there wrestling with a dude....sign me up!


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Omg there is a fightclub cage thing at my gym, and one of the thick glorious gorgeous female instructors is in there wrestling with a dude....sign me up!
When you get in there remember the bowling ball grip is totally legit in a grapple.....


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Monday 29th October Bench Power
Not having a great sesh today. Yesterday I tweaked my right shoulder pushing my kids around on a merry-go-round thing at the park. Was pretty sore last night and, typically, now my humerus just wants to float forward in response to an inflamed AC. Today I worked up to:
130kgx3, 135kgx3, 135kgx1 (failed 2nd rep, lost control on the descent), 130kgx3 (fast and smooth), 135kgx3 (quality set), 135kgx3, 100KGX3 Was able to complete this using my belt to tie that shoulder back.
Cable seated row 60 for 5x12
Strict OHP 50KG 3X5


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My shoulder was giving me a fit when I benched Friday as well, and on my second set of triples at 125 I also lost my position on the 2nd rep - just barely got it back in place, such a grinder someone ran over to make sure I didn’t die lol. Then I smoked the third rep!

All about maintaining control, no doubt - let that shoulder calm down so you can train safe!


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My shoulder was giving me a fit when I benched Friday as well, and on my second set of triples at 125 I also lost my position on the 2nd rep - just barely got it back in place, such a grinder someone ran over to make sure I didn’t die lol. Then I smoked the third rep!

All about maintaining control, no doubt - let that shoulder calm down so you can train safe!
It's actually not too bad now, barely any heat and just some knotting in the r trap. It's took me a long time to figure out benchpress doesnt directly aggravate the labrum, rather the labral inflammation shuts down serratus anterior which leads to teres minor being overloaded during pressing movements (and many movements I perform repeatedly at work) and this actually generates most of my dysfunction and pain.
So my rule is, I can bench so long as my scap is rettacted properly, and in this case the belt helped me achieve this. Breaking this rule pretty much shuts me down for pressing and squatting for at least a week, or I just lose strength as my whole thoracic - cervical joint seizes up.


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My shoulder was giving me a fit when I benched Friday as well, and on my second set of triples at 125 I also lost my position on the 2nd rep - just barely got it back in place, such a grinder someone ran over to make sure I didn’t die lol. Then I smoked the third rep!

All about maintaining control, no doubt - let that shoulder calm down so you can train safe!
It's actually not too bad now, barely any heat and just some knotting in the r trap.

I am really stoked I could recover this session. I didn't bench for years because it took me a long time to figure out benchpress doesnt directly aggravate the labrum, rather the labral inflammation shuts down serratus anterior which leads to teres minor being overloaded during pressing movements (and many movements I perform repeatedly at work) and this actually generates most of my dysfunction and pain.


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Tuesday 30th October Prehab/cardio
Cardio: 5x20 kb swings with 16kg
Squat jumps, 5 sets until form breakdown
30kg db row 3x24 each side no rest

Hypers 5x20
Shoulder cable rotations internal & external


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Wed 31st October skwaats
What a struggle today. Didnt eat enough yesterday, and expended a lot of energy at work trying to complete a major repair solo. This morning triples felt grindy, and several times I found myself wondering whether or not I would have to bail out of the third rep. Anyway, worked up to:
185kg for 5x3. Last set:
Leg ext '80' for 3x20
Hypers 3x20
Cable row 50 for 3x15


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Wed 31st October skwaats
What a struggle today. Didnt eat enough yesterday, and expended a lot of energy at work trying to complete a major repair solo. This morning triples felt grindy, and several times I found myself wondering whether or not I would have to bail out of the third rep. Anyway, worked up to:
185kg for 5x3. Last set:
Leg ext '80' for 3x20
Hypers 3x20
Cable row 50 for 3x15
Nice mate. Weight was moving quick enough.....


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Fri 2nd November push volume
DB BB press supersets 35kg:70kg for 10;5; 9,5; 9,5; 8,5; 8,5
Seated cable rows '60' 3x10
Strict OHP 55kg 3x5
Wide grip BW pullup 3x6
Rope cable pushdown dropsets x3
Bar cable pushdown dropsets x3
Close grip pushups for 20, 18, 12
Chinups 3x6


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Fri 2nd November push volume
DB BB press supersets 35kg:70kg for 10;5; 9,5; 9,5; 8,5; 8,5
Seated cable rows '60' 3x10
Strict OHP 55kg 3x5
Wide grip BW pullup 3x6
Rope cable pushdown dropsets x3
Bar cable pushdown dropsets x3
Close grip pushups for 20, 18, 12
Chinups 3x6
Crushing it brother


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Saturday 3rd November Deadlifts plus Back & Bis
Had to work this morning and, feeling flat af afterwards, I almost drove home. Fortunately I got stuck in a traffic jam and was able to mix up 4 scoops of re1n. Within 20min I HAD to go to the gym. Deads went down like this:
220kg 3x5, 225kgx5, 220kgx5. Doubted myself before every set but felt strong af on the last set and now regret backing off 5kg - should have added 5kg!
Wide grip BW pullup 5x6
Chinup 5x8
Preacher dropsets: 50kg, 35kg, 25kg for: 6,6,6; 6,6,8 (think I might have a tear in my left bicep, it's ****ing burning in one spot) 6,6,8; 6,6,8
15kg DB curls 3x8 left bicep/forearm is burning like a mofo now.

Time to go buy some beef.


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Saturday 3rd November Deadlifts plus Back & Bis
Had to work this morning and, feeling flat af afterwards, I almost drove home. Fortunately I got stuck in a traffic jam and was able to mix up 4 scoops of re1n. Within 20min I HAD to go to the gym. Deads went down like this:
220kg 3x5, 225kgx5, 220kgx5. Doubted myself before every set but felt strong af on the last set and now regret backing off 5kg - should have added 5kg!
Wide grip BW pullup 5x6
Chinup 5x8
Preacher dropsets: 50kg, 35kg, 25kg for: 6,6,6; 6,6,8 (think I might have a tear in my left bicep, it's ****ing burning in one spot) 6,6,8; 6,6,8
15kg DB curls 3x8 left bicep/forearm is burning like a mofo now.

Time to go buy some beef.
Monster session!!! 10 sets pull/chin ups after deadlift. You animal!


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Saturday 3rd November Deadlifts plus Back & Bis
Had to work this morning and, feeling flat af afterwards, I almost drove home. Fortunately I got stuck in a traffic jam and was able to mix up 4 scoops of re1n. Within 20min I HAD to go to the gym. Deads went down like this:
220kg 3x5, 225kgx5, 220kgx5. Doubted myself before every set but felt strong af on the last set and now regret backing off 5kg - should have added 5kg!
Wide grip BW pullup 5x6
Chinup 5x8
Preacher dropsets: 50kg, 35kg, 25kg for: 6,6,6; 6,6,8 (think I might have a tear in my left bicep, it's ****ing burning in one spot) 6,6,8; 6,6,8
15kg DB curls 3x8 left bicep/forearm is burning like a mofo now.

Time to go buy some beef.
Beast! Pulling mixed grip strapless? I’ve noticed lately mixed grip hurts my bis when going heavy. But my arms are weird, they have pretty much zero flexibility/mobility.


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Beast! Pulling mixed grip strapless? I’ve noticed lately mixed grip hurts my bis when going heavy. But my arms are weird, they have pretty much zero flexibility/mobility.
Good point! I forgot I was actually pulling with straps on last 3 sets because my left thumb split open. I usually pull hook grip so pulling with straps would have been loading my biceps differently.


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Saturday 3rd November Deadlifts plus Back & Bis
Had to work this morning and, feeling flat af afterwards, I almost drove home. Fortunately I got stuck in a traffic jam and was able to mix up 4 scoops of re1n. Within 20min I HAD to go to the gym. Deads went down like this:
220kg 3x5, 225kgx5, 220kgx5. Doubted myself before every set but felt strong af on the last set and now regret backing off 5kg - should have added 5kg!
Wide grip BW pullup 5x6
Chinup 5x8
Preacher dropsets: 50kg, 35kg, 25kg for: 6,6,6; 6,6,8 (think I might have a tear in my left bicep, it's ****ing burning in one spot) 6,6,8; 6,6,8
15kg DB curls 3x8 left bicep/forearm is burning like a mofo now.

Time to go buy some beef.
Beast mode benny


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4 scoops?? Got-dang, son! I would have died from sweating

Nice work, session was beast.

I have had 2 minor partial tears (non-distal) in my left bicep. Hold your forearm up so that it is 90* to your upper arm, which should still be hanging down to the floor. Now rotate your open hand between palm down and palm up - do it with your healthy arm too for comparison. If you have a partial tear, you will see a soft area that fails to bulge/flex when you turn your palm up.

The most important part of that drill is to pretend you’re flipping pancakes, which are delicious.


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4 scoops?? Got-dang, son! I would have died from sweating

Nice work, session was beast.

I have had 2 minor partial tears (non-distal) in my left bicep. Hold your forearm up so that it is 90* to your upper arm, which should still be hanging down to the floor. Now rotate your open hand between palm down and palm up - do it with your healthy arm too for comparison. If you have a partial tear, you will see a soft area that fails to bulge/flex when you turn your palm up.

The most important part of that drill is to pretend you’re flipping pancakes, which are delicious.
I can see it in the mirror, at the distal head where muscle meets tendon there is a dimple that twitches as I extend in a supine position. It can't be too bad though, not really much pain.


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Monday 5th November Bench Power
Overall feeling pretty good today, ate heaps of food yesterday. I am going to start tracking food again now and in a couple weeks wind back into a slight deficit til xmas. I am going to enter a novice PL comp in february, for which I would like to compete in u103kg division, so sub 103kg is my BW goal now.
Bench today, using a belt (feel so much better afterwards when I use the belt) worked up to:
135kgx3, 135kgx3 - the best looking triple I have performed with this weight so far - 135kgx3 - another nice set! Form is dialling in - 135kgx3, 130kgx2 - spent too long setting up
Seated cable row 50 for 3x15
Isolat pulldown (could feel the left bicep at the bottom) 125kg for 3x10
Strict OHP 55kg 3x5


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Monday 5th November Bench Power
Overall feeling pretty good today, ate heaps of food yesterday. I am going to start tracking food again now and in a couple weeks wind back into a slight deficit til xmas. I am going to enter a novice PL comp in february, for which I would like to compete in u103kg division, so sub 103kg is my BW goal now.
Bench today, using a belt (feel so much better afterwards when I use the belt) worked up to:
135kgx3, 135kgx3 - the best looking triple I have performed with this weight so far - 135kgx3 - another nice set! Form is dialling in - 135kgx3, 130kgx2 - spent too long setting up
Seated cable row 50 for 3x15
Isolat pulldown (could feel the left bicep at the bottom) 125kg for 3x10
Strict OHP 55kg 3x5
Was hoping for a video of the bench....

Nice work though bro. I almost used a belt today for mine (which I’m struggling with a bit), what do you feel it adds?

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