Transcending the mind and body log!


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Same here, no loving parents in my life, got independent when I was 16 yo. I never wanted kids (still not a fan of kids), got tricked into it when I was already 32 yo. Had to face sudden responsibility. That was the time I was beaten up by real life pretty hard, changed from social to asocial, drugs got involved too. Locked me in a room for a couple of days to get my sh1t together. Realized there is no meaning in life -other than procreation and do what a good parent would do: giving the best possible start in life for the offspring.
Damn man that rough but **** you’re here and you made it but it made you the man you are. Interesting how locking yourself in a room changed your life. The difference between you and I is that I didn’t need to survive on my own, I think life made us better versions of ourselves. Keeping ourselves trapped in our minds we found our freedom. **** I’d definitely like to meet up with you lol.


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Damn man that rough but **** you’re here and you made it but it made you the man you are. Interesting how locking yourself in a room changed your life. The difference between you and I is that I didn’t need to survive on my own, I think life made us better versions of ourselves. Keeping ourselves trapped in our minds we found our freedom. **** I’d definitely like to meet up with you lol.
Yes, it changed us to what we are now. My mother tried to apologize for my (failed) childhood years ago. Besides not accepting the apology (and never talk to her again), I think it was somehow beneficial for me to never had love in my life -or any restrictions/guidance. I teach independence to my kids, they cook their meals (sometimes), have to figure out using public transport -and to deal with broke down electronics themselves. Worked really well for my son, my daughter is over protected by her mother and is still a borderline snowflake.
In my case dualism worked, LOL. Sh1tty upbringing did me good in many ways -but it also made me a anti authoritarian pessimist with misanthropic tendencies. I almost never take advise and figure things out myself, that left a lot of scars, mostly on my wallet.


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You guys need to get a room.


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We all decide whether we survive or not. It isn't necessarily upbringing or nurturing, it's just what we allow it to be. We all could have just as easily been mass murderers, or complete morons. Something in us decided that we needed to be better than the people we associated with. But who decides if we're right or wrong? Fortunately we do.


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We all decide whether we survive or not. It isn't necessarily upbringing or nurturing, it's just what we allow it to be. We all could have just as easily been mass murderers, or complete morons. Something in us decided that we needed to be better than the people we associated with. But who decides if we're right or wrong? Fortunately we do.
Yes, thought a moment about mass murdering people -but decided to fugg them instead. :)
I'm not a murderer -I'm a lover!


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Yes, it changed us to what we are now. My mother tried to apologize for my (failed) childhood years ago. Besides not accepting the apology (and never talk to her again), I think it was somehow beneficial for me to never had love in my life -or any restrictions/guidance. I teach independence to my kids, they cook their meals (sometimes), have to figure out using public transport -and to deal with broke down electronics themselves. Worked really well for my son, my daughter is over protected by her mother and is still a borderline snowflake.
In my case dualism worked, LOL. Sh1tty upbringing did me good in many ways -but it also made me a anti authoritarian pessimist with misanthropic tendencies. I almost never take advise and figure things out myself, that left a lot of scars, mostly on my wallet.
Nothing but respect dude, here’s something to open you mind a little more, there is no duality without non duality and that’s where the metaphysical rabbit hole ends lmao the end. Time to enjoy life ??!


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Yes, thought a moment about mass murdering people -but decided to fugg them instead. :)
I'm not a murderer -I'm a lover!
The power of Love is something out of this world, gets people creating for no reason lol.


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So I did snatch lifts, super set that with pull ups, then added push ups. Then I was jumping over a box, reached a little to high and almost fell on my ass lmaoo I should have video taped it ? but I jumped higher then I ever could so I’m happy. I don’t have any numbers, I was just exhausting myself by out to failure. I realized I was at failure when I did a jump and it felt like I didn’t know how to jump lmaoo.


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I loved his vids until he got nuts and started crying, yelling and doing yoga, promoting newage esoteric bullsh1t.
I haven’t seen him do that recently but yea that stuff was weird lol.


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I haven’t seen him do that recently but yea that stuff was weird lol.
He tore both of his biceps and went totally crazy. This guy is very unstable and insecure about himself, just the contrary of what he displays, mark my words.


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He tore both of his biceps and went totally crazy. This guy is very unstable and insecure about himself, just the contrary of what he displays, mark my words.
I think we are all unstable lol or at least I am, I’d be lying if I said otherwise. I’d admit to anyone if someone got me angry enough I’d probably kill but killing for no reason is wrong so I don’t do it lol.


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So I hit the gym before work, started with front squats. 185 for two sets 5 and one of three. Then I did Pendlay rows, 135 for three sets of 10. Then I did a super set of push ups and box jumps(over box). Lastly I did pull ups. Tired as **** now.


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Hit some snatch lifts, started with 115 but I fail. Went to 95 and then I watch a video because I felt like I was doing it wrong. I watched the video then started to do it right, went back to 115 and I did it and it felt easy. I did a couple of singles of that then went to incline benching. I did 175 for 5, 3, then 4. After I did band face pulls super setter with push ups. I’ve been doing push ups whenever I can and I’m doing more and more at a time. I ended it at that. Will go jogging in a bit.


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Also I got my journal today but it looks like crap especially for what I paid for it. I’ll still be using it but it ain’t pretty lol. I did get it because it looked aesthetic but it probably would be been better if I got a marble notebook lmaoo.
mn I


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Just did some clean and presses, super set with pull ups, push ups, and box jumps. I just did singles of 135 then 155, I could not put up 175 right now. Pull ups stayed in the 5-7 rep range and push ups in the 8-10 range. I did singles of he box jumps because I was actually jumping over there box rather then on it. I’m definitely leaning out and I just started meditating again. hairygrandpa what’s your opinion on the “third eye” or the pineal gland? I meditated for a hour last night, which I do for about 5-10 minutes a day and I felt my whole body vibrating and pressure where the pineal gland is. There is a mental transcendence due to mediation that promotes a sacred(esoteric)masculine nature of things. I’m not speaking metaphysically either even though there is no physicality of masculinity where there is a physicality of femininity.


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Just did some clean and presses, super set with pull ups, push ups, and box jumps. I just did singles of 135 then 155, I could not put up 175 right now. Pull ups stayed in the 5-7 rep range and push ups in the 8-10 range. I did singles of he box jumps because I was actually jumping over there box rather then on it. I’m definitely leaning out and I just started meditating again. hairygrandpa what’s your opinion on the “third eye” or the pineal gland? I meditated for a hour last night, which I do for about 5-10 minutes a day and I felt my whole body vibrating and pressure where the pineal gland is. There is a mental transcendence due to mediation that promotes a sacred(esoteric)masculine nature of things. I’m not speaking metaphysically either even though there is no physicality of masculinity where there is a physicality of femininity.
Honestly? Bullsh1t. All of it. Does meditation has benefits, yes. In our hectic society, some meditation is a good idea, I read books instead -or work on the farm with electronics off.


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Honestly? Bullsh1t. All of it. Does meditation has benefits, yes. In our hectic society, some meditation is a good idea, I read books instead -or work on the farm with electronics off.
What do you believe is the phenomenon that happens when those physical feelings occur?


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What do you believe is the phenomenon that happens when those physical feelings occur?
Feelings are exactly that, feelings. Brain chemistry, endorphin release and whatnot. Some may not be understood -meaning NOBODY knows, yet.
Calling it a third eye, spiritual voyage -or unicorn-dream-farts -non of it is valid. I call it day dreaming, betting both of my nuts that what it is.


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Feelings are exactly that, feelings. Brain chemistry, endorphin release and whatnot. Some may not be understood -meaning NOBODY knows, yet.
Calling it a third eye, spiritual voyage -or unicorn-dream-farts -non of it is valid. I call it day dreaming, betting both of my nuts that what it is.
Well here’s some stuff I looked up

I’m actually going to look into this now that I’ll be meditating regularly. It’s nice to know what’s going on. Personality I don’t care for the spiritual language like yourself, I only speak with words that I know but I like to speak on a realistic plane of existence if I can interpret it from a realistic perspective. Personally I don’t like universalizing things either but that’s what society is doing and there’s no stopping the herd lol.


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Well here’s some stuff I looked up

I’m actually going to look into this now that I’ll be meditating regularly. It’s nice to know what’s going on.
Speed read the article.
There is , maybe, something to it -BUT you first need input to meditate about to make it a valid claim. If a carpenter meditates about new electronic devices, does he come up with a new smart phone? I claim, that I come to new ideas when cutting the lawn (my form of meditation) , does that mean lawn cutting can lead to scientific breakthroughs? Think a second.


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If you look inside of you -the only thing you'll find is: yourself. If you observe your surroundings, you'll learn -that's how it works.


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Speed read the article.
There is , maybe, something to it -BUT you first need input to meditate about to make it a valid claim. If a carpenter meditates about new electronic devices, does he come up with a new smart phone? I claim, that I come to new ideas when cutting the lawn (my form of meditation) , does that mean lawn cutting can lead to scientific breakthroughs? Think a second.
If you look inside of you -the only thing you'll find is: yourself. If you observe your surroundings, you'll learn -that's how it works.
Possibly, meditation is just extreme introverted thinking. You can’t really focus on your thoughts or think outside the box if your body is focused on utilizing its energy towards extroverted activities. Steve jobs created Apple from an acid trip(allegedly only one) and many CEOs take acid for create new ideas within their companies. Acid promotes extreme meditative state. You are the memories and knowledge that are within you. If you don’t know **** you aren’t going to create anything. An open mind is a creative mind and once you gain useful knowledge you can create once you mind is open.

So yea basically meditation can help one create if ones mind is open enough to reality and the knowledge one holds.


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Possibly, meditation is just extreme introverted thinking. You can’t really focus on your thoughts or think outside the box if your body is focused on utilizing its energy towards extroverted activities. Steve jobs created Apple from an acid trip(allegedly only one) and many CEOs take acid for create new ideas within their companies. Acid promotes extreme meditative state. You are the memories and knowledge that are within you. If you don’t know **** you aren’t going to create anything. An open mind is a creative mind and once you gain useful knowledge you can create once you mind is open.

So yea basically meditation can help one create if ones mind is open enough to reality and the knowledge one holds.
I agree on that BUT, Jobs had the necessary knowledge first to be creative about, right? I call it: Having a idea. You may call it what you want, it does not change the fact.
Nothing new comes out of your brain without feeding it info first. I had some of my best ideas when drunk.


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I agree on that BUT, Jobs had the necessary knowledge first to be creative about, right? I call it: Having a idea. You may call it what you want, it does not change the fact.
Nothing new comes out of your brain without feeding it info first. I had some of my best ideas when drunk.
Best ideas need to be believable and doable, even doable ideas are the best ideas objectively and subjectively, the best ideas are created because the ones that aren’t created don’t exist.

If you’re a true realist you’d believe that .


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Best ideas need to be believable and doable, even doable ideas are the best ideas objectively and subjectively, the best ideas are created because the ones that aren’t created don’t exist.

If you’re a true realist you’d believe that .
Unless its a hypothetical/philosophical idea, not doable but coherent, like a boltzmann brain. But even then, it needs an understanding of physics -and the universe first, to get the idea. My point is standing firm, you can't meditate something useful into existence , without having info first. To a meditating peasant, no boltzmann brain will come to mind, having no knowledge about a thermodynamic equilibrium.
That renders meditation as a pathway to knowledge mute. It can however be useful to get new ideas about a topic one is versed in.

Sorry if I may sound difficult at times. My English is not THAT advanced. You should hear me lecturing in German, LOL.


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A Boltzmann brain is still proof that a idea can be doable and coherent, religious are just ideas that have shifted realities into existence and so has science. Also even just the belief of a idea will be created can create from a basic perspective. For example:

__________ is a good idea because it merges these two ideas ________ and _________ from a cultural and national perspective and it becomes a meme


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Unless its a hypothetical/philosophical idea, not doable but coherent, like a boltzmann brain. But even then, it needs an understanding of physics -and the universe first, to get the idea. My point is standing firm, you can't meditate something useful into existence , without having info first. To a meditating peasant, no boltzmann brain will come to mind, having no knowledge about a thermodynamic equilibrium.
That renders meditation as a pathway to knowledge mute. It can however be useful to get new ideas about a topic one is versed in.

Sorry if I may sound difficult at times. My English is not THAT advanced. You should hear me lecturing in German, LOL.
Also you sound coherent no biggie.


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Just remember what its about. Meditation as a tool/pathway to truth/knowledge/new ideas.
I concede that it is useful for relaxation, creative thoughts (about a before known topic) and it may change ones subjective perception of the world, helps balancing personal character issues -and probably being therapeutic. It also helps accessing the automated brain functions, like heart beat (divers). I just don't attach mysticism (esoteric) to it.


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Just remember what its about. Meditation as a tool/pathway to truth/knowledge/new ideas.
I concede that it is useful for relaxation, creative thoughts (about a before known topic) and it may change ones subjective perception of the world, helps balancing personal character issues -and probably being therapeutic. It also helps accessing the automated brain functions, like heart beat (divers). I just don't attach mysticism (esoteric) to it.
Well most collective ideas are routed in human emotions, religions were created all over the world to create a similar purpose which is to transcend the mind, all the rest of the actions were due to culture and man’s raw nature. Also in every religion they reject or embrace exoteric and esoteric ideas that are treated differently, for example both Islam and Christianity reject homosexuality but in Christianity(to be a follower of Christ or non denominal Christianity)they say to accept him and not judge him because he sins yet it also says to be a homosexual it’s a immortal sin. In Islam well I have no clue what their holy book says but I know they throw them off roofs and that’s all I need to know.


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Like democracy, honestly it’s the most incoherent idea as a mass society BUT with the right words you can make it sound like a utopia.


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Like democracy, honestly it’s the most incoherent idea as a mass society BUT with the right words you can make it sound like a utopia.
Agreed. :)

To change the subject a bit, here I found something interesting:


You will like it, trust me. :)


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Agreed. :)

To change the subject a bit, here I found something interesting:


You will like it, trust me. :)
I absolutely love it and agree. Honestly it’ll lead us as a species to believing Gods are guiding us through the galaxy as a empire or imperial colonies.


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I absolutely love it and agree. Honestly it’ll lead us as a species to believing Gods are guiding us through the galaxy as a empire or imperial colonies.
If we as a society found out their was life on other plants we’d just go probably destroy them and vice versa. I can only hope they don’t look like us lmaoo that would be the worse ending ever ???


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If we as a society found out their was life on other plants we’d just go probably destroy them and vice versa. I can only hope they don’t look like us lmaoo that would be the worse ending ever ������
Yes, I don't trust humans either. Any advanced species watching us, is probably dumbfounded how we even managed to build satellites and a space station.
Imagine they were like us, conquering us by bloody military might, planting a flag into the ground and forcing us to worship their peace loving goddess "Helga". LOL

The misanthrope in me is now saying: Well done! Give humans their own medicine! LOL


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If we as a society found out their was life on other plants we’d just go probably destroy them and vice versa. I can only hope they don’t look like us lmaoo that would be the worse ending ever ???
Honestly even thinking worse about it is if we all looked the same and society just eventually fell into chaos for not leaving for anything. God created a failsafe for society so he can do it all again for fun or as science project in a highly advanced society in another universe. Now I have something to live for thanks ??? I win! Or society will never reach that because the earth will use its nature as a failsafe for going too far in the universe but as free creature of this God we eventually just destroyed ourself into oblivion and he’s show their society that they don’t have free will.

You only truly know the truth till you realize the truth doesn’t matter, what works matters.


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Honestly even thinking worse about it is if we all looked the same and society just eventually fell into chaos for not leaving for anything. God created a failsafe for society so he can do it all again for fun or as science project in a highly advanced society in another universe. Now I have something to live for thanks ������ I win! Or society will never reach that because the earth will use its nature as a failsafe for going too far in the universe but as free creature of this God we eventually just destroyed ourself into oblivion and he’s show their society that they don’t have free will.

You only truly know the truth till you realize the truth doesn’t matter, what works matters.
As soon as gods come into play I can't even theorize. I would go as far as to assume (for sake of argument) a creator, like a programmer. As soon as you call it god, everything goes and one must first find a definition for her. Like which one of the gods is it, where did she come from, what did she do before creating miserable life, why creating a universe, what powers has she really, why is she hiding, why can't you measure any influence of her in the physical world, why does she need worship?....this goes on for at least 100 questions, no resounding agreement will ever be reached on most/all of the questions asked.

The "free will" thing is actually a philosophical question, I'm not sure if the question itself is sound -or not, like what lies further north of the north pole. Whatever the answer is, it does not change that you have to pay your mortgage monthly.


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As soon as gods come into play I can't even theorize. I would go as far as to assume (for sake of argument) a creator, like a programmer. As soon as you call it god, everything goes and one must first find a definition for her. Like which one of the gods is it, where did she come from, what did she do before creating miserable life, why creating a universe, what powers has she really, why is she hiding, why can't you measure any influence of her in the physical world, why does she need worship?....this goes on for at least 100 questions, no resounding agreement will ever be reached on most/all of the questions asked.

The "free will" thing is actually a philosophical question, I'm not sure if the question itself is sound -or not, like what lies further north of the north pole. Whatever the answer is, it does not change that you have to pay your mortgage monthly.
Well I can create a logical and reasonable religion: The religion of Man. Men of a tribe are to be worshipped to protect them from the unknown. Collective religious sprout individuality, the more collective a society the more centering it will be. If it’s going to center around any individual it’s going to be the ones that created it. Even through the spirit of the individuals.


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Well I can create a logical and reasonable religion: The religion of Man. Men of a tribe are to be worshipped to protect them from the unknown.
But it has to promise something after death, if not, nobody will follow you. :)


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Well I can create a logical and reasonable religion: The religion of Man. Men of a tribe are to be worshipped to protect them from the unknown. Collective religious sprout individuality, the more collective a society the more centering it will be. If it’s going to center around any individual it’s going to be the ones that created it. Even through the spirit of the individuals.
That’s when the feminist counter culture notices flaw and that the whole society should fall into chaos because it’s “wrong”.


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That’s when the feminist counter culture notices flaw and that the whole society should fall into chaos because it’s “wrong”.
Your religion would of course have to compete against all the others. :)
If one of your 25 commandments read: Treat women equally to men, you have a fair chance of getting half the populace over time. :)


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I usually can speaking more logically spiritual rather then most closed minded or too open minded(to even be coherent in reality) people.

I dislike truth I prefer esoteric truths, I like this to keep going not destroy reality, I care for everyone and understand what it is to be a human(what I mean is lack knowledge beyond their capabilities), it’s stupid but it is something that just is and it should just be accepted.


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I usually can speaking more logically spiritual rather then most closed minded or too open minded(to even be coherent in reality) people.

I dislike truth I prefer esoteric truths, I like this to keep going not destroy reality, I care for everyone and understand what it is to be a human(what I mean is lack knowledge beyond their capabilities), it’s stupid but it is something that just is and it should just be accepted.
The idea it to keep reality going for ages and ages because they deep core of meaningless gets real when you truly believe it. That why I know you’re not a realist, no one can be. It’s unrealistic to believe strictly in science or religion, you subconsciously submit yourself to the other. Balance is being able to control both on a human level and societal level. Religion balances society to keep it going, but unconsciously you are a slave to reality(or a free man depending on perspective) and you’re spirit is guided by the world rather then from religious constriction or free will depending on your perspective(how cultured you are). All men in all shapes are free to do as they choose, yet in times like these it’s the ungodly or secularists that are destroying the nature of societies.


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I usually can speaking more logically spiritual rather then most closed minded or too open minded(to even be coherent in reality) people.

I dislike truth I prefer esoteric truths, I like this to keep going not destroy reality, I care for everyone and understand what it is to be a human(what I mean is lack knowledge beyond their capabilities), it’s stupid but it is something that just is and it should just be accepted.
You already know we are opposites on that issue. :) Will not start over again on esoteric and spiritual things.
You care for everyone? I definitely do not (Tribalist, remember?).
If I were a spiritualist, I would chose to be a witch, a pretty dark one too. Anyone littering the street out of a moving car? ZAP... converted into a frog.
Anyone hitting their small child....Zap....converted into a toilet brush. And this would go on until the world is full of frogs and bathroom utilities.


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The idea it to keep reality going for ages and ages because they deep core of meaningless gets real when you truly believe it. That why I know you’re not a realist, no one can be. It’s unrealistic to believe strictly in science or religion, you subconsciously submit yourself to the other. Balance is being able to control both on a human level and societal level. Religion balances society to keep it going, but unconsciously you are a slave to reality(or a free man depending on perspective) and you’re spirit is guided by the world rather then from religious constriction or free will depending on your perspective(how cultured you are). All men in all shapes are free to do as they choose, yet in times like these it’s the ungodly or secularists that are destroying the nature of societies.
Conspirators are trying free us from the matrix through a deprogramming bug as commie leftists ? ah man I’m just bouncing in collective fanatical realities.


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The idea it to keep reality going for ages and ages because they deep core of meaningless gets real when you truly believe it. That why I know you’re not a realist, no one can be. It’s unrealistic to believe strictly in science or religion, you subconsciously submit yourself to the other. Balance is being able to control both on a human level and societal level. Religion balances society to keep it going, but unconsciously you are a slave to reality(or a free man depending on perspective) and you’re spirit is guided by the world rather then from religious constriction or free will depending on your perspective(how cultured you are). All men in all shapes are free to do as they choose, yet in times like these it’s the ungodly or secularists that are destroying the nature of societies.
Mark my words, you are wrong on this. I'm fine with "meaningless of life"(even though that word lacks proper definition). Its you who prefer walking sticks (believe,-or make believe, higher meaning) to get you through reality. That you don't believe it to be true (my materialism)does not surprise me, as you believe a lot of stuff already, that has no meaning to me at all. Don't blame non believers for the downfall of men, no idea where that comes from. I may be in the minority with my unbelief -but since when is truth granted to the majority by default?


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Conspirators are trying free us from the matrix through a deprogramming bug as commie leftists �� ah man I’m just bouncing in collective fanatical realities.
Here I lost you, LOL. Collective realities? What is that? For me reality is an absolute, A=A.
I see a coffee cup, you see a turtle. Guess what, it doesn't matter to the cup that you see it as a turtle. A=A. There is no subjective reality, because reality does not care what you THINK it is.
Now you could go Deepak Chopra on me and bring quantum physics into play by saying: "Its neither a cup -nor a turtle, its mainly empty space."
Well, than I'll take a sip of coffee from my turtle. LMAO


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Mark my words, you are wrong on this. I'm fine with "meaningless of life"(even though that word lacks proper definition). Its you who prefer walking sticks (believe,-or make believe, higher meaning) to get you through reality. That you don't believe it to be true (my materialism)does not surprise me, as you believe a lot of stuff already, that has no meaning to me at all. Don't blame non believers for the downfall of men, no idea where that comes from. I may be in the minority with my unbelief -but since when is truth granted to the majority by default?
Well is all that choose to not believe(god or science) that creates conflict. One apposes meaninglessness(no end) or fanatical religion. Non-dualism. It’s not right or wrong, it’s just the way it is. There will always be a counter culture which makes the world go round.

Also the truth isn’t the truth unless the men that control the world only know it.

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