Where to begin one year overhaul.


Looking at a one year overhaul.

I started lifting one year, weighed 175lbs. Max weight was 218lbs back in early Feburary after running spawn. Currently 207lbs at 6'2''.

Prior to lifting, I did not eat enough, so I focused on atleast 3 meals a day and being able to hit and maintain that goal has been huge.

My goal for the following year is to clean up my diet, hit 225lbs and maintain that weight at 9% bf for years to come.

What type of diet should I began to reasearch to hit these goals.

Running some injectables and other supplements aren't a problem.

Just some advice on what I should be researching to begin with will be great.


*side note-I'm expecting my first child in early April and although wifey knows that I need my gym time, other responsibilites do come first. So I would like to avoid any programs/diets that if I only can make the gym 3x a week v 5x a week my progress won't reverse.


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id suggest that you keep lifting hard and eat as much and as clean as you can. 225lbs and 9% is very attainable naturally at your height. My suggesting is if you cant eat use protein or weight gainer (i prefer weight gainer). Take AT LEAST 2 shakes a day, in addition to as many clean meals (ideally 4-6) as you can. I perosnally like ZMA off cycles and creatine has always been a good staple in supplementation, dont forget your multivitamins too.

As far as PH/PS/AAS goes your probably not in a very conveinient time to direct all your attention to working out so i think cycling would probably be a bad idea you would just be cheating yourself out of gains.

Stick with the basics they always work thats why they are called the basics.

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