Thanks PES and a Question


New member
Just received Alpha T2 with lightning fast delivery! And, what's this....a free bottle of SHIFT!?

Now, what to do with it!? Just run it concurrently after the Alpha? Or?


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Just received Alpha T2 with lightning fast delivery! And, what's this....a free bottle of SHIFT!?

Now, what to do with it!? Just run it concurrently after the Alpha? Or?
Check out the PES site for stacking options. I know you can do the shift pre bed but I think the overall shift+alpha shouldn't exceed 4-5 per day.

I'm sure a rep will chime in but I know you could stack them. But if you want them to last longer you could run both for 4 weeks each alone.

Good luck!!


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Just received Alpha T2 with lightning fast delivery! And, what's this....a free bottle of SHIFT!?

Now, what to do with it!? Just run it concurrently after the Alpha? Or?
You could save it for another four week fat loss cycle, stack it, or run it for four weeks before the alpha t2 cycle.

If you're going to stack it i would dose it as follows:

AM - 2 AT-2
PM - 1 AT-2/1 Shift
Before bed - 1 Shift

You will have some shift left over, but i dont feel that adding an additional shift will provide much more. You could even just take Shift at 3capsules per day for 10 days prior to starting shift, then switch to that dosing protocol.
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