Thanks for Joint Force



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Just wanted to drop a quick line here that Joint Force does exactly what I've read it's suppose to do. I've had my right ankle rebuilt and work 12+ hours on concrete, and it has dulled the pain and reduced the swelling considerably. Additionally, my wrists are sore from repetitive stress, and it has helped them as well. I've actually measured my ankle. and the lack of swelling is able to be measured and seen. Honestly, it works for me within about 20 minutes. At first, I thought it was placebo, but others have confirmed it as well. My only complaint, aside from it not being free, is I always seem to breath it in, no matter where or how I put it on. I kinda wish it had a different dispenser and was a tad thicker. To me, that would make it perfect. So thanks guys for bringing this stuff out, I really appreciate it!!
rampage jackson

rampage jackson

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Appreciate the feedback. We're glad you love it. Check out the great price on the joint force/clear shot concentrate blowout stack if you need to pick up some more.

Can't beat that price!

Got a package from Santa Pat today...misc goodies (something really cool!), and of course, Joint Force! Arrived at the right time too, as my knee was killing me. 8 sprays later, and I can't feel a thing (going on 6 hours now)!

I'm telling ya, this stuff is the TRUTH! :afro:


im really liking this too...its been forever since i could do certain curl movements, laterals, and close grips without say im about 90% pain was/is in the bone on the inside of the elbow ( my tendons sort of 'snap' across it ) and im doing fine. ive set a few recent PR's in movements that have been really limited due to pain. my only complaint is the bottle is really small. just as an aside, really try not to breath any of it in..i did by mistake and its instant coughing.

all in all its a great product and im gonna be ordering it again- and im spreading the word in the gym and to family.

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